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![]() As opposed to another dungeon, How about droping in a Legacy Wewapopn or two en route to Greyhawk? The encounter(s) where the items are found, the subsequent search for knowledge, and a short quest to perform a ritual or two could easily be padded a bit with a few 'random' encounters and be enough to boost everyone up. If you have a coupl'a plyers that are on the weaker side of the party average, you could even tailor the LW(s) towards them. ![]()
![]() If you think about it, this will actually be a case of your (the DM's) stack of notes ACTUALLY getting smaller..as the player's stacks get larger. That in itself makes me want to give them a try. As a long time Magic:tg & Hero clix that just had to draw the line at the D&D minis because of that 'random packaging' and rarity crap, I really like the idea of beaing actually able to purchase them by the set! and ![]()
![]() I'm DMing 2 groups thru the path- Both are just finishing up with the WC. One group thinks a lot more and the other hacks first and asks questions later.... but both groups came up with this great solution... They had set off the burning hands trap in the sarcauphagus the day before... and it was lucily reset. As the swarm followed the PCs... they led it to the trap and opened the lid. For the quick thinking on thier parts, I allowed the max damage from the trap to take out the swarms as they were so willing to take the trap damage to take care of the swarm....It just softened them up for the Mad slasher... ![]()
![]() PC name- Gruel half-orc Paladin 2 of Lathander
![]() Thank you, Golbez. And, of course, you're right.... I've already had to slap my hand several times- reaching for the DMG to add a cool (and overpowered) item. All these new toys are a little overwhelming. If my players could see my impatience with wanting to play with as much of it as possible as soon as possible, they'd never let me utter the words 'game balance' or 'patience' again. The Rod was originally intended to be a legacy item... its nice how these can be placed into the game fairly early...almost a tease.... then grow as the campaign does. Alas, I'd already put in the WoL 'Flamecaster' ( couldn't resist- i'd just gotten back from seeing Spamalot on Broadway and as I read the description of the previos owner taunting the attacking hordes of goblins I just couldn't get the French Taunters out of my head. That being done, I thought the one WoL was enough.... but forgot that I'd precviosly placed 'Tree Brother" (in an earlier read thru of the dugeon) with the ghouls. Fortunately, i caught myself in describing it from notes and shaved off 18 inches and made it a ( rather large, oddly shaped) Rod. The lesser rod of Extending barely goes over the'Wealth by level' table for a third level character, so i'll just stick with that. Thanks again. ![]()
![]() "As for artifacts, I think it's high time for the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga to make an appearance." Funny you should mention the Hut of Baba Yaga... Just last night I dug up the ol' 1st E DMG and went wandering down memory lane. Of course, i had to read the old descriptions of the Rod of Seven Parts, The various parts of Venca, and the Sphere of annihilation....I remebered using all those at one time or another. Then I saw the entry for the Hut... and thought," hmmm... never did use the Hut.... meant to get around to it... but never did... hmmm how about the Hut of Baba Yaga being one of those artifacts that the AoW ushers in as it approaches?" I've been at work now crafting a wu Jen and oriental typ NPC party that I think my PCs will come across in the marsh on the way to the lizard folk lair. The NPC party will be looking for that green falling star that they'll all see in a night or two... And the Wu jen will have unearthed a Hut.... Thinking about some serious (old school) draw backs to just ensur that the Party DOESN'T want to pursue ownership though. ![]()
![]() This may not be AoW specific, but we're finishing up the Wispering Cairn and I've placed a Magic rod with the Red Lantern ad hoc last week. There hasn't been time to even detect magic.... so I've got a lot of lee way. I've got 8 players, so I've been having to 'level- up' all the encounter levels and treasure... I'm afraid I might have overextended the worth. I 've checked the DM guide and most rods are pretty expensive.
![]() I have two groups. One meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday night. We've had 4 sessions and it looks like they'll finish up the Wispering Cairn when we meet on Feb 25th.
![]() Is anyone actually making a count here? At any rate, i've got two groups- One that just meets on every 2nd & 4 th Saturday of the month thats got seven players and myself ( expecting to add a new guy on the 28th. BTW- we're well into the Wispering Cairn. And another group that has remained at 9 player characters for almost three years now. These guys meet every Tuesday night and will be starting the WC on the first game night in Feb. They keep me busy. ![]()
![]() All began tonight ( at 1st Level) and first meet at the Ferral Dog... where they also heard a certian Free City Fighter boasting of his next great adventure to a party of halflings and almost started a brawl with Kullen and his posse.... Nathan, a human Monk from the twilight monastary
All went really well tonight and the group can't wait to see all the seeds planted start to grow. When we start back up, they've made arrangements to have a local lead them to another cairn.... not the one that that Braggart at the Ferral Dog was going on about...he he he... ![]()
![]() Thanks, Gary.
![]() I'm new to this whole site and message board.I've been letting one of my regular players run a d20 modern game while I take a vacation from DM'ing. By chance, I picked up a copy of #124 and was wowed by the Wispering Cairn. Now, I've been following the adventure path and getting ready to start it when we're done with the d20 modern game. Last week I noticed everybody starts sounding off as they get thier new issues. I haven't seen #130 in any of my local stores... so i've committed to the subscription ( just now, tonight). Any body have any idea if #130 will be my first issue or should i keep looking for it here and expect 131 to be my first? |