
DarkDM's page

Organized Play Member. 37 posts (38 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

What a great convention!

I had a ball! I have to thank all the GM's at my tables(Stephen, John, Ben)and of course the (at time riotous)characters too who had to put up with the likes of Angur, Count Du Mort and Edggar C Jeckyle. Everyone contributed to one of the best of conventions I have been to.

Well done to Stephen and all the organizers. If only there was exhibition hall to shop, if only;)



Sovereign Court

No worries. That would have been an inside job, not what you know but who.


Sovereign Court

I have checked if Griffith University South Bank had any availability, unfortunately their spaces are all booked out:(



Sovereign Court

Sad news; I was very much looking forward to Gencon 2010. Just had booked my time off work this week too, all in anticipation of playing in the Pathfinder events.

PaizoConOz sounds like a very good idea indeed.

The LXG (League of Extraordinary Gamers) club (Brisbane based) may be able to offer some advise or assistance in procuring a suitable venue. This is their website: League of Extraordinary Gamers.

Some University venues have hosted gaming events in the past and they are well serviced by public transport. Griffith University, QUT and The University of Queensland have venues, I am unsure of availability vs size vs price.

My fingers are crossed that this goes ahead and if I hear of anything venue wise I'll certainly forward the information.



Sovereign Court

Crikey & Excellent! I am thinking that this years Gencon Oz will be a real treat! Looking forward to meeting you; Jason and any other Paizo crew that may tag along:), somewhere, sometime at the con. Looks like we are all in for a real hoot, sans the well acknowledged and fantastic US beer;)



Sovereign Court

I have registered all my Gencon events. I am locked into a Pathfinder frenzy for the most part of Gencon Oz.

DarkWhite as I am local, if you require any printing for the sessions, such as character sheets, Pathfinder organised play documentation ect, I should be able to organise the printing and deliver on the Thursday.



Sovereign Court

I am very much looking forward to these sessions and I will be at the Con from the Thursday.

Thank you to all those who have taken the time to organise these events/sessions.



Sovereign Court


I was looking into pre-ordering the PFRPG with all the discounts and noted that I did not have a choice with shipping costs.Is the $45 (Shipping to Australia) correct or is this a problem with the cart page?

Thanks in Advance


Sovereign Court


This question may have been tackled elsewhere on the forums, apologies if this is a repeat question.

Is there any plan for Pathfinder Society or Pathfinder RPG launch events at GenconOz 2009?

Here is a link to the shows official site for those interested:

Gencon Oz 2009 .

Thanks in advance


Sovereign Court

I am all for the darker adventure/AP. Often in my game the high adventure derring-do parts are driven by the characters and their interactions with monsters and NPC's.

I have been very pleased with pathfinder AP's and the level of content that has adult appeal. It is this very thing that keeps my subscription going.



Sovereign Court

Thank you Cos,

I have to admit the Paizo customer service is exemplary in terms of responses to queries and solutions to problems.

For those Australians who have has an issue with the postal service delivering packages to your letter box with forceful and reckless determination; following is how you can mitigate against damage to your Paizo preciouses.

You may have the Paizo parcels held at your local post office. When the package arrives, the office will send a collection notification card and you take the card and collect the package.

To get all this organised you will be required to drop in to the post office with a letter of instruction for the Paizo parcels to be collected and not delivered. Wording of the letter should be something like US Parcels collect only, or all mail marked do not bend collect only. The office will need to sight and copy some form of photo ID (Driver licence or Passport.). The office will forward these details to the sorting centre and away you go no more bent or wet packages.

If you require further information ring Australia post on 13 13 18 (AP website was not much help) alternatively drop into your local post office.



Sovereign Court


My Pathfinder number eight has arrived; unfortunately it was bent and creased. The other seven Pathfinder issues have arrived intact due. This is due to the UPS/Mail people not ramming it into my letter box slot as they do now. Why the change in procedure? I don’t know. They always delivered to the door with out fail.

What can I do to get them to return to their original method of delivery? Also can I claim against the damage? I am not sure who UPS sub-contracts delivery services to in Australia, be it a private courier company or Australia Post? If you could let me know how to report the problem and change the delivery methods that would be helpful.

Thanks and Regards


Sovereign Court

Upon hearing this news, I reflected on the time in 1981 when I first opened my own copy of the AD&D PHB. I thought about D&D and what the game has brought to my life, its impact from 1981 to 2008. What I found were times filled with laughter, imagination, creativity, suspense, adventure, story telling, education, history and most importantly great friendships, these friendships span across Australia and the UK.

Thank you Gary for all the great times that your game has made possible.


Sovereign Court

Bonza! there it is an all. Thank you for your swift action on this one.



Gary Teter wrote:
DarkDM wrote:


My subscription to Pathfinder (722988) does not indicate that I'm a Charter Subscriber and is showing "$0" in the order history. Is this as expected or is there something a bit skew-whiff?



There was indeed something a bit skew-whiff. I've fixed it.

Sovereign Court

Bonza! Yup it is there now. Thank you for your swift response.



Sovereign Court


My subscription to Pathfinder (722988) does not indicate that I'm a Charter Subscriber and is showing "$0" in the order history. Is this as expected or is there something a bit skew-whiff?

Sorry posted this same question in wrong area, take two.


DDM :)

Sovereign Court


My subscription to Pathfinder (722988) does not indicate that I'm a Charter Subscriber and is showing "$0" in the order history. Is this as expected or is there something a bit skew-wiff?



Sovereign Court

Thank you muchly for this. I have been somewhat lazy and feeding my players Greyhawk information haphazardly. My group is up to "Sodden Hold" and now they have a greater understanding of their environment.



Sovereign Court

One of the reasons I can subscribe to Pathfinder is the fact that the Australian Dollar is stronger. The Charter subscription discount of 30% pays for postage and handling which makes the whole thing that more affordable and costing about $25 AUD including credit cards fees for $US conversation.

There was a time when the Dungeon went to $17 dollars per issue at the local Newsagent and at Border it was almost $25 for some reason. At the time the average WoTC hard cover book was about $50 to $60. Books prices have always been quite high in comparison with the rest of world and the government here in Australia loves to place high taxes on them.

I am concerned that the Australian dollar will fall and the price for the books becomes untenable. Dollar fluctuations have wiped out many FLGS in the past, and only those diversifying into comics have been successful in those hard times. In another post I mentioned that I was keen on a paid subscription for Pathfinder say a 6 issue or 12 issue subscription. This may be complicated for Paizio to organise but good for us Ozzies when the dollars is strong.


DDM (Pathfinder Charter Subscriber)

Sovereign Court

I myself am 39.Though, in all honesty I feel about, well 39.

I have played since times of olde 1st Edition when the funny shaped dice were new and there was not one number printed upon them. Each player had to devise weird and wonderful ways to illuminate the numbers, normally with Liquid Paper. It was a time when discussion was rife on what the very first Monster Manual monster were to be, it was a thing of great anticipation and excitement. This was a time when the Dungeon Master Guide made absolute no sense what so ever. Understanding psionics was virtually a science in itself. This time was around 1980. Understanding THAC0 was a right of passage. Dodging ill informed and inquisitive parents, worried at this new cult of AD&D was par for the course.

I have hung in the hobby for nigh on 20 or so years occasionally skipping away for real world ditties and the like. Once returning home I settled back into my old dark ways with great aplomb. The Horror and fantasy RPG games continue to hold interest, and this has stuck with no indication of diminishing at all.


DDM (Pathfinder Charter Subscriber)

Sovereign Court

Thanks James,

I just love maps and illustrations, I think perhaps it is more to do with game nostalgia than necessity; good graphical works in any product just keeps me coming back over and over.

There has been some great graphic art and topographical stuff that has come out of Paizo’s stable over the years. Pathfinder has wet my appetite and a bit of that ole school expectation has crept in as well. I hope my wily band of players are also excited. They should be with the amount of spruking I do!


DDM (Pathfinder Charter Subscriber)

Sovereign Court

I have longed for Isometric maps of cities and towns ever since the Greyhawk boxed set was released.

One of the pleasures I have had with the Age of Worms AP was that I could introduce the old isometric Map of Greyhawk city and in conjunction with the AP maps it was a real opportunity to draw (no pun) the players into the city. These props helped the city come alive.

Are isometric maps, in a similar vein to the old Greyhawk map, a possibility in the Pathfinder series?


Sovereign Court

I am disappointed with WoTC and their tardy dealings with their fan base and customers. I have protested the WoTC action by support Paizo and placing a subscription for the Pathfinder product. I budget my RPG spend and this money has been spent mostly on WotC product. I am generally not recalcitrant or vocal when these types of issues occur in the hobby industry. Now is the time to rise and be counted in a positive manner.

In my part of the world I have seen the demise of the FLGS. The industry needs to create the desire for the products and ensure quality, to keep the loyalty of the current fans or things will go awry. If Dungeon and Dragon become web based I think the FLGS that are left will struggle even more and possibly drop P&P RPG’s altogether in place of stronger lines, like cards, plastic crack etc. The magazines were, as many have said, a great vehicle to build expectation on current and new product releases.
Sadly my local FLGS is no more, I am relying more and more on the net to purchase product. I will miss the days when I could look at previews in a coffee shop and then order it at my FLGS.

It will be interesting times for P&P RPG’s and interesting to see the direction WoTC take on product and delivery in the future. It is hard for me to judge if the electronic push is right and if the market demands this type of direction. The perfect medium for me is paper copy with PDF support. Why, because it works.



Sovereign Court

I am looking to take advantage of the Pathfinder full subscription. Is it possible to pay for the subscription up front and not month by month? At the moment the Australian dollar is fairly strong, and I only have to add about +25% to the price of the books/shipping. I basically want to hedge my subscription price and not hit with negative international currency fluctuations when/if they occur.



Sovereign Court

I am somewhat disappointed that the magazine will be no more. I am a person who hates online reading material, perhaps reminding me too much of work every time I sit at a computer. I like to sit in my lounge chair with my Dungeon and have good old fashioned read. I really dislike printing books and magazines from my home printer.

Do I use a computer for gaming? Yes, when in game mode I do input most of the information and rules into a document to print. This information is usually from the 3.5 SRD and printed maps from the web enhancements.

I am not to comfortable with the online direction that WoC is taking with the Pen and Paper RPG’s, and as I am not a fan of online subscription services it is with a heavy heart that I will be bidding Dungeon and Dragon farewell.

I have a good collection of Dungeon magazines to keep me well stocked into the future. So it is with a big thanks to Paizo for producing the Adventure paths that have occupied my gaming colleagues for months. It was these (AP’s) alone that kept me coming back to Dungeon each month. The production values were of the highest standard. That said, I am certainly keeping an eye on future Paizo products as these may fill the gap when Dungeon and Dragon is no more.

Sovereign Court


I too am using Peter Fuesz’s idea of having the Keeps Miltimen facing off against the spawn. I will run this just as the “real” characters return from the Misttmarsh to Blackwall Keep. The players are already aware of the worms. They discovered the infested Lizard and egg. I have developed the Miltiamen encounter so that the characters never have a clear idea what is attacking. They only get vague references that it is human, the rest is brief descriptions of the shadowy foe. I avoid revealing the exact nature of the beastie. If the player come across the Spawn on their return to Blackwall they will have knowledge something is not right, but not of the exact nature. For the Miltia men I have created a little charter sheet, used the characters that Peter Fruesz posted and added Greyhawk specific information to their background for some roleplay fun. as well as a little picture for each character.

This is what I did in the Hatchery. I trapped the egg at the base, some of the egg was partially submerged in the muddy water.. Effectively the egg had a weakness at the base and that if searched the weakness could be found (Search: DC 25.) Three of the four of the party failed to detect, sadly the rogue was busy with the chests, whilst the others tried to move the egg.:)

I must praise those fans (Including Paizio staff) who post their ideas, findings etc, it has really helped my game.



Sovereign Court

Brisbane me!

Sovereign Court

The Downloads , maps. and all play an important part in my game. The maps are a nice vehicle to maintain the atmosphere, as are the NPC illustrations and various other art work etc.

I endeavour to use miniatures but try not to make my game a de-facto miniatures session with a bit of role playing in-between, this is a bit of a balancing act but with the illustrations, maps and other devices I can create a richer campaign world. The fact that the players have all l voted that the Age of Worms best feature is the story arc and richness of Diamond Lake and surrounds (we are currently in the midst of the 3FoE ) is testimony to the effect the handouts and other material has on the overall game and my enjoyment as a DM. In addition the online handouts prevent the player seeing pertinent information when displaying the illustration too.

Well done and kudos to Paizio for maintaining this value add feature.



Sovereign Court

PC Name: Dog Dog (Animal Companion)
Adventure: Whispering Cairn
Location of Death: True Tomb
Catalyst: Wind Warriors Sonic Attack and Sword Blows.
Long Description: Dog Dog went to assist Jub Jub his faithful Halfling Druid companion who lay unconscious on the cold stone floor. He was quickly overcome by horrific sounds and sword blows in a vicious effort to save his master. His master recovered and was mortified to find Dog Dog dead. Dog Dog is now survived by Dog Dog II,. Dog Dog II appeared by Jub Jub side roughly 24hours later in Diamond Lake near the stone circle,

Sovereign Court

The party I DM is has just alighted from the mine elevator in 3FoE. We play each Monday for 4 hours. The group consists of five players. Party consists of A 3rd Lvl Druid, 2nd Lvl Fighter, 3rd Lvl Cleric, 3rd Lvl Rogue and 3rd Lvl Wizard. We are playing in Greyhawk.



Sovereign Court

Rasmar wrote:

Yes, there are 8 cultist, as per this post

Thanks for this.

I would have never found Erik’s official word on Cultist numbers. An official magazine errata/notes would be useful to have as these little things pop up. Herremann the Wise has started an unofficial thread here for WC.

Whispering Cairn Errata



Sovereign Court

Greeting and Salutations.,

This question may have been covered in a previous post.

My group is about to delve into the 3FoE module. I noted that my copy of the magazine does not have the number of Hextorite cultists mentioned in the stat block. Is the number of cultists to be decided by the DM, based on the level of the party etc, or is it (cultist numbers) a printing mistake? How many have you placed in the temple?.

Thanks amd Cheers


Sovereign Court

My group found runic reference to the name Zosiel on the alabaster statue in the architects lair. The name was discovered after the Wizard of the Party became quite intrigued by the statue. Studying the runic forms (He rolled a relatively high on knowledge planes) to garner information on the meaning of runic swirls, he finally interpreted the runes as indicating that Zosiel was a servant of the architect.

The party diligently note names,occurrences etc and more often than not never refer to them again.



Sovereign Court


Having just started running the Age of Worms WC adventure and looking at the amount of GP’s that the party will accumulate over time, I thought I’d have each PC level have a GP training cost to remove some of the accumulated wealth from the party. The DMG (page 197) goes on time and skill feat training cost etc. I feel a per level GP cost that would increase to cover subsequent level beyond 2nd level would be easier to manage. Does anybody have a method that they use similar to what I am after, or know of a place to find such information easily.

Thanks in advance and Cheers


Sovereign Court

I am 38 and have been playing D&D off and on since about 81, and across two continents. I have always DMed with a horror bend. I mostly run campaigns in Greyhawk with Ravenloft rules…mostly. I had been buying Dungeon quite infrequently until recently. I found that the Age of Worms adventure path captured my interest, and now I am a devotee of the magazine. I did get a fright recently when the Newsagent mispriced the Magazine to 15:95AUD…ouch, that pricing problem was resolved promptly, I else where. The standard issue price is 11:95AUD and special 12:95AUD. Sorry, have wondered a bit in my dotage. Anyways thought you would be interested in what we pay in the wonderful land of Oz.



Sovereign Court

The Wil Save article was an enjoyable read. I always read this before I embarked on the rest of the Dungeon content.

If Will Wheaton’s article is to be replaced, I would like to read brief articles on the subject of DMing, as experienced by “celebrity” guest gaming personages of the past and present.



Sovereign Court

Hi there,

First post and all to this board.

I have been more than impressed with Dungeon over the last months. I have recently retuned to reading the magazine after a long hiatus. Going to my local news agent to pick up the latest magazine arrival in my part of the world; Dungeon 124. I found that it (Dungeon) had a price increase, and gone up AUD$3.00 to AUD$15,95 or their about…ouch! I was a bit reticent at $11:95 per issue, but the new price will certainly cause me to look twice at the content and weigh up if there is any value in that issue and I’ll skip if not. That said, with the plastic bag to hold the map thingy in place, I could not judge on its (issue 124)relevance to my game.
