
Tak's page

216 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I wonder how much time and work went in to that. Can't take that long? Just some styrofoam and glue and exact measurements?

I want one... and all those minatures in the back

Black dragon mini: Awesome
Red dragon mini: Zombie jesus! Awesome!
Blue Dragon mini: Crap.

I'm sick of dragons! Give me a Titan!

I don't think so. In all my books, I don't see any other classes.

You could put it on the victem's shirt? They just need to walk around long enough for someone else to read it.

"Hey, cool shirt! What's explosive runes mea-" !!BOOOM!!!

Pelor loves you!

Neckbeards are soooo sexy.

dump her.

Well, whatever. I liked it, and I'm now enjoying the countdown to World War Hulk.

More questions:
Is this civil war stuff worth reading?

YES. Its very interesting. The ending was a bit of a let down, but it was very good overall.

Are they gonna come out with a compilation book?

Of course. Should be out next month I believe.

Any news on Thor?

In Fantastic Four-Civil War tie in, Thor's hammer falls back to earth, and some man whose face remains unseen is taking a bus to Oklahoma- where the hammer fell. Hmmmm

Will the REAL Thor please stand up?

I won't spoil part 7 of civil war, but you will see something akin to an answer.

Is there anyone on the planet of comic readers that wouldn't love to see Thor and Hulk go at it again in a three or more comic knockdown dragout?

More likely, they team up to stop the registration. Come on, can't you guys picture hulk and thor coming back and being asked for they're registration papers?


Do the new Silver Surfer FF4 trailers totally rock or what?

Yes. Quite so.

Do you think you could cut the mustard and be a on Stan Lee's do you wanna be a superhero? (some days I am totally jazzed for this but work and family intrudes on these petty dreams)

No idea. Haven't been watching it.

Jeez, an anticlimatic ending and everyone says the whole series sucked. Alright, considering I don't wanna spoil it for some who haven't got 7 yet...

Just cause its the last main issue doesn't mean its over. Go read ASM this week and you'll feel better. Guess now we know why he's wearing the black suit again. Oh, and I'm sure more answers will be coming in the next few weeks. Have patience.


Where do I find the tables for epic progression of the core classes in Complete Adventurer and the classes in Book of 9 Swords? I tried the Wizards site but can't find anything, and I'm fairly sure they are not in their respective books..

So, does moving into someones threat range provoke attacks of oppurtunity? Or just out of?

Unearthed Arcana.

D20 modern. gonk...

Hey man, you think that's scary? Head over to the character optimization boards at WOTC. There's stuff there that make my troll look like a 3 year old with a baby rattle

hehe. Try saying AoWAP. AY-WHAP!

Actually, it is gestalt. I was told to make an insanely powerful character for epic play. I asked if I could go paragon and he sure. Paragon plus troll plus one level in barbarian equals 21. 11 levels in barbarian plus 10 levels in frenzied beserker makes 21. 21 gestalt level.

I blame goons

Munchkin huh? I see your troll deathknight and raise you this.

Roger the Polite
Male Troll Paragon Barbarian 12 Frenzied Berserker 10
CG Large Giant
Init +23, Darkvision 60 feet.
Languages: Common, Giant, Draconic, Goblin, Gnoll, Orc, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon
AC 70, Touch 40, Flat footed 51
Hp 1208 (28 HD) Fast Healing 20, Regeneration 5, Damage Reduction 22/6
Resist Fire 40, Cold 10 SR 47
Saves: Fort +59 Reflex +44 (evasion) Will +33
Speed: 120 feet
Melee: +5 Fullblade of Collision Speed +72/+72/+67/+62/+57/+52 (2d8+47)
Space 10 feet, Reach 10 feet
Base Attack 22: Grapple +51
Attack options: Robilar's gambit, power attack, Rage, Frenzy, Leap Attack
Spell like abilities: Greater dispelling, haste, and see invisibility 3/day each.
Abilities: Str 60, Dex 48, Con 56, Int 25, Wis 27, Cha 21
Feats: Cleave, Destructive Rage, Intimidating Rage, Power Attack, Great Cleave, Diehard, Improved Initiative, Dire Charge (epic), Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer), Extra Rage, Combat Reflexes, Quick Draw, Robilar's Gambit (PHB2)
Possessions: Bracers of Armor +8 of Great Fire Resistance and heavy Fortification. Amulet of health +6, Belt of Giant's Strength +6, Winged Boots, Vest of Resistance +5, Gloves of Dex +6, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Ring of enlarge person, Ring of freedom of movement
Power attack for 20 = 52/52/47/42/37/32 (2d8+105)
Leap Attack for 20 = 2d8+105
Power attack Frenzy Rage= 60/60/55/50/45/40 (2d8+147)
Leap attack frenzy rage= 2d8+226
While Raging +6 to str and con, +3 on will saves, and -2 to AC, lasts 24 rounds. Hp is now 1292
Str becomes 66 (23), Con becomes 62 (21), Fort +62, Will +36, Attacks +75/+75/+70/+65/+60/+55 (2d8+51) AC 68
Frenzy: Str +10, -4 to AC, lasts for 21 rounds.Str becomes 70 (30), AC becomes 66,
Attacks become +77/+77/+72/+67/+62/+57 (2d8+62)
Raging Frenzy! Str 76 (33), Con 62 (21), Fort +62, Will +36
Attacks: +80/+80/+75/+70/+65/+60 (2d8+66) AC becomes 64
Huge Size:
AC 69, Touch 39, Flat footed 50
Reflex +43
+72/+72/+67/+62/+57/+52 (3d8+48)
Space 15, Reach 15, grapple 55
Str 62, Dex 46
Initiative +22
All damage increases by 1 point.
Roger the Polite, gestalted. Level 21.
Paragon is from epic level handbook with a level adjustment of 15. Speed triples, +12 insight bonuses to AC, +12 luck bonus to AC, +5 to Natural armor. +20 to all damage rolls in melee and thrown weapons. Fire and cold resistance 10, Damage reduction 20/6, Spell Resistance 47, Greater dispelling, haste, and see invisibility 3 times per day each. Fast healing 20. +10 on all saving throws, +10 on all skill checks. 2 bonus feats
First half: 10th level Frenzied Berserker, 12th level Barbarian.

D20 modern.

Please don't hit me in the face.

Sir Kaikillah wrote:

I've been listening to Frank Sinatra

That guy has a cool voice.

I bet he gets all the chicks.

all frank's getting nowadays is worms.

Just look up the words in a dictionary.

James Jacobs wrote:

Many of our iconics fight dirty, though. That ought to give them some sort of bonus.

Except against Jozan, of course, who is more than he seems. Most "clerics of Pelor" wouldn't cast a symbol of pain (see page 291 of the PHB); that Jozan's got some sinister dark secrets!

God I noticed that too. You gotta be pretty sad to notice stuff like that.

Strange would win. All he has to do is think of somthing to rhyme with mordinkainen.

who would win: Lemmy or God?

overpowered as all hell.

That's how tall I am....

I would of beaten him up.

I think I speak for everyone when I suggest to you the 'book of erotic fantasy'.

Mine is a dude dashing for the last canolie

I'm about to start my first year in college and am currently searching for work. I plan to go into journalism, and in the back of my head wonder if I could ever end up at Dragon or even Dungeon.

-Probably not.

(one time bump) bump

Well, I'm planning the pretty much be-all-end-all campaign for my friends and I's characters. These are our very first PC's from when we started playing 3 years ago. They are by far our most powerful (level 23). It is my turn to DM, and I figured nothing is more epic than a war on hell. Taking some advice from the Something Awful boards and the wealth of knowledge in the Fiendish Codex II, I've put together this so far. This is my rough outline, and I am submitting it to all of you for your views, opinions, criticism, and hopefully- help. Enjoy.
The Freedom of Will

Prologue: Wish you were Here
Part I: Tak Urgeoca, Wanted Dead or Alive by the Church of Pelor
Part II: The Light in the Darkness
Part III: Wrath of God
Part IV: Great power/Great Responsibility
Part V: Night Forevermore!
Part VI: Abandone all hope, ye who enter
Part VII: The Downward Spiral
Part VIII: Devil's Dance
Part IX: De rabia naci, -Asmodeus
Part X: New World Order
Epilogue: Inferna Tetigit Ut Possit Supera Assequi

Prologue is the coming back, noticing that the world seems duller, the indecisivness of what to do next, and the Tak leaving for a pilgrimage. 4 years pass.
Part one is the finding Tak and finding out what to do to clear his name.
Part two is adventuring into the underdark to an ancient vault held by (awesome extinct civilization here) and recovering relics of the church. Lots of gold too.
Part three is revealing the corruption of the church and purifying it, unifying the people and the exodus to the promised land.
Part four is the rulership of the people, defining a country, and creating a peaceful land.
Part five is hell opening up, the slaughter of a few towns, the mounting of a resistance, and war. The sun is blocked by ash.
Part six is going to hell, fending off more devils, rescuing the souls of those who died from the recent battles, and uncovering the first key to descend into the second layer.
Part seven is layers 2-8, fighting off devils, uncovering bits of plot, killing archdevils, and finding artifacts to help them along the way.
Part eight is the palaver with Asmodeus, finding out that the gods created devils do destroy demons, and that heaven has a traitor. Asmodeus tries to trick the PC's into thinking that if they kill him, evil souls will overflow onto the prime and it will bring hell to the material plane.
Part nine is the final battle between asmodeus, the traitor, and a few old enemies. The destroying of the pacts, and utter extinction of every evil outsider, and the reworking of hell, the new infernal pacts (in such a way that devils cannot gain enough power to do anything like this again). DAMN...
Part ten is the world without devils and demons, the council of gods, and returning back to pick up the pieces.
Epilogue is the years later. The PC's have beaten evil on their plane of existence, but other challenges still exist. Also, the possibility of new lives, perhaps through reincarnation?

Who are the PC's?
Tak Urgeoca (NPC for this, otherwise my PC when the other players decide to DM) is a Human 10th level Cleric, 10 level Radiant Servant of Pelor, and a 3rd level Heirophant. Pretty much the avatar of Pelor on the planet, carries out his will yet shirks commands from the church. Why?
Fralios Fransico (PC) is an elven rogue 20, fighter 2. If there is a better thief alive, he has not shown himself.
Torin Waylan (PC) is a elven Ranger 22. Undisputidly the greatest archer to ever pull back a bowstring.

Our group first assembled to combat the terrors in the Sunless Citadel. What has followed is a stunning and awe inspiring career as adventures, and the becoming heroes of the multiverse when finally doing away with Ashardelon in the Bastion of Unborn Souls. Returning to the world, they pick up their lives where they left off. But things are different while the gods were sweating at the threat of all souls being consumed. In the chaos that ensued in their absence, certain rulers of hell have taken this oppurtunity to launch a campaign to end the war once and for all between good and evil. And it doesn't look good for anyone who likes puppies and rainbows.

The Campaign Setting: Generic. Problem is I don't have the Greyhawk campaign setting, and know very little about it. This will have to be fixed.

Asmoedas, ruler of the Ninth layer of hell and undisputed master of Devilkind, wants to be a god and exact his revenge on the gods responsible for his fall from grace. This cannot be done until the war with demons is over and he controls enough souls and devils to invade heaven. The war between heaven and demons, and also devils and demons, has been waging since before time. Even the gods thought it would literally last forever, the devils keeping the demons in check while they (the gods) played with mortals like chess pieces.

So we have this balance: Gods, their angels, Devils, and Demons. Well, things gotta change. For whatever reason, the demons are dying out. The abyss is emptying, they're taint losing it's foothold on all planes, especially on the prime material. It is unknown why. Perhaps whatever overseer of the universe (DM) decides it's time for a change of order. Perhaps the Demons are finite afterall.

And the gods realize what will happen if the Devils defeat the Demons. Asmodeas, due to the original pact signed by each great god, is untouchable by all of them. If he conquers the demons, he will finally be able to war on the material plane freely. The mortals would be destroyed utterly, the gods would lose much power in the process, and Asmoedeas would be there to usurp them, one by one, untill only he remains to do what he will, unopposed.

There are several things that must happen to do this.
-First, he must destroy the demons. This is happening by the time the adventure starts.

-Also, he must invade the material plane. This happens prematurly due to a mistake with his general, the lord of the first layer.

-He must also destroy/corrupt/incapacitate the avatars of Herionious. This is so he can weaken Herionious's hold on the material plane. This is done. Almost all have been killed, but one is left, rotting somewhere in hell. Perhaps Dis.

-Steal the 2 other copies of the Pact: Asmodeus has 1 copy, there is one in heaven and another on Mechanus. Though his source in heaven, he has collected all three and replaced the 2 copies with forgeries. He has done this to insure that the gods won't destroy the Pacts to unravel his power when they learn of his plan.

-Consume undiluted divinity: Asmodeus must kill a demigod or god and eat him. Since he became the ruler of hell he has lived off divinity through souls, and that is what gives him power. Once he does this, he will be a true god, rivaling the power of all others. Pretty much game over at this point.

Coming back to the world they love so dear.
What to do now? Nothing to adventure for, no more visions, no more jobs to be done.
The decline of society, the church, and chaos
PC's split up

Part 1 details:
It has been 4 years since the events of the Bastion of Unborn Souls. In that time, Tak has been traveling far and wide, fighting evil cults, vampire clans, and the like. 2 years ago he was approached with the offer to become head of the Church of Pelor, but he declined, saying the church first needed to be unified and he was not the one to do it, being needed elsewhere. The church branded him a blasphemer, and he was rejected from the order. Tak refused after recieving a vision from Pelor himself, going blind in the process, his eyes now pure orbs of light. In his vision, he was told to denounce the current leaders of the church, because through they're internal bickering, the forces of evil have been left unchecked and devils themselves have gained control of the church. Now an outcast, Tak has retreated from society.

Finding Tak- Tak has been in hiding in an abandoned temple of Fharlagen, high in some remote mountains. He has disguised himself as a simple traveler with a lame leg, found on a trail nearby, by the name of Zak (I didn't say he was creative). In the years since his banishment, he has been taking care of the temple while other priests and travelers come and go. He appears as an older man with a beard, a staff, and a bandage over his eyes. Upon meeting the PC's, Zak will of course take joy in questioning them about the outside world, the church, and will listen intently to any stories the PC's care to tell. Upon hearing that the world is in upheavel, he'll reveal himself, taking off the bandage to show his 'eyes', and decide it is time to begin Pelor's mission.

Clearing Tak's Name- To do this they must find evidence that Pelor did indeed speak with Tak, and to do that Tak must find a long forgotten artifact of the church, the (random insanly awesome item here), and come before the church with it in hand.

Part 2 details:
Finding the vault information
Getting there
Signs on the way of armegeddon coming
Getting inside the vault
Getting past the guardians, the monsters that have made the vault home, and getting to the treasure
Getting out and back to the church.

Part 3 details:
Purifying the Church: The devils guised as 5 leaders will refuse to lift the banishment, and call for the heroes execution. The followers, paladins, and other clerics will stand with the PC's, and the devils will be forced to reveal themselves. What follows is a fight with some big baddies. If successful, the church will be cleared of all demonic influence, Tak will have to swallow his pride and step up as leader, turning down the big funky hat.

Unifying the Sects: With some traveling, diplomacy, honorable dueling for leadership, the broken sects of the church will be unified, and the populace will once again be better fit to protect themselves should need arise. The PC's, Tak, and a vast number of pilgrims leave and start a new country on the frontier. The nation has roughly 10 million humans, elves, half orcs, gnomes, halflings, half elves, and dwarves.

Consequences: Tak is made leader of the Church of Pelor. Fralios and Torin are made his subordinates. Basically like this
President Tak: Mad diplomacy and charisma. Also helps that your pretty much Jesus to a nation of people
Vice President: Fralios- Smarter than your average elven rogue, knows how to handle crime and trade, the economy, etc
War Department: Torin- Handles all war, self defense, training of the army, the quelling of threats from monsters, evil nations, etc. Also has to hunt out threats in the new country.

Part 4 details:
They will have to play the part of rulers for 1 or 2 years.
Establishing trade
Making the land livable and safe
Training an army
Negotiations with neighboring countries
Making defenses

Part 5 details
The Invasion of the Prime: All the armies of each layer of hell come and rush the material plane, overtaking all mortals, which are sorely outnumbered. Unfortunatly, the order to invade was executed early, before Asmodeus could finish destroying the demons and postion his consumation of divinity. This is only a minor setback, and will be fixed in a week's time at most. This is the time frame the heroes have to muddle up his plans. The gates to hell open in a small town loacated just 100 miles from the capital. Everything is in ruins. The fields are soaked in blood. All non lawful evil mortals are killed, enslaved, or magically dominated until they're souls are harvested. This takes only days to do. Once done, at the end of the week period, the fortified armies of hell wreak havoc on the other nations until the world falls, one country/region at a time.

If the PC's can rally the surrounding armies through diplomacy checks, leadership checks, spending assorted wealth to hire mercenaries, and of course kill off Pit Fiend generals or take out entire squadrons of infernal soldiers, they can stall the invasion for an amount of time, depending on how much of a resistence they mount.
Average Squad
Time Table

Part Six details
In order for the PC's to reach the higher ups and destroy the armies, they must travel to each layer and kill each Arch Devil. I am disallowing the ability to just planeshift to each layer. That's boring. Instead, a key must be found to travel through a gate located near the center of each layer to get to the lower one.
Entering Hell: There is now a semi-permanant gate spell connecting the Prime and Hell. The PC's must first fight their way to it and enter.
Once there: Guess what? More fighting. After killing several pit fiend generals, the surge will recede for awhile, giving them time to uncover the second gate.
The Second Gate: Is near the center. It requires a key to be opened.
Finding the Key: The key is hidden somewhere on the plane. It will be either some artifact, a soul of a powerful outsider, a devil, etc. Once found, they must return back to the gate.
The Second Layer: and subsequent layers are detailed in part seven.

Part Seven details
Travel to layers
And killing each arch duke, finding each key, and traveling to the gate to reach the next layer. I will try to not make this very monotonous and use it as a chance to make very different challenges instead of hack and slash the same monsters over and over. Mazes, riddles, buying off devils for information, recovering souls, intereting NPC's, and the like.

Avatar of god
(Knightly name here) is the last avatar of herionous, who's soul purpose is to protect the world from the machinations of Hell. There were 4 all together, but the others have died. He is still alive, his soul being too strong to break. His body lays in the second layer, his soul on another (which one, dunno yet).
If the PC's retrieve his soul and resurrect him, they gain a powerful ally. Roughly a 24th level paladin with the saint template. He will help them as much as he can.

Part eight details
The PC's travel to the ninth layer, to Asmodeus's hall, and uncover his plot fully. They meet him, his angel cohort insider that has been helping him with information on heaven's tactics, and the discussion as to what will happen if the PC's kill him, help him, leave, etc. This will be not a fight so much as a giant roleplaying session of the pros and cons of each action the PC's could take. I want them to know that there are many endings, and the world will change dramatically if they do this.

Part nine details
The fight shall start with Asmodeus disappearing, the PC's being transported to shadows of they're memories. They will fight every 'boss' from each adventure previous to this one.
Belak from Sunless Citadel
The Black Dragon from Forge of Fury
The Mind Flayer from (name escapes me now)
Gulthias from Heart of the Nightfang Spire
Ashardelon from Bastion of Broken Souls
Asmodeus's Brother (Traitiorous Angel)
While these fights will be mostly a cakewalk for them, it should be somewhat nostalgic.
After defeating each one after the other, Asmodeus finally appears. The final fight. Asmodeus pulls no punches, so neither should the PC's. If they kill him, they have 10 minutes before he recollects himself to find the pacts and destroy them before he returns, ready to fight again.

Destroying the Pacts
If the pact is brought off the plane of which is resides, it is destroyed. To destroy all three would seriously diminish the number of devils, depower the stronger ones, and negate the immunity to good outsiders while on Baator.
Thus is the secret of all hell- The Tenth layer. There is waiting to be found pocket planes of Celestia and Mechanus, where the copies lie on each.
How to find them
How to destroy them
Effects on hell

Part ten details
The council of the gods
The reworking of the pact
A new hell
While there is free will, there will be evil. And for good to stand a chance, there must be punishment for those who do wrong.

Epilogue details
Returning to rulership
The years later
The end?

Alright, that's what I've got so far. I obviously have alot of plot holes to be filled, encounters to work out, numbers to crunch, etc. I just want to make sure it's an actual PLOT, that it's interesting, and has the ability for the PC's to have fun. So please, ask questions, share points of view, opinions, anything. Even telling me it's a load of crap and very unoriginal will help. Thanks in advance everyone.

I apoligize for the many mispellings, typos, and misnamed places and people. I don't have spellcheck. Also, any swear words. Though I don't think I left any bad ones.

In the Ultimates movie, Hulk does lift the thing off the ground.

Also, another question for everyone: On a scale of 1-4, what are your feelings on the color green?

The bat idol is from a succubus queen?! Holy crap... we we're gonna sell it..

Let em do it! It'll be a well deserved TPK

(head explodes in sheer amazment)

The universe is not endless. I have been to the end of the universe. There is a big brick wall and a mean dog. And a sign saying "do not enter".

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Heathansson wrote:
Werewolf. I liked it so much, I bought the company.

That made me laugh. Reminded me of Civilization 2 or something, where you could just waltz into town and say "Nice town. I'll take it"


Can the hulk get so angry, and thus get so strong....

that he could PUNCH THROUGH TIME?!

That's odd, considering I just saw new issues on the shelf at my comic store. Hmmm

Wizard and glass was slow, but good. I wish they'd do something with the battle of Jericho hill.

I just hope the next Superman movie doesn't have him being the wierdo stalker/voyer exboyfriend.

I saw the movie with a friend who is as big into D&D as I am and my roomate who is not so involved in the fantasy genre, at let me say this...

"Umm... If Jeremy Irons gets magic from his dragon, and his dragon is dead, how can he still cast spells?"

"Shade huh? That's original!"

"Whoa, that dragon aged several hundred years cause it flew into a cloud! Killer!"

"Hmm, simple young farm boy goes into the woods and finds an artifact/sword/dragon egg/UFO crash/unconcious girl/monster? Then he has to journey far away?! And save a girl who he sees only in dreams? Wow you guys! This isn't Eragon! It's Final fantasy. Or Zelda. Or Earthbound. Or Star Wars. Or Dragonlance. Or Elminster book 1. Or god knows what else I can't think of."

"Dude, shut up. I didn't fork over 8.50 to hear your complaining. But you are right."

"I concur, and I didn't understand half the crap you said!"

The movie sucked. It wasn't future war bad, but I felt I was playing final fantasy 12 or some other rehash of the SAME OLD STORY i've been hearing since Breath of Fire.

"Why couldn't they take all the money that went into this and put towards...oh I don't know... Crystal shard movie?"

"Cause Eric, that would be cool"

So many better fantasy books out there that could of been made movies. Alot. I'll list them now.

Any Salvatore. ANY
A good hunk of Wiese and Hickman. Before all the good characters died off and were replaced with wussy kids of said characters.
Ed Greenwood has a couple good ones. Waterdeep would overtake this.
J King's Onslaught Cycle. MTG has some good novels behind it. Even if it is a horrid game.

Wheel of Time. Sword of Truth. My friend said Game of Thrones. Erm.... The something of Athuluas.

Please, don't support this rip off. It stunk worse than the LOTR movies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Paragon. Being the supreme version of any creature is pretty cool.

Steve Buscemi as Demogorgon.

There are so many responses to this question that would get me banned from these boards.

Hey it could be worse!

...could live in Nebraska...

Hehehe. I gotta make a level 21 gestalted character.
So I picked a 11th level barbarian, 10th level frenzied beserker for the first half, then a troll paragon with 1 level in barbarian.

HP thus far with no magic items? 1040.

Dragonlance is for girls.

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