More questions:
YES. Its very interesting. The ending was a bit of a let down, but it was very good overall. Are they gonna come out with a compilation book? Of course. Should be out next month I believe. Any news on Thor? In Fantastic Four-Civil War tie in, Thor's hammer falls back to earth, and some man whose face remains unseen is taking a bus to Oklahoma- where the hammer fell. Hmmmm Will the REAL Thor please stand up? I won't spoil part 7 of civil war, but you will see something akin to an answer. Is there anyone on the planet of comic readers that wouldn't love to see Thor and Hulk go at it again in a three or more comic knockdown dragout? More likely, they team up to stop the registration. Come on, can't you guys picture hulk and thor coming back and being asked for they're registration papers? HULK SMASH PUNY REGISTRATION
Do the new Silver Surfer FF4 trailers totally rock or what? Yes. Quite so. Do you think you could cut the mustard and be a on Stan Lee's do you wanna be a superhero? (some days I am totally jazzed for this but work and family intrudes on these petty dreams) No idea. Haven't been watching it.
Jeez, an anticlimatic ending and everyone says the whole series sucked. Alright, considering I don't wanna spoil it for some who haven't got 7 yet... Just cause its the last main issue doesn't mean its over. Go read ASM this week and you'll feel better. Guess now we know why he's wearing the black suit again. Oh, and I'm sure more answers will be coming in the next few weeks. Have patience.
Munchkin huh? I see your troll deathknight and raise you this. Roger the Polite
James Jacobs wrote:
God I noticed that too. You gotta be pretty sad to notice stuff like that.
Well, I'm planning the pretty much be-all-end-all campaign for my friends and I's characters. These are our very first PC's from when we started playing 3 years ago. They are by far our most powerful (level 23). It is my turn to DM, and I figured nothing is more epic than a war on hell. Taking some advice from the Something Awful boards and the wealth of knowledge in the Fiendish Codex II, I've put together this so far. This is my rough outline, and I am submitting it to all of you for your views, opinions, criticism, and hopefully- help. Enjoy.
Prologue: Wish you were Here
Prologue is the coming back, noticing that the world seems duller, the indecisivness of what to do next, and the Tak leaving for a pilgrimage. 4 years pass.
Who are the PC's?
Our group first assembled to combat the terrors in the Sunless Citadel. What has followed is a stunning and awe inspiring career as adventures, and the becoming heroes of the multiverse when finally doing away with Ashardelon in the Bastion of Unborn Souls. Returning to the world, they pick up their lives where they left off. But things are different while the gods were sweating at the threat of all souls being consumed. In the chaos that ensued in their absence, certain rulers of hell have taken this oppurtunity to launch a campaign to end the war once and for all between good and evil. And it doesn't look good for anyone who likes puppies and rainbows. The Campaign Setting: Generic. Problem is I don't have the Greyhawk campaign setting, and know very little about it. This will have to be fixed. THE PLAN
So we have this balance: Gods, their angels, Devils, and Demons. Well, things gotta change. For whatever reason, the demons are dying out. The abyss is emptying, they're taint losing it's foothold on all planes, especially on the prime material. It is unknown why. Perhaps whatever overseer of the universe (DM) decides it's time for a change of order. Perhaps the Demons are finite afterall. And the gods realize what will happen if the Devils defeat the Demons. Asmodeas, due to the original pact signed by each great god, is untouchable by all of them. If he conquers the demons, he will finally be able to war on the material plane freely. The mortals would be destroyed utterly, the gods would lose much power in the process, and Asmoedeas would be there to usurp them, one by one, untill only he remains to do what he will, unopposed. There are several things that must happen to do this.
-Also, he must invade the material plane. This happens prematurly due to a mistake with his general, the lord of the first layer. -He must also destroy/corrupt/incapacitate the avatars of Herionious. This is so he can weaken Herionious's hold on the material plane. This is done. Almost all have been killed, but one is left, rotting somewhere in hell. Perhaps Dis. -Steal the 2 other copies of the Pact: Asmodeus has 1 copy, there is one in heaven and another on Mechanus. Though his source in heaven, he has collected all three and replaced the 2 copies with forgeries. He has done this to insure that the gods won't destroy the Pacts to unravel his power when they learn of his plan. -Consume undiluted divinity: Asmodeus must kill a demigod or god and eat him. Since he became the ruler of hell he has lived off divinity through souls, and that is what gives him power. Once he does this, he will be a true god, rivaling the power of all others. Pretty much game over at this point. Prologue
Part 1 details:
Finding Tak- Tak has been in hiding in an abandoned temple of Fharlagen, high in some remote mountains. He has disguised himself as a simple traveler with a lame leg, found on a trail nearby, by the name of Zak (I didn't say he was creative). In the years since his banishment, he has been taking care of the temple while other priests and travelers come and go. He appears as an older man with a beard, a staff, and a bandage over his eyes. Upon meeting the PC's, Zak will of course take joy in questioning them about the outside world, the church, and will listen intently to any stories the PC's care to tell. Upon hearing that the world is in upheavel, he'll reveal himself, taking off the bandage to show his 'eyes', and decide it is time to begin Pelor's mission. Clearing Tak's Name- To do this they must find evidence that Pelor did indeed speak with Tak, and to do that Tak must find a long forgotten artifact of the church, the (random insanly awesome item here), and come before the church with it in hand. Part 2 details:
Part 3 details:
Unifying the Sects: With some traveling, diplomacy, honorable dueling for leadership, the broken sects of the church will be unified, and the populace will once again be better fit to protect themselves should need arise. The PC's, Tak, and a vast number of pilgrims leave and start a new country on the frontier. The nation has roughly 10 million humans, elves, half orcs, gnomes, halflings, half elves, and dwarves. Consequences: Tak is made leader of the Church of Pelor. Fralios and Torin are made his subordinates. Basically like this
Part 4 details:
Part 5 details
If the PC's can rally the surrounding armies through diplomacy checks, leadership checks, spending assorted wealth to hire mercenaries, and of course kill off Pit Fiend generals or take out entire squadrons of infernal soldiers, they can stall the invasion for an amount of time, depending on how much of a resistence they mount.
Part Six details
Part Seven details
Avatar of god
Part eight details
Part nine details
Destroying the Pacts
Part ten details
Epilogue details
Alright, that's what I've got so far. I obviously have alot of plot holes to be filled, encounters to work out, numbers to crunch, etc. I just want to make sure it's an actual PLOT, that it's interesting, and has the ability for the PC's to have fun. So please, ask questions, share points of view, opinions, anything. Even telling me it's a load of crap and very unoriginal will help. Thanks in advance everyone. I apoligize for the many mispellings, typos, and misnamed places and people. I don't have spellcheck. Also, any swear words. Though I don't think I left any bad ones.
I saw the movie with a friend who is as big into D&D as I am and my roomate who is not so involved in the fantasy genre, at let me say this... "Umm... If Jeremy Irons gets magic from his dragon, and his dragon is dead, how can he still cast spells?" "Shade huh? That's original!" "Whoa, that dragon aged several hundred years cause it flew into a cloud! Killer!" "Hmm, simple young farm boy goes into the woods and finds an artifact/sword/dragon egg/UFO crash/unconcious girl/monster? Then he has to journey far away?! And save a girl who he sees only in dreams? Wow you guys! This isn't Eragon! It's Final fantasy. Or Zelda. Or Earthbound. Or Star Wars. Or Dragonlance. Or Elminster book 1. Or god knows what else I can't think of." "Dude, shut up. I didn't fork over 8.50 to hear your complaining. But you are right." "I concur, and I didn't understand half the crap you said!" The movie sucked. It wasn't future war bad, but I felt I was playing final fantasy 12 or some other rehash of the SAME OLD STORY i've been hearing since Breath of Fire. "Why couldn't they take all the money that went into this and put towards...oh I don't know... Crystal shard movie?" "Cause Eric, that would be cool" So many better fantasy books out there that could of been made movies. Alot. I'll list them now. Any Salvatore. ANY
Wheel of Time. Sword of Truth. My friend said Game of Thrones. Erm.... The something of Athuluas. Please, don't support this rip off. It stunk worse than the LOTR movies.