pming |

When we played it, we were known as "The Other Guys". :) That way, no matter if our names were remembered...or even if the person doing the remembering was even talking about us...word of 'us' would get around. The poor Stormblades had a hell of a time of it. How do you not promote another group when you can't use their name, and refering to them as "those other guys" actually is naming them? ;)
"Are YOU the Stormblades?"
..."Nope. Not us, sorry."
"You must be those other guys then."
..."Bingo! Yup. That's us!"
We deliberately heaped praise upon the Stormblades. We drank round to them. We 'degraded' our own deeds and espoused the deeds of the Stormblades. The poor Stormblades had nothing to come back with. They would insult us, we would agree with them and then ask them, in public of course, what they would do ("Yeah, we got our asses kicked! But you guys are REAL good. Do you hvae any tips for us? What would you have done?"). When the public is listening it's kinda hard to come back to that with a condecending reply...it makes you look like a total a-hole. ;) Worked like a charm! They wanted to kill us soooo bad...but knew they couldn't because it would make them look like they were kicking a bag of puppies.

AmbassadorShade |

"The Milliners Five"
First adventure was to travel to Cauldron from Sasserine to take a family heirloom (wedding veil) to one of the PC's uncles for a wedding.
The delicate veil was in a big hat box that the PC carried. The PC's travelled across the mountains, in poor weather, with random encounters and they had to keep the hatbox safe. Much fun. Delivering the damned hatbox gave them all a sense of accomplishment that, when Terseon asked for their party name at registration, they replied, after a little thought, "The Milleners Five".
The name inspires a sense of awe, no? No. :)
There's now 6 in the group, but their party name remanes the same.

mevers |

The first group I ran through the shackled city was made up of Kit (Human Artificer/Rogue), Oddvar (Human Scout), Bludgeon (Warforged Monk/Paladin), Annedro (Halfling Sorcerer), and Rok (Shifter Cleric). Why am I naming them, trust me, it will become clear in just a moment.
Anyway, needing to come up with a name, and lacking ANY creativity AT ALL, I (Half jokingly) suggested they see if they could do anyhting with the first letter of everyone's name. Well, they soon came up with KOBRA, which after only a couple of minutes got lengthened to the Kool Kobra Klan. From that point, it just stuck, our sorcerer player loved it and kept using it, even (maybe especially becasue) the Artificer/Rogue player HATED the name.
Unfortunantly that campaign fell apart after Drakthar's way. The group I am currently DMing for calls themselves Fortune's Fire.

Black_Robed_One |

My party started out as the Silver Swords...but after meeting Crazy Jared and saving both himself and his hut from Gotrod, he 'Knighted' them for their troubles. They were so taken with this that they remnamed themselves The Knights of Anduria.
I suspect that they're going to claim residence in fictional Anduria as some sort of tax dodge.

bunk283 |

Heh, Maveric My group also named themselves "The Obsidian Hand". Other names that were kicked about were 7 Legs Adventuring Co. (4 PC's one with a wooden leg), Stars of Cauldron (a bit presumptuous for my taste), and the Obsidian Fist. They have also started a second band of adventurers, PC's in training so to speak... called the Off-hand.

Ully |

My group just returned the kidnapped children to the orphanage, but Jenya informed them that she can not pay them until they register with the city as an official adventuring group. To register, of course, the group must have a name.
Here's what they've come up with (though not every player has ratified this choice):
The Illuminated Nondenominational Prefectorially Anointed Dragonflies of Elusive and Scholarly Skull-cracking
That's TIN PADrES for short.
Now the rest of you have some idea of what I must put up with as DM. ;-)

Skyknight |

After several sessions, the group I'm DMing for has finally come up with a name!
They went down into Drakthar's Way and the fighter immediately set off the tripwire alarm. All the goblins nearby woke up, and began to charge them shouting "BREE YARK BREE YARK!"
The fighter took the front line of the 5-foot-wide hallway, ready to do some serious killing with his greatsword. But then the elven wizard (played by my girlfriend =D ) dashed ahead of him, HURLING her longsword at the line of goblins. (this is a spell she took from the Spell Compendium, called Whirling Blade). The longsword cut through the goblins like butter, killing eight before returning to her hand where she took up an intimidating combat stance.
The remaining goblins, seeing nearly a third of their number cut down in an instant, were all like "retreeeeaaaaat!"
Now the party is known as "Whirling Retribution".

Acrimonious |

(this is a spell she took from the Spell Compendium, called Whirling Blade).
My group is also named after a spell from the Spell Compendium. The spell that rips a crystal memory from a persons head. The mage casts that on any leaders while the rest of the group charges in.
the group name? The Crystal Stampede.

section8 |

My group became an adventuring group before the adventure began.
A number of the characters are old friends with one of their number returning after being away for a while. They heard about the rumours of disappearing people, and started looking into it right away. No Ruphus attack. No Cuthbert involvement. No prompting from the DM. They even tracked down the Striders based on info from the orphanage (Urban rangers are amazing trackers of information).
It was after the visit to Skie's Treasury that they decided they wanted to become a formal "adventuring group". They have adopted the name "The Companions of Cauldron", representing their friendship.
I am sure that the Stormblades will feel that the name is quite pretentious.
By the end of the the same session (session 3), they had found the door to Jzadirune and were making preparations to dungeon delve.

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"The Seekers" for the same reasons Stromwalker's group chose the name. They are always seeking something. Although the chaotic elements of the group tend to refer the group as "The Croleks" whenever the can. They made many different assaults on the Malachite Fortress, always to be greeted by the shout of Croleks from the hobgoblins.

Ully |

My group just returned the kidnapped children to the orphanage, but Jenya informed them that she can not pay them until they register with the city as an official adventuring group. To register, of course, the group must have a name.
Here's what they've come up with (though not every player has ratified this choice):
The Illuminated Nondenominational Prefectorially Anointed Dragonflies of Elusive and Scholarly Skull-cracking
That's TIN PADrES for short.
Now the rest of you have some idea of what I must put up with as DM. ;-)
Thank, Pelor! They've come up with a better name.
They're known as Caulron's Seven, or just Seven.

Mary Yamato |

Our SCAP party named itself the (Order of) the Silver Star, but everyone settled on "Silver Stars" when talking about them, and that's what stuck. It was pretty cool to hear NPCs asking about when the Silver Stars would be back in town, when the PCs snuck in incognito....
They are also "Lord Emerald's Men", Lord Emerald being the alter ego of the PC wizard; that's the name they use when they are passing themselves off to the bad guys as up and coming bad guys themselves. Eventually someone will realize that Lord Emerald and Fritz of the Silver Stars are one and the same, and the PCs will have a lot of explaining to do. But so far, judicious use of Hats of Disguise (every PC owns one) has kept the secret.

CéPé |

Roughly translated in english (from the original french), my players are the "Trial's Warriors"... its sounds funny in english and its sound silier in french (les Guerriers de l'Épreuve).
Dont ask me what the actual "trial" is, I have no idea, and I think they do not as well...
The funnier about it is that when they introduced themselves, and that cannot really be translated in english (but I'll try) is that one player says "We are the Warriors..." and another one says in a squeaky voice "... of the Trial!". So everybody in Cauldron know them that way, so when they make a public apparition, the people on the street yell "It's the warriors... of the trial!!"

Schmoe |

My group came up with the name "The Black Brigade." Well, more accurately, the rogue came up with the name. They were at the town hall registering as an official adventuring company. When asked what name they wanted to register under, they hemmed and hawed, until finally the rogue blurted out "The Black Brigade," and the registrar wrote it down before anyone could complain.
It has absolutely no bearing on anything related to the group, and in fact sounds more like a sinister group of no-good thugs, but it works :)

Fang |

My Friday night group call themselves The Brotherhood of the Mask, after finding all those cool masks in the costume/prop room in Jzadirune. My Sunday group has only just begun Drakthar's Way, and haven't officially agreed upon a name, although the insufferable knight, Lord Algernon, has been referring to them as his squires, and for lack of anything else to call them, the Cauldron Chronicle has been referring to them as Lord Algernon and his Squires...much to the disgust/dismay of the rest of the group!

Lee Hanna |
Since the first few modules centered on getting epople back to Cauldron, my PC (an urban druid/fighter) started building towards the Bloodhound PrC, and we called ourselves Elite Recovery.
We have a non-deadly rivalry going with the "Wornblades," and I think we've gained the upper hand over them for now, reputation-wise.

Treppa |

My PC's are so suspicious that when Skie, being friendly, asked who they were and for some tales of adventures, they immediately got all shifty-eyed and said things like, "Why do you ask? Why do you need to know? Who are YOU, anyway?" Needless to say, they hurt her feelings ("Um.. I'm Skie, like it says over the door of this store - MY store - and I sell things. Duh!") and will never get a discount unless they figure it out, tell some tales, and roll some great Diplomacy checks.
When Terseon hired them to deal with the goblins, he asked for an organization name for the contract. Fresh from the Malachite hold, they came up with "the Malachite Fist." Sadly, it looks like that name may never grace Skie's wall...

exilas |

Eyleen's Band, so christened by the Lord Major during a official, public ceremony celebrating the victorious party, from the name of the party Sorcereress, that was the last PC standing (with 3HPs) after the fierce battle against Kazmojen to free the orphans (she managed to kill Kazmojen by spending an Hero Point to discover the activation word for a Wand of Greater Burning Hands -- the word she chose was "Dieyoubastard!").
For the record, during the same ceremony the Lord Major conceded to Eyleen's Band a small house for free, "conveniently" placed on Ash Avenue, fully within the flood range ;)
The party Rogue didn't appreciate the wide notoriety the party gained, though... :)

Michael Cyr |

My party has named themselves the Lantern Street Irregulars (ala Sherlock Holmes's Baker Street Irregulars), because most of the party grew up in the Lantern Street Orphanage.
They haven't earned the adventuring party discount from Skie yet, though. They haven't done enough business with her.

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Very unoriginal, I know, but here it is: (think Greyhawk setting, St. C for the religious side)
The Owls...
Yes, those Owls.
One of the PCs is actually a Rooster (though none of the other players know this yet, and we've kept it secret for almost a year...).
Yes, we play the conspiracies even in D&D.
Yes, my CoC game also enjoys this Millennium gem

vineyard |
I don't know what "skie's" is but i am playing the main spokesman, a human warlock, of a group just starting this ap. as such, and since i always like to make a name for any group that is going to be primarily in a city, as the dm has informed us, i have taken to calling our little group "bad wolf".
and yes, it is from dr.who which i love.

shamgar |

After a loooooong debate, the group registered as Crucial Might.
They debated many others including, but not limited to:
Necessary Might (my favorite)
The Others (they already hate the Stormblades even in Ch.1)
Thrud's Sugarcane Emporium (one of the PCs is from a family of sugarcane farmers--surprisingly he was the only one to vote for this)

Shawn Kehoe |

My party has shown no interest in it so far, and haven't really conversed with Skie long enough to hear about the discount.
I'm gonna start a Cauldron Newsletter soon though, so I figure the press is gonna name 'em since they haven't taken the initiative. I might call 'em the Brotherhood of the Cudgel, since three of the five founding members were loyal St Cuthbert worshipers, and the early missions are all for Jenya. Course, the ladies in the party may object to such a label. :)