Artemis Entreri

TheTravis's page

31 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hi there!

We're an established group (currently 4 players and a DM) starting a new campaign under the 4e D&D rules. We're looking for one or two new players to round out the group. We meet Thursday nights from 7-11pm in South Windsor, CT.

Interested? Contact


First death in our AP happened last night. Our half-orc monk/cleric charged Triel and her guards (my party is not subtle, and the Kopru Ruins are on high alert), and they all had readied actions. They pulped him down to about 3 hit points. The wizard webbed the room trying to slow everyone down, and caught everyone except Triel. She power attacked the half-orc with two hits, and pretty much cut him in half.

RIP, Caliban.

nib wrote:


while looking for tips about the upcoming visit to Occipitus with my group, I realized, that there might be a really bad situation coming up. What would you do, if a player is a bit unhappy with his character and sees the final test as the perfect opportunity to role-play his character's death (in order to start a new one back in Cauldron) just to suddenly become the key figure to the whole AP, who can't die anymore...

If this happens, I'm hoping that the new twist will make the character a lot more interesting to play, but what if not...


The player who gets the Smoking Eye could also be shifted to an NPC, I suppose.

Two questions.


Scenario 1: PC A stands between PC B and opponent X. They are in a 5' wide hallway. Can PC B move through PC A's square to grapple opponent X? If he is successful, he would move into the opponent's square. But if unsuccessful, he would be displaced into PC A's square, which doesn't work. My player's argue he could do it. I say no. What do YOU guys think.

Scenario 2: Same people. Same position. Can PC B move through PC A's square to perform a Bull Rush on X? Again, I argue no,they say yes.


Solomani wrote:

Their are 10 adventurers in Vhalantru's mansion as far as I can tell (ignoring the monster trophies). My players decided to do the right thing and bought 10x scrolls of stone to flesh and freed them all.

I dont want to just abstract it entirely. Would like to give at least a name and a sentence background as well as a sentence about their relationship with V.

Did anyone elses players do this and if so how did you handle it?


In my game, the players are searching for their mentors, some of whom are adventurers that Vhalantru turned to stone. I also had each player (for 300 xp) give me the name, class, race, physical description, and basic personality of an additional character. I've been using those characters as other adventurers they encounter in Cauldron (not ALL rival adventurers are jerks like the Stormbaldes), and I imagine a few of those characters will end up statues in Vhalantru's lair.

Sect wrote:
Describe it. That'll help some.

That's kind of the problem. There's nothing super distinctive about it, it's just where I have set the games I have run for the past several years. Now, my players are starting to ask more questions about the world at large.

The whole world is cobbled together from other fantasy sources. I have robbed liberally from Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk, and now I'm gleefully ripping off Pathfinder. There's a LOT of Tolkein in there, and most everything is named either from Tolkein or from Magic the Gathering flavor text - as I mentioned, I have problems coming up with good names.

Skyknight wrote:
Heh... he must've shot it up his nostril and given him a brain freeze.

HA. Where were you when I needed that line?

My homebrew world needs a name. And naming is the one area I am no good at. Anyone have any unused world name ideas?

My campaign has a house rule. If you role a 20 to make a critical hit, and then roll a 20 on your confirmation roll, you can then roll a third time. If you make a 20 on that third roll (Making that three natural 20s in a row), it's an instant kill, no questions asked.

Our elven mage "instant killed" Kazmojen. With a ray of frost.

AmbassadorShade wrote:
If the PC's have weapons capable of hitting him (silver or magical) then Tongueater isn't so tough.

Or if you have a stupid Warlock in your party shooting things with his stupid Warlock shooty powers.

My party ran up against Tongueeater tonight. They didn't exactly wipe the floor with him, but between the dwarven paladin's smites, and the warlock just hanging back and blasting at him, he went down pretty quickly.

I'm in the same boat. I live in CT, and according to the site, it shipped out 8/20. How many more days should I wait before I well and truly panic?

Nothing here, yet.

Jason Grubiak wrote:
Its funny....Im more concerned about the fate of Pathfinder possibly converting (please dont) than I am WotC books converting.

I'm right there with you. I'm not converting to 4th Edition. Just not doing it. I've already invested too much money in 4 (or 3 and a half, but let's be honest) editions of D&D. I like 3.5. It works, and it makes sense to me. I'll continue to buy up old 3.5 material. And I'll continue to support Paizo and Pathfinder as long as they produce 3.5 material. But when they convert, I'm pretty much out the door.

Why not just try to get some more players? Put up some signs at your local game store, look online, etc.

Rambling Scribe wrote:

Isn't Pathfinder miniatures pack one called "Clerics of Golarion" featuring characters with all the main deities favoured weapons?

Okay, I'm making it up, but it's a good starting place for a miniatures line.

Of course, I have several awesome minis with glaives, halberds and other pole arms. I've even painted a few of them.

I want you to understand how excited I just got reading this post, followed by how sad I became. You are toying with my emotions!

Forgive what is probably a very dumb question, and perhaps one that is well documented elsewhere, but how adaptable will the material in Pathfinder be to other campaign worlds?

As awesome as Golarion looks, I have been running all of the other adventure paths in my own homebrew world, and have a bit of a desire to maintain that continuity. The ammount of supporting detail Paizo is releasing for Golarion makes me a bit intimidated to try to make the jump with these new APs as well.

You guys are killing me with the favored weapons of the deities. You have any idea how difficult it is going to be trying to find minis featuring clerics with glaives or the like? Whatever happened to maces?

The characters in my campaign are children/proteges of an adventuring group that operated in Cauldron 10 years prior to the campaign starting. Two of the members of that original party were a cleric of Pelor, and her husband, a paladin of Pelor. The party's cleric is their daughter. When she eventually finds out that Embril had her parents killed, it will be extra motivation for our cleric to oppose her.

The Cagewrights were willing to have Terrem raised. If the PCs bring Zenith's body back, there is no reason why they wouldn't do the same for him.

Is the cauldron in room #14 a portable item? And is it's power to boil water, or to make potions?

The way it reads to me, the cauldron boils 10 gallons of water,and after an hour, evaporates, leaving only a potion of cure moderate wounds.

Since my players have a tendency to take everything that isn't bolted down, I need to know what I am getting myself into. b

My players are starting their 4th or 5th session in Jzadirune. The rogue is frustrated because she can't manage to pick any of the locks on the gear doors, but the group has a nice rhythm going where she disarms the traps, and then the dwarven paladin and the half-orc monk bash the door down. No party fatalities, not even when they fought the Grell. The warlock has been using a wand of burning hands he found, but has managed to makes his saves EVERY TIME to avoid contracting The Vanishing. I haven't even been able to hit them with any surprise attacks, as the paladin scans every room for evil before the party enters. So the only time they were taken by surprise was the Dread Guard.

They're being so thorough, I'm convinced they will be 4th level before they meet Kazmojen.

The characters in my campaign are all the children and proteges of an adventuring party called "The Nine". There are seven members of the party. So they called themselves (wait for it), The Seven of Nine.

They even managed to outnerd ME with that one.

Chef's Slaad wrote:
Your group sounds like a lot of fun to run. Taking initiative and exploring like that. I'm sure this will be a huge boon near the end of the campaign. For now, though, perhaps some slight pushing towards Ghelve's locks? Maybe one of the leads they are following to inflitrate the last laugh could take them there? Perhaps an emesary from cauldron's best known thieves guild could be heading for Kazmojen to deliver a message or a warning of some sort?

My group gives me an ice cream headache, but they are incredibly fun. They finally got into Jzadirune last night. Although when the dwarven paladin found out that they were going to have to break into Ghelve's locks, he tried to go to the city guard and request they open the door for the party. Stupid Lawful Good characters.

I WISH I had TPKS at this point. I wish I had combat at all! I'm three sessions into the AP, and my characters haven't managed to figure out where the kidnapped kids have gone yet. They're too busy meeting every NPC in the city, bothering the nobles, and trying to infiltrate the Last Laugh.

I think after running them through Red Hand of Doom the last six months, they are going crazy with all of the freedom a city campaign affords them.

I'd send more assassins after them, myself. But I'm not a very nice person.

I would be hesitant to relocate the adventure outof Cauldron. Cauldron is practically a character in the AP, and so much of what makes it work is the uniqueness of the setting and the flavor of the city itself.

Forgive my ignorance, but why can't Paizo release the AOW hadcover without the D&D logo? If they're using OGL material, and I believe they are, why can't they release the book?

Robert Brambley wrote:
ibramthefish wrote:
OK guys - you got me with the cool factor, which I hadn't actually considered. You're right - the party'll freak when he shows up. Thanks for your input.

This is not to say that Orbius cant attempt to rescue all four children so as not to lead suspicion to Terrem specifically,

This is the way I intend to go with it. I am nervous about having TOO much attention focused on Terrem. Especially because I intend to take another suggestion from these boards,and have the beholder in his human guise adopt Terrem later on.

After some shifting around, My group will be starting SC in about three weeks. We have:

Human Rogue
Human Warlock
Half-Elf bard
Human Cleric (Pelor)
Dwarven Paladin
Half-Orc Monk

The party is made up of the children or proteges of an adventuring group from Cauldron that dissapeared nine years ago. The party has now reached adventuring age and is headed to Cauldron to find their fortunes and investigate their mentors/parents' whereabouts. I have recast Triel and Zenith Splintershield as former members of the adventuring group, to give the players more connection to some of the campaign events.

Hello, all.

I will be starting SC in about two months. Right now, the projected party is:
Half-Orc Monk
Half-Elf Bard
Human Psion (Telepath)
Human Cleric
Human Fighter
Human Rogue

For the most part, I'm confident that this party configuration will do well, but the lack of a real arcane spellcaster causes me some worry (I don't count the bard).

In the opinion of those of you who have begun the campaign,how does this lineup look? Should I try to push to include a wizard or sorcerer?