Vinroot the Drunken Treant

Jeff the Green's page

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At long last I have bedimm’d the noontide sun, call’d forth the mutinous winds, and ‘twixt the green sea and the azured vault set roaring war: to the dread rattling thunder have I given fire and rifted Jove’s stout oak with his own bolt; the strong-based promontory have I made shake and by the spurs pluck’d up the pine and cedar.


What I mean to say is that the Tempestarian's Handbook, expanding upon the Weather sphere, is finally complete. Inside you will find a bevy of new uses fo atmoturgy, including:

  • Archetypes for alchemist, blood rager, skald, and armorist
  • Two new talent types, shrouds and mantles, that allow you to create highly localized weather to vex your foes or to become the wind yourself
  • New types of weather, including aridity and volcanism
  • New monsters

Please feel free to comment on the document or here. The more specific the comments the better because that way I can address them. "This is awesome!" is appreciated, but "This could be made better by X, Y, and Z" helps me make it better. I'll be reading every comment even if I'm not able to respond to them.

A quick note. There is some content that is almost ready, but since it still needs fixing it isn't included in the playtest doc yet; I'll migrate it as soon as it's ready. There are also a couple missing things; I am aware of them and will be finishing them in the next couple days. Feel free to note them, just know that I'm already planning on filling them.

The last bullet point in the rules for round 2 says, "All this information must either fit within the 24 x 30 area of the map."

Either that or what?

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Moderate update time:

  • Half the motifs have been written. Most give more interesting effects than numerical bonuses, and those that do give bonuses scale better.
  • The inevitable now has a player-controlled means of regaining kismet and a couple deeds were fixed.
  • Several issues in wording were fixed.

Next I will be adding magic item rules for motifs.

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In response to a (just) savaging, I've completely revamped the Serendip. It is now a URogue archetype and rogues can select (chance) feats instead of rogue talents. Parzivalian knight also finally have something they can actually use instead of channel energy.

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Minor update to Inevitable: I added a new 1st-level deed and changed the deed that referenced judgement.

Working on a replacement for Parzivalian knight's channel energy.

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Willkommen to Nietzsche's favorite playtest, The Auspician's Handbook! I am Drop Dead Studio's newest writer and the proud papa of the newest sphere handbook.

Inside you will find content devoted to the Fate sphere, including:

  • Archetypes for Inquisitor, Mageknight, Paladin, and Swashbuckler to manipulate luck and fate.
  • A new type of talent, Motifs, that channel universal archetypes to tug at the warp and weft of destiny's tapestry.
  • New Words and Consecrations to diversify your auspician's repertoire.
  • New Feats, including the new Chance feat category.
  • Two new monsters, the cù-sìth and the mau.
  • Advice to DMs who want alignment to take a more prominent or less intrusive role in their Spheres of Power campaigns.

Please feel free to comment on the document or here. The more specific the comments the better because that way I can address them. "This is awesome!" is appreciated, but "This could be made better by X, Y, and Z" helps me make it better. I'll be reading every comment even if I'm not able to respond to them.