
shamgar's page

Goblin Squad Member. 344 posts (608 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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Shamgar's facebook profile

they wouldn't let me have shamgar. :(

I haven't updated much due to lack of time, but I do check it every day and would love to connect there with many of you.

Two women in our RoTL group. My wife and another player's wife.

fireplace working properly at last
one of the airport badges finally taken care of
enjoying the work car

Rock Band 2 (and the songs from 1) for Christmas
Finally joining Xbox Live and downloading all of the Oblivion content
Hours per week of work should be decreasing within a few weeks to sane levels
Visit from EVP went well
1st time in 12 years people travelled to us for Christmas instead of the other way around

Shiny: That's great. You and my wife are raised from the same (Grimm) cloth. I now understand a few more things regarding Lynora... :)

1. Still love the new job despite 18 hour days
2. Spending at least some time with family this past weekend
3. Only a couple of more weeks of the utterly insane schedule
4. Mondays (except next week) being office days (from home)

Finally getting to 2nd place in our league and then, on the only week I miss of the entire year, losing enough points to drop 3-4 places. Being texted throughout the evening as it's happening.

Driving a ton in crappy weather while working 18 hour days. (I love my job, but the days are tough right now)

Wife is very stressed and nothing I do can seem to help in any way.

First day spent 1 on 1 travelling with the boss went relatively well
He feels like I'm progressing at the rate I should
Might actually have time to get organized this weekend
Company cars

-Having insurance again...even if it doesn't show up in they system yet
-Survived the trip through the ice storm with relatively little pain
-Finances almost recovered enough to restore Paizo subscriptions!

Odd, but good conversation with my wife
Extra secret hugs from my kid since I won't be home this week
Going to NY, NY tomorrow for the first time ever and even though it is for work my new boss has promised (his idea) to show me around a bit.

Sadly there are others, but the two most relevant:

1. While I was dating my wife (Lynora) we were driving in Lansing in my new Saturn and a city bus ran a red light ahead of us. We drove head on into it doing at least 40. The tow truck driver said he had never seen anyone live from an accident that bad, but we were very lucky to walk away with only a few back issues.

2. Last year, while bowling on a very competitive league in front of 100 of my closest 'friends', a ball stuck to my thumb until it was straight up in the air. Then the ball popped off went 4' straight up. Since I was off balance I ended up underneath the ball as it landed on the back of my head (on my cerebellum). The doctors said 2" either way and I would have been dead. I ended up in the hospital for several days with a major concussion and have long term effects lasting at least until the present day, but I'm thankful to be alive. Never thought you would hear a near-death bowling story, now did you? :)


Fake Healer wrote:
shamgar wrote:


Ummm...I guess I'm a bit excited to be employed again. I start Monday as a District Manager for Brookstone stores. The timing was amazing as we had less than 1 week of money left to make it on. WooT!!!!

Now you'll be paid in a 2 week cycle and it'll take an extra week for payroll to process so expect pay in 3 weeks!

Sorry, pessimist in me.
Congrats on the job though!

Surprisingly to me (since it is a good size company) they pay weekly, so it will be two weeks before I get my pay. I do have to deal with a live check until the direct deposit clears, however, so there will be some delay.

GT: Playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion for most of today without guilt since my main goal today was to relax before I start the new job. Fun stuff.


Ummm...I guess I'm a bit excited to be employed again. I start Monday as a District Manager for Brookstone stores. The timing was amazing as we had less than 1 week of money left to make it on. WooT!!!!

First phone interview turned into a 2nd phone interview tomorrow with Director of Ops. There are still real obstacles, but the position might be a possibility.

Also have an in person interview tomorrow.

Gaming tomorrow night after missing some sessions recently.

Finally getting over this ick-plague thing the family has had recently.

Getting to play some Oblivion finally.

sozin wrote:
reinbowarrior wrote:

About to put this in to my homebrew as a cross over adventure.

Any chance of getting another map of the city, but without the invisible bridges or descriptions?

Email me privately ( sozinsky at gmail dot com ) and I can send you a set of edited maps. I use digital projecter and and photoshopped everything out manually. (Hey, Paizo, I know I sound like a broken record, but it would be beyond great if you could start releasing un-annotated maps...)

I'm starting this next week in my homebrew as well. I would love a copy of those maps as well if you are amenable. I'm mixing it in between a couple of the fantastic location adventures and another gamemastery. I hope it goes as well as some of you have indicated. I have some reservations but overall I think it will be cool.

Despite applying for literally hundreds of jobs and having a very successful background in managemnet and sales, I can't seem to get even a phone interview with anywhere remotely respectable.

Also, from my accident last year it appears fluid keeps building up around my brain on the back of my head---and being between jobs I don't have insurance and can't really go to a doctor about it because it will possibly create a preexisting condition that will make me uninsurable.

Finally, our D&D group is cancelled at the last minute for the 2nd week in a row.

Jack's issue just happened to me with this very thread. I could preview Gary's response, but when I clicked it was not there.

Not in this case, but in several others I have clicked on a previewed post only to be redirected to the main messageboard page. It is a bit frustrating when I actually wanted to read the thread. Hopefully it is an easy fix. Sorry to add to the pain Gary. :)

Edit: When my response actually posted I was able to see Gary's (and also Cosmo's) response. Odd.

Thanks to my players (Lynora and Magnus on these boards in specific), we have some great surfaces. We have a plexiglass sheet that goes over all maps so we can write on them repeatedly and have a workable surface. For height we have a series of 1" dowels cut to various lengths that the minis stand on. We have a variety of shapes and sizes of rocks from outside that create terrain as well as height. We bought some tress from the model train store for those. My wife bought a wooden castle from the local toy store and put a grid on it.

We also have the obligatory map packs (glued together and placed on posterboard) and flip maps. We also have a bunch of the dwarven forge products.

Recently I've been focusing on actually using what we have instead of having it just sitting there. Overall we are very fortunate.

Until Friday I was the VP Operations for a large service provider for a big box store. Despite growing the business 45%, tripling profits, and increasing customer satisfaction in just one year in a terrible Michigan economy I was unceremoniously let go on Friday. Welcome to the world of family businesses. Family and favorites did me in as did a strong resistance to do anything in a professional manner.

So now I'm very aggressively looking for a job. Since we moved just a couple of months ago we don't have nearly the reserves we normally would so I may be forced to take something I don't want. Oh, they did offer me a position for less than half of what I was making before focused on just sales. I'm hoping to be able to tell them to @#$% themselves in a week when they want their answer.

On another note, I also run a (very) small consulting company. I provide expert management and sales consulting and training of all sorts for small to mid-size companies and phone consulting for several retail councils working with investment analysts. I would love this to grow to support us but that takes a lot of time which I don't have.

As my wife, Lynora, commented above I despise rainy, windy, coldish days. I'm not a fan of snow. I like warm and mostly dry--which does make me wonder why I moved back to Michigan. Oh yeah, that's right--happy wife. happy life. :)

My perfect weather is probably about 75 degrees and partly cloudy with a slight breeze and relatively low humidity. Not that I'm asking much. :)

I suspect the Joker is the new standard for chaotic evil for our group. Heath acted that part in an amazing and deep manner.

As far as the rest of the movie, I really liked it, but not as strongly as my wife did. I thought it was very good and I really liked that it didn't 'pull punches' or 'cheer up' the way so many American movies do. I did feel the pacing could have been a little quicker.

And I was disappointed and surprised that

they killed two-face instead of saving him for a recurring part

Overall definitely worth the time and move and one of the better movies I have seen recently, but not in the top 2-3 of the last few years as many seem to feel. Then again, I'm a snob in general. :)

My wife (Lynora) saw it last night and said it is the best movie she has seen in years. I'm seeing it in a couple of hours and I'm really looking forward to it, despite the massive crowds at the theaters this weekend.

Bryce, turning 5 on July 1st, is our wild child. The time goes so fast...


That sucks. I've been there and I wish you the best.

The process, pain, and expense of moving, which we are doing this week.
Ultra stressful time at work that could result in loss of the job which would lead to insane levels of trauma I'm not remotely prepared to deal with.
Not even having time to game right now due to working so much.
Causing the family to feel stress during this time that does not come from them thereby creating tension.

As I just discovered, my order got caught in this as well. No Gazetteer. :( Please help my poor lost characters find their way home. :) Order #935674. Thank you!

Definitiely buying the final version and most likely the Beta as well.

Albeit a small amount, paid some of the debt off tonight.
Moving soon into super cool house that makes wifey happy.
Still like my job despite the stress and pain it is currently causing.
Mother's day present already bought and paid for.
Great weekend with the boy. It feels great that he truly seems to enjoy spending time with his daddy. :)
Gaming tomorrow. I've really been enjoying the break of being a player for these past few months.
Actually got some work done tonight, even if it's still not nearly as much as I was supposed to get done.
Sunny Spring days making my mood a bit better.

That was pretty funny. Thanks.

As my wife Lynora mentioned, I drive from Ann Arbor to Sterling Heights in MI each day for work. Like William Pall, I fill up every other day (about 3 times per week). Based upon my job, I don't have a choice so I will continue the drive. Of course, we also just bought a house in Ann Arbor, so getting close to work isn't an option either. We were considering a second car, but now that is a definite no. We have begun to limit our personal driving and will probably do more as gas gets to $4. We drive across the state to our relatives as well, which might decrease substantially.

On a separate note, my father just bought a Harley and one of the rationalizations he used was the gas mileage. :)

Gamemastery modules maybe?

I'm more than a little curmudgeony adn old school but 'back in the day' I really enjoyed Star Frontiers and Star Fleet Battles. I still have my Star Frontiers stuff on the shelf. I kind of miss playing...

Agreed. That would be a big help for me as well.

I am also in agreement with Rambling Scribe. Though I've been extremely busy, the main reason I have not been posting is my frustration with the recent attitude and conversations.

I came to these boards because of the great community and it has made me sad to see many great contributions and contributors drowned out in the chorus of painful attacks. I welcome the opportunity for their words to be heard again.

Thank you all.

Bing! Thar she be matey! :)

Currently as sick as I've pretty much ever been with what is easily the worst flu I have ever had.

I've seen the joke before so I assume that's how it was intended...


Today was for the stupid people. Tomorrow is for the ignorant.

possibly not playing tonight after all

not nearly enough work got done over the weekend leaving me a huge pile of stuff for the ever so short work week. ugh.

Heathansson wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
I'd cheer my Illinois team going into the Rose Bowl, but I still remember the Rose Bowl Disaster versus UCLA. Go Illini! Don't make fools of yourselves in the Rose Bowl again! (That's a rallying cry)
My Gators lost. Boo hoo hoo!


"Hail to the victors valiant!"

oh, yeah...App State. *sigh* It could have been such a good year...

ah, well. GO BLUE!!

(sorry Heathy) :)

Apparently I have not only action fingers, but action noses as well. Interesting.

The tricky parts of snow removal apparently include how to stay dry while in the midst of it. And now I have achieved...abject failure.

sometimes rewriting my to do list makes me just want to weep. ugh.

Is my GPS getting annoyed with me? I swear when the voice says, "Recalculating", it could be followed by ..."you stupid idiot."

1. Either lose 20 lbs or change it into muscle mass through diet and exercise
2. Get all debt under control/in process and pay off at least 20%
3. Get builder's license (next week, it appears)
4. Get family caught up on all Dr. appts (dentist, chiropracter, neurologist, audiologist, opthalmologist, etc)
5. Teach my 4 year old son how to bowl (and not hit himself in the head with the ball...)
6. Ensure that we grow our company by a minimum of 40%
7. Get our passports
8. Get our will and living will done
9. Find a new place to live
10. Take a legitimate vacation

Wow. When you write that out, it sure seems like a lot. Now I'm a bit intimidated...

ahhh, first whack then I get it.

getting to stop by the paizo chatroom for a bit for the first time in a while...

chocolate peppermint is the oddest flavor, but I still say banana is the most ironic.

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