
Shadowstar's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts (40 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sovereign Court

It was released on the Big Finish website today so hopefully should be available here soon.

Sovereign Court

PFS Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague is set around Falcon's Hollow/Darkmoon Vale and could also be used with some modification to remove the Pathfinder Society elements.

Sovereign Court

93. Lucky Peasant: A member of the lower classes, often a chimney sweep or an old woman, whose presence at court is considered by superstitious nobles to bring good fortune.

Sovereign Court

The Conquests of Calistria?

Sovereign Court

Just to add to the numbering confusion caused by the war doctor's existence Steven Moffat has apparently said, in an interview about the christmas special, that Matt Smith is actually the 13th Doctor.

Sovereign Court

I recommend starting with the legendary ship in the lower right corner of the map as it is definitely the easiest of the four followed by the upper right one. I was able to beat both on my first attempt with a fully upgraded Jackdaw.

The ones on the left of the map are extremely tough and will require a lot of trial and error to learn the tactics necessary to beat them Lower left is particularly frustrating, having invulnerable sides and a powerful mortar making it difficult to get at the ships vulnerable stern (took me over an hour, and several attempts, to defeat it and the Jackdaw had minimal hull left at the end).

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

165. In Service to Vengeance: The Fall & Rise of a Fury.
This book gives an account of the life of an angel that fell from grace after being imprisoned by an evil wizard and made an infernal bargain with an imp for her freedom. She was transformed into an erinyes which meant the wizards carefully prepared anti-angel wards no longer affected her, allowing her to enact swift and bloody vengeance.
Surprisingly, the erinyes then goes on to enter the service of Calistria, chaotic goddess of vengeance, as one of her furies. The book alludes to a bargain made between Asmodeus and the Savored Sting for the furies service but no details are given nor is there any mention of what Asmodeus gained from the bargain.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

162. Humans & Households Core Rulebook
A rousing roleplaying game set in a mundane world of traffic lights, errant puppies, indoor plumbing, and other diabolical evils. Play as such character classes as Nerd, Athlete, Nurse, and Activist.

Apparently written by someone named ZOE.

Sovereign Court

According to the strategy guide, BOW rounds release a cloud of green gas that stuns, but not kills, weaker enemies causing them to drop to the ground so you can run past them.

Sovereign Court

Give them a totally evil unkillable nemesis whose name was accidentally ripped out of the book at the same time as the character's own.

Sovereign Court

DriveThru RPG are giving away the PDF of this as part of their halloween promotion.

Just click on the pumpkin hidden in your 'My Library' page.

Sovereign Court

The official website is showing special mini-episodes every day this week in the run up to the new series.


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't forget they can also use Aid Another to increase each others attack rolls.

Sovereign Court

3.5 had the following age ranges for aasimars and tieflings.

Adulthood 15
Middle Age 45
Old 68
Venerable 90 (+3d20 max)

Sovereign Court

The first trailer for the new series is up on the BBC website.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/news/bulletin_120326_01/First_Preview_of_ the_New_Series

Sovereign Court

There is a Feign Death spell in older editions of D&D.

Feign Death
Wizard 3 (Necromancy)

Range: Touch
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hr + 1 turn (10 min)/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature Touched
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster (or any other creature whose levels of experience or Hit Dice do not exceed the wizard's own level) can be put into a cataleptic state that is impossible to distinguish from death. Although the person or creature affected by the Feign Death spell can smell, hear, and know what is going, no feeling or sight of any sort is possible. Thus, any wounding or mistreatment of the body is not felt and no reaction occurs; damage is only half normal. In addition, paralysis, poison, and energy-level drain cannot affect an individual under the influence of this spell. Poison injected or otherwise introduced into the body takes effect when the spell recipient is no longer under the influence of this spell, although a saving throw is permitted.
Note that only a willing individual can be affected by a Feign Death spell. The spellcaster can end the spell effects at any time desired, as will a successful dispel, but a full round is required for bodily functions to begin again.

Sovereign Court

Does Calistria have oracles?

I'm wondering because she is the only major deity without any associated oracle mysteries.

Sovereign Court

Its official. River Song is ...

Melody Pond

Sovereign Court

I'm Steven from Swindon.

Started gaming shortly after AD&D 2e came out and have tried a variety of different games since then from Paranoia to Star Wars D6.

I currently run Star Wars d20/Saga and PFRPG games completely solo for myself as I have not had a gaming group since my last player left years ago.

Sovereign Court

My copy just arrived completely unexpectedly at 7:30 pm on a Saturday evening here in the UK.

Sovereign Court

Thanks. Thats been bugging me for a while.

Sovereign Court

pg 61 - How many permanent class skills do primitive characters get? It says they get x permanent class skills.

This error seems to have been carried over from the original 3.5 Fantasy Occupations PDF (but at least they spelled primitive right this time)

Sovereign Court

I cancelled my pre-order from Amazon UK on the 12th and ordered the book from Infinity Games instead.

It arrived yesterday.

Sovereign Court

You could also allow the ghost to be summoned under certain other circumstances, such as having it appear when someone simply reads the play aloud while standing on stage.

Sovereign Court

I noticed that in addition to losing their domain spells Cleric's also receive less spells as they progress in level, now only gaining the same number of spells as a wizard of the same level.

Sovereign Court

I was wondering what the exact date of the Sandpoint fire was? All I could gather from Pathfinder #1 was that it happened in winter one month after Chopper's killing spree.

Sovereign Court

According to the Players Guide to Faerun Web Enhancement, Shades have a Level Adjustment of +5

Sovereign Court

I got mine from the local games store here in the UK about a week ago.

Sovereign Court

Ran the battle against the froghemoth last night. It ended abruptly in the first round when the rogue archer scored an 'instant kill', using the variant critical hit rules from the DMG.
After the stunned silence that ensued around the table, the rogue decided that he had better donate his share of the winnings to the local temple of the Goddess of Luck.

Sovereign Court

Just curious but are these the same Lillianth and Lynnara who appeared in the 2e Night Below campaign boxed set.

Sovereign Court

Got my copy from the local games store (Swindon, Wiltshire) last Thursday, 19th April.

Sovereign Court

"The Moonlight Delvers"

So named because of the party's many ties to the underdark and various moon-related deities.

The party is also known as "Moonlight and Mayhem", at least according to the halfling rogue's player.

Sovereign Court

I thought it was a nice touch making Martha Jones, the new companion, the cousin of the character that Freema Agyeman played in series two (who was killed by the cybermen).

Sovereign Court

I place Cauldron on the border of Halruaa, at the end of Talath Pass.

Sovereign Court

As Savage Tide is almost upon us, any chance we can get some official word on where the best place would be to set it in the Realms? In particular what city to use in place of Sasserine.

Sovereign Court

I will be running the campaign in the Realms. I tried Greyhawk once (and Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Spelljammer, etc.) but no setting has sustained my players interest like the Realms has.

Sovereign Court

Dungeon #123 is listed on this page:

http://www.theplaceforgames.com/categories.asp?Action=List&NAV=2&Su bCatID=78&CatID=3

Sovereign Court

I will eventually be running the AoW in the Realms and, barring any last minute changes, the party will likely consist of the following:

Jewel - CN Succubus 1 (using the monster class from Savage Species)
Sindra - CG half-wood elf female Swashbuckler 1
Larin Dawnwanderer - NG aasimar male Cleric of Lathander 1
Harkan Harpell - CG illuskan human male Ranger 1 (who will eventually multiclass as a wizard)
Rafe Winterstorm - CG half-moon elf Rogue 1
Aislinn Winterstorm (NPC) - CG half-celestial Bard 1 (Rafe's mysterious adopted daughter)

Sovereign Court

As I don't want to mess up Daggerford, I have decided to make Diamond Lake Daggerford's darker cousin to the east.

I have placed Diamond Lake midway between Daggerford and Secomber, on the edge of the Laughing Hollow (which is probably where I will put the Whispering Cairn once I get around to running the adventure).