Big Jake |

As far as RPGs, I play D&D almost exclusively. Actually, you can make that exclusively for this past year. But we're making characters for a d20 Future game, where I plan on being a Elvis-impersonating fighter pilot.
As for non-RPGs, over the past year, I've played a couple of D&D Miniatures skirmishes, a lot of Bop It Extreme 2, and my Game Cube (The Hobbit was my latest that I finished, currently trying to get Paper Mario 2).
I own quite a bit of board games, and it turns out that my wife just doesn't like to play a lot of games. Every once in a while, I invite my gaming group over to play some board games, and we will usually play at least one game of Clue (D&D special edition), Channel Surfing, and maybe some chess.
However, I buy a lot of games that I think are really cool, and then never get a chance to play. Actually, I read on Monte Cook's site that the average times a game gets played per game purchase is 0. So, I know I'm not alone.
But I've managed to play most of the games I've bought at least once, but I still haven't ever played Dragonstar, Ghostwalk, or Munchkin.

Doom |
YOu mean only other RPGS? I've certainly tried a few others, but D&D just seems to be the one that works the best, at least not counting computer games.
Of course, I'm in Lousiana, where readin' folk (much less folk with money to spare on another set of game books) are few and far between. It's hard enough to get 4 people to play D&D D20, much less something else.
Now, for board games and such, Risk 2020 is good, and HeroScape is AWESOME, and all things WizKids have been known to rumble across my card table.
Take care,

Michael Mikaelian |

Hehehe, I usually play an employee and an father :-)
From the tabletop games I play D&D only, and while I don't play Necromunda (noone around to play with :-(, I like to paint the models...
Ah, Necromunda. Makes me wish that GW would give Sabertooth the green light to make prepainted board-game versions of Necromunda, Blood Bowl, and Space Hulk. Maybe if HeroScape is a success they might get spurred into action.

Patrick Weekes |

I play other d20 or effectively d20 games. Right now, I'm GMing a game that I've described roughly as "swashbuckling musketeer-era Babylon-5-politicking fantasy, set in a floating city and using Mutants & Masterminds for the rules". I mix this game up with a d20 Modern game that we call "Not the X-Files" -- homebrewed boogeymen that the team (a paranormal crimes division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs) can never really prove exist, that kinda good stuff.
I don't play a lot of other stuff, usually because I'm either writing or doing real-life work. :) I did get a massive kick out of Knights of the Old Republic, though.

Nathan Ballingrud |

My gaming group likes to cycle through different games. Aside from D&D, others that we've played and enjoyed include Space: 1889, The Burning Wheel, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and Call of Cthulhu. We've played others that we haven't enjoyed so much (Shadowrun, I'm looking at you), but I'd recommend any of them very highly. I find it's good to introduce a variety of rules systems and settings to the group; it keeps things fresh, and allows you to import ideas from other systems into D&D.
Also, I'm one of those guys who will buy an interesting book or supplement from another system even if it doesn't seem likely that we'll play it, just because I love reading them. I have AEG's The World's Largest Dungeon, West End Games' D6 Adventure, Frank Chadwick's Cadillacs and Dinosaurs . . . so, yeah, my bookshelves groan beneath the weight of a variety of systems, too.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Hey all!
I play EVERY game! Just kidding, but I play a lot of em. In no particular order:
Shadowrun, Star Wars (West End and D20, cause each got their own flavor flave), Rifts, Ninjas and Superspies (one of my favorites), the old TSR Marvel Superheroes (the one with words for stats, like Amazing and Remarkable, this game is the best game in the WORLD!!!), Vampire, Exalted, Palladium Fantasy, Call of Cthulhu (when done right, soooooo scary), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (boomtastic!), and a bevy of D20 products...one of my recent favorites is Swashbuckling Adventures (I always wanted to be a pirate). Oh yeah, and every now and then I play good ole D&D. ;)
I also play a bevy of board games and the Game of Thrones collectable card game has claimed hundreds of hours of my life (so have the books, I've rereading them for like the third time now!).

Airsucker |

I play D&D whenever my husband and I can get someone to play. (We keep correpting innocents, and they keep moving away!) I really miss Shadowrun. I have books for White Wolf's World of Darkness quintology, but I'm not experienced enough to run those. I miss them too. I've played Champions, a long time ago.
I've tried out a few others, over the years. I'm not in a regular gaming group, so I'll probably not be getting into anything new soon.
I RULE at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, and in other board games, I win the first time I play & never again, or not at all.
I used to play MtG, but I'm not near any gaming group that I am aware of.
I am also still learning to cook with peppers. Wow this last one was hot!

Stardrake |

Lately, it's been mostly D&D 3.x, with the occasional Teenagers From Outer Space run.
Over the past 30 years, I've lost count--the big ones were RuneQuest, Champions, DC Heroes (still the best supers system I've seen), FASA's Star Trek and Doctor Who, WEG's Star Wars, Toon, TFOS, Castle Falkenstein, and many flavors of GURPS (including converting my Dr.Who campaign to GURPS after FASA lost the license...)
Oddly enough, I didn't play any form of D&D regularly between OD&D (the 3 books of suggestions) and 3.0. We went to RuneQuest and never looked back, until 3.0 finally brought D&D up to at least mid-80's standards....

Airtrent |

My group rotates GM's regularly and thus we have a variety of games. D&D is still the most common, but we've played Marvel, Mechwarrior, White Wolf, and Star Wars as well. Coming soon, I'll be running my first ever Shadowrun game and I'm quite nervous. I'm now officially the only member of the group who has any of the SR books and nobody in our group has ever run the game. We've played before with a guest GM, but that was quite some time ago, so nobody really remembers the rules. Any suggestions on how to run a good SR game? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Rob Stewart |

My group rotates GM's regularly and thus we have a variety of games. D&D is still the most common, but we've played Marvel, Mechwarrior, White Wolf, and Star Wars as well. Coming soon, I'll be running my first ever Shadowrun game and I'm quite nervous. I'm now officially the only member of the group who has any of the SR books and nobody in our group has ever run the game. We've played before with a guest GM, but that was quite some time ago, so nobody really remembers the rules. Any suggestions on how to run a good SR game? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
For your first game, try to have the Decker as an NPC. Going into cyberspace can be difficult for a first time GM, I know it was hard for me. The first adventure I ran, dealt with an extraction of a empolyee of one of the Corps. They had to gather all the information, stake out the place and do the job. It allowed everyone to work out the kinks of thier characters and the rules.
Another good run would be a package delviery. They are hired to deliver a package to a certain location. What the runners don't know, another group was hired to stop or steal the package. This is a standard combat plot adventure.
I wish you the best, I love playing Shadowrun, I just wish I knew some folks in the Puyallup/Tacoma area that played.

Blicko |

Cool reading what everyone else plays regularly. As for myself, I run a bi-weekly DnD campaign (sometimes monthly, or bi-monthly, unfortunately). We also play a weekly HeroClix tournament (myself, my brother, and our friend, we have modified tourney rules which include 50 minute matches, limits on team building based on powers, etc... we take turns buying a pack of Clix and the overall winner at the end of the night gets the pack). Recently we dug out the Star Wars: CCG from Decipher and started messing with that. Also I bought the new Star Wars Minis starter set and a booster pack, but haven't had time to play it yet. We play the old X-Files CCG semi-regularly. Board Games are by far the most frequent though. We do a lot of Clue, Life, Monolopy, Payday, etc... my friend's wife trolls around yard sales and buys old board games for like a buck a piece and then we sit around and play them for all hours of the night. Plus there's always the X-Box, and I have my old Atari 2600 hooked up as well. Can't beat that. Once in a while we get a massive Uno game going too.
Trying to get my girlfriend to do non-boardgame gaming, but it's a hard sell. "What do these little numbers and colors mean on this little Batman? Ooohhh, it spins!!!". Sigh.

Milwan |

I dm D&D3.5 and Warhammer RPG.
I play in MERP-, Deadlands- and CoC-games.
My favorite non-rpg games at the moment are Carcassone and
But we also play other games like AlHambra, Corvus Magnus,
Puerto Rico, Duell of Ages, Zombies, etc.
I also used to play Warhammer Fantasy tabletop but the new
rules suck and the minis are way too expensive IMO.

HellHound |

I'm a big RISK 2210 junky (plug plug - my first RISK 2210 article is in issue 10 of Undefeated).
For RPGs, I play D&D and a lot of d20 variants, CyberPunk, Vampire, and classic Star Frontiers & Street Fighter. I'm a big collector of RPGs, I have some 120 different RPGs.
We also play Munchkin & Apples to Apples around the table, as well as RISK:2210 fairly frequently. I also have a fair collection (about 80,000 cards) of older Magic cards, as well as a moderate collection of RAGE, Over the Edge, and Jyhad cards.

matt_the_dm |

Aside from D&D, I have an extensive collection of RIFTS books that haven't gotten much use since the premiere of 3rd edition, and I have the Modern d20 book but still haven't gotten around to using it...also the first dozen or so Star Wars books from Wotc, but those haven't been used in a year or two.
My group and I frequently break out the Car Wars or Battle Cattle card games for a little while before we delve into the roleplaying. Those games rock. In the past we've played Hacker and Nuclear War, but not for many years because the guy who owns them moved away. We also play some hippy card game where you try to connect your elements together while blocking your opponent's element...the name of it escapes me but it's a hippy game because the person with the longest hair goes first.
We've been known to play a little of Hasbro's Jedi Duels or the Transformer Duels games too, I still play those every now and then with my kids.
Of course there's the PS2 that gets its hooks in me too...
And I used to be into the Rage card game until it went belly up.

Yamo |

I actually don't play D&D. Instead, I use classic D&D monsters, magic items and campaign settings in conjunction with the rules from other RPGs, such as FUDGE, HERO and Tri-Stat.
I guess it's because I have fond memories of D&D from my childhood, but can't stand any incarnation of the D&D rules as an adult. This way, I can have my cake and eat it, too!
I'm a big advoctate of the FUDGE system especially. It's a "rules-light generic" system. Most generic games like GURPS and HERO have a lot of crunch to them and lot of assumptions about how characters are defined in-game. With FUDGE, The basic rules are about as simple as an RPG can get (so much so that you'll never need to open up a book during play). At the same time, they also support as much additional "crunch" as a given GM wants to add. It's the perfect system for experienced GM who love to tinker by creating his own stuff or integrating rules elements from other games.
In fact, FUDGE is so customizable that it doesn't even have any set attributes! If the GM wants characters in his game to have Strength, Dexterity, etc like in D&D, he can. If he thinks more stats are better, he only has to add them. The system could in theory work off of a single stat for each character. The same goes for skills, supernatural powers, and everything else. The game's core mechanics work just as well no matter how many or how few traits the GM and players decide to use to define their characters.
Plus, it's avilable free online or in book form if you want to pay.
You can check it out at www.fudgerpg.com
It's definitely not for everyone. It's about as far away in terms of design philosophy from a game like D&D as an RPG can get, but if it "clicks" with you, you'll be glad you discovered it.

Alec Austin |

Right now, I'm running a D&D 3.5 game. I also play Exalted (irregularly), and ran a *heavily* modified version of Castle Falkenstein last year that basically turned into a complete homebrew system of its own.
In the past, I've run a wide variety of White Wolf storyteller games, Unknown Armies, My Life With Master, and a fair amount of other stuff. Like most longtime gamers, I own more games than I could possibly play.

Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
I'm pretty much a D&D purist. I have a friend who invents game systems (which kind of blows my mind - I hate learning new rules all the time), but I do enjoy whipping his tail at Axis & Allies once in a while. I used to play alot of Call of Cthulhu scenarios but I always adpated it to D&D rules (Masque of the Red Death).

Master Janos |

I have played a Play-By-Mail (PBM) game for over 20 years called "Duelmasters" (now called Duel2 since Hasbro bought the name.) It is a gladitorial combat game and loads of fun. There are 2 face-to-face tournaments a year and lots of role-playing. This company (RSI) also runs a Forgotten Realms and Conan war game. (I don't have any ties to the company-just a player but check out www.reality.com)
Otherwise I play AD&D a couple times a year and I have picked up a few gamecube games, "Gladius" and "Lord of the Rings" have been fun.

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I play a regular D&D game once a week or, at least, bi-weekly.
We play in our own world that we've been working on for the last seven years and it changed from 2nd Ed. rules to d20.
I GM two campaigns and a friend GM's a third where i can actually play.
It's so much fun to develop a setting with several people and it turned out very different from known settings. I'd describe it as a mixture of classic Greyhawk,Cthulhu, Planescape and Steampunk elements like Iron Kingdoms.
It sounds weird and it really is...
Besides this i play in a monthly Star Wars d20 game, which is fun too,'cause the GM is a real SW-geek that knows seemingly everything about the universe including all the obscure facts.
In the past i played a lot of FR, Dark Sun and Planescape.
I played MERP for about five years (a single campaign...)and tried things like Shadowrun, Cthulhu and D6 Star Wars.
I don't play boardgames or TCG's but i'd like to give Warmachine a try...
I'd really like to try a few other d20 settings like Midnight, Ghostwalk, Fading Suns or Dark Legacies, but i can't find spare time to do so without neglecting my home campaign.
I plan on buying d20 Modern to play an Indiana Jones-styled d20 Past-game. I bought the d20 Past book last friday and liked it...
Well, i own more games than i actually play, but i enjoy reading them to get inspiration for my own campaigns.


Playing some D&D set in the Planescape setting along with Vampire The Masquerade and C.O.P.S. (French game from Asmodee Productions) at the moment.
DM'ing some Star Wars D20 after having played too much KOTOR & KOTOR 2 and still hesitating between Cyberpunk using FUZION ruleset (I had a demo way back with Mike Pondsmith in a convention we had organized in Geneva, Switzerland) or an experiment using D20 modern rules for an horror 1939-1945 campaign, a la Castle Wolfenstein.
And my shelves are full of RPG books too.

Kraschyn |
At the Moment i am playing D&D 3. Ed.
We changed the DM and now i am running AP1.
I played Shadworun and Battletech, but the rounds i played that games dont exist anymore.
Aside from RPGs i play Tabeltopps and from time to time Magic and i played a MMORG DAOC, but dont have the time for that anymore and RPGS are a lot more fun then the MMORG in the long run.

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I love Call of Cthulu, I like the GURPS system pretty well, a group I played with had a helluva lot of fun playing a game called TimeLords where there were subjective and objective tests that let you use yourself as a character in time/dimension travel adventures.
I must say, however, my favorite non-D&D game is Deadlands! Kinda like the old Reeces Peanut Butter Cup comercials...'You got you sci-fi/horror in my western!' 'No, you got your western in my sci-fi/horror!' I have a deep love of history and the Southwest and so Deadlands naturally speaks to me. The fact that you use dice, a deck of playing cards, and poker chips during play, while a bit of a novelty, is a novelty that works and adds to the Old West flavor. Admittedly, if you have someone who likes to talk like Gabby Hayes, it 'ken git a li'l hokie after'a spell', but the amount of well studied history and Southwestern lore that they pack into their great sourcebooks are enough to make you keep me coming back. Wether you're a undead gunfighter, a spell/card-slinging Huxter, or a mad scientist listening to the whispered beconings of spirits beyond mortal ken, the Wierd West that Deadlands provides is addictive.

Pyre_89 |

Well, I play a LOT of D&D, it's by far my favorite game. I have never actually tried any other RPG, save video games, but I still love D&D.
I also play some casual Magic: The Gathering, I find it fun, but that has been tapering off in the past little while.
I play chess, monopoly, I'm even known for a little scrabble now and then. Oh, and Risk. All kinds of Risk!

Rainbowspryte |

Board games, but as far as RPG's I almost exclusively play d20 or D&D. I tried to get back in Rolemaster recently but I found that most of the appeal for that system had been forsaken for D&D.
Most of the original problems I had with 2nd ed D&D are long gone and I think it now works just fine...now if you could only blend the spells from rolemaster as well as the less alogorhymic level progression D&D would absolutely be perfect.

Torpedo |

Roleplaying Games (I own and play / run):
- Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 (Greyhawk)
- Star Wars d20 revised (Rise of the Empire era)
- Alternity (Dark Matter campaign setting)
- Marvel Super-Heroes (SAGA system)
Miniatures Games (I own)
- Star Wars miniatures
- D&D / Chainmail miniatures
- Heroclix
Board / Card Games (I own)
- Betrayal at House on the Hill
- Wings of War (Famous Aces)
- Star Wars Epic Duels
- Axis & Allies
- Illuminati
- Frag
- Munchkin
My video gaming has slacked off quite a bit the last few years, but The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Gamecube is almost certain to change that!

Sharpe |

I have played all sorts of RPGs. Before the 3rd ed reset thing, I used to play a lot of White Wolf's World of Darkness games (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, and Changeling), usually on the internet in real-time chatroom and a little live-action. I also have played RIFTs, Shadowrun, Amber, Champions (not sure which ed... one of the first hard cover compilation), GURPs, Top Secret SI, Ninjas and Superspies, Elfquest, and yes Villains and Vigilantes (well maybe GM'd it I think).
I also play or have played Magic the Gathering (way back... stopped before Homelands), Heroclix, and Versus. Although I'm not very good.
I also have a bunch of games on my shelf (or stacked here and there on the floor) which I have the rules but not played at all. The last edition of Star Wars (before d20), Mechwarrior 2nd ed and 3rd ed, and some others... I think.

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Games i've played:
1) Traveller
2) Gamma World & Darwins World. Mostly Gamma-old rules.
3) Top Secret
4) D&D Expert
5) D&D basic
6) D&D AD&D to 3.5
7) WARHAMMER WFRP I own everything! Damn i'm poor. LOL
8) T&T Tunnels & Trolls
9) BG: Board Games like Triopoly (Billionaires version of
Monopoly) Three levels of play and more players required.
Look for it on Ebay.
10) BG: Masterpiece. Buy, Bid & Bluff to financial
independence. Awesome! Again, look for it on Ebay.
11) BG: Chess: circular board, 3-way(triangle board), 4-way
(square board), & 5-way(pentagon board). You get the
idea. I've even designed an 8 sided board with portals
etc with both a fantasy and/or sci fi theme. Wicked
having 8 players going at it. Youll never play
traditional chess again.
12) I love designing cool games!!!
Thoth from So. Cal.

Ultradan |

Besides D&D (in all it's formats), we sometimes play a cool game of Battletech. That lasts an entire day, and we don't play again for another year or so. Sometimes, to break the "fantasy" stories, we switch to the Star Wars universe and kill stormtroopers for a few adventures. We tried playing Call of Cthulhu a few times, as well as Bloodbowl. When the group is missing two or three players, we play regular old games like Star Wars Monopoly, Risk, Poker, Cranium, and Talisman.
Ever heard of Talisman? It's like a fantasy board game where you run around the board taking adventure cards, fighting demons and dragons, collecting treasure and stealing from one another. It's quite fun. One game lasts for around 2 hours.