vecna's hand's page
19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Out of curiosity, must you have maps with the adventures you submit? Because I am fairly good at writing adventures but suck at drawing maps.
Any chance we will see a compilation of downer's exploits?
Sorry if this has been covered, but it would be really cool.
I've noticed two people seem to show up on Dungeons cover quite a bit, and inside the adventures as well.
A guy in a long red coat with two weapons and someone who looks like a cleric.
Anyone know who these guys are? Playtest characters or something?
frankly, i'd let them play it. if they play it as some sort of joke in a chainmail bikini, i'd kill her off. if not, you have a good roleplayer.
i've done it before, it isn't that hard. i've done the Abalin and the Blazing Bones
i'll see if i can dredge up my extensive race of kukri wielding sand dwellers and submit it. though the name might be changed:
(winning races: tarka'al'kzat? come on!)
and i've been totally updating my old monstrous compeduim annual #1
i would. i just think it is one of the few things in libris mortis that creeps me out not by being super gory(corpse rat swarm), purposefully disturbing(angel of decay) or just plain wierd(hooded pupil). i would like to hear if anyone agrees with me on this.
i would so rather have extra ecology or class acts articles in there. average fiction is 12 pages. that means we can do a one page class act for the new classes and a one page class act for the old ones. and i'm wondering what the heck happened to coup de' grace, winning races, and gaining prestige. i liked those articles.
Does anyone else think it would be cool if dungeon actually updated some of their 30 best adventures of all time to 3.x.
I would really like to see the tomb of horrors and white plume mountain
It's pronounced boo-LAY! wrote: Well, number one is Bulettes, of course.
After that, hmm.
Anything unimposing (kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs) with class levels.
Puzzles. (I know, not really creatures)
actually, wasn't there a puzzlebox golem in some dragon article?
hi all, the "tell...the...town...to flee....to helm's deep" was great, so was "RUN! it's trying to bore us to death"
Patrick wrote: To Taricius: SO WHAT! It's less hassle (I find) if you say your 13.
To Patrick Weekes: Yes I did, I used dragonslayer5000 , patrick9w5450 , Patrick_W545 , Patrick9w5450 , patthebookworm9w5450 (but it was cut off) and tried some completly new usernames like mastermage9w5450 .
To everyone: A quick edit for the end of my last post I meant to say "every time"
i say i'm 50 every where, so anyway, well, i cant find many people to play either, so you can just play dnd solitare, yes you read that right, its quite fun, just create a character, and DM him yourself, as for getting a hold of books, just go to amazon.com, costs about $60 for all 3, so it's not to bad, you can get them for your birthday or something
i play a lot of
-video RPGs-currently xenosaga
-D20 modern
-i can never find someone to play with, but i own RIFTs
-chez dork
well, to anyone reasonably well versed in D&D lore can tell you, vecna's tratorous lieutinent Kas cut off vecna's hand before he was destroyed, and one of my favorite characters, derek the necromancer, worshipped vecna, i thought it fitting, i very rarely use the same nickname twice so here it is
runescape: henchman sam
wizards: feartheinvinceblehamster/oni3/kursed
one side of door=pack of hungry worgs
other side= ogre
this was for 2nd level characters
Kei wrote: Cold Steel wrote: It would be a refreshing change to have the fighter armed with no magic weapons or armor whatsoever. If by "refreshing change" you mean "total slaughter of the fighter," yes.
Fighters barely stand up to wizards at higher levels even with magical equipment. Take that away, and they're basically dead in the water, unless you manipulate the situation to heavily favor the fighter. ("They turn a corner and find themselves face-to-face.") even then, for example
the tenth level fighter turns a corner and sees a tenth level wizard
roll initiative=wizard goes first
turn 1: wizard takes 5 ft. step and casts lightning bolt for 30 damage
fighter takes a 5 ft. step and hits the wizard twice for 22 damage,
turn 2: wizard runs back-provoking attack for 16 damage,
fighter walks forward, planning to charge the wizard next turn
turn 3: wizard casts maximized fireball for 60 damage, the fighters dead
how about "worst spells of all time" and "greatest spells of all time" articles in the near future, it would give a sorcereor spells to pick and spells not to pick.
Saurstalk wrote: Just to add my two cents - put with in with the 97% approval rating for Downer. I like the dark comedy and subtle gaming references. I only wish we had more of the series. subtle? i would hardly call "you dated a 12-HD medusa for three years before killing her" subtle game refrences,
still, good stuff, it's decent but it doesnt always make sense, there are some very good lines in there such as
...i didnt kill her..HA GHOULS(strike martial arts pose)
YEE-HA, thats what ya get for bringing a violin on a dungeon crawl!
nope, no ghouls here, just me, loops, the dead bard, you killed me back in chapter one
what? i figured theyed just raise you
nope, you need a full body to cast raise, your imp ate a couple of my fingers, i cant even play properly anymore
This is the last time you will interfere with infernel politics
my first character was an elf paladin named zhou, who, i realized later, was a demon from the last thane, but anyway, my favored class?
well, i like, paladins, clerics, sorcereors,and rogues, the only classes i do not ever play are ranger and wizard