Rainbowspryte |

<<My preference is simply to change them and note the changes down in a...>>
Of course I myself keep a consistent log of changes and house rules...
Has anyone read the article in Dragon 284 I suggested. Heres the "mothod actor" quote.
" A Player more concerned with the emotional reality of her character than with a victory or defeat is probably a method actor. She likes to interact with other PC's in character and to meet and greet your NPC's. She enjoys situations that illuminate her PC's personality"....
Now many players I know do not play that way. I do and I have known players in the past who have...my point is I run a fairly long-term series of character driven campaigns so I would like to have serious PC interaction (as I have in the past) recur again in my current game and so that is one reason I'm here, to recreate that kind of campaign that I've had one or two times over the period of a few years.
I feel I have the luxury of being specific because I do plan these things out in advance.
One of these great campaigns lasted for about four years continuously and involved some of the best role-playng we had each ever done.
The last great campaign I ran was the "Coin of Power" series of modules in Kalamar. Everyone had a phenomonal time and we talk alot about a group that great.
After 18 years of playing, I have found players are the key!