
Rainbowspryte's page

18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


<<My preference is simply to change them and note the changes down in a...>>

Of course I myself keep a consistent log of changes and house rules...

Has anyone read the article in Dragon 284 I suggested. Heres the "mothod actor" quote.
" A Player more concerned with the emotional reality of her character than with a victory or defeat is probably a method actor. She likes to interact with other PC's in character and to meet and greet your NPC's. She enjoys situations that illuminate her PC's personality"....

Now many players I know do not play that way. I do and I have known players in the past who point is I run a fairly long-term series of character driven campaigns so I would like to have serious PC interaction (as I have in the past) recur again in my current game and so that is one reason I'm here, to recreate that kind of campaign that I've had one or two times over the period of a few years.

I feel I have the luxury of being specific because I do plan these things out in advance.

One of these great campaigns lasted for about four years continuously and involved some of the best role-playng we had each ever done.

The last great campaign I ran was the "Coin of Power" series of modules in Kalamar. Everyone had a phenomonal time and we talk alot about a group that great.

After 18 years of playing, I have found players are the key!


trapmaster wrote:
So, eh . . . what is this all about anyway? Why such difficult to meet criteria for your gaming group?

I do't think it's "diffcult criteria"!!

1) You respect womyn....believe it or not that is rare. Many gamers are of the "You can;t have a good idea you're a girl!" attitude. They also love to engage in childish sexist and anti-feminist attitudes towards womyn.

2)Queer positive because almost all our players are and many games deal with adult themes (since we are all over 30). If people are homophobic or uncomfortable with these occasional themes then my group will not have fun, and it will become a less socially driven game (which we do not want).

3) Have some ability to play in character....because it helps set the tone and helps define the flavour of the game. Also many of our current gamers bring a crunchness to the game which many of us wish could be toned down. I have found in the past the players with the "method acting" (see earlier issues of Dragon mag for descriptions of various playing styles) approach necessary in a group to balance out perspectives and encourage good role-playing all around.

I find finding and meeting plyers who are eager to join our games are aplenty. Good players are harder to find...and I hope they feel that way about other players and groups. So I have posted here to find them.


trapmaster wrote:
How does that one really creepy sounding song go? something like, "On candy striped legs, the spider man comes." Anyone here know what i'm talking about? I have heard that song in great for a dungeon crawl.

the song is called "Lullaby" and it's from the Fascination Street Album by the Cure

farewell2kings wrote:

What an awesome thread this is....I just kept rotating the Conan soundtracks and threw in LOTR when it came out, but I got so many ideas here--very cool....Mr. Bose--welcome to the World of Greyhawk, ha ha.

I like listening to early Rush when I'm working on stuff for my game, but Geddy Lee's lyrical style (screeching) back then doesn't do much for actual in-game play. However, "The Necromancer" from Caress of Steel always gets my creative juices flowing when I'm having writer's block.

Yes the necromancer and Bythor and all that really does Rivendell another great Rush track!

trapmaster wrote:
Rainbowspryte wrote:
trapmaster wrote:
Same. Mine like outdoor adventures more, but except for rare NPC flirts, (Pcs hit on NPCs) they like to trash the woods looking for beaties and the occasional lost temple to some obsurely named god, like Elhrim or Cthuhlu or T'sog-og-og'yag'morag-ids-yangenger. Plus they love Dryads.

Who is this masked man? Where are you from Trapmaster? Too bad we don't have similar groups/intents to game together I've read your posts and they are insightful and interesting.

Oh well. Mybe we'll meet at a Con or something.

Idaho, Sprite. You a male or female? I'm a bit confused.


O.K. so here's my request!!
I would love a nice Pixie or Sprytish image I can use as my avatar!
More Fey creatures in general would be nice (esp. for the fem gamers)

Actually more fem pictures period would be nice. Actually women or something girly would suffice.

But I reiterate...a pixie, sylph or sprite of some sort! That would be my bestest Christmas wish!

trapmaster wrote:
Same. Mine like outdoor adventures more, but except for rare NPC flirts, (Pcs hit on NPCs) they like to trash the woods looking for beaties and the occasional lost temple to some obsurely named god, like Elhrim or Cthuhlu or T'sog-og-og'yag'morag-ids-yangenger. Plus they love Dryads.

Who is this masked man? Where are you from Trapmaster? Too bad we don't have similar groups/intents to game together I've read your posts and they are insightful and interesting.

Oh well. Mybe we'll meet at a Con or something.

Aerie wrote:
I need to find a dm, and i am playing a druid.

I love Druids! My husband likes playing Druids and Ranger types too!

trapmaster wrote:
I have to agree with Rainbowspryte(?) in that i like the fluffy spellcasters as well. I'm not so sure about things like Shadowdancer, but for the most part her list sounded pretty good.

Yeah I like the flavourful ones too!

I like the idea of using setting specific PrClasses too! Feats and PRClasses are the best parts of d20/D&D I think!

Aerie wrote:
trapmaster wrote:
Rainbowspryte wrote:

Recipients must be female positive and queer friendly.
When you say "female positive", do you mean a positive female or someone who acceptsw females for true gamers?
I'm a positive female.


my e-mail is

We would really like to have more females than just me in our group, and we are looking for someone to help balance our group by helping lend some "acting" ability.

Anyways we need one or two more players so just yourself would be fine but if you know anyone else that's kosher.

....and your positiveness in inconsequencial to us.

Oh and if you have GMing experience even better!
E-mail me/Message me

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
Rainbowspryte wrote:

We are a group of 30 something gamers looking for other players who lend themselves to a more method-acting style of role-playing.

we play games which blend political, romantic and action style polts and subplots and have lost some of our key players who are integral to the "feel" of this sort of game.

Recipients must be female positive and queer friendly.

Players or GM's are welcome (I would gladly hand over the majority of GMing as I need a break, since this responsibility has fallen on me so much over the years).

I'm interested in what you mean by Method Acting. I have a suspicion my group would not really mesh well with yours since my groups game style is more akin to Dungeon Crawls. Also Mississauga has terrible connections to the heart of the city as far as I remember. Its usually faster to get to downtown Hamilton then many parts of Mississauga.

Yeah maybe not. Missisauga is a bit of a drag to get around in.

By "Method acting" I mean fluffier rather than crunchy (less than dogmatic adhearance to rules esp. in the face of logic). In character interactions rather than expressions of character intent. We like Dungeon crawls too but Subplots, politics and stretching ourselves throughacting out as our characters and their types etc.

Hope that helps.

Aerie wrote:
trapmaster wrote:
Rainbowspryte wrote:

Recipients must be female positive and queer friendly.
When you say "female positive", do you mean a positive female or someone who acceptsw females for true gamers?
I'm a positive female.

Then you would be welcome!

Send me a private message.

Aerie wrote:
trapmaster wrote:
Rainbowspryte wrote:

Recipients must be female positive and queer friendly.
When you say "female positive", do you mean a positive female or someone who acceptsw females for true gamers?
I'm a positive female.

Respect females as true gamers...sorry

I admit to being a stereotypical female gamer and I enjoy some of the fluffier prestige classes.

Some of my favorite ones are:
-Diplomancer (from Book of Eldritch Might II) I played this one for a couple years
-Muse (from Kingdoms of Kalamar Players Guide (neede work to be perfect though) I am playing a Bard/Muse right now and I love the idea of the class.
-Heartwarder (from Faiths and Pantheons)
-Dark Hunter (from Gwendolyn's article Fey feature)
-Spymaster (Complete adventurer)I like the idea of playing a consumate actor

What ae everyone else's favorites and why?

I do much the same a matter of fact I put them on the computer as three playlists I've made three complilation CD's of MP3's specific to mood and tone.

CD 1) Battle soundtrack
-Heavy but mostly instrumental is good as are electronioc trancey but fast beats.
-Certain themes from movies like the Uruk-Hai theme from LOTR etc. Some harder rock is OK for mixing in so long as it does'nt detract.

CD 2) Ambient or Town soundtrack
-Standard period music is good as are many songs from soundtracks like The Princess Bride and Medieval Baebes and Delirium. Soundtracks like Orlando are also good for this.
Some soft rock mixed in keeps the other players from getting bored

CD 3) Alien or Suspense soundtrack
-Some wierd stuff like Enigma or movie soundtracks like Dracula etc. Freaky rock songs are OK too but have to be creepy (certain songs from The Cure) etc..

The only problem is after about three months people get "used" to the music and it all has to be done again or revised, it's a pain. I also ask players for input on what they want to hear (so long as it's not too disruptive)

We are a group of 30 something gamers looking for other players who lend themselves to a more method-acting style of role-playing.

we play games which blend political, romantic and action style polts and subplots and have lost some of our key players who are integral to the "feel" of this sort of game.

Recipients must be female positive and queer friendly.

Players or GM's are welcome (I would gladly hand over the majority of GMing as I need a break, since this responsibility has fallen on me so much over the years).

Mines simple I am a big fan of faeries and faerie literature... W.B.Yeats, Katherine Briggs, Andrew Lang, Laurell K. Hamilton and now Holly Black. That's spryte part.

I am queer identified so hence the "rainbow"

together they sound alot like RainbowBrite but different and I'm a big 80's fan as well, so I use this moniker all ove the place for myself since it fits so well.

Board games, but as far as RPG's I almost exclusively play d20 or D&D. I tried to get back in Rolemaster recently but I found that most of the appeal for that system had been forsaken for D&D.

Most of the original problems I had with 2nd ed D&D are long gone and I think it now works just if you could only blend the spells from rolemaster as well as the less alogorhymic level progression D&D would absolutely be perfect.