Elf Sorceress

Dimitri Van Parys's page

17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


James Jacobs wrote:

The fate of the Eberron/FR conversions is unclear. Our license with WotC has expired, so it's unsure if we can even do these anymore. In any event, the time commitment for generating them ended up being pretty major for Eric and Keith, since they not only had to find the time to write the conversions and figure out how to convert parts of the adventure to the respective worlds, but they also had to read the Savage Tide adventures in the first place. And the con season is never a good time for someone in the industry to do additional work.

At this point, we've posted everything that's been done for the conversions from the authors. I'm looking into the possibility of getting them finished off, but it's not looking very good, alas. In designing Savage Tide, we tried to make sure that the last 2/3 are set far enough from the "mainland" that they shouldn't impact the core campaign world, in any event.

Suggestions from readers here on the messageboards are, of course, always welcome for how to run Savage Tide in Eberron or Forgotten Realms. But the chances of Paizo putting up "official" conversions are, at this point, very, very slim.

Hello James,

Sorry for my bad english, but it's not my 1st language (not even my second - that's french)

I'm a big fan of Paizo. Paizo did great things for Dungeon. The adventure's were nice, the paths were cool.

But i'm sorry to say that i'm very dissapointed to hear that there may be no conversion note's available. It's like watching a foreign movie, where the last 10 minute's has no subtitle's because there was no time/money to translate it!

I still hope the note's will be available.

A minor dissapointed customer, but still a great fan of paizo :)

If you don't have the time. Can you put the conversion note's then in word?

knightborn wrote:
Woot! You guys rock! Question though, any intent to provide further conversion notes for FR and Eberron? Or even better conversion notes for Pathfinder?

I think they said no official conversion notes for pathfinder, but Eric (L. Boyd) would join conversations here on the board...

FOR STAP, i hope the notes would still come!

Thanks for the reply's.

Currently we are playing Shackeld City. I will check out your idea's.



It's still a 7-8 month's away, but i am already thinking for my next campaign. We play in Forgetten Realms.

I want something to do in the Silver Marches, i really like the region.

Different adventure's from dungeon mag will take the PC's from lvl 1 to 20.

For the last part i am thinking of doing the Istivin Campaign arc, Lost Temple of Demorgorgon (120) ,the Throne of Iuz (nr 118) and Prison of the firebringer (101)

The prison of the firebringer will be the last adventure of the campaign. I intend to make it a lot bigger and more difficult.

Any adventure's i can use for the first (or last)part of the campaign?
I was thinking about: Tears for twilight hollow (90), Forest of Blood (103) Fiendish Footprints (122), what else?




I'm sorry if it's already asked on this board, I didn't find a similar thread, but i have a little trouble choosing my higher lvl spells for my sorcerer.
I was thinking about this: (plz note no necr spells)
lvl 9: Shapechange, gate, Timestop
lvl 8: Mind Blank, Sun Burst, Summon Monster 8
lvl 7: Teleport Greater, Delayed Blast Fireball, Mage Sword
lvl 6: Disintegrate, Dispel Magic Greater, ???

Has anyone suggestions?
Plz note i want to be a versatile sorcerer, not just keep pumping killer spells.

many thanks

As said earlier in this thread. Our group has enough 3.5 stuff. We don't have many problems with 3.5 So we will stick with this system.

My players are currently in the Kuo-Toa temple.
I think the most difficult encounter was Tong-Eater. I buffed him a little (see thread of Tong-Eater buffed up). The DR Silver was difficult. I think one player went below 0.

I think the fight at the shrine will be difficult.
But that's for in a couple of weeks. We're playing Shadowrun at the moment!

Sorry for Bumping this old thread, but i was wondering if You (Glassjaw) could let us know your Tweaks for the rest of the Adventure Path! especially the next two chapters!

Many thanks in advance!

Archade wrote:

Hey all,

Just ran my game tonight, and I've got a conundrum. Because of a large group, and some missed encounters, they've finished up the Test of the Smoking Eye at 10th level, rather than 12th.

When they came back, they were nervous about going back to (my campaign version of) Taskaunt because of the paladin's fortelling, so I planned a political intrigue side-quest that would wrap up the werebaboon thread.

Unfortunately, the bard of the party snuck back into Taskaunt, found out how Vhalantru is running things now, and went to the Cusp of the Sunrise and researched the Soul Pillars, the Cagewrights, etc.

To top it off, some of the players were getting restless, so I had no choice but to throw Zarik Dhor (the half-dragon) at them to give them at least one combat this session.

So, I'm propelling the PCs right into the Soul Pillars, when really I need an engaging side quest (or a drawn out preamble) to get them levelling up to the point where they can survive the Soul Pillars.

I've not thrown the assassins at them yet. Any ideas on what I can do before or after the assassins to keep them engaged and near Cauldron for a little bit (like about 4-8 encounters' worth?)


I would insert a adventure from Dungeon.

Maybe "What Is The Black Egg". Lot's of Half Dragon's in the adventure and they could be friends of Zarik Dhor.
Don't know what level the adventure is, but you can easily adapt the adventure.

-Legend Of Gurthulga
-Life's Bazaar
-Small Sidequest (Old Wizard's Tower Full with Bugbear's)
-Flood Season
-Tammeraut's Fate
-Zenith's Trajectory.

We are currently in Zenith, don't know when or wich adventure's will come in the future!

Forgotten Realms

Thx Glassjaw for the nice work. I used your changes in Flood Season and i'm gonna consider using these changes as well!

Keep up the good work!

lordmolay wrote:

"what is in the black egg"

witch issue is that from? or is that a home brew?

The Black Egg, DM 106. I really liked it when I first read it :-) Lots of Half-Dragons...

The Ap is the first time my pc's play in 3.5.
The encounter with TE gave them great info about the new DR rules.
They will be prepared next time...

My party:

Human Fighter 4
Fire Genasi Wizard 3
Elf Cleric 4
Elf Rogue 2 /Ranger 2 (NPC)

My party had a difficult time in the Lucky Monkey. I think the Kopru ruins will be to tough at this moment. So I'm gonna do a mini-adventure now. Hoping the players will reach 5th lvl at the end of the mini-adventure.
I used the Werebaboon (cool guy btw) mentioned on this board minus one barbarian lvl. The guy was still a PC-killer ;-)

If I overlook the entire AP, then I'll think the players will get enough of difficult moments. That's why I've decided to put (mini)adventure's in the AP.
For example. When the players come back from Occiputus i'm gonna run the adventure "What Is The Black Egg". The Half Dragons could be spawns from the dragon in Zenith...


My group played the encounter yesterday.
Only 1 player had a silver weapon with him. T.E. almost screwed the entire party. This is the first campaign they play in 3.5 They now know the new DR rules ;-)
I would suggest using the TE mentioned above minus 1 barb level. Then I think the encounter will still be a challenge for 4 lvl 4 characters!

In my gaming Group we play only on Tuesday.
The one week we play D&D, the other week we play Shadowrun.

Both games have its own flavour and I like both of them!
