Shebeleth Regidin

Milwan's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I am a big fan of the FR but please, please take some other city. I have so much about Waterdeep in my racks and really dont like the city. I would change my mind though if your mini
campaign would be something dealing with Undermountain or better yet with Skullport.
By the way, does anybody know where i can find something about Skullport (maps, descriptions, places, people).

Grab some of the Diskworld books by Pratchet and start reading.
That should give you and your players enough laughs for some time.

My first ever charakter was named Milwan McMorak. He was a magician in a rpg called "Das schwarze Auge". He didnt survive his first adventure and so I use the name as an alias in other rpgs if I need one.So this is a bit nostalgic. Normaly I try to use Splatter K but this time I didnt. Dont know why.

I dm D&D3.5 and Warhammer RPG.
I play in MERP-, Deadlands- and CoC-games.
My favorite non-rpg games at the moment are Carcassone and
But we also play other games like AlHambra, Corvus Magnus,
Puerto Rico, Duell of Ages, Zombies, etc.
I also used to play Warhammer Fantasy tabletop but the new
rules suck and the minis are way too expensive IMO.

Before I start just one thing!!! All of you who are long-time
Dungeon readers, please, dont flame me for this idea!!
My first issue is somewhere in the 70s and it is hard to get
your hands on on older issues here in Germany. So how about
redoing some of the older adventures published in Dungeon.
Like once every three or six month. Perhaps with some of the
old material just to show how you polished it up at Paizo.

I dont know if it belongs here but here I go.
When D&D changed from 3.0 to 3.5 dragon had some articles about
variant classes (dont remember the issues).
So as stated my question is about the evangelist. Every four
levels or so he gets a new domain. Must this domain be one
of his patron god? What if his patron god has only three domains? Which domains can he pick then?

Deadlands is one of my most favorit RPGs. Rules are quick to
learn and you can built the character you want to play what-
ever that may be. Worth a Shot, IMO.
(Perhaps my next character should be that japanese ronin I
always wanted to bring to the "east"!!)

I am DMing in the Forgotten Realms and want to incorporate
flaws from the articles. So I´ll let the players choose from
flaws for their class. To balance it out they have to take
one of the regional feats for their home region. So a fighter
can´t take only combat feats or a mage magical ones. But I
haben´t tried it out yet. Hope it works out.

Has anyone noticed the differences between the older maps
and the new ones. Just look up some old Aglarond/Thay maps
and compare to the new. The watchwall for example moved to
the south of the Yuirwood. Kind of funny! Any comments??