Mighty magic has hurled the heroes across the world to the continent of Arcadia, but their remarkable travel is no accident. In the land of Xopatl, the heroes find ancient legacies that unlock the secrets they have carried ever since they awoke in the realm of the dead. But this land of magic and wonder is no safe haven—agents of the Whispering Tyrant terrorize even this distant nation. If the heroes can overcome followers of wicked new gods and defend a city desperate to revitalize its lost magic, they might learn how to turn the tide against the Whispering Tyrant and put an end to his fearsome weapon forever. From lively festivals and masked brawlers to undead terrors and arcane botany gone horribly wrong, the heroes are sure to find more than they bargained for in a land unlike any other they've seen.
"Borne by the Sun's Grace," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 14th-level characters, by Luis Loza.
An extensive gazetteer of the nation of Xopatl, Lands of Promise, including its legacy of wonders and its modern disasters, by Luis Loza.
An examination of the enigmatic and powerful psychopomp usher called Barzahk the Passage, warden of the Dead Roads, by Crystal Frasier.
A bestiary of powerful monsters, including new couatls of vengeance and verdant growth, an undead dwarven victim now carrying a mummy's ruinous curse, a psychopomp who ministers to survivors of tragedy, and Barzahk the Passage themself, by Carlos Cabrera, Crystal Frasier, Luis Loza, and Mikhail Rekun.
ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-140-5
The Tyrant's Grasp Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.5 MB PDF).
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
...Wait, how come on nobody has reviewed this yet? Arcadia is pretty popular on this forum.
...Anyway, so lots of things again to love :D Maps firstly. Still love the maps in the final 1e aps. And I do like how book's adventure takes high level magic in account. Miraina casts tongues if conversation is going nowhere and if PCs ask her where they are, she responds with country, planet and plane in case they are from somewhere else in multiverse :D
So the book starts with PCs looking around in new city while parade is going on and has fun moments were they can take break from apocalyptic undead events happening and let loose. Then when things get serious again, its followed up by location where if PCs are sneaky, they can talk every human being into peacefully leaving including the baddie of the place :D My inner pacifist is happy! Even in the final dungeon with mostly monstrous foes, there is one surprising case of evil being that can be reasoned with.
Sooo yeah, I love when adventures that allow for sneaking and diplomancying so of course I'm gonna rate this highly.
Besides this, Xopatl gazetteer is great. Its detailed enough that you could run your own campaign in Xopatl if you wanted to and I definitely want to see more adventures in Xopatl :3 And I like how geography is hidden on map by clouds because while I know its fog of war basically, I just find it funny imagine that no its just Xopatl is surrounded by really heavy fogs :p
So besides Xopatl being great, the article also includes two new cool gods, one who is Coatl :D Yay for snake gods!
Barzahk the Passage has article so thats nice. I like crows and psychopomps and while guardian of Dead Roads is god I can't really imagine making cleric for(as first choice at least, I could imagine making one eventually), having statblock for them and more detailed psychopomp usher article is nice :3 And its great to have psychopomp usher traits, especially when kyton demagogue that got statted didn't have kyton demagogue traits...
So yeah, bestiary has demigod in it so thats always great :D I'm only sad we didn't get all demigod types statted before end of 1e. Besides this, more cool coatls, more mortics and very cool new psychopomp in Calaca :3
WOW! We are finally going deeper into the continent. Arcadia! Even though it's just an article and not a full bock I can't help but feel excited. The team is making really good choices for the final articles so far! Hope there's a stat block for this ursher
I'm hoping it won't be one that appears in April's Concordance of Rivals.
Does this mean you want us to skip one in Concordance of Rivals so it can appear here? Or provide one here that hasn't been mentioned in any product before?
(Which it is, and whether it's appeared in Concordance of Rivals, is already locked in; I'm just trying to get at what you're asking.)
I'm hoping it won't be one that appears in April's Concordance of Rivals.
Does this mean you want us to skip one in Concordance of Rivals so it can appear here? Or provide one here that hasn't been mentioned in any product before?
(Which it is, and whether it's appeared in Concordance of Rivals, is already locked in; I'm just trying to get at what you're asking.)
For me, guess it depends on how detailed they are? I wouldnt mind a full deity write-up of Batzhak or any other of the ushers.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Ron Lundeen wrote:
logic_poet wrote:
DeciusNero wrote:
I've a feeling the usher is Barzhak.
I'm hoping it won't be one that appears in April's Concordance of Rivals.
Does this mean you want us to skip one in Concordance of Rivals so it can appear here? Or provide one here that hasn't been mentioned in any product before?
(Which it is, and whether it's appeared in Concordance of Rivals, is already locked in; I'm just trying to get at what you're asking.)
I just don't want any duplication, since I'm getting both products.
The entries in the Concordance of Rivals are somewhat shorter, usually a column or a single page at most for a given entry. The article included with the AP is 6 pages long, which lets us take a deep dive into the usher. Even if there is some overlap, you'd be getting a lot more material with this article compared to the brief look in Concordance.
Just watched the Pathfinder Friday show from last week, amazing as ever, and James is such a funny guest and his knowledge of the setting is so rich. I wonder why? XD
Anyway, this volume comes with an article covering Arcadia, and it seems like we are getting news about the deities from that continent!
I might have made clear how much I love the many faiths and deities of the setting, from the demon lords, to the Eldest, to the Heavenly Court to the core deities. So, I'm pretty excited to see if there's a new pantheon for the entire continent, how many there are besides Kazutal, and of course, how they will be presented as this is an article and not a book... I hope there's a table for their names, portfolio, domains, etc.
The article only covers one nation in Arcadia, unfortunately. A single article wouldn't be large enough to even give a simple overview of the entire continent.
Instead, the article will give you a sizable gazetteer of both the nation and the city within the adventure. You still get a good glimpse at notable events in Arcadia's history and get a peek at just a few of the deities important whose worship is prominent in that particular nation.
If you are wanting to see more Arcadia, make sure to buy this book and let us know!
The volume before this one got updated on april 2nd.
I guess next week, but Paizo has been notoriously late with updates in the last few months and they got their hands full with Paizocon preparations and the Kingmaker gameontabletop campaign, so june is also an option.
Don't forget about GenCon and the release of 2nd edition PF.
Gen Con is still over two and a half months away and all second edition books have been sent to the printer as far as i know. ;-)
Sure, there will still be some 2nd edition things to do, but the bulk of work should be done.
I imagine it has more to do with what Steve Geddes mentioned elsewhere: Paizo looking for a new webstore coordinator.
Calm down buddy, the entire team has been busy with Paizocon prep and the event itself. On top of that, they're still looking to hire a Webstore coordinator, which may also be why we haven't gotten as timely of updates.
Which is why I hope that, during maintenance on the Third, they take some time to update the descriptions of the products. If they've got it to spare, of course.
I figure it will be a nice surprise, like back in the day when Amazon only had the mock cover images so the book you ordered looked WAY different on the cover.
Customer Service just created the June shipping thread 17 min ago, so it should be updated with final image soon.
I don't see the connection. These are usually updated a couple of months, minimum, before the product goes on sale. There's a nontrivial chance the image has been lost or there's some sort of tech/personnel issue preventing the update. We might just see this go on sale without the real cover ever being updated.
I'd find it hilarious if the final cover art contains some kind of spoiler and that's why they're holding it back.
That would be a bad idea. How many GMs have players who stay away from game stores?
And they will be running the auths this Thursday. They really need to let people know enough about this volume to help them decide to subscribe or just buy this volume.
You can actually see the cover in their trailer for the AP. The following covers will both feature the Tyrant, in his lich form and using his helmet magical abilities to turn into a black dragon... Or that's actually a black dragon.
Customer Service just created the June shipping thread 17 min ago, so it should be updated with final image soon.
I don't see the connection. These are usually updated a couple of months, minimum, before the product goes on sale. There's a nontrivial chance the image has been lost or there's some sort of tech/personnel issue preventing the update. We might just see this go on sale without the real cover ever being updated.
A personnel issue like, say, not having a Webstore Coordinator?
Also, the previous volume's cover & blurb weren't updated until early May. I have a feeling that was also because the Webstore Coordinator position is currently open, although I fully admit I could be wrong.
Customer Service just created the June shipping thread 17 min ago, so it should be updated with final image soon.
I don't see the connection. These are usually updated a couple of months, minimum, before the product goes on sale. There's a nontrivial chance the image has been lost or there's some sort of tech/personnel issue preventing the update. We might just see this go on sale without the real cover ever being updated.
A personnel issue like, say, not having a Webstore Coordinator?
Also, the previous volume's cover & blurb weren't updated until early May. I have a feeling that was also because the Webstore Coordinator position is currently open, although I fully admit I could be wrong.
You are absolutely right.
It is 100% the vacant webstore coordinator job being open for a few months already.
In the past, updates were punctual and early and everything was good. ;-)
There will be NO RELEASES IN JULY 2019, so don't expect any shipping thread with that name in july.
There will however be TWO RELEASE WINDOWS IN AUGUST 2019 (august 1st & august 28th), so the (early) August 2019 thread will probably go online in late july, in time for people to prepare for Gen Con. ;-)
More like mid-July for the August 1st Gen Con releases. Note that August 1st is only about a week later than the street date would otherwise have been for July releases.
You can actually see the cover in their trailer for the AP. The following covers will both feature the Tyrant, in his lich form and using his helmet magical abilities to turn into a black dragon... Or that's actually a black dragon.