Pathfinder Adventure Path #131: The Reaper's Right Hand (War for the Crown 5 of 6)

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #131: The Reaper's Right Hand (War for the Crown 5 of 6)
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The Grace in Your Eyes

When no one sits upon the Lion Throne, all shall try! As a final act of vengeance, High Strategos Pythareus's agents release evidence that the entire Stavian family line may be illegitimate, and now every noble in Taldor is willing to risk civil war to stake a claim to the crown. Can the PCs discover the remains of the First Emperor's tomb and seek his blessing to prove Eutropia's fitness to rule? And if the spirit of Taldor's founder cannot answer their prayers, can they answer his?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the War for the Crown Adventure Path and includes:

  • "The Reaper's Right Hand," an extraplanar Pathfinder RPG adventure for 13th-level characters, by John Compton.
  • A gazetteer of the district of Sayashto, an upscale neighborhood in the infinite city of Axis, by John Compton.
  • A look at Thamir Gixx, the Silent Blade, the wicked halfling god of murderers and assassins, by Jason Keeley.
  • An overview of the major noble lines of Taldor, by Crystal Malarsky.
  • Five creatures born to the absolute law of the planar metropolis of Axis, including the high-minded impariut inevitable and the cosmic majesty of the edict dragon, by John Compton, Nathan King, and Greg A. Vaughan.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-045-3

"The Reaper's Right Hand" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (922 kb zip/PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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As with my previous reviews of books in this AP, once again I'm torn between wanting to like what's on offer, but being very dispirited by a conspicuous lack of attention to detail.

The Good

This book is overflowing with creative setpieces, monsters, NPCs, and unique scenarios that really couldn't be experienced anywhere else. After 4 books of Taldan intrigue, it feels like a nice change of pace which puts the PCs in a truly unexpected situation, without falling into the usual trap of distracting them from where they really want to be, and what they really want to be doing.

The Bad

For full disclosure, my group did not use the Persona subsystem in this AP. I was lukewarm on the idea, and after discussing it with my players, we decided it would not be fun for our particular group's way of playing. We're not overly keen on subsystems and abstractions, and favor detail and roleplay in all situations. In our case, we did not feel it would be a good fit. That's not a criticism of the system or its use in the AP, well, it wouldn't have been until this book.

Until now, it was largely a background system which would bring good benefits for groups who cared to use, but the content available was sufficient that scenarios could easily be handled without using it. In this book, there are two entire setpieces (and one entire Part) which entirely rely on use of that subsystem. This isn't my complaint in and of itself, since it was my choice not to use it. My complaint is that both of these particular setpieces feel incredibly tacked on for the sake of the Persona system, and actually either bear no relevance to the wider AP, or could have been handled without it.

The first is the section 'Of Landgraves and Landgrabs', where we briefly return to book 2 meta to once again step into a stagnant and neglected part of Taldor and start to try and convince the locals that our way is the best way, and win them over the benefit from local knowledge in order to locate something which could easily be handled in myriad other ways at this level. There's no inherent problem with it, but it's written exclusively for Persona rules with very little in the way of actual detail or any consideration for what happens if the PCs find another solution. Some potentially very meaningful NPC developed is entirely glossed over on route.

The second is 'The Need to Lead', where despite having just arrived on Axis mere hours ago, the PCs can run for office! I don't mean to be disparaging of a setpiece which I'm sure could be a lot of fun for certain groups, but to me this just felt so tacked on for the sake providing a 'novel' experience, and once again fitting into the Persona subsystem. Other reviewers have mentioned this, but the very notion that agents can just casually be brought to Axis and the Persona system can continue unabated honestly beggars belief, and really stretches the intrigue and believability that should be so essential to an AP like this. In short, it feels inauthentic, and tacked on for the sake of novelty. How convenient that there's a governmental role that can only be filled by people who haven't lived here for very long! This belongs in a mod or a PFS scenario, and feels extremely out of place here.

I wasn't a particular fan of the remarkable level of quirkiness on display in this book either. That is a matter of personal taste, but it felt like the writers were going out of their way to subvert what players might expect from traveling to the Plane of Law. I'm absolutely not saying it should have been some dehumanizing mechanical nightmare, but there were things which would have felt much more at home in the mod The Harrowing than a unique opportunity in an AP such as this.

The bestiary was interesting, but the two new inevitables on offer felt very samey and visually unimaginative. I was also not at all enamored with the design of Taldaris. Hilariously, the generic art for the impariut inevitable had a stronger Taldaris energy than his own art.

Finally, and most damning, the issue of The Stabbing Beast [vague Wrath of the Righteous spoilers below]

Once upon a time, Paizo really cared about the developments that could reshape the world of Golarion. In Wrath of the Righteous, a deity's unique herald being messed with and killed was an incredibly big deal to that deity's faith. We were treated insight into the difficulties inherent in the lack of ability for deities to affect the Material Plane, and how a deity would respond when their herald was threatened. It's a big deal to the faith, to put it mildly.

In this book, the PCs are directly confronted and fought by the herald of Norgorber himself. In the flesh. Given the stats of the thing, it shouldn't be unexpected or impossible to imagine that they could slay the creature, since there's no quality heralds have which makes them immortal on their home plane or anything. Given the sinister qualities of Norgorber, the fact that he is a deity on a par in power to Iomedae, that this is occurring in his actual divine realm, one would think that there should be some consequences to openly slaying his herald. At the very least, maybe a couple of words on how the faith is affected, how Norgorber responds in the moment. But no, not a one. Rather, the PCs stand around for some considerable amount of time trying to impress an NPC who is quite incapable of teleporting to safety. In fact, no one can get out fast due to the unique qualities of the realm. Apparently, despite this being in Duskfathom itself, Norgorber is completely okay with this, doesn't take any measures to disrupt their plans, lets them walk out unscathed, and everything just continues as if nothing ever happened.

To me, this is emblematic of a bigger change in Paizo's recent Adventure Paths where there seems to be nonchalant lack of concern for the setting. Very little seems to matter anymore, and something like this just glossed over in favor of the PCs tackling a social encounter. Now, novelty and setpieces trump consequence and meaningful roleplay. Some fairly world changing events also occur in Tyrant's Grasp which are so glossed over at the end that the AP may as well never have existed. I really hope this trend does not continue and is just a consequence of writers being distracted by the pressures of 2E.



I wanted to enjoy this adventure, but I have to say I was disappointed by this issue. While it did have some pretty cool parts, especially the bestiary, and other aspects, such as the writing or the Thamir Gixx article were solid if not impressive, this adventure fell flat for me conceptually.

Part 1 was an interesting section, and felt like you were doing something new that also seemed to fit the story pretty well, but traveling to Axis didn't impress me at all. For a plane of law and order, it felt like a needless field trip to a place that instead promoted vigilantism in pursuit of a villain that just didn't resonate with me whatsoever. (I also felt like going to Axis really hurt the networking/reputation subsystem that's been so heavily pushed this campaign. The efforts to allow you to use your network while there just made it feel worse to me.)

The dungeon in Part 3 had a solid mix of enemies, and an interesting moral dilemma, but the big bad seemed absentminded. Overall, I couldn't enjoy the dungeon when I couldn't get behind why I was there in the first place.

I was largely disappointed because the campaign that seemed aimed at civil war, and a contest between people, devolved into another generic 5th module trip to the planes, one that you are punished for in the conclusion of the module.

Down the rabbit hole


This is a delightful adventure. It's whimsical without being absurd, has quirky and memorable characters, and some great roleplaying opportunities. The villains are no slouches either. What I most enjoyed about Reaper's Right Hand though, is that it grants a welcome reprieve from what has been a fairly tense and serious adventure path. It does not, however, do so at the expense of the War for the Crown AP as a whole. Sure your PCs might be running against a medusa for a political position, or convincing a hivemind cockatiel swarm to give back a ring, but these goals still serve to forward the story. The whimsy ends - mostly - in the third act, however, when the PCs must storm a classic dungeon.

I was worried that an adventure set in the lawfully-aligned plane of Axis would be sterile and boring, but this is not the case at all. To be honest, this adventure felt like it could fit as easily in the chaotic realm of the First World with a few tweeks. The corner of Axis where Right Hand takes place has its eccentricities to be sure, but there are still reminders that this is the plane of ultimate law. An active police force, inevitable guardians, and even a bit of bureaucratic red tape keep things from becoming too out there.

The supplemental articles on Sayashto (the city where the adventure takes place) and the halfling assassin god Thamir Gixx were fine and accomplished everything they needed too. I wasn't blown away, but that's a small quibble. I was a little disappointment with the bestiary section, mostly because none of the monsters really "popped" for me. Again though, these small issues do nothing to detract from the high quality of the adventure itself.

An Ordered Path


A nice foray into the plane of Law, Axis, as well as the realm of a deity. Combat and creatures were varied (not just outsiders - a couple of which that were not expected). As with most of this adventure path, there was a good balance between social mechanics and combat encounters.

The article about Thamir Gixx was interesting (always great to have some of the nonhuman pantheons given some love). Would have liked to have Gixx's domains listed for quick reference, as well as special servitors and his herald.

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It's been a long time since I've enjoyed reading an adventure this much. I figured Axis would be fairly sterile - who knew sections of it border on down-the-rabbit-hole levels of zaniness.

May the cockatiels of the Crowntop Coup triumph against that smug monkey priest of Abadar.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Inquisitive Malefactor wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
This module made me wonder how it'd be to romance an Axiomite. ^^
Any particular reason for this specific curiosity?

Let's just say you meet a very nice looking one.

Well, aphorites have to come from somewhere.

Liberty's Edge

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Is the Edict Dragon's art from the same artist that did the other Planar Dragons?

Paladinosaur wrote:
Is the Edict Dragon's art from the same artist that did the other Planar Dragons?

Who is the artist who created the other planar dragons? And who illustrated the edict dragon? If you can answer that, there you are. No idea how to get that info though.

I don't know about the edict dragon proper, but all the other Planar dragons were illustrated by Leesha Hannigan.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

She's not listed as an interior artist for the module.

So the new dragon is a planar dragon? breath weapon?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

See above.

I would love to see the Edict Dragon and the Inevitables in an "art preview" blog of this adventure.

It's also a memorable moment for a fan of the dragon type. For the first time we have a sixth member in a true dragon sept, as well as the first one to be introduced out of a bestiary since the umbral dragon.

Hope to see the Nirvana, the Abaddom and the Maelstrom planar dragons in future products. Maybe in a bestiary of the following APs or in a campaign setting book.

The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I would love to see the Edict Dragon and the Inevitables in an "art preview" blog of this adventure.

The edict looks like a slightly more lustrous brass dragon with bluish wings covered in arcane symbols. The hykariut could easily be mistaken for a beefy iron golem wielding a massive warhammer. The impariut looks like a gray-skinned nobleman (tunic and all) with gold flourishes, a sweet longsword, and seated upon a very cool throne.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I do like the inevitables in this bestiary!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh my fricking god :D I'm still in middle of reading this, but I'm up to 28 and this is already uber great module.

So all AP volumes so far have had intrigue theme going on, first volume's was socializing(while half of the book was combat, influence gained with socializing did affect it), second book was subterfuge, third was investigation(while there was looot of combat, investigation was basically finding the combat), fourth was infiltration, can anyone guess the fifth book?

Of all things its:
Detective work. Book 5 is criminal investigation with Axis' authorities to find out what happened to Taldaris :D Complete with chance of LN and CN outsider you ally with to help on investigation ending up as buddy cops

Thats fricking cool :D

Also probably posted too early:
Persona Phases still continue in Axis. You take part in election campaign there to counter bad guys' attempt to influence votes :D

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What are the five noble lines of Taldor listed?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zergtitan wrote:
What are the five noble lines of Taldor listed?

8 Noble Houses of Taldor:

House Corcina
House Darahan
House Denzarni
House Fahlspar
House Heskillar
House Kastner
House Merrosett
House Zespire

Grand Lodge

I don't know if any of the developers read this, but... I'm trying to figure out what the intended setting for the first interactions are, since it seems that there were edits that didn't carry through to other sections.

First, it says the PCs to meet Martella at the Palace of Birdsong, and then that the missive directs them to the Senate building. There is a description of an agent leading them to the meeting with a disguised Martella, and then the boxed-text says something very different with Martella (not in disguise) leading them to meet with Gloriana.

Oooh... What's sort of a "one-line summary" for each of the Eight Houses?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Oooh... What's sort of a "one-line summary" for each of the Eight Houses?

8 Noble Houses of Taldor Summary:

House Corcina - Masters of foreign trade.
House Darahan - Reckless warriors and monster hunters of renown.
House Denzarni - Hedonists upholding so-called Azlanti "traditions".
House Fahlspar - Ancient family with strong ties to the forests.
House Heskillar - Dragon descended miners with iron wills.
House Kastner - Tainted by Devil-worshiping Cheliax cousins, trying to redeem themselves.
House Merrosett - Inbred genetic experimenters.
House Zespire - Devout followers of Abadar with strong political connections.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As a bonus:

Each house comes with a picture of a family signet ring!

8 Noble Houses of Taldor Heraldry:

House Corcina - Head of an emperor stag.
House Darahan - Medusa with mason hammers.
House Denzarni - A Cornucopia.
House Fahlspar - A group of trees with heart shapes in the limbs.
House Heskillar - Dragon claw holding a goblet.
House Kastner - Human hand grasping a large ornate key.
House Merrosett - Shooting star over mountains.
House Zespire - Lit candle emerging from grape vines.

^ Thank you for the info on those 8 noble houses you've provided, Feros!

Carry on!


Paladinosaur wrote:
Is the Edict Dragon's art from the same artist that did the other Planar Dragons?

Could someone share with us who is the artist behind the Edict Dragon? I would love to see it. It's the only planar dragon remaining to be revealed in a full body picture.


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Interior artist credits:

Cynthia F.G.
Miguel Regodón Harkness
Katerina Kirillova
William Liu
Nikolai Ostertag
Ainur Salimova
Anthony Star

Unfortunately, I don't see a signature or anything on the edict dragon piece to help me link the illustration to the artist.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The artist for the Edict Dragon is Cynthia F.G.

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Rysky wrote:
The artist for the Edict Dragon is Cynthia F.G.

Thanks Rysky! That's an amazing dragon, just as the ones from B6. It's good to see that it is as unique in appearance as the planar dragons are supposed to be.

What's its breath weapon like? I'm talking about the damage type and if it has any secondary or special effect.

Silver Crusade

The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The artist for the Edict Dragon is Cynthia F.G.

Thanks Rysky! That's an amazing dragon, just as the ones from B6. It's good to see that it is as unique in appearance as the planar dragons are supposed to be.

What's its breath weapon like? I'm talking about the damage type and if it has any secondary or special effect.

It deals slashing damage and if you fail your save you’re affected by the command spell.

So what is the edict dragon's breath weapon? Immunities? Any other special abilities of note?

Silver Crusade

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*slowly tilts head up to look at last post*

Are we sure Dragon is really a dragon and not something like a pseudo-dragon?

The Edict Dragon has age categories.

It does not gain the command rider on its breath weapon until it reaches great wyrm. When it reaches adult, however, it can fill the area of its breath weapon with stone spike, in addition to the full damage of the breath weapon. It does not have to choose between stone spikes or command, but can do both without penalty.

Glass? Metallic spikes? Stone debris, just like the forest dragon's breath weapon?

What could it be that deals slashing damage and leaves the ground filled with spike stones?

I suppose the dragons' breath weapons should get a better explanation on what's actually coming out of their mouth. Well... I'm still hopping for a campaign setting or AP article expanding on the true dragons and their lore/flavor.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Gold Sovereign wrote:

Glass? Metallic spikes? Stone debris, just like the forest dragon's breath weapon?

What could it be that deals slashing damage and leaves the ground filled with spike stones?

Broken dreams, shattered hopes and unfulfilled potential.

Lots of discarded paper work...really sharp paper...that is it's breath weapon;) Then later on broken discarded work desks and cubicles:)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Lots of discarded paper work...really sharp paper...that is it's breath weapon;) Then later on broken discarded work desks and cubicles:)

I can't stop thinking about the edict dragon doing the table flip after hours of frustrating (yet lawful) writing. ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

President, SmiteWorks

This is now available for Fantasy Grounds. Get the PDF here, sync your account and then you can add it to your Fantasy Grounds account for $7.

Pathfinder RPG - War for the Crown AP 5: The Reaper's Right Hand for Fantasy Grounds

It is also available on Steam at full price ($24.99) with an option to sync to get the PDF added to your account here:
Pathfinder RPG - War for the Crown AP 5: The Reaper's Right Hand on Steam

Silver Crusade Contributor

13 people marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
This module made me wonder how it'd be to romance an Axiomite. ^^

Tightly scheduled, with carefully-planned dates following an orderly pattern; not so much as to be boringly predictable, but just enough to be a smooth and reliable process. Expect a lot of urban sightseeing and cultural enrichment - attending a precise orchestral performance, reading over the latest amendments to the laws of Axis, or a simple stroll along a geometrically pleasing series of avenues. If your lawful lovebird is particularly tentative or inexperienced, you may find yourself filling out the occasional questionnaire early in the proceedings. Don't mistake their lawful nature for passionlessness, though; the children of Axis are nothing if not devoted, in love as well as law.

Just remain dedicated and faithful (and punctual!), and you'll have a lawful love interest who puts the "court" in courtship. ^_^


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
...who puts the "court" in courtship. ^_^


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