Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide (PFRPG)

3.30/5 (based on 32 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide (PFRPG)
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Being an adventurer is a dangerous line of work, but the rewards are well worth the risk. The smartest adventurers never go it alone—they not only bring allies to help explore the dangerous reaches of the world, but also seek aid in the form of support, supplies, and secrets from powerful organizations. With such a group to serve as a guide, an adventuring party's chances for success have never been better!

Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide presents several such organizations, each with its own suite of benefits and boons to grant those affiliated with it. Designed for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and drawing upon the rich traditions of the official Pathfinder campaign setting, this indispensable guide for adventurers provides a wealth of new character options for your game.

Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide includes:

  • Details on 18 different organizations that use adventurers to further their goals, including the law-enforcing Hellknights, the sinister assassins of the Red Mantis, and of course, the world-renowned Pathfinder Society itself.
  • A wealth of new player options, including feats, spells, magic items, prestige classes, archetypes, and new abilities and powers for a wide range of classes.
  • Rules and advice on how to incorporate the new options found in this book into your own game, whether it takes place in the official Pathfinder campaign setting or in a world of your own choice or design.
  • Notes on the movers and shakers of each organization—nonplayer characters who can come alive in your game as allies and advisors for the player characters.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-938-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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3.30/5 (based on 32 ratings)

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Deepens My Investment in Golarion


I didn’t expect to find such a connection to this book, having not played the APs that touch on the various groups contained herein (and also just generally hating hellknights), but hoo-boy was I surprised.

The writing is lovely, the characters and organizations are vivid, and the player options are exciting and well-designed. The gray maidens chapter in particular blew me away in particular. The mechanics of their player options are a pedect combination of flavorful and mechanically effective, and have the added bonus of fitting together into a coherent and effective character build.

Great Book!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

These days, it can take a lot for a book focused on new feats, spells, etc. to impress me. I’ve reached a saturation point. There are so many options now that I can’t keep track of them all, and most new ones get forgotten soon after I read them. Adventurer’s Guide is one of the few books that stays in my mind and keeps pulling me back to it. I can’t recommend it enough!

The worst core line offering by far


The title is misleading, as was posited by many during the product preview, and mealy-mouthedly denied by Paizo. This is a Golarion book, period, which has no place in the core line, and the contents consist of an insultingly large percentage of reprints. Shameful, really.

Good Product if New


Soooo...I'm going to say that I obsessively collect Pathfinder products, and as such, much of this material is old hat for me. Emphasis here is 'for me.' With that said, I want to examine this in a vacuum.

The artwork is good, but then, it's been good. It serves more as a 'Faction Guide 2' for me than anything, giving some details about the various organizations, class options, feats, and ties. In particular, though, I like that I don't have to flip through two or three books to get character options for the factions. Hellknights in particular were always a pain due to how diffuse their rules were. I can now hand this book to a person and say "here ya go. Here's some ideas of factions in the setting."

One drawback, as has been mentioned, is spoilers for the various APs. While I use those sparingly, it can be somewhat problematic, and I'd suggest steering players away from this if that's the case.

Overall, it's a decent enough product. If you're new to the setting, it's worth picking up as a nice collected list. If you're old hat, a few options inside are interesting enough, and a few setting updates are worth examining. I'm particularly interested in the Lantern Bearers' new direction.

Solid addition with some faults


This book helps clear up and collect a lot of older material, balanced now with other released material for GMs. It also adds in a wealth of new material for factions of Adventurers across Golarion.

What's good?
A solid collection of old and new under one singular heading.

What's bad?
Some factions contain major spoilers, making it hard for a GM to just pass off to players who may be playing certain APs.

What's fun?
Inclusion of multiple races and creeds and even transgendered factions and npcs in multiple parts of the book. This book really fleshed out some factions which had little to no crunch.

What's odd?
Certain feats are fun but others are less the useable. A feat that allows a bonus on maneuvers but doesn't stack with improved maneuver feats? Those are the ones that help avoid AoO. So what's the point of the feat? Additionally a heads up to some people about the amount of reprints would have calmed an angry section of customers.

Honestly I love the book and can't wait to try out some of the new material and some of the updated versions of older (and due to other books options more unbalanced) options.

When you get past the salty tears of angry optimizers, you're left with a fine entry into the guides section with Inner Seas flavour.

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Hopefully it doesn't mean that ISWG and Paths of Prestige are completely redundant purchases, heh.

PannicAtack wrote:
Hopefully it doesn't mean that ISWG and Paths of Prestige are completely redundant purchases, heh.

As I noted elsewhere, with only 18 organizations, it's not possible for this book to completely obsolete books like Faction Guide or Paths of Prestige. ^_^

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Isabelle Lee wrote:

As someone deeply involved with this book, I'm very excited.

Hopefully, even those people who don't approve of the product line choice will give it a chance. ^_^

I admit I was going to give this hardcover a pass, but your involvement in the development of this book has increased my interest enough to move it back into my "Probably" column. :)

Also, Powers-That-Be, why aren't you drafting Isabelle (and Alex) to help write an Inner Sea Races hardcover?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm happy with it. I'm also happy that Isabelle is helping to write this. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Isabelle Lee wrote:

As someone deeply involved with this book, I'm very excited.

Hopefully, even those people who don't approve of the product line choice will give it a chance. ^_^

I admit I was going to give this hardcover a pass, but your involvement in the development of this book has increased my interest enough to move it back into my "Probably" column. :)

Also, Powers-That-Be, why aren't you drafting Isabelle (and Alex) to help write an Inner Sea Races hardcover?

Perhaps because a hardcover book called Inner Sea Races has already existed for about a year?

7 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Also, Powers-That-Be, why aren't you drafting Isabelle (and Alex) to help write an Inner Sea Races hardcover?
Perhaps because a hardcover book called Inner Sea Races has already existed for about a year?

D'OH! I knew that. Really, I did! I think I'm finally taking SAN drain from too much Election 2016 coverage.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Isabelle Lee wrote:

As someone deeply involved with this book, I'm very excited.

Hopefully, even those people who don't approve of the product line choice will give it a chance. ^_^

I admit I was going to give this hardcover a pass, but your involvement in the development of this book has increased my interest enough to move it back into my "Probably" column. :)

Also, Powers-That-Be, why aren't you drafting Isabelle (and Alex) to help write an Inner Sea Races hardcover?

Perhaps because a hardcover book called Inner Sea Races has already existed for about a year?

I mean, if they decide they ever want a sequel written I'm sure Isabelle would agree when I say that we'd be down for it.

Though Isabelle and I talk a lot, and I feel pretty comfortable in saying that both of us will help write anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This'll be the first RPG-line book I'll pass on. Might have given it a look depending on the content that's not setting-tied once it goes on the PRD, but since it says " all themed to the various organizations presented in this book!" there probably wont be any of that.

*raises his hand* I do have a question about this book, Mister Jacobs. Will this have the same page count as a normal HC or will this be more like say, Strategy Guide page count?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
*raises his hand* I do have a question about this book, Mister Jacobs. Will this have the same page count as a normal HC or will this be more like say, Strategy Guide page count?

I believe that the original article describes it as "a 192-page hardcover", if that helps. ^_^

Man, maybe Pathfinder will finally become like the 3.5 books of yore and get rid of the divide between setting-neutral books and campaign setting stuff.

Also, you know, maybe the Adventurer's Guide will have something the Core Rulebook has been lacking from day one that the 3.0 PHB had in it... Descriptions of their f@%&!ing deities and not just a little table in the cleric section with no other flavor text.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Really wish this more neutral; campaign themed prestige classes are terrible for my games because I do not run Golarion.

I also don't care to hear "Tailor the PrC to your world" because that simply doesn't work for me. Golarion PrC have features very, very specific and niche features to their setting. Many of their PrC aren't designed to easily make more generic.

I really wish we had a plethora of new PrC like in Advanced Player's Guide. Maybe one day...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Heck I think "Adventurer's Guide" is actually rather deceiving. The title should be more along the lines of "Inner Sea Adventurer's Guide."

Shouldn't the title be "Adventure's Guild" instead of "Adventure's Guide" since it focused on organizations?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Isabelle Lee wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
*raises his hand* I do have a question about this book, Mister Jacobs. Will this have the same page count as a normal HC or will this be more like say, Strategy Guide page count?
I believe that the original article describes it as "a 192-page hardcover", if that helps. ^_^

Thank you Isabelle. I had trouble finding it today as my brain is mush.

Dragon78 wrote:
Shouldn't the title be "Adventure's Guild" instead of "Adventure's Guide" since it focused on organizations?

Guild Guide?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why isn't there more excitement about Prestige Classes?! PRESTIGE CLASSES!

I'm glad to see PrCs coming back (at least lightly) in 2017. I think they fit the role of "factionizing" a character well and can add some interesting choices when building up a character. Huzzah!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
*raises his hand* I do have a question about this book, Mister Jacobs. Will this have the same page count as a normal HC or will this be more like say, Strategy Guide page count?

Yup; 192 pages in this one.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks like a great book, and I am absolutely excited about it. I've almost exclusively GMed Pathfinder in Golarion because, unusually for me, I've almost exclusively GMed published adventures and PFS since I came to Pathfinder, so the distinction between the Campaign Setting and RPG lines has always been a bit academic to me. All of that said, I don't think the title really "matches" what is being announced.

Shadow Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

For those wishing for more non-world specific content, just what would you expect from a book like that? Generic Assassin Guild with Poisoner Assassin Prc? How much do you really think they could write while being generic and letting you fill in the details. I'd imagine they'd flesh things out more, giving them names and fluff, so why do that again when they already have organizations that fit the bill created?

Instead they're showcasing fully fleshed out organizations that honestly could probably be picked up and dropped into any setting just by changing names if you wanted. I know a lot of worlds that could have an organization just like the Pathfinders or Aspis Consortium. I bet the Mammoth Lords would fit in any world that has barbarians that tend megafauna.

I for one trust Paizo. They've proven that they put out high quality content and I can't wait to see what they come up with in this book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
For those wishing for more non-world specific content, just what would you expect from a book like that?

I wouldn't expect "a book like that" for the RPG-line, since.... it's a dumb idea to make an RPG-line book that requires the writers using the Campaign Setting. It's not like a book about giving options for specific organisations is the only concept someone can come up with for a new RPG-line book.

That said... If they did really want to do this concept. I'd expect them to handle it like Villain Codex which has groups and organizations that aren't Golarion Organizations, and I'd assume that book wont suddenly be low quality just because they aren't tied to the Golarion setting.

Instead they're showcasing fully fleshed out organizations that honestly could probably be picked up and dropped into any setting just by changing names if you wanted. I know a lot of worlds that could have an organization just like the Pathfinders or Aspis Consortium. I bet the Mammoth Lords would fit in any world that has barbarians that tend megafauna.

This reminds me. I really really hope they don't put those fake priests of that guys who's not a god in this. They really don't make sense in the RPG-line when RPG-line allows for things like Clerics of Loyalty and Clerics of philosophies...

I for one trust Paizo. They've proven that they put out high quality content and I can't wait to see what they come up with in this book.

I'm pretty sure no one's suggesting this will be low-quality. :P

I mean, even though it's not my cup of tea and I am disappointed about crossover between RPG-line and Campaign-line, it's still a Paizo hardcover so I'm expecting quality writing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This has piqued my interest intensely, but I will probably need to thumb through it at my LGS before purchase. I wouldn't mind more Golarion flavored rule books, as I tend to modify certain rules on a whim on a campaign by campaign basis (yes I drive my players insane).

Overall, I wanted to thank Paizo for at least experimenting with the idea. If it turns out well, I would be happy to purchase future products.

This feels like a follow up to ISWG...which is fine with me! I don't care whether it is in the RPG line or Campaign Setting. They all go in/on the same box/shelf!
This does seem like a "Guild Guide" and I am excited to purchase it. Absolutely love the idea and premise.

Um, if it details the Eagle Knights is there going to be any Twilight Talons info in here? Please?! I am begging...

I imagine that as far as reprinted material it's gonna have stuff from the ISWG (Red Mantis Assassin, Hellknight), Paths of Prestige (which has a bunch of those faction-related prestige classes, like the Mammoth Rider and Lantern Bearer), that Andoran Player Companion (Eagle Knight PrC), and maybe a few others. I imagine there will be a good chunk of new material, though, like the Gray Maiden prestige class.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PannicAtack wrote:
I imagine that as far as reprinted material it's gonna have stuff from the ISWG (Red Mantis Assassin, Hellknight), Paths of Prestige (which has a bunch of those faction-related prestige classes, like the Mammoth Rider and Lantern Bearer), that Andoran Player Companion (Eagle Knight PrC), and maybe a few others. I imagine there will be a good chunk of new material, though, like the Gray Maiden prestige class.

Have they said for sure that there will be reprints at all? I wouldn't be surprised if some prestige classes were tweaked and cleaned up versions of old ones or if a surprise prestige class was added for factions with one already.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anyone else hoping this is where the Void/Wood elements will get put?

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No, because I do not want any of the kineticist elements or specific wild talents tied to a organization or group of any kind.


This looks great! I always want ways to tie a PC to setting elements.

The bonus information on the Aldori Swordlords alone has me looking forward to this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The thing that springs to mind from reading the description is that some of these groups (Gray Maidens, Red Mantis, Apsis) are clearly bad guys. Are those meant to be for evil campaigns, or is it understood that you could be a former/defector/redeemed member of those groups?

Liberty's Edge

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, if Advanced Class Guide can be an Adventure Path book, then this Golarion-focused book can be an RPG line book.

Milo v3 wrote:
This reminds me. I really really hope they don't put those fake priests of that guys who's not a god in this. They really don't make sense in the RPG-line when RPG-line allows for things like Clerics of Loyalty and Clerics of philosophies...

I do hope they cover the Ramizian (sp?) Priesthood in this. They really don't fit the cleric of philosophy idea either. It is a pyramid scheme. They are a bunch of con artist.

Dark Archive

By my count 12 of the 18 orginisations have already been mentioned any guesses on the other 6?

Liberty's Edge

I would like to know if the Encounter Codex is still on the schedule. It was announced together with Villain Codex, but now it seems like Bestiary 6 and now this Adventurer's Guide have both bumped it down the list. Is it cancelled or just postponed? I was really looking forward to it.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
If they were going to make an experiment with the RPG line with adding Golarion specific stuff, then instead of organizations being the focus/theme for class abilities how about regions and cultures like Arcadia, Hermia, Tian Xia, Land of the Linnorm Kings, etc.

I suppose, if the experiment is deemed successful, that something like this would not be out of the question. Back in the very early days of the Pathfinder RPG, when we were discussing what sorts of directions we could take the rules--and perhaps specifically the rules _line_--we often discussed a book that would take you through various "themes" of play derived from Greek, Norse, Indian, etc. legends. We ultimately decided not to play so close to Earth analogues, but the campaign setting has enough stand-ins that I suppose we could legitimately do such a book with analogues, rather than the real thing. I don't think people would buy "Ancient Adventures" that statted up stuff based specifically on ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon, for example, but a pure-fantasy book that played with those themes--and that supported them with concrete, interesting rules content--would probably do a lot better.

So we'll see.

It's an experiment.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Milo v3 wrote:
This'll be the first RPG-line book I'll pass on. Might have given it a look depending on the content that's not setting-tied once it goes on the PRD, but since it says " all themed to the various organizations presented in this book!" there probably wont be any of that.

That's nonsense. There will be a ton of that.

Not saying it'll make you want the book any more or less, but not every item or ability or whatever in this book is going to have a proper noun in it.

Samy wrote:
I would like to know if the Encounter Codex is still on the schedule. It was announced together with Villain Codex, but now it seems like Bestiary 6 and now this Adventurer's Guide have both bumped it down the list. Is it cancelled or just postponed? I was really looking forward to it.

The Encounter Codex seems like something that might require more extensive planning and development than a bestiary or compilation of NPC antagonists. Perhaps Paizo decided to build a cushion into their schedule in case the Starfinder development and beta-testing began using up more development resources than initially projected? Or perhaps the Encounter Codex was rescheduled later so it could take advantage of any new rules crunch from Starfinder, or so some of its encounters/content would also be usable (or more usable with less conversion) in Starfinder?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Encounter Codex is still in the mix, but has not yet landed in a permanent spot. It's neither gone, nor forgotten... nor next.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I'm glad this is a Golarion specific book. This type of book done generic always leaves me wishing it had more meat on the bones than generic stand ins. I actually wish the Villain codex had been Golarion specific as well.

I am curious though why this simply wasn't the 1/year Campaign Setting hardcover though. Also, since this is campaign setting specific, does having it be in the RPG line mean that there won't be a campaign setting hardcover this year?

Well content from different regions of Golarion than the Inner Sea has certinaly been asked about more than enough now. How close that has to be to earthly cultures is another topic, but "inspired by" is certainly more than good enough in most cases.
Of course mechanical options like classes, feats, archetypes, spells and equipment supporting special flavor from those regions is welcome!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Axial wrote:
The thing that springs to mind from reading the description is that some of these groups (Gray Maidens, Red Mantis, Apsis) are clearly bad guys. Are those meant to be for evil campaigns, or is it understood that you could be a former/defector/redeemed member of those groups?

GMs and Adventure Writers need rules and options for NPCs as much, if not more, than players do.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
JoelF847 wrote:

I am curious though why this simply wasn't the 1/year Campaign Setting hardcover though. Also, since this is campaign setting specific, does having it be in the RPG line mean that there won't be a campaign setting hardcover this year?

There won't be a Campaign Setting hardcover this year. It's all part of the experiment.

Again, there are more surprises coming in 2016.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

(For 2017.)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Erik Mona wrote:
(For 2017.)

If the announcements are in 2016, both can be true!

(fingers crossed for Obsidian Pathfinder cRPG)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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The Pathfinder rules let you play evil characters, and some "evil" organizations have members who are not evil, or no longer evil. Some of these will likely be aimed more at traditional villains and thus will fall into the realm of the GM more often than that of the player, but such an organization's write-up might include a special knife or magic necklace or whatever that isn't tied to alignment. So there will be lots of ways to use the rules presented, no matter what sort of campaign or characters you're running with.

I would pay good money for a hardcover book themed/based on Greek, Norse, Indian, Native American, Japanese, and many other real world cultures. Especially if it provided all the cultures' Pantheons(domains, favored weapons, etc.). I really wish you guys went that direction.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, at some point you've got to decide what you want to be, and straight-up "here's how to do this thing from history" is a path not taken. An analogue book is probably the closest we'd come to this.

I tend to think of it, as a business case, a bit in terms of the old AD&D Second Edition "green" books, like "Charlemange's Paladins" and stuff. I'm guessing the people who loved those books really loved them, but I'm also pretty sure they were among some of TSR's worst sellers of the era.

Simply put, a book called "Complete Guide to Paladins" with a section on a fantasy analog of Charlemange's paladins that offered nearly identical rules content would probably sell better.

I dunno. This seems like a good niche for a third-party publisher.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I for one am excited for getting some new and experimental stuff in 2017 because quite frankly, the last three hardcover releases (Occult Adventures, Ultimate Intrigue & Horror Adventures) imo havn't been as good as the early ones (Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic & Ultimate Combat) and people have been asking for more Prestige Classes and Archetypes for a while.
I will buy this and have faith in Paizo and Erik Mona.
I do hope the Campaign Setting line is not being cancelled though, a few months in between with no release are ok.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

That's nonsense. There will be a ton of that.

Not saying it'll make you want the book any more or less, but not every item or ability or whatever in this book is going to have a proper noun in it.

So not every spell, magic item, or feat will be themed to the specific organizations in this book?

John Kretzer wrote:
I do hope they cover the Ramizian (sp?) Priesthood in this. They really don't fit the cleric of philosophy idea either. It is a pyramid scheme. They are a bunch of con artist.

Sounds a lot easier to have that Priesthood be clerics of his philosphy or clerics of loyalty or clerics of deception or something since that can be trained and gives them cleric powers, than trying to get people who have had superhero origin stories + being loyal to the cause + then training them to fake cleric powers which they could have easily gotten by just training them as clerics....

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Milo v3 wrote:

So not every spell, magic item, or feat will be themed to the specific organizations in this book?

If you have an organization called "The Shadow Thieves," they might include among their standard equipment "shade-silver swords." That weapon is "themed to a specific organization" in the book, but would not be overly encumbered with intellectual property so as to preclude its inclusion in the PRD.

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