FallenDabus |
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when? last time I knew he had said one would be from Lovecraft, one would be Umr at-Tawil (typically Outer God), and one would be something else.
Comments of the blog post where Umr at-Tawil was revealed. James said after I correctly guessed them that he meant to include them in the blog proper, but missed it, and confirmed them to put speculation to bed,

Davia D |
There is nothing wrong with French poodles except how humans style their fur.
I'll defend even that on the reason for the furcuts being practical- they're water dogs, fur around the joints and body keeps them warm, shaving the rest keeps them from being too heavy, so they can swim around in cold water and be happy. It's a case of the practical reasons being forgotten!
Hm, that's something that's a potential plot hook for any of the furry races... give them a 'weird haircut' and have people constantly make fun of it, but really it's to prevent them from being bitten when hunting (insert small monster here), or to keep (insert dangerous plant monster here)'s poison leaves from irritating them, or so on.

AlgaeNymph |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

My only hope for this is that the Empyreal Lords won't be wimps this time around. After the disappointments of Cernunnos/Korada/Vildeis and then Andoletta in Chronicles of the Righteous this is the last chance I give Paizo to stat paragons of righteousness.
Seconded, especially since my favorite (Arshea) is going to be here. I'd rather not have to do a second re-statting, or bring out the spreadsheet supporting my argument.
Speaking of arguments, good is not dumb, or weak. That argument just reeks of a thug morality excuse to be evil (no, I can't take a "joke"), and there's no evidence that good is in any way inferior given how the upper planes aren't on a desperate defensive. Protean vandals seem to be the worst Heaven has to deal with.
More relevant to empyreal lords specifically, they're meant to make good look cool, and meaty stats will go a long way towards doing that. You don't want your action figures made out of flimsy materials, do you?

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Amaranthine Witch wrote:My only hope for this is that the Empyreal Lords won't be wimps this time around. After the disappointments of Cernunnos/Korada/Vildeis and then Andoletta in Chronicles of the Righteous this is the last chance I give Paizo to stat paragons of righteousness.Seconded, especially since my favorite (Arshea) is going to be here. I'd rather not have to do a second re-statting, or bring out the spreadsheet supporting my argument.
Speaking of arguments, good is not dumb, or weak. That argument just reeks of a thug morality excuse to be evil (no, I can't take a "joke"), and there's no evidence that good is in any way inferior given how the upper planes aren't on a desperate defensive. Protean vandals seem to be the worst Heaven has to deal with.
More relevant to empyreal lords specifically, they're meant to make good look cool, and meaty stats will go a long way towards doing that. You don't want your action figures made out of flimsy materials, do you?
Of course good is dumb. They take prisoners. They help people, and then see those people spit in their face. They electrocute the people who actually do want to help them. That's dumping Int, Wis and Cha, respectively.
And I'm not arguing for thug morality excuse to be evil, I am arguing for excuse to be Neutral and just work for those who pay you the most AND don't attach any stupid clauses such as "all children you meet must be turned over to me for my experiments" or "no disintegrations". The Good and Evil extremes always want to inject some stupid morality into pure business. Sheesh.

The Gold Sovereign |

AlgaeNymph wrote:Amaranthine Witch wrote:My only hope for this is that the Empyreal Lords won't be wimps this time around. After the disappointments of Cernunnos/Korada/Vildeis and then Andoletta in Chronicles of the Righteous this is the last chance I give Paizo to stat paragons of righteousness.Seconded, especially since my favorite (Arshea) is going to be here. I'd rather not have to do a second re-statting, or bring out the spreadsheet supporting my argument.
Speaking of arguments, good is not dumb, or weak. That argument just reeks of a thug morality excuse to be evil (no, I can't take a "joke"), and there's no evidence that good is in any way inferior given how the upper planes aren't on a desperate defensive. Protean vandals seem to be the worst Heaven has to deal with.
More relevant to empyreal lords specifically, they're meant to make good look cool, and meaty stats will go a long way towards doing that. You don't want your action figures made out of flimsy materials, do you?
Of course good is dumb. They take prisoners. They help people, and then see those people spit in their face. They electrocute the people who actually do want to help them. That's dumping Int, Wis and Cha, respectively.
And I'm not arguing for thug morality excuse to be evil, I am arguing for excuse to be Neutral and just work for those who pay you the most AND don't attach any stupid clauses such as "all children you meet must be turned over to me for my experiments" or "no disintegrations". The Good and Evil extremes always want to inject some stupid morality into pure business. Sheesh.
Baphomet was imprisoned by Asmodeus, was marked with the Archfiend unholy symbol, and now uses it as his own symbol of strength...
Tsk, tsk, tsk... Dumb evil Asmodeus...

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Baphomet was imprisoned by Asmodeus, was marked with the Archfiend unholy symbol, and now uses it as his own symbol of strength...Tsk, tsk, tsk... Dumb evil Asmodeus...
Oh, evil is even worse than good in that department. Devils and demons are so full of themselves that they can't really get anything done. Daemons are a little better, now if they weren't suffering from a massive Oedipus Syndrome regarding Lilith Fifth Horseman...

The Gold Sovereign |

The Gold Sovereign wrote:Oh, evil is even worse than good in that department. Devils and demons are so full of themselves that they can't really get anything done. Daemons are a little better, now if they weren't suffering from a massive Oedipus Syndrome regarding
Baphomet was imprisoned by Asmodeus, was marked with the Archfiend unholy symbol, and now uses it as his own symbol of strength...Tsk, tsk, tsk... Dumb evil Asmodeus...
LilithFifth Horseman...
Now I want a daemon born/created/formed from "death by oedipus syndrome", or at least because of its consequences. XD
I can't wait to see this week's preview, what do you guys think it will be?
About the Dragons in the book!
With illustrations for the Elder Wyrm, the dragon from heaven and the Three-Headed kaiju! I'm sure! ... or at least I'm hoping.
If I had to guess, It's going to be about something already mentioned.
Up until now the previews have been about things in the description or that were confirmed to be in the book... And I'm actually glad about it. Even though revealing what is in the book might increase the number of costumers interested on it, I still want to be surprised by some unexpected interesting creatures.

The Gold Sovereign |

(...) And does anyone know when we'll see a table of contents?
Table of contents? I'm pretty sure you will have to wait at least post release for something like that.
Alas subscribers will have the actual book in just some weeks, I suppose.
I am hoping its new stuff, not mentioned already. I much preferred the Blight blog than the demigod one, because the latter mostly just confirmed stuff we already knew.
Even thought now we know what exactly they are, we already knew that we were getting a powerful group of oozes in the book. So, I suppose this blog should be classified as "new stuff about stuff we already knew", right? ;D

J-Spee Lovecraft |

Please don't take "announcements" from non-Paizo staff members as announcements. Until the book's actual release date, it's best to look to posts from actual Paizo employees or the blog for information.
That includes a table of contents, which is something I suspect we won't release on its own.
Ok. Sorry. I'm just chompin' at the bit to find out about the dinos and megafauna...

nighttree |
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JiCi wrote:Am I the only one who's surprised that Pathfinder is still going on as of today?Nope. I know how stubborn gamers can be.
I don't think "stubborn" has anything to do with it.
I played the first version of D&D released (yes, I'm that old), and have at least dabbled in many of the version up to 3.5, when I got hooked on the Dragonlance setting.When WOC pulled out their shenanigans for 4E...I disliked the way they treat many allies, and decided to give Pathfinder a try.
Since then, I have been completely pleased with both the direction, and the quality, they have produced.
They have created both a system I love playing, and a reality I love playing in.

The Gold Sovereign |

Now we have more about the true dragons. Some of us were disappointed, and others like me are ok with their originality.
Anyway, what are your hopes for the next preview?
Outside of my wishlist, I would like to know more about the taniwha. It seems to be an interesting creature, or maybe even a new group. I'm curious to know if it is an outsider?, a magical beast or maybe a dragon.
I'm really pleased with the format of the previews. It's good to know what the creative director went through while preparing this book for us.

The Gold Sovereign |

I'm thinking about the Green Man, maybe?
I don't think you will need to wait. The Green Man is a plant creature of quasi-deity level, they can be of any alignment, an it isn't an unique creature. Here is the blog post about it and other demigods.
Or do you want even more? I'm afraid it's more than unlikely...

Fourshadow |
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I loved the dragons we were shown. All of them. I like the focus on the extremes, too rather than neutrals. Really good art and original concepts for each, IMO.
The Blights were even better, though! Love the thought of scheming oozes bent on destruction of civilization. Beware of what squishes! It is very aware of you.

The Gold Sovereign |

Adam Daigle wrote:I'd love to have a chance to update the azi, but I haven't been able to slip them in anywhere yet.yesssss
Those, along with the ephialtes kyton, are some of my most eagerly-awaited reprints. ^_^
One of my favorite groups of dragon creatures, one that I would really like to see expanded to numbers such as those of drakes and linnorms.
Really powerful curse spewing dragons from the Legacy of Fire bestiaries.
I also like the fact that they were created by Dahak and the Lord of All Divs together. ;)