Pathfinder Adventure Path #111: Dreams of the Yellow King (Strange Aeons 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #111: Dreams of the Yellow King (Strange Aeons 3 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Dream a Little Dream...

The cult of Hastur no longer threatens Thrushmoor, and now the adventurers board a riverboat to Cassomir to track down their obsessed and corrupted former employer. Along the way, they explore the Dreamlands and attempt a number of bizarre dream quests, after which the adventurers can heal their fragmented minds—but they also learn of a greater threat looming over Golarion. Can they survive the perilous Dreamlands and emerge intact or will they be stranded in a dimension of nightmares?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Strange Aeons Adventure Path and includes:

  • "Dreams of the Yellow King," a Pathfinder adventure for 7th-level characters, by Ron Lundeen.
  • A comprehensive gazetteer exploring the Sellen River, Avistan's most expansive waterway, including additional encounters one could run into while sailing its winding course, by Liz Courts.
  • A heart-pounding journey through the dark in the Pathfinder's Journal, by Wendy N. Wagner
  • A collection of terrifying and bizarre monsters, including an enigmatic Great Old One, by James Jacobs and Todd Stewart.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-899-1

"Dreams of the Yellow King" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (723 kb zip/PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Only 2 downsides:
-getting here is basically impossible if your players burned down the mansion and with that the books they needed to do the travels, but that is a problem i need to solve myself.
-In the end of the adventure, it says "oh yeah, I hope you took your player's character sheets at level 7 and copied them, cause now you'll need them. This encounter could've been so cool! And putting a short disclaimer in the beginning of the book would've been so easy, but noooooo, it's gotta be at the end of the book, when the PC's already advanced 2 levels. That's just neglect of the reader

This part of the adventure is gorgeous! 2 lines of adventure, intertwining together however the DM wants it to happen. you can count the days they travel and make it exact, or eyeball all the encounters! Add more sea encounters from behind the book if you want too! And the dreamland parts are amazing, so much creative stuff went into there, and the RP options are amazing as well

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Community Manager

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Announced! Product image and description subject to change.

I wonder what mad figure could be on this cover? Most curious. :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looks like Alahazra is the fourth iconic. Always a good choice.

Also, gugs! I love gugs!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So this is the first adventure path with all human iconics.

Silver Crusade Contributor

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
I wonder what mad figure could be on this cover? Most curious. :)

I'm guessing it's Abdul Alhazred, infamous author of the Necronomicon. ^_^

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sweet, I like 'globe trotters'. Onward to Casmeron!

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
I wonder what mad figure could be on this cover? Most curious. :)

My hands are YUGE compared to his. But seriously though, Al is a great guy, super classy, just the best.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

But would it kill him to clean the microwave every once in a while.

Nobody wants a filthy break room, and if we all just chip in a little, it wouldn't get this bad...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, that is Abdul Alhazred the mad Arabian with the Necronomicon.

Adventures in the Dreamlands - cool.
I hope the Cats of Ulthar and Ulthar are statted up.

Great stuff!

Cool! I hope one of those articles is extra big, otherwise we are missing something.

All I care about is having more stuff to scare the crap out of my players. :p ;)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

...For certain reasons, I am very interested in these dreams.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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I didn't think it was possible but my NEED for this AP is growing with every installment. Take my money! Take my memories too! Please, just gimme!

Dark Archive

the yellow king? as in the "king in yellow"?

chopswil wrote:
the yellow king? as in the "king in yellow"?

The same. This is going to be a pretty Hastur heavy AP.

Shadow Lodge

First line of the description wrote:
The cult of Hastur no longer threatens Thrushmoor...


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
First line of the description wrote:
The cult of Hastur no longer threatens Thrushmoor...

If you say so book.

To quote Samuel L. Jackson "Don't believe everything you read."

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Also, read what is written carefully. Just because the cult of Hastur no longer threatens Thrushmoor does not necessarily meant that other servants of Hastur or even Hastur himself are not threats to Thrushmoor. Alternatively, the cult of Hastur could now be threatening some new location that the player characters are expected to travel to.

Either way, I don't think the player characters would get away with saying, "We beat Hasture. What's next?"

The good news: Hastur has stats.

The bad news: His CR might be too high for the end of this campaign. XD

1 person marked this as a favorite.

His CR is pretty damn high...

So, Alahaza, Erasmus, Feiya, and Quinn... sounds fun!

Thus looks it is going to be a great AP

So basically the oracle, medium, witch, and investigator.

So all the creepy ones! Nice. :)

That is hardly all the creepy ones;)

Yeah, but it's probably a good mix for this campaign. XD

Liberty's Edge



You Paizo guys do plan in advance

Silver Crusade Contributor

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The Raven Black wrote:



You Paizo guys do plan in advance

Now the adventure just needs a run-in with a night hag who worships Alazhra the Dream Eater. ^_^

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


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Kalindlara wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:



You Paizo guys do plan in advance

Now the adventure just needs a run-in with a night hag who worships Alazhra the Dream Eater. ^_^

Which, as I'm sure you already know, would be a perfect CR encounter for this level 7 adventure. Slap a cleric simple class template on her for an even more challenging version.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Alahazra. Feiya. Quinn. Erasmus. Not a melee-focused class amongst them. Looks like Erasmus is going to have to spend a lot of time channeling the Champion, or else Alahazra had better learn Divine Power and Righteous Might.

Still, it's a cool idea to do an AP with such a non-combat focused quartet of Iconics.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Kvantum wrote:

Alahazra. Feiya. Quinn. Erasmus. Not a melee-focused class amongst them. Looks like Erasmus is going to have to spend a lot of time channeling the Champion, or else Alahazra had better learn Divine Power and Righteous Might.

Still, it's a cool idea to do an AP with such a non-combat focused quartet of Iconics.

Classic party balance is never really a thing we concern ourselves with too much when selecting what four iconics to use in an AP. What matters most (and pretty much the ONLY thing that matters) is picking the four that are thematically (art and class and personality) correct for the AP.

A nice set up for the iconics, was hoping for Damiel personally but oh well. Really can't wait for this adventure path.

Valantrix1 wrote:
Cool! I hope one of those articles is extra big, otherwise we are missing something.

I'd like to come back to this point - is it just the adventure, extra encounters, and monsters (plus fiction)?


I'm pretty sure it's all of it.

It's not the final product description, so they might add more to it. :-)


True and they still have fiction too! :)

Dark Archive

My money on the GREAT OLD ONE in this volume is on Atlach-Nacha, the Void Weaver by Clark Ashton Smith, because it´s a spider that weaves a giant web between the Dreamlands and the Waking World (and the alleged creator of the Leng Spiders and Scarlett Walkers?).

So, no article in this one?

Marco Massoudi wrote:
My money on the GREAT OLD ONE in this volume is on Atlach-Nacha, the Void Weaver by Clark Ashton Smith, because it´s a spider that weaves a giant web between the Dreamlands and the Waking World (and the alleged creator of the Leng Spiders and Scarlett Walkers?).

According to the forward in In Search of Sanity...

The PCs will actually be fighting a Great Old One in this adventure. I think we can assume that they will lose this fight, which tells me it takes place in the Dreamlands.

Right now the only Dreamlands dweller with stats is Bokrug, so he's a strong contender for this encounter. Assuming Bokrug isn't the guy though, the fact that Atlach-Nacha actually lives on Earth might potentially rule her out. That said, I can't find any other Great Old One who reside in the Dreamlands except Mhar, and that is a weird case. So you may well be right.

Also worth considering: every Great Old One thus far has the ability to use the spells dream and nightmare, so in that regard anyone could be a contender.

Or is the encounters found along the Sullen River the article?

Dragon78 wrote:
Or is the encounters found along the Sullen River the article?

That's one article. Not sure what the other one is. Maybe there's only one article this time.

I think it's a super long article.

I can't wait, super excited for that part. :-)

I'm worried the product description hasn't been updated yet. Hopefully this doesn't get bumped back a month.

Paizo Employee Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The Sellen River article is a double-sized article. It is half gazetteer and half sample encounters that you can plug into this adventure or any adventure that occurs on the Sellen (or any river, really).

Ok, well that explains that, thanks for the info Mr. Daigle.


7 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
The Sellen River article is a double-sized article. It is half gazetteer and half sample encounters that you can plug into this adventure or any adventure that occurs on the Sellen (or any river, really).

And it was a lot of fun to write! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
The Sellen River article is a double-sized article. It is half gazetteer and half sample encounters that you can plug into this adventure or any adventure that occurs on the Sellen (or any river, really).
And it was a lot of fun to write! :D

Huh? I thought, I'd seen ... never mind.

So we get the next installment of this great AP and a gazetteer on the Sellen which shapes and defines my favorite region on Golarion. Yay!


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
The Sellen River article is a double-sized article. It is half gazetteer and half sample encounters that you can plug into this adventure or any adventure that occurs on the Sellen (or any river, really).
And it was a lot of fun to write! :D

Thank you for your time and effort, previously and completely unknown contributor. I'm sure the Paizo boards will be happy to see more of your contributions to come as well as seeing another bringer of fun around.


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