Pathfinder Battles—Rusty Dragon Inn

4.00/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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Featuring friends and foes from the world of Golarion, the Rusty Dragon Inn expansion introduces 51 unique figures for your Pathfinder Battles miniatures campaign. Offered in 8-count bricks, each Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn booster contains one Large figure and three Medium or Small figures.

Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn miniatures come in two product configurations, the Standard Booster and the Standard Booster 8 Ct. Brick.

  • FOUR-FIGURE BOOSTERS! Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn Standard Boosters contain 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn Standard Bricks contain 8 Standard Boosters (32 figures total)
  • Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn Standard Cases contain 4 Standard Bricks (32 Standard Boosters, 128 figures total)
Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

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4.00/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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A table. Really?


Was disappointed to see the set my son bought did not include 3 small/med NPCs or creatures, but instead a table. Yes a table. 5 foot wide table. What no chairs ?

Something applealing and something differnt.


The idea of a inn setting. where most adventures take place. was long in coming. few of the figure are in some sort of 'action pose'. Nicely done. I never seen one play about getting a bed. Now he plan on building a inn diorama
The nit i would pick is none are sitting down. Now the table are set to accommodate a character standing up. but a table 'and' chairs.
I was also have expecting some sort of canteen band. although a bard was in one set.
'(yes collecting a passed out drunk would be something. but what a better way to spy or gather information.)

one series I would like to see is mounted and unmounted. Hero on his mount or even a druid riding his/her animal companion if need be. Some looking regal other comical. Maybe even a pack mule. or pack horse. unlikely a pack centaur/ guide.
a side bar to this would be fantastical mounts. creatures with a saddle. Elephant dragons. wyverns. etc

The 4th best set - best faces yet!


The best human faces!
Lots of super-useful NPCs & PCs.
Some good large creatures missing from the Bestiary.
Very useful dressing pieces.
No 1 star minis.
The 2 dwarves (the eyes).
Some minis have too dark paint jobs (Kobold Devilspeaker, Dog, Ghouls).
The large Bugbear.

Great set!


Definitely one of the best sets made so far. Faces have improved. Interesting mix of miniatures. My case had an extra bed and barrel!

My son and I did a full unboxing and review. Check it out here:

Neck-and-neck with Dungeons Deep for best release so far!!!


Once again, Cat has beat me to the punch with his excellent review. It says all it needs to say about all the necessary things.

Here's a couple thoughts to go along with it:

As quality has steadily improved, so have certain expectations. Keep them in check. For those of you that remember the issues from before, much of that is held in check with this set (and the Dungeons Deep set).

With realistic expectations in mind, none of the figures in my case had BAD faces. There were some with JUST OKAY faces, but none that struck me as Poor. This is a first for me, as I've had at least one straight up BAD face in every previous release. Usually the problem faces are humans and dwarves. The JUST OKAY faces are human and dwarven, but still a slight step up.

Ironically, the worst figures in the set are the two replacements they included for poor pieces in another set (the king, and Feiya the Witch iconic). I didn't include them as part of my official Rusty Dragon Inn star rating.

There was some inconsistency on a couple of the pieces, but the offense was so small for mine I'm not going to take off for it. No miniatures were missing pieces. The bendy weapons, for the most part, were under control.

In-hand miniatures will NEVER match up with digital art for the piece. If you expect it to do so you're never going to be happy. Digital art gives us a good idea of what the piece is striving for, not how it'll look exactly. Digital art also tends to be more colorful, as it doesn't have to take into account shading, washes, etc.

As Cat pointed out, these pieces are for those not willing to paint their own. Could I probably do a better job? No. I'm horrible at painting. Have I seen re-paints of Pathfinder Battles figures that look much better than the official factory release? Sure. Is the person that did the re-paint also painting hundreds of the same pieces at a time? Probably not. The moral of this exercise is to reinforce Cat's point regarding expected quality of the set.

Instead of reviewing each piece here, I'll stick with a short review on each piece in the singles section of The Rusty Dragon Inn. It sounds like Paizo is going to be opening some more boxes and releasing some more of the rare pieces that are out of stock. I'll make sure to review those throughout Sunday (Jan. 24th) for those trying to decide which pieces to purchase.

*BONUS* I got every piece in the set all in one case. This set is so good that I seriously suggest you purchase a case yourself, if it is within your means.

***Special thank you to Paizo for continuing to make sure all the pieces in the set can be obtained with the purchase of a case. True, once in a blue moon this doesn't happen, but your system is set up to do so in most case. It's a far cry from certain competitors, where the purchase of a case doesn't even attempt to net the buyer a full set. I (and I'm guessing most others) buy miniatures to use at our table, not go chasing after each piece like it's a chase piece in an action figure set. So again, thank you.***

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ok - I see it back up on the website now, but I don't see AMEX as a payment option?

Community Manager

NewJeffCT wrote:
ok - I see it back up on the website now, but I don't see AMEX as a payment option?

We do not take AMEX on

Community & Digital Content Director

The brick/booster/incentive should no longer display as "unavailable." We've also updated the product image and can announce that singles can now be purchased here!

Dark Archive

DanyRay wrote:
It's released here in Quebec. Just took a brick and the bar.

How is the quality?

Does 1 booster contain 6 minis (King Irovetti and Feiya) as promised?

Thx to Canada.

Dark Archive

Chris Lambertz wrote:
The brick/booster/incentive should no longer display as "unavailable." We've also updated the product image and can announce that singles can now be purchased here!

Thx Chris.

Where are King Irovetti and Feiya?

Are they included?

Looking at the pictures that Paizo has posted looks a little better than the ones that Miniature Market posted and gives me some hope. Although "most" of them look good, there are still a handful of the minis that are painted inexcusably bad. The Dwarf Wizard is horrible! The Graceful Slayer is almost as bad. Many of the eyes are placed ridiculously far apart or are just little black dots. Will they EVER learn how to do a wash? They constantly keep using a thick black solution on every color, you should wash with a thin solution of a darker shade of the same color, NOT BLACK!The point of a wash is to add detail, not make the mini look dirty, as the thick black wash does. I was REALLY looking forward to the riding horse, but if the one I receive looks like the one advertised, they just slapped the paint on. Hopefully, the Gnome Wizard not getting its boot painted is a one time mistake and the ones we receive have their boots painted. Aside from my complaints, there are many minis in this set that are VERY NICE! I am happy with most of them, it is just that the few that are bad are VERY BAD. The inconsistency confuses me, how can some be done really good while others are embarrassingly horrible? Have my fingers crossed that the case I receive looks good and that they are better than the advertised pictures.

I am HIGHLY curious to know if the Paizo staff is happy with the quality of this set. I don't know if they are going for honesty, disclosure, or to showcase the inferior job that WizKids did, but going through the pictures they posted of the singles, nearly every picture is flawed, whether it's by bad paint jobs, parts that they forgot to paint, bad washing, or poor glueing of the bases. I give Paizo a huge thumbs up for posting honest pictures of the minis and not just showcasing the best examples. At least I hope these aren't the best examples ;) Paizo, you need to kick WizKids in their butts, you guys are such an amazing company and they keep giving you an inferior effort.

Dark Archive

While i have to agree that a lot of the human and dwarven faces - especially the eyes - look bad on the pictures, i'll reserve my judgement until i hold them in hand in february.
It would not be fair otherwise.

That being said the Silver Dragon and Flesh Golem look great on every picture!
Also the pictures can not show all details - in particular the Quivering Cube, which is half clear and contains a skull and other stuff on the inside.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
DanyRay wrote:
It's released here in Quebec. Just took a brick and the bar.

How is the quality?

Does 1 booster contain 6 minis (King Irovetti and Feiya) as promised?

Thx to Canada.

I opened my boxes quickly before going to bed and havent had the time for a deep look but the quality is not that bad at first look.

And sadly my brick have no Irovetti or Feiya, maybe it's one per case, but IIRC, they said one per brick.

We will know when someone open a complete case...


DanyRay wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
DanyRay wrote:
It's released here in Quebec. Just took a brick and the bar.

How is the quality?

Does 1 booster contain 6 minis (King Irovetti and Feiya) as promised?

Thx to Canada.

I opened my boxes quickly before going to bed and havent had the time for a deep look but the quality is not that bad at first look.

And sadly my brick have no Irovetti or Feiya, maybe it's one per case, but IIRC, they said one per brick.

We will know when someone open a complete case...

I beleive it was supposed to be one of each per case

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
I beleive it was supposed to be one of each per case

One per brick, according to this. ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just opened my case and it seems that it is one King Irovetti and Feiya per case. Unless I just got very unlucky.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Uncle Billy wrote:
Just opened my case and it seems that it is one King Irovetti and Feiya per case. Unless I just got very unlucky.

According to the latest miniatures blog, it has indeed been changed to one per case. Sorry for the old info.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

latest miniatures blog where?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Right here. ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Oh, *that* blog. Thanks, Kalindlara. :-)

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Is there a list somewhere of what's supposed to be in this set?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Ed Reppert wrote:
Is there a list somewhere of what's supposed to be in this set?

Watch this space. ^_^

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Is there a list somewhere of what's supposed to be in this set?
Watch this space. ^_^

I love Kor´s site but if you want a look at real production minis and want to see them in the right order i´d suggest going to this site:

Silver Crusade Contributor

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I love Kor´s site but if you want a look at real production minis and want to see them in the right order i´d suggest going to this site:

I wasn't aware of this site. Thank you! ^_^

Dark Archive

They even have a direct compariso of computer rendering and actual production mini beside each other.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I love Kor´s site but if you want a look at real production minis and want to see them in the right order i´d suggest going to this site.


"Very Rare"?

Are the dressing pieces produced at a higher rarity than other rares in the set?

Dark Archive

Hobbun wrote:

"Very Rare"?

Are the dressing pieces produced at a higher rarity than other rares in the set?

Hello Hobbun.

All 6 Dungeon Dressings are labeled as "very rare" on the site because they usually are one per case.

Of course that is not entirely correct, as there seem to be 2 crates and 2 barrels per case.

On the other hand one brick usually contains 2 large rares (and 6 uncommons).
That means in a case you should get 8 large rares.
As there are 4 different large rares per set you get some of them twice.

That is not the case with the wagon, cart, bed and table. These should be one per ser aka "very rare".

That means on the other hand the barrel and crate could be labeled "rare" as they are twice per case.

My case had at least one of every mini. Here was the breakdown of the case:

1 super box with Feiya and King Irovetti in it.
1 cart, wagon, bed, barrel.
2 tables, crate

The following are numbered by set number on mini. Rares are high numbers in set.

5 x mini no. 7 and 8
4 x mini no. 2, 4, 6, 9-12, 21, 27, 30 and 32
3 x mini no. 1, 3, 5, 13-20, 25, 26, 28, 29 and 31
2 x mini no. 22-24 and 34* (note, this box contained a bag with two of same figure in the same small bag. As its a rare, I think it was a packing error.)
1 x mini no. 33, 35-44.

Honestly, from what I am seeing, it doesn’t sound like the dressing pieces are at any higher rarity than the other rares. As there are other rares (besides the dressing pieces) that only have 1, and there are dressing pieces that have more than one.

Vic posted a comment awhile back that Paizo are not using that terminology. As I understood it, the distribution wasn't identical to the other rates as it was a little more deterministic, but it was functionally the same (ie we should expect at least one per case and possibly two, barring collation error).

Dark Archive

Every Pathfinder Battles case i opened so far (3) had 8 LARGE rares in it.

As there are 4 different LARGE rares (Gelatinous Cube, Mercane, Silver Dragon, Orc on Worg) plus 2 LARGE Dungeon Dressings (Cart and Wagon), there SHOULD be 2 LARGE rares that are in it TWICE.

Otherwise it would seem to me that the rarity has changed.

PS: Eric said in a friday blog that there are probably 2 crates and 2 tables (or barrels i forgot) per case.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Right. Neither Paizo nor WizKids has used the term "very rare" or "super rare" in connection with these minis—if you see that, some fan came up with that tag, and it has no basis in the actual distribution method used by WizKids. Frankly, I feel that it's use is just plain misleading. You should see set dressing pieces in roughly the same proportion as rares in each case of minis, which is to say 1 or 2 of each per case. (They're not technically rares because they sometimes appear in uncommon slots, but they're not significantly more or less rare than rare.)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Duncan7291 wrote:

My case had at least one of every mini. Here was the breakdown of the case:

1 super box with Feiya and King Irovetti in it.
1 cart, wagon, bed, barrel.
2 tables, crate

I cracked my personal case last night, and got a somewhat different mix of dungeon dressing:

1 cart, wagon, barrel, table
2 beds, crates


Erik Mona wrote:
Duncan7291 wrote:

My case had at least one of every mini. Here was the breakdown of the case:

1 super box with Feiya and King Irovetti in it.
1 cart, wagon, bed, barrel.
2 tables, crate

I cracked my personal case last night, and got a somewhat different mix of dungeon dressing:

1 cart, wagon, barrel, table
2 beds, crates


Seeing how yall released extra beds...Im happy with the extra table :)

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Right. Neither Paizo nor WizKids has used the term "very rare" or "super rare" in connection with these minis—if you see that, some fan came up with that tag, and it has no basis in the actual distribution method used by WizKids. Frankly, I feel that it's use is just plain misleading. You should see set dressing pieces in roughly the same proportion as rares in each case of minis, which is to say 1 or 2 per case. (They're not technically rares because they sometimes appear in uncommon slots, but they're not significantly more or less rare than rare.) uses the term "very rare".

I don't know on what they base that term .
Wizkids actually uses the term "ultra rare" but to be fair only in conjunction with the invisible versions of their D&D minis NOT with the Pathfinder Battles line.

You are most likely right that there is no great difference between the number of Dungeon Dressing pieces or other rare minis.
If there is it is probably due to packing coincidences.

GRRR! This is way off topic, but nothing makes me angrier in the miniature collecting world than the D&D ultra rare invisible minis. I like them and they are cool, but the distribution and price of them is criminal. They take the exact same mold and plastic that they use for the cheap commons, then just skip painting them, then make them so rare that they are sold for insanely greedy fortunes as singles. Perfect example of WizKids left unchecked and Paizo's superior products compared to this day's D&D inferiority. Anyways, sorry for the rant, but the D&D invisibles really tick me off.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brell Stormforge wrote:
GRRR! This is way off topic, but nothing makes me angrier in the miniature collecting world than the D&D ultra rare invisible minis. I like them and they are cool, but the distribution and price of them is criminal. They take the exact same mold and plastic that they use for the cheap commons, then just skip painting them, then make them so rare that they are sold for insanely greedy fortunes as singles. Perfect example of WizKids left unchecked and Paizo's superior products compared to this day's D&D inferiority. Anyways, sorry for the rant, but the D&D invisibles really tick me off.

It would be cool if the Pathfinder Iconics would have some invisible versions.

But either at the normal "rare" rarity or as a boxed set for $25 - as they need no paint applied to clear plastic.

I also would love to see an "enlarged Valeros" mini.

The "artifical" value created by rarity doesn't bother me. I am surprised we haven't seen any 'enlarged' minis though (or I haven't anyhow).

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Gelatinous Cube has been rated 5 stars!
I want to see more reviews!

I picked up three boosters this evening at the FLGS to check out the quality and I have to say I am happy with what I got. Nothing looked smeared or problematic (unlike some of the photos online I've seen). The crate was a little smaller than I expected for some reason -- about the size of a large d6 -- but I'm not sure why I thought it would be bigger. All in all I'll be going back for more or ordering a case.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:

The Gelatinous Cube has been rated 5 stars!

I want to see more reviews!

I want to know if you can put minis in it, like the old D&D gelatinous cube. The old D&D one doesn't look as cool as this one and if this one holds minis, it will be amazing.

Nope. Can't put minis in the cube. It's nicely done though.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Glad I still have my original, then.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new one in person, though. ^_^

I received my case today. From the previews I felt this might be the best set ever, and the case did not disappoint! Excellent paint jobs over all, and no botched faces.

I did have one of my four City Watch Commanders missing her bow. One of the Pious Guards and Feiya popped off their bases, but Superglue fixed that. The paint jobs on Fieya and the King's faces were better, but it is obvious that the sculpts lack detail and that even though the paint jobs are the best that can be done on the minis, the detail on the faces is shallow, so paint only goes so far in fixing the problem.

The dungeon dressing is great. I got two beds, two crates, and one of each of the rest. The bar incentive is very cool, but we need more tables and stools!

Dark Archive

Vernon Fults wrote:

I received my case today. From the previews I felt this might be the best set ever, and the case did not disappoint! Excellent paint jobs over all, and no botched faces.

I did have one of my four City Watch Commanders missing her bow. One of the Pious Guards and Feiya popped off their bases, but Superglue fixed that. The paint jobs on Fieya and the King's faces were better, but it is obvious that the sculpts lack detail and that even though the paint jobs are the best that can be done on the minis, the detail on the faces is shallow, so paint only goes so far in fixing the problem.

The dungeon dressing is great. I got two beds, two crates, and one of each of the rest. The bar incentive is very cool, but we need more tables and stools!

Thx for the info, Vernon!

Can you tell me how many squares the bed occupies on a flip-mat - is it 1 broad and 2 long or a little smaller?
The same with the cart and wagon mini.


Dark Archive

When i think of it:
2 beds and 2 crates in a case makes the most sense because with the 2 barrels and 1 table in the Rusty Dragon Inn Bar case incentive one should ultimately have:

3 barrels
2 beds
2 crates
4 stools
2 tables
1 cart
1 wagon
1 keg

Together with some of the "Blue Bed" repaints that should make a cozy little Inn.

The only minis i see "sitting" on the stools are gnomes and halflings and the occassional goblin. ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Right. Neither Paizo nor WizKids has used the term "very rare" or "super rare" in connection with these minis—if you see that, some fan came up with that tag, and it has no basis in the actual distribution method used by WizKids. Frankly, I feel that it's use is just plain misleading. You should see set dressing pieces in roughly the same proportion as rares in each case of minis, which is to say 1 or 2 of each per case. (They're not technically rares because they sometimes appear in uncommon slots, but they're not significantly more or less rare than rare.)

From the recent posts I’ve been reading on frequency of the dressing items, this is what I was getting the impression. And that is there is no higher rarity with the dressing pieces.

The numbers I’ve been seeing is actually very similar to what I saw with my dressing pieces in my Dungeons Deep cases.

If I get at least one of each, with the occasional two of a dressing item, in a case, I will be happy with that. Which is exactly what I received in Dungeons Deep.

Now we just need some chairs for those tables. :)

Thanks for clarifying, Vic.

Just received email notification yesterday that my Rusty Dragon Inn cases (well, at least one of the two) will be mailing out this week. Both case incentives are part of this first shipment, though.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Thx for the info, Vernon!

Can you tell me how many squares the bed occupies on a flip-mat - is it 1 broad and 2 long or a little smaller?
The same with the cart and wagon mini.


The bed is a bit larger than 2 squares long x 1 square wide.

Dark Archive

Vernon Fults wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Thx for the info, Vernon!

Can you tell me how many squares the bed occupies on a flip-mat - is it 1 broad and 2 long or a little smaller?
The same with the cart and wagon mini.


The bed is a bit larger than 2 squares long x 1 square wide.

Thx for looking, Vernon!

Is there still enough room for medium minis/bases in the adjacent squares?

May be my map is bigger but I just pulled out my flip mat and the bed fits almost perfectly in 1x2 squares. It's a little smaller with small portion on all sides if you center the bed in the 1x2 squares.

Dark Archive

I guess it depends on which flip-mat you use.

Sadly not all are the same size.

Duncan, how big is the wagon?
Big enough for a large mini to stand on it?


Dark Archive

The pictures suggest that the cart can hold a large mini's base (2x2 squares) and that the wagon can hold 2 (2x4 squares).

Is that true?

Is there room for a mini on the stagecoach?

Chief Operating Officer, Web Store Manager

Brell Stormforge wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

The Gelatinous Cube has been rated 5 stars!

I want to see more reviews!
I want to know if you can put minis in it, like the old D&D gelatinous cube. The old D&D one doesn't look as cool as this one and if this one holds minis, it will be amazing.

The Gelatinous Cube mini is glued to its base so you'd have to mod it to be able to place a mini inside of it. However it does already have a second piece within it that has a skeleton and some gear in it so when you look at the mini, you can see the remains of an adventurer inside of it. Pretty kewl if you ask me.

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