A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters.
When the daring half-orc scholar Ulisha enrages a noble family in the River Kingdoms, she contacts the PCs with a special deal: she will sell them a unique and ancient druidic relic at a steep discount to secure the gold she needs to pay off her bounty. By the time the PCs arrive to meet her, she has gone into hiding. However, she has left behind a journal full of profitable leads as a sign of good faith. Can the PCs recover this hidden wealth and claim the powerful Silverhex before an assassin finds their friend?
The Silverhex Chronicles includes six, 1-hour adventures that take the PCs to a graveyard in Gralton, a mist-choked forest in Ustalav, a brainwashed village in Razmiran, an ancient crash site in Numeria, and the perilous city of Daggermark. Experience the adventures in any order to create a unique story.
I ended up playing the entirety of the Silverhex Chronicles in one sit, with every player changing characters every short adventure. It kept us off guard and offered us an opportunity to play a class we normally wouldn't play or even think of playing. I now have a new-found respect for all the different classes out there.
Crash was the first one we visited and in hindsight it was by far the most challenging of the bunch. The fight is extremely nasty and were it not for Kyra, the pregen of awesomeness, we'd have been completely mauled, beaten and crushed. It really demonstrated how challenging and lethal fights can be.
Mausoleum was next. It was a nice murder-mystery and role-play section, with an emphasis on solving a puzzle. New players will learn to be paranoid quickly, which is always fun to see happen. I really enjoyed this portion and would say it's one of the two best parts of the entire Silverhex Chronicles.
Third up was Colony. If there's one thing to be pointed out about this small quest, is the fact that there are multiple ways to use a skill. It's a good way of teaching new and reminding old players to be flexible and creative with their characters.
Following that, we played Mists. As others mentioned before, it's indeed a great mix of mechanics combined with a spooky setting and some unexpected foes. I quite enjoyed it personally and would say it's probably one of the better parts.
I can not really say the same about Webs. While it was fun being ambushed like that, I felt like the combat was a bit too easy, especially compared to Crash or Silverhex. It was nice, don't get me wrong, but just not on the same level of difficulty as the other parts.
Silverhex was the grand finale, or at least it's supposed to be on paper. I suppose it's more challenging that Mausoleum, Colony, Mists and Webs, but it's really not as scary as Crash is. The whole decision-making afterwards was a nice little touch though.
Overall the Silverhex Chronicles are nice short adventures which all provide a different experience. There's role-play, puzzle-solving, investigation and combat. For a free product, it's actually rather good, especially if you're new to Pathfinder and role-playing. Based on that I give it four stars.
It's just a bit unfortunate that the six parts don't really make a logical story. At times they're just a bit too standalone. That's not to say this approach is bad. I can see it working, especially if it's used to introduce the various factions in Pathfinder Society.
First things first - this is an awesome product for FREE!
As it is free it seems a little unfair to highlight shortcomings but I had to do a bit of extra work to set the initial scene and to try to knit the quests together into a more cohesive mix.
The final quest (Silverhex) is extremely deadly for a 1st level party (even Core), let alone Pregens. It ended with a TPK although in fairness the text does recommend players do Silverhex last although they are not in any way steered there last.
Doing the other quests first would allow the party to gain some useful items and coin rewards for extra gear which would make the finale easier.
My group tackled Mausoleum very well (it's a cracking little quest), followed by a pretty easily achieved Webs, then it all went wrong with Silverhex.
Played this tonight (Core Campaign) and while I liked the idea of the mini quests I'd have preferred a regular scenario designed to introduce new players to PFS.
At the end the final fight was silly tough for 1st level characters and the evening ended with a TPK.
Just ran this scenario solidly for eight hours + at PAX Melbourne 2014 for a diverse range of new Pathfinders. This very classy package exceeded my expectations for a free product. Some fantastic short games with a good mix of investigation, combat and interesting magic items.
-Colony. Yes! Razmiri awesomeness!
-Mausoleum. CSI Golarion done well.
-Mists. Great mix of mechanics fused together in a creepy setting.
-Webs was a bit dull. Too easy to get full trade points here, while monsters with a single +2 to hit attack are quite weak.
-Crash was quite exciting when I ran it but, by the Iron Gods, those are some scary foes to deal with. I've heard of TPKs happening.
-Haven't run Silverhex yet but it reads a little dull for the conclusion.
Overall, my biggest beef with this product is it's inability to weave all the Quests into one cohesive story. Webs and Mausoleum fits the story but the rest seem to just lily pad hop around the River Kingdoms without much care for plot.
I think Silverhex lays down a strong foundation for the future of Quests. I think some improvements can be made in terms of making all the Quests more cohesive, but overall this is an excellent option for level 1 play. I would also say that 6 Quests for full rewards seems a tad long. I'd be fine with 4 Quests giving scenario equivalent rewards and 5 Quests giving full rewards plus a flavourful boon as well.
So I heard a worrying rumour that these quests allow GMs to massively cheat the GM star/games reported system as each small quest counts as if you'd run a 4-5 hour scenario. Is that true? :(
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silver Hex arguments amongst party members, gm's, even my VC--- ALL having differing versions of 'what's legit' on this.....
Can I PLEASE get an official reply from Mike Brock or equivalent:
Is the chronicle sheet for this adventure 'cumulative', or is it a flat 1 XP and 2 Prestige Points for the entire thing?
My question is thus: It does NOT make sense for 6 hours of play to 'only' get a TOTAL of 1 XP, 2 Prestige. I know these are 'short' vignettes, so to speak- but still. No one is going to want to play an adventure where if you complete one quest-- 1 hour of play- you get 1 XP and 1 Prestige-- Yet if you sit for 6 hours and play, you (still) only get "1 XP", and now 2 Prestige, only.
I was told initially that it is CUMULATIVE. That EACH LINE is what you get for 'that quest'. If you completed all 6, then, you'd have the TOTAL of all the lines of that chronicle sheet:
Quests Gold Pieces XP Prestige Points Other
1 100 gp 1 1
2 250 gp 1 1
3 250 gp 1 1 Impressive Find boon
4 350 gp 1 2
5 500 gp 1 2
6 500 gp 1 2 Treasure Seeking boon
As you can see, all 6 completed would be 6 XP, and 9 Prestige. With 1950 g.p. total. Each line/each quest, totaled up, then, as it/they were completed.
It does not make sense for someone to complete one quest and get 100 g.p. and 1 XP and 1 Prestige, while the person completing all 6 only gets 500 g.p. and (still) 1 XP and now only 2 Prestige.
I can't think of ANY adventure where you only get 1 or 2 Prestige; and none where I could play for 1 hour, twice or multiple times or so- using the recurring play rules- and rack up the XP/Prestige [i.e. play it just one quest at a time for 6 times, and viola- you have 6 XP now... right?], versus the guy who sat thru the whole thing one night and got so little..... Can I PLEASE have a breakdown of how this chronicle sheet is supposed to be awarded: I have 10 players now screaming for justice!!!!! Thanks!
You only take the rewards from the line that matches the number of quests you complete. You do not add any lines together.
The rewards are meant to encourage you to return and play the remaining quests whenever you have time. Whether you play them all in one sitting or one hour at a time, you still only earn the 1 XP, 2 PP, and 500GP.
Silverhex Chronicle Sheet wrote:
Before beginning a different adventure, calculate your rewards for this Chronicle sheet based on the following table.
"Kitten" wrote:
It does NOT make sense for 6 hours of play to 'only' get a TOTAL of 1 XP, 2 Prestige.
There are standard scenarios that can take 6 hours to finish depending on individual party makeup. They still only receive 1 XP and 2 Prestige max regardless of how long it takes.
I figure just because the Quests are 1 hour each...doesn't mean they cannot be done in less. 350gp 1 XP and 2 Prestige for 4 seems pretty much in line for a 'standard' 4 hour adventure. Especially if the party is effectively 'resting and recovering' in between each quest.
TriOmegaZero and Rerednaw have the right of it. The rewards for The Silverhex Chronicles intentionally provides "front-loaded" rewards that allow someone who can only play once to walk away with a substantive benefit while also allowing someone who wants to play through more material to get a fail and complete reward equivalent to playing through a somewhat long Pathfinder Society scenario.
In short, the rewards listed on the Chronicle sheet are not cumulative; calculate the rewards by using only the line corresponding to the number of Quests played.
So everyone is on the same playing field. This is meant to be a beginner-friendly scenario, and what we don't want is experienced players showing up with characters that use a lot of non-core options and techniques to trivialize the experience for those new players.
So everyone is on the same playing field. This is meant to be a beginner-friendly scenario, and what we don't want is experienced players showing up with characters that use a lot of non-core options and techniques to trivialize the experience for those new players.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I really like this quest the only problem is that it requires you to use pre-gens. Is there any thought to opening this up for any legal lever 1 PFS character?
Silverhex was made prior to CORE Campaign, I ran part of it prior to when CORE Campaign existed, meaning it would have been ran standard campaign.
Question: I'm planning on running a quest soon, at a game store for new players. The new players will work best under CORE campaign, at least 3 of them are brand new to role play. I've got another player who started while it was only offered standard campaign, before CORE existed, who has 1 or 2 quests left to complete, wants to complete them, and may or may not show up for the public event. Normally, I would run something either CORE or standard campaign, does it matter with Silverhex Chronicles, since it's the first chronicle sheet applied to a character? I only offer core pregen characters anymore as an organizer, to keep things simple for new players.
If I can't do this, what would y'all recommend in this situation?
Silverhex was made prior to CORE Campaign, I ran part of it prior to when CORE Campaign existed, meaning it would have been ran standard campaign.
Question: I'm planning on running a quest soon, at a game store for new players. The new players will work best under CORE campaign, at least 3 of them are brand new to role play. I've got another player who started while it was only offered standard campaign, before CORE existed, who has 1 or 2 quests left to complete, wants to complete them, and may or may not show up for the public event. Normally, I would run something either CORE or standard campaign, does it matter with Silverhex Chronicles, since it's the first chronicle sheet applied to a character? I only offer core pregen characters anymore as an organizer, to keep things simple for new players.
If I can't do this, what would y'all recommend in this situation?
If you'll only offer core pregens and everyone must play a pregen, I don't see the point in complicating reporting or anything else by restricting it to a CORE game. I'd just leave it be.
In my experience, CORE is hard mode for vets, not easy mode for beginners.
My 10 year old is going to start running these small quests in the hour before our regular 6-10 game night. He will be doing 1 quest at a time. Do you have any suggestions for him? He has already taken the GM101 and GMed one of the phantom phenomena quests, so this is to give him a bit of practice before he attempts a full scenario.
My 10 year old is going to start running these small quests in the hour before our regular 6-10 game night. He will be doing 1 quest at a time. Do you have any suggestions for him? He has already taken the GM101 and GMed one of the phantom phenomena quests, so this is to give him a bit of practice before he attempts a full scenario.
The PF Prep bits are definitely worth it to give you all the stat blocks (juggling tons of books is tough for running)
And he can take his time with it - the scenarios are all pretty good and as its level 1 characters it won't be a big risk of the game and he should be good to get any maps drawn up in advance (i believe all of them are one map per adventure. for C its only really the second one that kicks in)
If he is running it weekly though i would say to advise of playing the assigned character will mean you don't get to keep doing the quests and that you get only for what you have played.