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GM review.
Party composition: Investigator 4, Alchemist 4, Brawler 5 and Cleric 7.

This scenario, despite the blurb, is a fantastic investigative scenario. This pleased the players a lot as they expected a typical caravan escort type scenario.

The investigation elements are probably 70% of the story presented and it works very well. The links to the later elements are a bit tenuous I think and there should have been a stronger connection to help the players down the right path. Because of that we overran our four hour slot but only just.

Had the plot being clearer after the investigation stages I would have given this a 5 star rating.

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The campaign continues with a great little Gothic horror story full of haunted houses, phantoms and madness. A great change of tact after the first part of the campaign. Another well written scenario.

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One of the best campaigns ever starts here. Runelords has everything for the traditional fantasy adventure: a village base, some wilderness adventure and a couple dungeons to explore. I can't recommend it enough.

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Player review.

I had been looking forward to this one simply on account of the title. I have to say that the story elements and the setting were top notch. Where we all found it lost points was just how overpowered we found most of the fights. Even for experienced players we found them too difficult for the levels.

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Player review.

After the last couple books this one was a nice change of pace. Zapped off to another world with strange alien peoples and dragons, it gave us a chance to get some tactical play and big combats in. I don't know that the events of this one help carry the plot but was one of the more enjoyable chapters in the campaign.

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Player review.

This book is a fairly basic wilderness and then dungeon crawl. While I don't mind dungeon romps this one was rather simple and unimpressive. The downside is that there wasn't enough treasure for the level of the game at this point.

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Player review.

I'll be honest that after playing this chapter I was not all that impressed. The story was good but it was the usual AP elements that disappointed me. For a mostly urban adventure we found that the setting stopped us being able to buy and sell so we felt woefully unprepared. APs don't seem to want you being up to party wealth levels. But the story was good and we all enjoyed that element a lot.

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Finally got around to running this part. My group was a witch, wizard, fighter/cleric and a rogue.

It isn't a bad culmination to the arc. The setting is quite nice and the realisation of what is going on behind closed doors of the society was a nice eye-opener for the players (although I imagine we all figured that was the case anyway).

With that in mind though, part 4 is just a continuous dungeon crawl with puzzles and traps. A couple encounters were not very well explained and at least one puzzle probably needed a clearer solution (part of this level just found another way around it anyway). Final encounter was very memorable though and we all had a good time with that one.

A good ending. Thumbs up. I would like to see more end of career type mini-arcs though.

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Played at low tier. Party was Hunter, Ranger, Fighter, Wizard, Shaman and War Priest.

The plot for this scenario is quite simple but I felt that the actual play out was a bit disappointing. There are elements at the start which seem to have no purpose but to time waste but the roleplay elements were quite nice if rather short. Some left more questions that we never saw answers to as players.

The fights were okay but a little awkward and a couple of us sat out most of one because of afflicting conditions. Nothing was too tough though just time consuming.

I'm not a fan of puzzles mainly because I don't have the head for it. Same was said of another player at the table and we just left the others to get on with it. If the GM had not been nice we might still be sitting there now trying to work it out.

The scenario has a nice premise but takes too long (we have a venue that gives us a hard 4 hour block) and the puzzle element just was not fun.

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GM'd this tonight for the middle tier. Party was a sorcerer, witch/wizard, fighter and a (chained) summoner.

I was quite stoked for running this as I had thoroughly enjoyed running the previous scenario, Halls of the Flesh Eaters. Unfortunately I found it rather lacking. The creepy atmosphere just wasn't there this time, and rather than being a regular dungeon level it is just a series of four rooms with a random bit of maze exploration in between (and you don't even need to try and explore it).

The encounters can largely be dealt with through roleplay which is what happened with my group this session, but combat is a possibility. At the mid tier we found the combats far too easy though.

A nice continuation of the Gloomspires storyline but I had hoped for something more atmospheric and creepy. Looking forward to the next step though.

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This campaign has had it's ups and downs, that includes the quality of the mid-section books. Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh however comes back with a vengeance. It is basically a huge dungeon crawl but one that feels challenging for the levels of the characters and gives them the chance to use the cool abilities that they have by this level. Thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the best Pathfinder campaigns I have run.

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Played this scenario at high tier. Party was Witch, Fighter, Hunter and Bard.

An entertaining and enjoyable journey through the dark lands seeking to rescue captives taken by Duergar slavers. The scenario is fairly straightforward from point A to point B but without feeling too rail-roaded. The encounters are fun and suitably challenging. We probably found them slightly harder due to our party composition. Even so we had a good series of combat encounters.

One of the nice elements for me was that certain actions modified how and when certain encounters took place which was a fresh addition to a PFS scenario. Certainly something I would like to see more of in the future.

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Played this at high tier. Party composition was Druid, hunter, fighter, paladin and shaman.

I liked this scenario. Lots of investigation and roleplay with little in the combat department. Nice to have a full roleplay based scenario again. The fights seemed fair and balanced when they did occur. Our GM used the Harrow cards to add something cool to the adventure.

Apparently we did so well in the final encounter that most of the published tactics and game mechanics had to largely be ignored. Again, good to see a scenario where the actions and rolls of the characters can affect things.

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Played this at high tier. Part was Slayer, Hunter, Swashbuckler and Bard. Very odd party but we made do.

Not a bad adventure. Rather fun. My only grumble is that other than reference it has nothing to do with the original Azlant Ridge scenarios. I was hoping for a continuation.

The combats are about right and there is opportunity for role-players to get their side of the game.

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Played this at high tier.

A nice jungle adventure that works better if the players have played the previous scenarios in this plot arc. I enjoyed the journey aspect but as is usual in these cases our GM had to embellish the trip just a little otherwise it's just scene after scene.

The encounters were tough but not too much. I felt that we could have been in trouble but the scenario was just right.

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Player review.

An interesting start to a campaign. Lots of role play and some interesting encounters to keep the combat types happy. I have two grumbles though. One is that the encounters seem arbitrary, just set to sow off the events taking place. I'd have much preferred to just get on with the story than keep having to have unnecessary encounters when GM description will do. Secondly, like most AP's, there just isn't the opportunity to sell stuff and buy equipment. After several AP's this just gets old.

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Played this at low tier. Party was kineticist, unchained summoner, sorcerer and samurai.

This is a simple and straight forward scenario. There is some roleplay opportunities but they are few and the players have to make that choice. Otherwise it is a basic dungeon crawl which will please combat characters.

Fun scenario but not for the role players.


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From both a player and a GM perspective this scenario is fairly bland and average. Typical of the starting season really.

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John Carter of Akiton


GM review.

For myself, this is the best and most enjoyable chapter of this series. I love that we at last get some off world action and how John Carter this scenario feels. Big thumbs up.

The actual adventure is just straight forward and while their is some role play it is mostly big epic combats where the players get to show what their big heroes are capable of. My players loved it.

The only thing that prevents me from giving this chapter 5 stars is the aerial chase sequence. Rather than give us something straight forward we get pointless and time wasting randomness, which everyone at my table felt broke the pace of the story.

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Played this at the lower tier.

First part of this scenario is heavy roleplay with some great moments for those who like to think outside the box. The rest is a fairly interesting dungeon crawl with some cool encounters and a shed load of suspenseful atmosphere.

There are a couple parts which feel like red herrings but we enjoyed it a lot even so. A good fun scenario.

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Played this at the high tier. Party was cleric NPC, sorcerer 11, swashbuckler 7 and fighter 11/cleric 1.

The scenario is an early straight forward adventure. It is very railroad with the party starting at point A, and the going through point B, point C...etc. While this is usually very dull the adventure does have some role play opportunities and some nice challenging fights.

Not too bad but needs a bit more to it.

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GM's perspective:

This from the GM's side of things is a rather boring chapter in the campaign. It starts too sandbox and then becomes a series of short encounters followed by an overly large and dull dungeon exploration.
Some encounters are just way too tough even for characters of the appropriate level. Some fights are just not suitably balanced.

I was a little disappointed considering how well the whole adventure path started off.

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GM review.

After the full on fest that was part 1, this scenario goes back to the regular scenario style. Thankfully it also reduces the time and we were able to do this in four hours.

This scenario is split into two with only a very basic link between the two. The first half was full of role play with a tough encounters. The second half was all to brief and little more than a fight. I really enjoyed running the first half but the second failed partly because the BBEG's tactics just did not stand up to what the PC's could bring to the table.

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I played this scenario.
Party was kineticist 1, paladin 1, druid 1 and gunslinger 2.

This scenario is split effectively into two parts. One half is nicely role play and problem solving heavy while the other is more traditional adventuring. The role play side of it is very good but the more combat orientated side was just a walkthrough and over far too quickly (but probably because we found another way around it)

For me it was an average scenario. If your party is up for role play then it's great but pure combat parties and characters probably won't enjoy it as much.

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Full Name

Badriyah Hameedah


Female Keleshite Alchemist 2 | HP: 13/13 | Init: +2 | Per: +5 | AC: 15/13/12 | F: +2 | R: +5 | W: +1 | CMD: 11










Common, Osirion, Elvish, Draconic

Strength 9
Dexterity 14
Constitution 9
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Badriyah Hameedah

Badriyah Hameedah
N Human Female (Keleshite) Alchemist 2
Init: +2; Perception: +5
Fame: 5; PP: 3

15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12
HP: 13 (1d8)
Fort: +2, Ref: +5, Will: +1

Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Sickle (+2, 1d6-1, x2, Trip), Dagger (+2, 1d4-1, 19-20x2)
Ranged: Sling (+2, 1d4, x2, 50ft), Bomb (+3, 1d6+3)


STR: 9(-1), DEX: 14(+2), CON: 9(-1), INT: 16(+3), WIS: 12(+1), CHA: 16(+3)
BAB: +0; CMB: -1; CMD: 11
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dodge
Traits: Fast-Talker, World Traveler (Diplomacy)
Skills: Appraise +7, Bluff +9, Craft (Alchemy) +8, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +7, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge(Local) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +7,
Languages: Common, Osirian, Elvish, Draconic
Gear: Alchemist's Lab (Portable), Backpack, Belt Pouch*, Bedroll, Candle, Chalk, Flint and Steel, Soap, Waterskin, Sewing Needle, Explorers Outfit, Earplugs, Magnet, Marbles, Ink, Pen, Parchment, Mirror, Whetstone, 50' Twine

Weapons: Sickle, Dagger

Armor: Leather

Magic Items: Wand of Magic Missile (50)

Trail Rations - 11/11
Waterskins - 5/5
Oil - 3/3
Holy Water - 2/2
Sling Stones - 20/20
Alchemists Fire - 2/2
Antitoxin - 2/2
Antiplague - 2/2
Tanglefoot Bag - 0/2
Smokestick - 1/1
Meditation Tea - 1/1
Candle - 5/5
Chalk - 5/5
Parchment - 10/10

Copper: - 4
Silver: - 13
Gold: 1261
Platinum: -
Gems: -
Other: -
Formulae Prepared

Mutagen Prepared: Strength

Level One: Adhesive Spittle, Cure Light Wounds

Formulae Known

Level One: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Enlarge Person, Shield, Expidetious Retreat


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Alchemists are proficient with all simple weapons and bombs. They are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields..

Extra Bombs: You can throw two additional bombs per day. (Replaces Brew Potion, per GPSOP.)

Throw Anything: All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.

Alchemy: When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check. In addition, an alchemist can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. He must hold the potion for 1 round to make such a check.

Bombs (1d6+3 / 5 per day): In addition to magical extracts, alchemists are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals and infusing them with their magical reserves to create powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. An alchemist can use a number of bombs each day equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier.

Mutagen: At 1st level, an alchemist discovers how to create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to heighten his physical prowess at the cost of his personality. It takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. It's a standard action to drink a mutagen. Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level.

Poison Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, an alchemist gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against poison. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and then again to +6 at 8th level. At 10th level, an alchemist becomes completely immune to poison.

Poison Use (Ex): Alchemists are trained in the use of poison and starting at 2nd level, cannot accidentally poison themselves when applying poison to a weapon.

Discovery: Explosive bomb*: The alchemist's bombs now have a splash radius of 10 feet rather than 5 feet. Creatures that take a direct hit from an explosive bomb catch fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Extinguishing the flames is a full-round action that requires a Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target with a +2 to the save. Dousing the target with at least 2 gallons of water automatically extinguishes the flames.


Description: Badriyah is a young woman with the coal black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes common to many Keleshite's. The slightest odor of sulfur mixed with several and other chemical odors seems to drift near her person. Probably derived from the many small vials and containers that dangle from a black leather belt. Her hands are cracked and dry from the constant exposure to the harsh elements of her profession. Two small scars mark her right cheek, giving her youthful beauty a slightly rugged look. Dressed in simple, practical, and slightly worn clothing consisting of reds and blacks she has little care for the latest fashion styles. Choosing instead functionally over fashion. The exception being the dark crimson, silk wrap embroidered with the scarab of Osirion that covers her head, neck and shoulders.

Background: Badriyah Hameedah is the daughter of Kazim Hameedah, an Osirian diplomat and occsional spy for the regeme of the Ruby Prince. Her mother was an healer and chemist who often administered to the less well off she encountered when accompanying her husband. Growing up in her father's home meant Badriyah spent many days and weeks traveling to the various nations of Golarion and learning
the ways of diplomatic circles.

Naturally a quiet and somewhat sensitive child, she mostly kept to herself rather than playing or socializing with the other children who resided at the embassies. Instead she found herself in the libraries
reading about magical theory or local histories and intrigues. As she got older, her seeming differences caused often caused her to become the target of pranks and worse perpetrated by the other children. At first she simply tried to avoid the issue, but then at the age of fifteen she was physically beaten and almost worst if not for the timely intervention of a palace guard. That incedent changed her life, not just because of the scar the boy gave her, but because she resolved to never be caught unable to defend herself from that point forward.

She became friends with the guard, Taleb, who agreed to teach her in secret the art of fencing and fighting. More significantly, she took a
strong interest in her mother's alchemical researches and discovered she had quite a talent for creating and developing the mystical formulae. However, she was much less interested in her mother's preference of healing others. Instead was drawn toward the more violent and defensive uses of the art, something her mother had strictly forbidden as improper for a woman.

Depsite her mother's objections, Badriyah continued practice the making of certain explosives and mutagenic formulae. For some time she
was able to use the same diplomatic tactics and methods she observed her father using on a daily basis to keep her training and practice a
secret from her mother. However, eventually her secrets came out and the conflict with her mother was an epic battle of wills that resulted in her near solitary confinment and fast track for marriage in order to her 'under control and abandon her childish infatuations.'

To add insult to her injury, Taleb was punished with demotion and sent to a distant desert outpost outside of Ipeq. The seemingly unfair and spiteful act by her mother led Badriyah to feel more anger and guilt over the whole situation.

It was actually her father who interveined on her behalf. Kazim recognized that his daughter might be able to serve the Ruby Prince and increase the status of the family if she was allowed to pursue some of her interests. He offered her a choice, she could serve Osirion and the Ruby Prince, or bend to her mother's demands. Badriyah jumped at the first offer. Through her father's connections she joined the Pathfinder Society and met with other members of the Osirion faction within the group. Now she is on her first mission determined to prove herself in her father's and her own eyes.


#5-12 - Destiny of Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain
#5-15 - Destiny of Sands, Part 2: Race to Seeker's Folly
#9-08 - Birthright Betrayed

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