Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon (PFRPG)

4.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon (PFRPG)
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A Perfect Night for a Curse!

Channel the power of the moon and turn the curse of lycanthropy into a potent blessing with Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon! Whether you were born with traces of bestial blood from a lycanthropic ancestor or you were bitten by a werewolf and have transformed into one completely, this volume contains everything you need to embrace the beast within and become a fearsome weapon against your enemies. Become a protector of the natural world as a scion of a werebear, revel in bloodshed with the wolf fighting style created by your ancestors, or find your calling in the witch practices of your werecrocodile forerunners. Even if you do not take directly after these bestial horrors of the night, there is much to learn from associating with them—as either ally or hunter. The choice is yours with Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon!

Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • Rules and information for the all-new skinwalker race—versatile humans distantly descended from lycanthropes, who have the power to take monstrous forms.
  • Eight unique skinwalker heritages to choose from, allowing characters to channel the power of such creatures as the mighty wereboar, cunning wererat, or brutal weretiger.
  • Tips, suggestions, and new ways to play a lycanthrope, hide your dreaded curse, and even find a cure for your affliction.
  • An in-depth examination of the lycanthropic transformation process, as well as a lunar calendar to track the phases of the moon on Golarion and ensure you don’t get caught off guard on the night of the next full moon.
  • New feats, spells, magic items, and rules options for characters from all walks of life— including the new lunar oracle mystery, transformative globes of moonlight, and mighty pelts that grant the powers of animals!

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by Tim Akers, Adam Daigle, Neal Litherland, David N. Ross, and Tork Shaw.
Cover Art by Kieran Yanner.

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-578-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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4.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Watered Down Lycanthropes


Blood of the Moon is all about lycanthropes--“true” lycanthropes like werewolves, humans with lycanthropic ancestors (skinwalkers), and (I guess most broadly) creatures whose abilities are influenced by the waxing and waning of the moon. I can confess this has never been a concept that I’ve been particularly interested in, and I only bought the book because it contains some stuff for my Groetus-worshipping Oracle. On the other hand, I recognise the book definitely does fill a demand relating to the “big three” pop culture monsters: vampires, zombies, and werewolves.

We’ll start with the cover, which is downright awesome! I often think these Player Companion covers are better than many of the ones that went on the game’s main rulebook line. The inside-front-cover has capsule descriptions of the new “skinwalker” races introduced in the book: werebat-kin, werebear-kin, wererat-kin, wereshark-kin, wereboar-kin, weretiger-kin, werecrocodile-kin, and werewolf-kin. (Yes, I was a bit embarrassed to write that sentence). The inside back cover is a lunar calendar for the year 4713, and includes a new trait called “Child of the Moon” that gives a bonus to a particular skill depending on what phase the moon is currently in. I remember having a player in a campaign that took this for their PC, and it was kind of a pain always looking up what the phase of the moon was before rolling a simple skill check.

Most of the book is about the new race, skinwalkers, and the variations listed above. Skinwalkers are humans who are descendants of true lycanthropes and offer some of the flavour of true lycanthropes, relatively minor special abilities, and none of the risk of being feral murder-machines. For each of the eight variations of skinwalkers, the book devotes two pages of description, traits, and feats. Frankly, most are fairly forgettable in my opinion and I’m not convinced they’re a worthwhile addition to the game. And in contrast to the amazing cover, the interior artwork is stiff and even a bit goofy looking--who wants to play a werebat-kin as pictured on p. 8?

The book does devote some pages to true lycanthropes, with some interesting flavour and detail. There are also two pages of “lycanthropic gear”--alchemical items to help in fighting off lycanthropes, but also a pelt of the beast magic item that’s essentially a no-brainer for skinwalkers. Two pages of the book are devoted to “The Moon” in the broadest sense, and includes a new oracle mystery (“lunar”) that is quite detailed and very useful. (though I should note that one of the included revelations, Primal Companion, is a really OP option).

Overall, I’d rank Blood of the Moon as one of the lesser entries in the Player Companion line. Maybe it scratches an itch for some people, but throwing what’s essentially eight new races at the wall in one little book doesn’t really do justice to any of them; and I doubt, in terms of game mechanics and respect for game balance, they let players achieve what they really want.



It'd be hard for me to say what I like about this book better than the other reviewers, so I will point you to the other reviews for this product for in-depth descriptions of what this book contains. I just want to let it be known that the Skinwalker is a great, versatile race that can do almost anything a PC is looking for, in one way or another. It's not overpowered by any means, there are very clearly-outlined fluff- and crunch-based drawbacks for having this versatility, but they only serve to enhance the race as a whole. Along with the race come various flavor-full traits and other options (feats, Magus Arcana, etc...) for PCs to use.
If you're looking for a Player's Companion to buy, I heartily recommend the Blood of the Moon.


I've reviewed this book over on

Ring Side Report- Review of Pathfinder Player Companion-Blood of the Moon


Product- Pathfinder Player Companion- Blood of the Moon

Producer- Paizo

Cost- ~$13

Page Count-32

TL;DR- An excellent addition to the Player Companion line-97%

Summary- This book focuses on the “in-between” creatures called skinwalkers. These creatures are not quite were-creatures, but are not wholly human either. This book presents eight separate skinwalker races giving an rundown on where each might come from in the world, the background on their psychology and physiology, as well as a suite of powers and abilities for each one. In addition the book give ways to become a lycanthrope as well as some gear/items that each were-creature might need or you might need to combat them.

Art/Layout- This is the Pathfinder art we know and love. It’s well laid out and every skinwalker has a picture to show what they look like when they change. I thought the art was well done in this one. 5 /5

Story or “Fluff”- This one is fluff-tastic! Every skinwalker gets a full, well done rundown and their own section. You can make an extremely well rounded skinwalker from this book, and that is the sign of an excellent source book. Also the addition of how true were-creatures interact with the various skinwalker does give some surprising depth to the book. 2.25/2.5

Mechanics or “Crunch”- Each skinwalker gets a great section on its own mechanics and its own traits. Also there is a large section of skinwalker feats that any skinwalker would want. In addition, each skinwalker gets an associated class that gets its own powers. Mind you not every class can have powers/abilities in a 32 page book, but what’s there is done well. Even better, most of the class powers/abilities/features are not limited to skinwalkers! 2.25/2.5

Execution- This book was well executed. As a reader, I learned about a whole new sector of society and its background. It felt natural. Also, the background filled me in quite well. Each section is self contained, and nothing in the book feels like it was tacked on. Even the sections of complete fluff feel like they were needed. 5 /5

Final Thoughts -This is an excellent book. I enjoyed reading this from cover to cover. I want to play one of these confused, misunderstood monsters! And honestly, even if you don’t want to play a were-thing, the extra class options really make this a well done book on its own. 97%

Lots of lycanthropic flavour!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Blood of the Moon is not a book that will be useful for every campaign. It’s a niche product and many campaigns will likely have limited use for it. However, people who want to add a touch of lycanthropic flavour to their campaign or just want the option of playing new races will find the book adds a lot of useful options and more importantly, flavour.

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And the promised blog.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Axial wrote:

So, eight Skinwalker heritages total? Looks like we have...

1) Werewolf
2) Werebears
3) Werecrocodiles
4) Wereboar
5) Wererat
6) Weretiger

...And if they're basing it off of Lycanthrope-types that are already in the game, it's fair to guess that Weresharks and Werebats will be the last two on the list.

Werebat and Wereshark too.

I have some reservations about non-mammalian lycanthropes, it just seems a little weirder, but obviously the boat has sailed on that and it's not that big of a deal anyway.

Dark Archive

Thanks to Native American, Polynesian, Japanese, Egyptian, etc. lore about crocodile and shark shifters, I'm okay with them. (Ditto were-crows, since that's a thing.)

I'd be less thrilled with 'weres' based on creatures less associated with shifting in myth and folklore, like dinosaurs or whatnot.

The Golux wrote:
I have some reservations about non-mammalian lycanthropes, it just seems a little weirder, but obviously the boat has sailed on that and it's not that big of a deal anyway.

I kinda agree. Hopefully it won't be too tough creating your own skinwalker heritages for different lycanthropes. I would like to be able to make a skinwalker with a wereelephant heritage.

I wonder if Werecrocodiles can drive a Chevrolet Movie Theater as a racial ability.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Axial wrote:
I wonder if Werecrocodiles can drive a Chevrolet Movie Theater as a racial ability.

Or are creole stereotypes...

The Golux wrote:
I have some reservations about non-mammalian lycanthropes, it just seems a little weirder, but obviously the boat has sailed on that and it's not that big of a deal anyway.

Personally, I would worry more about non-predators than non-mammalian.

Non-predators certainly wouldn't spread it as much.

d@ncingNumfar wrote:
Axial wrote:

So, eight Skinwalker heritages total? Looks like we have...

1) Werewolf
2) Werebears
3) Werecrocodiles
4) Wereboar
5) Wererat
6) Weretiger

...And if they're basing it off of Lycanthrope-types that are already in the game, it's fair to guess that Weresharks and Werebats will be the last two on the list.

Werebat and Wereshark too.

Ah.. that's too bad. I was hoping for a bit on Jackalweres.

In_digo wrote:
d@ncingNumfar wrote:
Axial wrote:

So, eight Skinwalker heritages total? Looks like we have...

1) Werewolf
2) Werebears
3) Werecrocodiles
4) Wereboar
5) Wererat
6) Weretiger

...And if they're basing it off of Lycanthrope-types that are already in the game, it's fair to guess that Weresharks and Werebats will be the last two on the list.

Werebat and Wereshark too.
Ah.. that's too bad. I was hoping for a bit on Jackalweres.

Jackalwere =/= Werejackal.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Lovely - between this and Bestiary IV, this will be a happy Halloween!

Belle Mythix wrote:
In_digo wrote:
d@ncingNumfar wrote:
Axial wrote:

So, eight Skinwalker heritages total? Looks like we have...

1) Werewolf
2) Werebears
3) Werecrocodiles
4) Wereboar
5) Wererat
6) Weretiger

...And if they're basing it off of Lycanthrope-types that are already in the game, it's fair to guess that Weresharks and Werebats will be the last two on the list.

Werebat and Wereshark too.
Ah.. that's too bad. I was hoping for a bit on Jackalweres.

Jackalwere =/= Werejackal.

Oh, I'm well aware of that. Doesn't stop the creature from running in people's blood

The Exchange

DeciusNero wrote:
Lovely - between this and Bestiary IV, this will be a happy Halloween!

Ya. Right around that time. Great timing on Paizo's part.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

20 days!

Shadow Lodge

I'm hoping we get a nice 60 40 split between stuff for skinwalkers and stuff for lycanthrope characters. I feel like lycanthrope is a little more player friendly then vamprism since a character can get it and eventually remove it and much more easily then you can remove said vamprism.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
zergtitan wrote:
20 days!

I don't suppose anyone's gotten any kind of e-mail yet? :P

And for those who get their pdfs first, please go spoiler crazy. :D

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not until the 20th.


I too am counting down till the day you all get to see this book. I'm excited to see what you think! :]

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Patrick Renie wrote:
I too am counting down till the day you all get to see this book. I'm excited to see what you think! :]

I can't WAIT to see the new player race. It's going in my guide to races as soon as it's out!

I'm really curious what the new player race will have for stats. If it's anything like the lycanthrope template.. +2 Wis, -2 Cha, and then maybe another bonus based on heritage? Or do you think they'll do it more like the other half-breed races and have each heritage more unique?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have noticed every month Paizo keeps pushing the products up another week. Why is that? I am starting to think you guys should play it safe and just mark all the products at the end of the month and if they happen to come out earlier than announce it.

I would prefer a -2 Int rather then -2 Cha but a +2 wis and a +2 to a physical stat based on what kind of Lycanthrope I can see.

Markolius Craggmorn wrote:
I have noticed every month Paizo keeps pushing the products up another week. Why is that?

This along with no products except for the comics coming out next month makes me wonder if some things are really messed up there at the moment as far as getting their things out.

It's something that seems to have gotten worse as the last couple of months have rolled by. Some of the books seemed to arrive a week or more later than I though they should have from when I was charged for them compared to how it was in the past. Hopefully they can use next month as a catching their breath period and get everything straitened out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Got the "shipping soon" e-mail! Eee!

Drock11 wrote:
Markolius Craggmorn wrote:
I have noticed every month Paizo keeps pushing the products up another week. Why is that?

This along with no products except for the comics coming out next month makes me wonder if some things are really messed up there at the moment as far as getting their things out.

It's something that seems to have gotten worse as the last couple of months have rolled by. Some of the books seemed to arrive a week or more later than I though they should have from when I was charged for them compared to how it was in the past. Hopefully they can use next month as a catching their breath period and get everything straitened out.

Gencon fallout which I think hits most years

i really need to play closer attention to these things. This was announced in april and i only see it now.

Do want.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Since we have finally arrived at the ten-day marker, LET THE SPOILERS BEGIN!


1. What are the new archetypes?
2.what are the skin walker racial traits?
3. How is the lunar mystery? What is its final mystery?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
zergtitan wrote:

Since we have finally arrived at the ten-day marker, LET THE SPOILERS BEGIN!

** spoiler omitted **

Spoilers requires any of us subscribers actually having our PDFs. That hasn't happened yet due to massive and ugly shipping delays due to technical difficulties in the shipping software, AFAIK.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What Kvantum said.

This is a must have for me!! Can't wait to play a were tiger character :-D i also hope there will be options to take an animal shape (like wildshape)... I'm open to spoilers, i'm gettong the pDf so i have to wait :-(

Shadow Lodge

Crimlock NL wrote:
This is a must have for me!! Can't wait to play a were tiger character :-D i also hope there will be options to take an animal shape (like wildshape)... I'm open to spoilers, i'm gettong the pDf so i have to wait :-(

Trust me we are all waiting. I really hop my subscriptions ship today. I soo what to see what is in this and Bestiary 4!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Sometimes....I think they watch these parts of product threads and giggle at our impaitent suffering....


Webstore Gninja Minion

Nate Z wrote:
Sometimes....I think they watch these parts of product threads and giggle at our impatient suffering...

We're actually pretty frustrated, because we *want* to be able to talk about the awesome stuff in the new releases, and share the details, but can't until it's starting to release to customers. :(

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
Sometimes....I think they watch these parts of product threads and giggle at our impatient suffering...
We're actually pretty frustrated, because we *want* to be able to talk about the awesome stuff in the new releases, and share the details, but can't until it's starting to release to customers. :(

Does this mean subscriptions still arent shipping yet?

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
Sometimes....I think they watch these parts of product threads and giggle at our impatient suffering...
We're actually pretty frustrated, because we *want* to be able to talk about the awesome stuff in the new releases, and share the details, but can't until it's starting to release to customers. :(

Just out of curiosity, do you know when these should start shipping to subscribers? I really can't wait to get my hands on the pdf and see all of the juicy content inside and I don't think checking my email every 30 min is helping... but of course I would never do that...


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
Sometimes....I think they watch these parts of product threads and giggle at our impatient suffering...
We're actually pretty frustrated, because we *want* to be able to talk about the awesome stuff in the new releases, and share the details, but can't until it's starting to release to customers. :(

This is mostly true, but I do revel in the squirming as well.

Silver Crusade

Patrick Renie wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
Sometimes....I think they watch these parts of product threads and giggle at our impatient suffering...
We're actually pretty frustrated, because we *want* to be able to talk about the awesome stuff in the new releases, and share the details, but can't until it's starting to release to customers. :(
This is mostly true, but I do revel in the squirming as well.

You ish evil llama. Cuddly, but still evil.

Wereshark heritage + Delving armor = THIS

I'm really liking the stuff in this player companion. Also, I think a lot of people will be happy with the focus on the skinwalkers. The vast majority of the book is about them, which means most of it applies to players.

Also, I really like the Lunar Oracle. With its abilities, it can essentially be a Cha based Druid. I'm going to have to run one of those at some point :D

However, as an obsessed kitsune fan I have to be the first one to whine about this: the (greater) Share Skin spell should totally be a Kitsune spell. I don't know why watered down wearbears got the possession spell instead of the race that's supposed to be all about possession (in the legends at least) ;)

How in depth is the information on lycanthropy? Does it also cover lycanthropy for non humanoid races (is that even possible?)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

See that makes me sad because it's basically an inverse of what happened with Blood of the Night. Blood of the Night I went in expecting all sorts of Dhampir goodies and they felt like a footnote. Blood of the Moon I was really hoping for lots of actual Lycanthropy goodies, with the new player race being more of a Footnote. I still wanna see it but that makes me incredibly disappointed.

Are you able to spoil the stats for the Skinwalkers or is that against rules?

I gotta ask: how's the art? Did we get some cool werewolf pieces? :))

I could probably give more spoilers, but I will keep it short for now. Each skinwalker type gets +2 to one stat, -2 to another stat, and gains another +2 when in their shifted state.

As for the art.... well, maybe I'm getting spoiled, but I can't say I'm too impressed by most of the art in the book. Though I do have to say that I like the picture of the iconic cleric turning into a werewolf :D

There are two pages fully on 'normal' lycanthropes and various sidenotes throughout the book. There are a few magical items that would be useful for lycanthropes as well.

Also, the various feats and spells that the lycan-kin subraces get are also available to true lycanthropes of the same type. That's actually a lot of content. Each subrace gets at least 3 feats or class abilities associated with it I believe. So, you can't say that everything in here is just for the skinwalkers.

Robert Jordan wrote:
See that makes me sad because it's basically an inverse of what happened with Blood of the Night. Blood of the Night I went in expecting all sorts of Dhampir goodies and they felt like a footnote. Blood of the Moon I was really hoping for lots of actual Lycanthropy goodies, with the new player race being more of a Footnote. I still wanna see it but that makes me incredibly disappointed.

From what I understood, a large number of people complained about Blood of the Night's focus on vampires and such over the Dhampir, and wishing it was the other way around. So I am going to hazard a guess that Paizo wanted this more focused on the skinwalkers over the monsters.

I personally like that it is focused more on the player race than the templates/monsters. I would love to play a skinwalker, but I am sure it won't get used much since it isn't a CRB race.

I look forward to getting my hands on this book when I can.

Which type gets a + to con?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Matrix Dragon wrote:

Though I do have to say that I like the picture of the iconic cleric turning into a werewolf :D

Mm...liking the sound of that! :D

Grand Lodge

Can we please have more details on the skin walker race? I can't wait to get this book!

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