Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer (PFRPG)

2.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer (PFRPG)
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Grab your wayfinder and embark on incredible missions with Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer! This volume contains everything you need to join the illustrious Pathfinder Society and start on the road to becoming one of Golarion’s finest adventurers, explorers, and chroniclers. Tips and tricks from hardened Pathfinder veterans accompany the latest tools and gear used by Pathfinders in the field to create a priceless resource for the aspiring field agent. New spells, weapons, and magic items also assure that your latest risky mission isn’t your last. If you measure up to the challenge, you might even prove worthy of having your story published in the legendary Pathfinder Chronicles!

In addition to being useful for your home game, all of the rules in this book are legal for use in the official Pathfinder Society Organized Play worldwide campaign. Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • Advice and tools for making the most out of your field agent, including new feats, spells, and traits to establish your Pathfinder as an adventurer worthy of the title.
  • A detailed look at the three branches of the Pathfinder Society—the Swords, the Scrolls, and the Spells—as well as the types of Pathfinders who flock to these sects.
  • A new prestige class for Pathfinder field agents, versatile adventurers trained to handle all types of situations with their wide variety of potent skills and abilities.
  • New variant wayfinders and other useful magic items Pathfinders can employ in the field.
  • New ioun stones—legendary magic gems that fit into a Pathfinder’s wayfinder and grant significant powers—as well as flawed and cracked varieties of each.
  • Details on various volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles, new vanities for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, and information on joining this ongoing worldwide campaign.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by John Compton & Mark Moreland.
Cover Art by Taylor Fischer.

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-534-1

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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2.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Useless Even for the Low Price


I purchased this book, because I was looking for some new ways to use my Prestige Points and I wanted a little more information on the factions. However, there is not much in the way of expanding on factions, or on useful ways to spend Prestige Points. All of the information here should be included in the Guide To PFS. It shouldn't be an extra ten dollars of useless information.

Bad products undermine the brand


Before I knew what I was doing in PFS, I bought this thinking (as the game store owner convinced me) that it was a useful companion for PFS play. I have found it a pointless investment. Skip it. You'll miss nothing of importance.

Hit the open road, Jack, and don't you come back.


CRobledo's review hit the nail on the head.

This booklet is riddled with information that has already been detailed in previous products. The magic items detailed inside are either not very useful, or shockingly expensive. The first aid gloves are an outlier, but they're an outlier that trivialises death consequences in the game and makes it okay to have combats where a PC drops every round. The authors did realize that the average Pathfinder only makes around 120k by the time they reach level 12, right? I only ask because having a 200k item is just wasting book space.

The prestige class is lacking in power and theme. The advancements to Wayfinders are pretty poor to boot, and forcing folks to spend prestige to gain them isn't winning any friends either.

I bought this pdf because I needed the spell *Sure Casting*. I was hoping there'd be something else in here worthwhile, but there really wasn't. Pick up Seeker of Secrets or Field Guide instead.

Ring Side Report- A review of Pathfinder Society Primer


Originally posted on, a new idea everyday!

Product-Pathfinder Player Companion-Pathfinder Society Primer

System: Pathfinder

Producer: Paizo Publishing

Price: ~$12

TL;DR- If you play PFS, then you already know you need this. 100%

Basics: This book delves deeper into the Pathfinder Society continuing the background knowledge that was presented in Pathfinder Society Field Guide. The book starts with a general explanation of the Pathfinder Society leading to a section on how to build a well rounded pathfinder for a game. From there, the book runs through joining the society and the three main subgroups while giving different feats, spells, abilities, and traits for each. After the main groups, the book presents a prestige class called the Pathfinder Field Agent who is a bit of a mixed bag. The main way to identify a pathfinder is his/her wayfinder, and this book give new versions of the wayfinder as well as ioun stones that can be socketed into the wayfinder with new powers for both and magic items that any pathfinder would need on their adventures. Near the end of the book, Pathfinder Chronicles are discussed giving new, non-magical ways to boost skills after pathfinders read these books for one hour. The book closes with Pathfinder Society vanities, ways to spend prestige points gained in the pathfinder society, and a short section on Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Mechanics: This book has a lot going on for the player only interested in mechanics. From new spells, feats, traits, and abilities, this book is real chock full. However, this book doesn’t have many class specific options, but does have many general options. This is really expressed well with the Pathfinder Field Agent; this prestige class gets most other class abilities, but doesn’t really get anything that makes him/her awesome at one thing. The wayfinders, ioun stones, and other items are all good too. Until now I hadn’t had a real good use for the prestige points, but his book gives even me a few good ideas. 5/5

Theme: I like PFS, but I have to say I don’t know as much as I should, especially about the inner working of the society. This book gave me a good summary while giving me some mechanics. I liked what at I saw in terms of story of PFS. It’s worth a read for that. 5/5

Execution: I liked this one. It flows well, even better then the previous PFS book. No page is a well of text while the previous PFS book had that problem a few times. The art is nice and consistent. The layout helps the reader read the text. All and all, I liked this book. 5/5

Summary: If you play PFS, you need this. If you really want to get deep into the Society, then get this book. If you don’t care about the Pathfinders or PFS at all, then this book isn’t for you. 100%

Exactly What I'm Looking For


As someone very invested in PFS Organized Play, this is one of my favourite Player Companions to date.

I appreciate the focus on the Pathfinder Society as an organization first, when compared with something like the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. I also very much like the focus on how Pathfinders are similar and different from other adventurers. To that end, the sections that cover character building and joining the society are great, and should frankly be required reading for someone who has played more than a few sessions of PFS (Read: I'm tired of seeing the 7 Int/7 Wis/7 Cha characters who somehow made the cut and became Pathfinders).

As for mechanical options:

Featwise, there are some poorer choices than others, but that's not new for Paizo. Improved Day Job and Steadfast Mind seem to be entirely for padding word count, and it's those feats that are making me wish for a 4.5 star rating. Oh well, other options make up for it. Planned Spontaneity and Emergency Attunement are both fantastic feats (the former possibly a bit too powerful for the already strong prepared spellcasters), and I really like Cut Your Losses. The traits added are nice, although I worry that with Canny Wordplay, Charisma is becoming more of a dump stat than it ever has been. However, Ultimate Campaign already crossed that barrier. Insistent Benefactor and Muscle of the Society are both winners.

The prestige class is weaker than going single classed, but that's how all prestige classes are in Pathfinder. As is, the Pathfinder Field Agent has some cool abilities, and a character that takes that class will be able to emulate the Society's focus. Weaker than some, but still good enough, and certainly cool enough.

I'm happy to see new ioun stones and resonances, but I'm happier still to see new PFS vanities. Please keep adding these Paizo! The other magic items and spells available are all conducive to the Society's motto, and I have no complaints about them.

Other reviewers have complained about this, but sections like 'Five Spells Every Pathfinder Should Know' need to keep happening. Not only is this good advice for players, but it makes so much sense that operatives trained by an organization would go into things with a similar idea of how to be prepared.

Art is good, but Amiri looks a little dopey in her picture. Maybe she's about to sneeze?

All in all, this book is exactly what I want in a Companion. You educate me on the organization, give me some insights into its philosophy, and give some new and different options and items, all without too much power creep. Bravo.

I also covered this book on our Ontario Pathfinders website!

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

The "pink dragons" are wyverns, in fact. (Note the unique wyvern shaped stinger on their tail.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Fromper wrote:

Yeah, the cover picture is pretty, but it's got me curious about the details. Besides wondering about the pink dragons, I'm also trying to figure out what spell Ezren's casting, and why he has his wayfinder out and open while doing so. There's a time and a place to be checking the needle on the wayfinder, and the middle of battle isn't it.

He's casting any spell with the fire descriptor. He has his wayfinder out so he can justify being on the cover of the Pathfinder Society Primer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Yeah, the cover picture is pretty, but it's got me curious about the details. Besides wondering about the pink dragons, I'm also trying to figure out what spell Ezren's casting, and why he has his wayfinder out and open while doing so. There's a time and a place to be checking the needle on the wayfinder, and the middle of battle isn't it.

He's casting any spell with the fire descriptor. He has his wayfinder out so he can justify being on the cover of the Pathfinder Society Primer.

Ezren is actually a Pathfinder in the comic (or at least trying to be), so that's good enough for me. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Options: He was checking the wayfinder and the wyvern's stealth check beat his perception? Or maybe he saw it and hates being interrupted when he's lost?

Liberty's Edge

It's a North Dragon. They're pink, and you can only hit them when facing south.

Will the ioun stones from Seekers of Secrets be covered again, with all the resonance abilities, or only new ones?

Liberty's Edge

Hang your head in shame if you were calling that a Dragon!.. It is clearly a Wyvern!

Looks great.

Grand Lodge

Like someone else posting months ago, I'm hoping they have rules for using the Pathfinder hand-sign. That would add some really nice flavor to the table if several of the players could communicate silently using gestures they've learned in their training. If they do, hopefully it will be something you have to invest in, at least a little (perhaps an add-on use for the Linguistics skill).

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Pittard wrote:

Hang your head in shame if you were calling that a Dragon!.. It is clearly a Wyvern!

Looks great.

Umm... Matthew... Wyverns are dragons... ;)


PeteZero wrote:
Will the ioun stones from Seekers of Secrets be covered again, with all the resonance abilities, or only new ones?

This book features all-new ioun stones that also play off the rules presented in Seekers of Secrets.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Patrick Renie wrote:
PeteZero wrote:
Will the ioun stones from Seekers of Secrets be covered again, with all the resonance abilities, or only new ones?
This book features all-new ioun stones that also play off the rules presented in Seekers of Secrets.

Good. I like the ioun stones and hope that we eventually get a table of shapes, sort of like the old gem tables. I'd been intending to stat up the Hook-Up Action feats other than Alertness.

Silver Crusade


Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think it's long past time that there were ioun stones based on the platonic solids. We may not be able to use modrons anymore, but there's design space for ioun stones in the shape of tetrahedrons, dodecahedrons, octahedrons and icosahedrons! Oh, and cubes!

Ezren looks like he's timing himself to see how fast he can wrassle that giant pink quasi-Ouroboran rainbow serpent thing.

"Ha! Twelve seconds! One-handed! A new personal best. Beat that Valeros!"

Maybe his wayfinder's resonant ability is to boost fire spells when used as a focus?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
So you think every other year is too often for a product to support Paizo's largest marketing campaign? Many many people would say its not often enough.

As long as it actually offers something new, sure no problem. The thing is, so far we have 2-3 books that rehash the same information over and over. Those books have offered very little new for each one.

The last one came out and I touted it at a big Pathfinder convention here. Then I looked through it and regretted my support. Most of the book was already available in other forms. It was a near waste of money.

I hope there is SOMETHING new and worth the money this time. But baed on past experience I doubt it. Please Paizo, prove me wrong.

Silver Crusade

Krome wrote:
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
So you think every other year is too often for a product to support Paizo's largest marketing campaign? Many many people would say its not often enough.

As long as it actually offers something new, sure no problem. The thing is, so far we have 2-3 books that rehash the same information over and over. Those books have offered very little new for each one.

The last one came out and I touted it at a big Pathfinder convention here. Then I looked through it and regretted my support. Most of the book was already available in other forms. It was a near waste of money.

I hope there is SOMETHING new and worth the money this time. But baed on past experience I doubt it. Please Paizo, prove me wrong.

What books are you talking about that don't have new material?

Seeker of Secrets has all those ioun stones and their affects when they're in a Wayfinder. The Pathfinder Society Field Guide has the Lore Warden archetype for fighters, and lots of vanities and faction rewards to spend prestige on. And that's just the stuff I've actually used, which has made me glad I bought those books, without having taken the time to read either book in its entirety yet (too busy reading PFS scenarios to GM to read any of the other books).

What I'd most like to see from this book: Pathfinder Society traits for the non-core classes. Longarm of the Society, Hexer of the Society, Tactician of the Society, Spellsword of the Society...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fromper wrote:
Krome wrote:
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
So you think every other year is too often for a product to support Paizo's largest marketing campaign? Many many people would say its not often enough.

As long as it actually offers something new, sure no problem. The thing is, so far we have 2-3 books that rehash the same information over and over. Those books have offered very little new for each one.

The last one came out and I touted it at a big Pathfinder convention here. Then I looked through it and regretted my support. Most of the book was already available in other forms. It was a near waste of money.

I hope there is SOMETHING new and worth the money this time. But baed on past experience I doubt it. Please Paizo, prove me wrong.

What books are you talking about that don't have new material?

Would he be speaking of "Humans Of Golarion"?

The Exchange

If the resources in in the PFS core assumption change, it would be nice if Paizo provided an "upgrade" price (discount) to those who already purchased the core materials. But that would probably be impossible to track unless the items were bought at Paizo's online store - e.g. PFS Core "maintenance" subscription.

It sounds like this book is going to combine some of the better material from Seekers and the Field Guide and probably some new things as well. I certainly hope so. I am still building my PFS library and would like to have the good stuff all together versus buying separate older books.

It seems that the value of the books really varies depending upon whether you are new to PFS or a veteran who has already purchased older material. The campaign absolutely needs a resource like this and needs to keep if fresh, and the new material is always worth something - I would not expect it all to be rolled into the PFS Guide to Organized Play for free. But requiring folks to pay full price when much of the material exists in something players and GMs already paid for is not likely to be met with a high level of satisfaction.

Still, folks should keep in mind that Paizo's done a good job of making sure we get continued use out of our CRBs. I bought a 3rd printing version, and to update that to 6th printing was a free (and small) errata download. The same goes for Bestiary updates (but not new Bestiaries with new types of monsters). The annual "dues" to maintain CA materials for PFS (if the "PFS Primer" or equivalent is updated every year or two) really don't amount to much, compared to the price you pay for scenarios, modules, APs, other PFS setting material, accessories and additional resources. If you buy this new resource, please write a review at that point and let others know what you think about the price/value ratio. I don't think the inclusion of older material is a problem as long as the price takes that into account.

Hmmm, I had been hoping this book would mention the retraining rules from Ultimate Campaign so they would be PFS legal, but the description doesn't mention them. Oh well.

Liberty's Edge

If the retraining rules from UC are going to be PFS legal, that would go into the Guide to PFS play, or the online Additional Resource page, not this.

Liberty's Edge

Id never tell a Dragon that a Wyvern is a dragon. That would not go down well. Im looking forward to new vanities or updated ones.

Silver Crusade

Page 29



Grand Lodge

Dammit my copy needs to ship.

Grand Lodge

Ditto, TOZ... ditto. >.<

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:

Page 29



If she's in a waitress or maid uniform, I have to see!

Shadow Lodge

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Hmmm, I had been hoping this book would mention the retraining rules from Ultimate Campaign so they would be PFS legal, but the description doesn't mention them. Oh well.

Actually, it seems it does.

Monastery (5 PP): Your accomplishments have earned
you an invitation from a prestigious school of meditation,
athletics, or combat arts. Regularly training with the
monastery’s instructors builds endurance and patience,
granting you the discipline to train faster and more
efficiently. When using the retraining rules presented in
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign to retrain any character
ability that would take 5 or more days to complete, you reduce
the number of days needed per retraining action by 1.

But personally, I find this more interesting.

Pathfinder Lodge (50 PP): The Decemvirate gave you
the go-ahead to found your own lodge outside of Absalom.
While in the same nation as your lodge, you may requisition
one or more lower-ranked Pathfinders to assist you for a
short time. At the beginning of an adventure, you gain
10 temporary Prestige Points you can spend only on
purchasing follower vanities. At the end of the adventure,
the followers return to their normal duties, and any unspent
temporary Prestige Points are lost. If your character holds
the title of venture-captain
, this vanity costs only 25 PP.

Anyone sure how a character obtains the rank of Venture-Captain?

Grand Lodge

Eyes of the Ten chronicle.

Grand Lodge

Niiiiiice! Awesomeness! I just got my pdf! ^_^

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Having now read this, I am mildly disappointed that it has virtually no utility outside of the Pathfinder Society. :(

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Some interesting new feats.

Aside. I'll be interested if a) the Fate patron from AP #72 will be legal and if we can retrain patrons. :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lord Fyre wrote:
Having now read this, I am mildly disappointed that it has virtually no utility outside of the Pathfinder Society. :(

Are you insane?! There is a feat that allows Spontaneous Casters the ability to prepare spells they don't know. There is another that allows Prepared casters to select up to three spells of different levels to be switched out for three different spells of matching levels. Depending on exactly how Greater Casting is supposed to work, (Pathfinder Field Agent, pg. 18), this may be the PrC that makes PrC's arguably 'better' than Core Casting Classes again, at least for Wizards.

Yes, technically everything in here is 'only available to members of the Pathfinder Society' in other words, 'subject to GM approval'.


Actually, on the note I was originally posting to inquire about.

Greater Casting (Pathfinder Field Agent, pg. 18): This is one of the options for Pathfinder Training for the Pathfinder Field Agent PrC. You get Pathfinder Training at first, third, sixth & ninth levels. Normally you cannot take a particular option more than once, it then goes on to say that certain options may be selected multiple times but doesn't seem to mention which ones. The wording on Greater Casting combined with the wording on Pathfinder Training leads me to two possible interpretations. Either once you take Greater Casting you consider your levels in Pathfinder Field Agent to also be caster levels for the purposes of Spells per Day/Levels/Known; or each time you take Greater Casting, you consider that level to be an additional 'Caster Level'.
The one seems a bit overpowered, particularly for the aforementioned Wizard, considering everything else you are getting out of the PrC. The second seems more balanced, but I could be overconservative. Which is why I am curious.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Having now read this, I am mildly disappointed that it has virtually no utility outside of the Pathfinder Society. :(

Are you insane?! There is a feat that allows Spontaneous Casters the ability to prepare spells they don't know. There is another that allows Prepared casters to select up to three spells of different levels to be switched out for three different spells of matching levels. Depending on exactly how Greater Casting is supposed to work, (Pathfinder Field Agent, pg. 18), this may be the PrC that makes PrC's arguably 'better' than Core Casting Classes again, at least for Wizards.

Yes, technically everything in here is 'only available to members of the Pathfinder Society' in other words, 'subject to GM approval'.

You just established that I am not insane. As you pointed out: "only available to members of the Pathfinder Society."

Also, making a Prestige Class that is better then one of the core classes may actually be a bad idea. It certainly goes against one of the design philosophies of the Pathfinder Role Playing Game.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

Greater Casting (Pathfinder Field Agent, pg. 18): This is one of the options for Pathfinder Training for the Pathfinder Field Agent PrC. You get Pathfinder Training at first, third, sixth & ninth levels. Normally you cannot take a particular option more than once, it then goes on to say that certain options may be selected multiple times but doesn't seem to mention which ones. The wording on Greater Casting combined with the wording on Pathfinder Training leads me to two possible interpretations. Either once you take Greater Casting you consider your levels in Pathfinder Field Agent to also be caster levels for the purposes of Spells per Day/Levels/Known; or each[/b] time you take [i]Greater Casting, you consider that level to be an additional 'Caster Level'.

The one seems a bit overpowered, particularly for the aforementioned Wizard, considering everything else you are getting out of the PrC. The second seems more balanced, but I could be overconservative. Which is why I am curious.

I believe your second interpretation is correct. This means that normal progression for a Wizard or Witch would still be vastly better.


Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

Greater Casting (Pathfinder Field Agent, pg. 18): This is one of the options for Pathfinder Training for the Pathfinder Field Agent PrC. You get Pathfinder Training at first, third, sixth & ninth levels. Normally you cannot take a particular option more than once, it then goes on to say that certain options may be selected multiple times but doesn't seem to mention which ones. The wording on Greater Casting combined with the wording on Pathfinder Training leads me to two possible interpretations. Either once you take Greater Casting you consider your levels in Pathfinder Field Agent to also be caster levels for the purposes of Spells per Day/Levels/Known; or each time you take Greater Casting, you consider that level to be an additional 'Caster Level'.

The one seems a bit overpowered, particularly for the aforementioned Wizard, considering everything else you are getting out of the PrC. The second seems more balanced, but I could be overconservative. Which is why I am curious.

The second interpretation is correct.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh good. Otherwise it would be time for me to roll up a Wizard for PFS...

I'm still hoping I can talk the GM for a non-Golarion Pathfinder game I'm in to allow Planned Spontaneity, that would be fun.

edit: Since I've got you here, sort-of, the feat Versatile Spontaneity (pg. 9), mentions being able to prepare a spell in your list from either scrolls or spellbooks. Does that mean, for instance, that a Sorcerer could carry a spellbook with them to prepare a spell from that? Or does that mean the Sorcerer would have to convince a Wizard or Magus to let them read from their (i.e. the Wizard or Magus') spellbook?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Love the tidbit that Eando Kline was in part named after a creator that is near and dear to my heart. I love Otto Binder with all my heart, because he introduced my favorite comic character of all time, the one and only Supergirl.

Dark Archive

Why the one-week delay?


Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
edit: Since I've got you here, sort-of, the feat Versatile Spontaneity (pg. 9), mentions being able to prepare a spell in your list from either scrolls or spellbooks. Does that mean, for instance, that a Sorcerer could carry a spellbook with them to prepare a spell from that? Or does that mean the Sorcerer would have to convince a Wizard or Magus to let them read from their (i.e. the Wizard or Magus') spellbook?

Correct, if a sorcerer stumbled upon a spellbook, she could use this feat to prepare a spell from that, assuming she meets the prerequisites.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Chris Ballard wrote:
Why the one-week delay?

We needed to push the release date out a week to ensure that more retailers are able to get this month's products by the release date.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Our warehouse had some delays (internal and external) and in order to make sure all our distributors (and by extension, local game stores) have a level playing field, we pushed back the release date to 7/31.

Since we have already begun shipping subscriptions, this will not affect subscribers. However, subscription shipping is going to be extended into next week.

sara marie

Dark Archive

Good to know. Always nice for retailers to get the products at the same time.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Question: If I buy the print version, do I get the PDF along with it for free? Or is that just for the hardbacks?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jiggy wrote:
Question: If I buy the print version, do I get the PDF along with it for free? Or is that just for the hardbacks?

You only ever get free PDFs if you're a subscriber.

The PDFs are free as long as you subscribe to the line in question - otherwise you have to pay for them separately - that includes the hardbacks (although the price-difference there is much bigger than for the softcovers).

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

D'oh! Okay, thanks for the answers. I've never actually bought a print product directly from Paizo before, and I'd just heard second-hand about free PDFs with prints. Oh well.

I would get the Versatile Spontaneity feat for my PFS Sorcerer if it was possible to get a spellbook. As it is, it will just be way too expensive to burns scrolls to use the feat.

Well, the other problem is that the Ring of Spell Knowledge can do everything that Versatile Spontaneity does (without burning scrolls and with more flexibility) until you get 6th level spell slots at level 12.

Grand Lodge

Jiggy wrote:
D'oh! Okay, thanks for the answers. I've never actually bought a print product directly from Paizo before, and I'd just heard second-hand about free PDFs with prints. Oh well.

If you subscribe to the companion line, start your sub with the primer, then cancel after it ships, you can get the free PDF along with the book.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Still playing the "Pending" game. First the notification email goes out the rest of it is too?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sorry—it's an extra big shipment this month. The warehouse currently estimates completing July sub shipments on Monday.

August will also likely take more than a week to complete.

I assume that effects when we can purchase the PDF?

I was so looking foreword to next Wednesday ;(

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