Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box

4.70/5 (based on 35 ratings)
Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box
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The brutal beasts of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG!

Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a nasty monster from the core Pathfinder RPG monster reference. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered creatures and more than 250 distinct creature images, the Bestiary Box is the best way to ensure you've got the right creatures to push your Pathfinder campaign to the next level!

ISBN 978-1-60125-561-7

Bestiary Box Set List

Hundreds of monsters surge to life on your tabletop! Each has its own identification number for easy sorting. The Bestiary Box includes:

Small (and Smaller)
1  Archon, Lantern
2  Bat Swarm (4)
3  Choker
4  Cockatrice
5  Dark Creeper (3)
6  Darkmantle
7  Demon, Dretch (2)
8  Demon, Quasit
9  Derro (2)
10  Devil, Imp
11  Dog
12  Eagle
13  Electric Eel
14  Elemental, Air
15  Elemental, Earth
16  Elemental, Fire
17  Elemental, Water
18  Goblin Warrior (4)
19  Homunculus
20  Intellect Devourer
21  Iron Cobra
22  Kobold Warrior (3)
23  Mephit (2)
24  Mite (2)
25  Pixie
26  Pseudodragon
27  Rat, Dire (2)
28  Shocker Lizard
29  Spider Swarm (4)
30  Stirge (2)
31  Svirfneblin
32  Vargouille (2)
33  Vegepygmy (2)
34  Will-o'-Wisp
35  Aasimar Cleric
36  Angel, Astral Deva
37  Animated Object
38  Ant, Giant Soldier (3)
39  Archon, Hound (2)
40  Archon, Trumpet
41  Azata, Bralani (2)
42  Azata, Ghaele
43  Barghest
44  Basidirond
45  Basilisk (2)
46  Boar
47  Boggard (3)
48  Bugbear (3)
49  Cat, Leopard
50  Cave Fisher (2)
51  Centipede, Giant
52  Crab, Giant (2)
53  Dark Stalker
54  Demon, Babau (2)
55  Demon, Nabasu
56  Demon, Shadow
57  Demon, Succubus
58  Devil, Barbed (2)
59  Devil, Bearded (2)
60  Devil, Erinyes (2)
61  Devil, Lemure (3)
62  Dinosaur, Deinonychus (2)
63  Dog, Riding
64  Doppelganger
65  Dragon, Young Black
66  Dragon, Young Brass
67  Dragon, Young Copper
68  Dragon, Young White
69  Drow Noble Cleric
70  Drow Warrior (3)
71  Dryad
72  Duergar (2)
73  Elemental, Air
74  Elemental, Earth
75  Elemental, Fire
76  Elemental, Water
77  Ettercap
78  Frog, Giant
79  Gargoyle
80  Genie, Janni
81  Ghost
82  Ghoul (3)
83  Gibbering Mouther
84  Gnoll (3)
85  Goblin Dog
86  Golem, Ice
87  Golem, Wood
88  Gray Ooze
89  Green Hag
90  Half-Dragon, Dracolisk
91  Harpy (3)
92  Hell Hound (2)
93  Hobgoblin Fighter (3)
94  Hyena
95  Invisible Stalker
96  Kyton
97  Leech, Giant
98  Lich
99  Lizardfolk (3)
100  Lycanthrope, Wererat
101  Lycanthrope, Werewolf
102  Medusa
103  Merfolk Warrior
104  Mimic
105  Mohrg
106  Morlock (2)
107  Mummy (2)
108  Night Hag
109  Nymph
110  Orc Warrior (3)
111  Rakshasa
112  Rust Monster
113  Sahuagin (2)
114  Salamander
115  Satyr
116  Sea Hag
117  Shadow
118  Skeletal Champion
119  Skeleton (3)
120  Skum (2)
121  Snake, Venomous
122  Spectre
123  Spider, Giant (3)
124  Tengu Rogue
125  Tiefling Rogue
126  Troglodyte (2)
127  Vampire Sorcerer
128  Violet Fungus
129  Wight
130  Wolf (2)
131  Worg
132  Wraith
133  Xill
134  Xorn
135  Yellow Musk Creeper
136  Yeth Hound (2)
137  Zombie (3)
138  Angel, Planetar
139  Angel, Solar
140  Ankheg
141  Ape, Dire
142  Ape, Gorilla
143  Assassin Vine
144  Azata, Lillend
145  Barghest, Greater
146  Bat, Dire
147  Bear, Dire
148  Centaur
149  Chimera
150  Chuul
151  Cloaker
152  Couatl
153  Crocodile
154  Cyclops
155  Demon, Balor
156  Demon, Hezrou
157  Demon, Marilith
158  Demon, Vrock
159  Devil, Bone
160  Devil, Horned
161  Devil, Ice
162  Devil, Pit Fiend
163  Devourer
164  Dragon, Adult Black
165  Dragon, Adult Brass
166  Dragon, Adult Copper
167  Dragon, Adult White
168  Dragon, Young Blue
169  Dragon, Young Bronze
170  Dragon, Young Gold
171  Dragon, Young Green
172  Dragon, Young Red
173  Dragon, Young Silver
174  Drider
175  Duergar (enlarged)
176  Elemental, Air
177  Elemental, Earth
178  Elemental, Fire
179  Elemental, Water
180  Ettin
181  Gelatinous Cube
182  Genie, Djinni
183  Genie, Efreeti
184  Genie, Marid
185  Genie, Shaitan
186  Giant, Fire
187  Giant, Frost
188  Giant, Hill
189  Giant, Stone
190  Girallon
191  Golem, Clay
192  Golem, Flesh
193  Golem, Iron
194  Golem, Stone
195  Gorgon
196  Griffon
197  Half-Celestial Unicorn
198  Half-Fiend Minotaur
199  Herd Animal, Aurochs
200  Herd Animal, Bison
201  Horse
202  Lamia
203  Lion
204  Lizard, Giant Frilled
205  Manticore
206  Mantis, Giant
207  Minotaur
208  Naga, Dark
209  Naga, Guardian
210  Naga, Spirit
211  Nightmare
212  Ochre Jelly
213  Ogre (2)
214  Oni, Ogre Mage
215  Otyugh
216  Owlbear
217  Pegasus
218  Phase Spider
219  Rhinoceros, Woolly
220  Roper
221  Scorpion, Giant
222  Shambling Mound
223  Shark
224  Sphinx, Gynosphinx
225  Tiger, Dire
226  Troll
227  Unicorn
228  Wasp, Giant
229  Wolf, Dire
230  Wyvern
231  Yeti
232  Aboleth
233  Bebilith
234  Behir
235  Black Pudding
236  Bulette
237  Demon, Glabrezu
238  Demon, Nalfeshnee
239  Dragon, Adult Blue
240  Dragon, Adult Green
241  Dragon, Adult Red
242  Dragon, Ancient Black
243  Dragon, Ancient White
244  Dragon Turtle
245  Elephant, Mastodon
246  Flytrap, Giant
247  Froghemoth
248  Giant, Cloud
249  Giant, Storm
250  Hydra
251  Remorhaz
252  Retriever
253  Shoggoth
254  Slug, Giant
255  Squid, Giant
256  Treant

The Bestiary Box also includes twenty 1"-bases for Medium and smaller pawns, ten 2"-bases for Large pawns, and five 3"-bases for Huge pawns.

Product Availability

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Average product rating:

4.70/5 (based on 35 ratings)

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Excellent value, great product


While miniatures are great, they take up a lot of space and are difficult to travel with. The alternatives (paper minis or chits) are more portable and take up less space, but are not very durable. These pawns are the perfect balance of the two - durable, portable, and great looking.

For the GM who travels, or doesn't have the time or space (or money) for a large miniature collection, this is a tremendous value. $35 for 300+ miniature analogs that fit into a box the size of two stacked rulebooks? I don't think that you will find a better value or a more convenient product.

I highly recommend this product


The biggest problem with the miniature market is that it is almost impossible to get what you exactly want.
Even if you do find what you want, it is usually an unpainted metal figurine, and so in the end you sort of get what you need, but it takes A LOT OF TIME and a lot of money.

The solution with pawns, the way Paizo has done it, is brilliant.
You get the most iconic creatures from the Bestiary, from small to huge size. You even get multiple miniatures of certain monsters as well.

The only problem I have is the prize.
No, not the prize that Paizo is presenting here, I would love to have to just pay about 35 dollars for this awesome product.
Sadly, because of how importing of products work, I had to pay almost 70 USD for this.

Despite that, I still think it's worth it.

So if you are an american, go BUY IT!
It's such a bargain, I can use so much more monsters in my session now :)

Fantastic product


I love this box. It makes homebrew games much easier to produce and manage. It also gives all my players lots of options for summoned creatures and companions. In my opinion, this makes more sense to purchase rather than spending tons of money on miniatures that you normally only use for a few moments per encounter anyway.

Thank you Paizo!

Great & Portable


This is a really handy tool! I tend to "travel" around to GM a lot (Pathfinder Society organized play, so local gamedays at stores, cons, friends' houses and so on) and this is a terrific alternative to carting around cases of minis. Very, very worth the money, even at full price (I bought mine at a local game store).

I'd love it if I could buy modular add-ons (I needed eight goblins the other day, and the box ships with four), but the PDF is fine for this (if you're not absolutely lazy... which I am, sometimes) if you print & mount what you need.

(These would be great for a player of a master summoner, conjurer wizard, etc. as well.)

It's definitely up there with the flip mats and condition cards in terms of utility. I'm tempted to buy a second box, actually (to keep in the trunk of my car along with my "just in case" dice and battle mat.)

Great Deal


this is a great box. with a lot of mini's for a cheep price. i rather have models than card stock figure, but with a budget and cant spend my rent money, this is perfect. my only concern about this is there is not enough bases for all the mini's. but if you can buy the bases separate as well. then you can get a full army. i can't wait to get more!

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Ravenmantle wrote:
The order information for my preorder of the Bestiary Box gives me an order total of $43.53, including shipping to Denmark. Should I expect an increase in the shipping cost?

did you use the sidecart thing??

i just tried it again and got a total of $81.09 because its using USPS priority mail. i'd try the sidecart, but that wouldnt tell me shipping costs until later.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Patrick Kropp wrote:
How often will this product delayed til it finally comes out? First it was scheduled for May, then June and now August. Whats so hard with printing a few colored cardstocks?
This is our first time doing this type of product, so we had to do an unplanned bit of back-and-forth with the printer to get the bleed playing nicely with the dies.

First time?

What about the beginner box?

I hope they don´t get delayed again. I want to use as soon as possible. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Patrick Kropp wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Patrick Kropp wrote:
How often will this product delayed til it finally comes out? First it was scheduled for May, then June and now August. Whats so hard with printing a few colored cardstocks?
This is our first time doing this type of product, so we had to do an unplanned bit of back-and-forth with the printer to get the bleed playing nicely with the dies.

First time?

What about the beginner box?

I hope they don´t get delayed again. I want to use as soon as possible. :)

We only had one die for the Beginner Box, and perhaps more importantly, it had other components that took a lot of time too.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

That 70s Bloke wrote:
Ravenmantle wrote:
The order information for my preorder of the Bestiary Box gives me an order total of $43.53, including shipping to Denmark. Should I expect an increase in the shipping cost?

did you use the sidecart thing??

i just tried it again and got a total of $81.09 because its using USPS priority mail. i'd try the sidecart, but that wouldnt tell me shipping costs until later.

If you're talking about a straight-up order, not a sidecart, shipping won't increase. (The reason sidecart orders don't have firm shipping is that the contents of sidecarts often change prior to shipping.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

That 70s Bloke wrote:
Will the pdf be available seperately? And if so how much will it be ?

The PDF will be available separately. Not sure of the price, but probably around $24.99.

The Exchange

Are the bases available separately?

Chernobyl wrote:
Are the bases available separately?

Not yet, but they're looking into it.

What about the Yellow Musk Creeper? Does it has the rather chaotic art from the book or cool new art? And what about its minions the yellow musk zombies?

I really hope this one has new art as the old art was too chaotic.

Also what is all this ignoring of the Winter Wolf? Does the team dislike the Winter Wolf or something or just forgot about it because its a Worg entree?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sincubus wrote:


Also what is all this ignoring of the Winter Wolf? Does the team dislike the Winter Wolf or something or just forgot about it because its a Worg entree?

Or maybe there just wasn't enough space to fit artwork for two creatures on one page. You know, like with all other "2 monsters per page" entries.

And I believe you forgot to put the Giant beetles and Wolverine on this list as i'm sure they are in the box!

Gorbacz wrote:
Sincubus wrote:


Also what is all this ignoring of the Winter Wolf? Does the team dislike the Winter Wolf or something or just forgot about it because its a Worg entree?
Or maybe there just wasn't enough space to fit artwork for two creatures on one page. You know, like with all other "2 monsters per page" entries.

Yes, but now both elementals and dragons get new artwork, so why would the winter wolf be different? its a pretty famous monster in D&D, and most other D&D celebreties are in the box.

This is one of the coolest things ever. My big complaint from switching from a second edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game to new editions was that there was more and more emphasis on miniatures combat.

I loved the paper minis in the starter boxes and the beginner's box, the price point is just right, and I know I can build up adventures quickly with all the right monsters. Awesomeness!

You mentioned "gargantuan" and "colossal" monsters were not feasible because they were oversized - would it be possible to include bases of the appropriate sizes (gargantuan and colossal, respectively) anyway? Some DMs modify their monsters via the "giant" subtype, there's various "enlarge" spells and the like. I don't mind improvising pawns for the monsters, but I've grown addicted to using the bases... I'd also like to join the choir of people asking if you intend to sell the bases separately - that would be excellent.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kudaku wrote:
You mentioned "gargantuan" and "colossal" monsters were not feasible because they were oversized - would it be possible to include bases of the appropriate sizes (gargantuan and colossal, respectively) anyway? Some DMs modify their monsters via the "giant" subtype, there's various "enlarge" spells and the like. I don't mind improvising pawns for the monsters, but I've grown addicted to using the bases... I'd also like to join the choir of people asking if you intend to sell the bases separately - that would be excellent.

The expensive part of making things in plastic is making the molds... so I wouldn't expect to see larger bases without a really good reason for their existence.

On the other hand, that means that, when it comes to the more standard bases, we've already done the expensive part, so we should be able to provide them separately. Stay tuned.

Ravenmantle wrote:
The order information for my preorder of the Bestiary Box gives me an order total of $43.53, including shipping to Denmark. Should I expect an increase in the shipping cost?

I put it in my shopping cart on Paizo and it told me USD 51 shipping costs. So I checked out Amazon UK and with shipping to Germany, it costs me GBP 25.36 or USD 31. So I pre-ordered it with Amazon.

It just stinks that I don't get the PDFs with it, but 50 bucks are 50 bucks.

Just got an email from Amazon sayin the order has been delayed again! What's going on? I've been very patient, but it's starting to get tough.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
You mentioned "gargantuan" and "colossal" monsters were not feasible because they were oversized - would it be possible to include bases of the appropriate sizes (gargantuan and colossal, respectively) anyway? Some DMs modify their monsters via the "giant" subtype, there's various "enlarge" spells and the like. I don't mind improvising pawns for the monsters, but I've grown addicted to using the bases... I'd also like to join the choir of people asking if you intend to sell the bases separately - that would be excellent.

The expensive part of making things in plastic is making the molds... so I wouldn't expect to see larger bases without a really good reason for their existence.

On the other hand, that means that, when it comes to the more standard bases, we've already done the expensive part, so we should be able to provide them separately. Stay tuned.

Perhaps you could do one of two things: make colossal/gargantuan pawns so that they have more than one tab to use two or more bases, or design them a little differently so they come in two pieces that interlock in an X shape and won't need bases at all.

Meredith Jones wrote:

It just stinks that I don't get the PDFs with it, but 50 bucks are 50 bucks.

And for half of what you saved, you can still buy the PDF.

Oops accidental reply

Grand Lodge

HawaiianWarrior wrote:
Just got an email from Amazon sayin the order has been delayed again! What's going on? I've been very patient, but it's starting to get tough.

For THAT you might want to talk to Amazon about it. Buying through Amazon is a hit and miss thing when it comes to release times. They are sometimes cheaper granted but release times are iffy from them.

BTW Paizo has no control over Amazon's release times at all.

Is it august yet?

Curious about how these are declared.. if they are declared as a paper product I'll pre-order it, but if not I'll have to wait till it comes on sale here in Norway to buy it.. not really interested in paying an additional 25% + expenses for it.

I WILL get it though, this is the perfect supplement for my games, and I'll definitely buy the others as well.

Love this productline!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

For customs purposes, these are "Dice/Accessories."

Looks great, will definetly ask for my B-day. I am pleased to see certain things in here that i wish the BB had

1.Horse pawn, my friends decided that a Hell hound would be a good substitute

2. Large and Huge Bases, it was annoying trying to get the Black dragon to fit in four spaces while on a small base.

When will this be available for sale? The guy at the game store said they'd have it in next week?

Liberty's Edge

Arikiel wrote:
When will this be available for sale? The guy at the game store said they'd have it in next week?

The top of the page says the PDFs won't be available until Aug. 16th. I imagine that is the store date too.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

HangarFlying wrote:
Arikiel wrote:
When will this be available for sale? The guy at the game store said they'd have it in next week?
The top of the page says the PDFs won't be available until Aug. 16th. I imagine that is the store date too.

Yep—that's the retail release date.

Darn... That requires more waiting. As is I'm ready for Bestiary Boxes 2 & 3 to to come out already.

Where are the images for the art?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Shalafi2412 wrote:
Where are the images for the art?

I'm not certain what you're asking....

Vic Wertz wrote:
The Bestiary Box is not part of any subscription, but Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscribers who preorder this boxed set will receive a free PDF edition of this product when the boxed edition ships. (Note that you will need to have an active RPG subscription at the time the Bestiary Box ships in order to receive the PDF for free.)

Hey Vic, I have a subscription to the AP's. Am I correct in assuming that that won't get me the free PDF if I pre-order?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Nope... it's the RPG subscribers that get the free PDF on this one, as it corresponds to a book in that line.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I can't seem to search this thread, in fact I can't search any Product or Blog thread, so I apologize if this has been answered already.

I noticed you are only making 3 base sizes Medium, Large and Huge, is there any future plans on making Base sizes for Small and Tiny since some of the creatures used in this fall into those size categories?

Separate question, anyone know of any 3rd party companies that make small and tiny bases I could use?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

No current plans for smaller bases. Partly, this is because the art on anything much smaller than 1" wide gets pretty darn illegible. Which means even if you do find smaller bases, the tokens will extend beyond the bases, as they're 1" wide.

I really hope this is going to be available for purchase at Dragon*Con!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Paizo is not going to DragonCon, but hobby retailers should have their copies by then, so hopefully you'll find somebody carrying it!

Any suggestions on use and storage containers?

Has anything started to be used by you folks at the Paizo office yet?

Has any one started using anything to organize the pawns from the beginner box?

I picked up the beginner box to see what the monsters pawns will more or less be like and was pleased with what I found. The only thing that would make me hesitant is the age old issue of finding the figures you actually want to use from either a box full of random punched out standys or flipping through a pretty large stack of pawn sheets to find the few monsters in your adventure. Not to mention the AP pawns don't appear to even have their own box. (Not that I'm complaining if it keeps the price down.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Darksyde wrote:

Any suggestions on use and storage containers?

I'm thinking a tackle box?

Paizo should really consider coming to D*Con someday. Not that you haven't done so in the past, I'm sure. I know it's a really long way from home, but I've gone to see Jason Bulmahn there both times he has presented; his first year I was one of those who skipped the parade to see him. Having him sign my CRB, APG, and DM Screen was awesome!

Darksyde wrote:

Any suggestions on use and storage containers?

Has anything started to be used by you folks at the Paizo office yet?

Has any one started using anything to organize the pawns from the beginner box?

I picked up the beginner box to see what the monsters pawns will more or less be like and was pleased with what I found. The only thing that would make me hesitant is the age old issue of finding the figures you actually want to use from either a box full of random punched out standys or flipping through a pretty large stack of pawn sheets to find the few monsters in your adventure. Not to mention the AP pawns don't appear to even have their own box. (Not that I'm complaining if it keeps the price down.)

Someone on the boards suggested a business card folder and that's worked great for me. They contain A4 sized sheets of 2 x 8 (from memory) pockets. Each pocket holds 3 medium pawns or 1 large pawn (sideways).

The folders I bought came with convenient alphabetical tabs - I got one for the Beginner Box (monsters) and Bestiary and another for the Beginner Box (PCs) and NPC Codex. Extra sheets are pretty cheap, although the actual folders I found were a little overly priced.

They work really well though.

This is the kind of thing I mean although I'm pretty sure mine have more pockets than that.


Jason is going to DragonCon. I suggest you find him at the show and demand he give you a Bestiary Box in exchange for an appropriate amount of moneys.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Jason is going to DragonCon. I suggest you find him at the show and demand he give you a Bestiary Box in exchange for an appropriate amount of moneys.

I might just do that! Purchasing a Paizo product direct from Mr. Bulmahn himself would be an entirely new level of awesome.

Does anyone know the actual box dimensions? I've been using my Beginner Box pawns and box to try to plan out how to organize everything using cardboard dividers. I'm especially curious to know the Bestiary Box depth. Specifically will it me deep enough to have medium sized pawns stand upright? If so then large pawns would nicely lay on their side behind and amongst the mediums (The huges would still need their own section). If the Bestiary Box isn't deep enough I guess I'll have to find a way of getting it's cover onto the Beginner Box (Which has the needed depth). Not sure how that'll work. Anywho! Can't wait to get this and find out! :D

The Exchange

Steve Geddes wrote:

Someone on the boards suggested a business card folder and that's worked great for me. They contain A4 sized sheets of 2 x 8 (from memory) pockets. Each pocket holds 3 medium pawns or 1 large pawn (sideways).

Yep, same here. I managed to find some that I could just clip into an existing 2-ring binder. So I can take adventure and monsters to the game all in the same binder :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Arikiel wrote:
Does anyone know the actual box dimensions?

External dimensions are a bit less than 11.5 x 9 x 2.75

Vic Wertz wrote:
External dimensions are a bit less than 11.5 x 9 x 2.75

Thanks! That sounds like the same size as the Beginner Box.

So awesome! I have some ideas on how to arrange it now. :D

Arikiel wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
External dimensions are a bit less than 11.5 x 9 x 2.75

Thanks! That sounds like the same size as the Beginner Box.

So awesome! I have some ideas on how to arrange it now. :D

You'll definitely have to share them once you have it all figured out.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Arikiel wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
External dimensions are a bit less than 11.5 x 9 x 2.75

Thanks! That sounds like the same size as the Beginner Box.


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any reviews?

Scarab Sages

I got mine this week. It is nice enough - what you would expect having seen the beginners box. Where there are multiples of a single type, I have seen no more than three, which might be problematic for encounters with larger numbers. It's great to have stand-ins for some of the more obtuse monsters that you could never get a figure for anyway. The art is pretty much the art from the Bestiary itself - no surprises there.
As to storing them - I've used cardboard stand-ups for years (many of which I made myself) and while the idea of card holders and all sounds great, in the long run keeping everything that organized becomes a pain. When the game is over, you seldom want to take the additional time to carefully re-slot into some sophisticated holders. The cardboard seems pretty sturdy - like the beginner's box - so I believe I'm going to go with small ziplock baggies organized alphabetically.
If you like the Beginner Box content, then you'll like these.

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