
Meredith Jones's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 45 posts (83 including aliases). 2 reviews. 13 lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Thanks for the clarification.

Where does it say that it doesn't stack?
RAW is confusing.

Very nice artwork.
I'm definitely going to steal those and use them when I run the dungeon. :-)

I second Ravenloft as well. It's the classic gothic horror castle.

I agree with Xedrek, for a half-orc, it's ideal rp material.

You only rinse if it is a dishwasher for professional kitchens.
Dishwashers for use at home are made to remove encrusted food.

Claxon wrote:
Meredith Jones wrote:
My point though is that 360 gp seems awfully cheap for a spell from a 12th level magic user considering that a +1 sword costs a lot more.

Consider that a +1 swords last (essentially) forever and enhances your characters ability, where as the spell is cast once and at best removes any current disease/curse you have. It does not prevent future disease or curses.

Also keep in my that it take the 12th level cleric 3 seconds to cast the spell. Assuming he's not adventuring (which would be the likely way to find him) it's probably not a big deal to him to do 3 seconds of work for 360 gold.

Yeah, point taken. That puts into better perspective for me.


leo1925 wrote:
Also there is the issue of getting the spell before changing for the first time.

That is only for cure disease, a remove curse will work after the 3 days, but only during the 3 nights of full moon per month.

I was just generally wondering about the cost of a 12th level magic user casting a 3rd level spell.

Claxon wrote:

So I was reading through this and it just clicked, you want your player to fail and turn.

That is kind of a jerk thing. It's not supposed to be debilitatingly hard to cure youself. If it is, then it's really just a "gotcha". Because why bother having a cure if it's so difficult there is only a 1% chance of success.

The hardest part will be find a neutral/friendly 12th level cleric to cast Remvoe Disease or Heal (which are the two ways to remove it according to the Lycanthropy entry on the wererat's entry on the PRD) and within 3 days.

Hell no!

I've discussed this with the player and purchased a 3PP called Bite Me! which has excellent rules for playing a lycanthrope.

If my player was too uncomfortable with it, I would've "found" a cure.

My point though is that 360 gp seems awfully cheap for a spell from a 12th level magic user considering that a +1 sword costs a lot more.

I have a player that has been bitten by a wererat.
The cure is a cure disease, or remove curse by a 12th level cleric.

According to the book it costs CL x spell level x 10 gp.
This is then 360 gp for a 12th level cleric casting remove curse.

That sounds too cheap. Any ideas to make it quite unattainable or harder and/or more expensive?

Thanks everybody.

I reread the Guide to Korvosa and I just saw that I missed the appendix on page 62. And it seems that I have to get the Guide to Varisia.

It's amazing what you miss even after looking for an hour. :-)

So one of my players contracted lycanthropy from a wererat and according to the rules, it needs a remove disease or remove curse from a level 12 cleric.

Which brings me to my questions:

What level clerics to the various churches have in Korvosa?

Is there a standard formula for the size of a town or city that I can't find?

+1 from me as well

Those are really nice twists.
I'll have a look at them and see what I can do.


Cheers guys,

I'll let you know how it turns out.

They just tonight barely managed to defeat the sea hag,
the fighter was sent into a coma and the rogue and monk
were into negative hp several times during the fight.


my group is going to enter the mansion soon ans I was wondering,
having a 5th level cleric of Saranrae with them, aren't zombies
just too easy? She can channel energy at least 7 times a day.

How did you handle that?

Me too.
I backed the kickstarter and can't wait for early access.

OK, it seems that the scripts are running again.

Now for a serious question :-)

Why this function?

Why not just enter the lowest number of the percentage range, like you do in other tables?

Hi Jamz,

really nice tool.
I've just copied it to have a look at everything, but when I press the Generate button it just says "Oops, script function generateItems could not be found".

I looked in the script and found the function.
Any ideas what this could be?

Goblin Squad Member

Mike Hines wrote:

Thanks for all of the comments and feedback!

I'll just reiterate what Ryan said with regard to the female clothing and equipment options. We want to hear your feedback and do our best to walk the line between 'desirable' and 'exploitative' as he puts it.

We're still working through a lot of the designs, so hearing your thoughts certainly helps shape our direction.

Well to be honest what the sorceress is wearing isn't very immodest at all.

I grew up in Bavaria and here and in Austria the traditional dress is called a Dirndl. Other examples are here and here.
Of course there are still racier ones, but please don't forget that there are people from other cultures that will play this game and have different views on what is considered "modest".

It varies a lot.

I am running Curse of the Crimson Throne and my group, playing once a week for about 4 hours, took 3 months just for book 1.
But playing Second Darkness we are already nearly 2 years and are still just midway through I think.

It depends on your group's style of play.

I M Weasel is banned because ferrets are cooler.

Tirq is banned because his avatar looks better then IRL.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Meredith Jones wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Meredith Jones wrote:

And now I need to learn how to paint...

One thing I have come to admire this Kickstarter for is it seems to be bringing a lot of people to the painting hobby!

Fortunately there are a LOT of tutorials on the Internet.

Everybody says that, but no one can point the good ones out...


1) most of them are good
2) This subforum has loads of good recommendations alone. I like Dr. Faust's Painting Clinic and just about whatever I can find on Youtube.
3) We do not have time to preview each and every tutorial ever just to pick out what's the best for other people to watch. You wanna take the time to learn, you gotta take the time do the research yourself.
4) While I'm on the subject, discussions of mini painting in miniatures focused forums are also helpful, such as Privateer Press's Website or DakkaDakka (the latter are a slightly more volatile bunch mind, but good hobbyists).


I know that I have to do my own research, but you and the others just helped me by suggesting a few good starting places.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Meredith Jones wrote:

And now I need to learn how to paint...

One thing I have come to admire this Kickstarter for is it seems to be bringing a lot of people to the painting hobby!

Fortunately there are a LOT of tutorials on the Internet.

Everybody says that, but no one can point the good ones out...

I went with

-- Vampire x1
-- Fire Giants x1
-- Frost Giants x1
-- Starter Paint Set x1
-- Undead Paint Set x1
-- Mind Your Manors x1
-- Figure Case x2
-- There Be Dragons x1
-- Demons x1
-- Deathsleet x1
-- Undead Giant x1
-- Clockwork Dragon x1
-- Starter Set 2 x1
-- Forces Of Nature x1
-- Nethyrmaul x1
-- Hydra x1
-- Kaladrax Reborn x1
-- Red Dragon x1
-- Undead Horde x1
-- Frost Wyrm x1

I swapped out Sophie.
And now I need to learn how to paint...

Can't wait!

I decided to go with a subscription :-)


Just found this on the Reaper messageboards:

You will be able to use the PM to add to your pledge. We designed it to account for math errors, but it will have the side effect of allowing, for roughly 30 days, all users to add to their pledged amount.

moneys raised via the PM will not be able to unlock goals, as the drive will be over, but they will enable us to make more things for you as an individual.

We encourage you to pledge what you are able to now, to help the community unlock rewards, but understand if the PM must be used due to timing of finances.

Reaper Thread

Just found this on the Reaper messageboards:

You will be able to use the PM to add to your pledge. We designed it to account for math errors, but it will have the side effect of allowing, for roughly 30 days, all users to add to their pledged amount.

moneys raised via the PM will not be able to unlock goals, as the drive will be over, but they will enable us to make more things for you as an individual.

We encourage you to pledge what you are able to now, to help the community unlock rewards, but understand if the PM must be used due to timing of finances.

Reaper Thread

Chris Lambertz wrote:

This is an error with the PDF, which will get corrected. An email will get sent out automatically notifying you that it's been corrected once the file has been updated.

Moving to Website Feedback.

Thank you.

I just purchased the pdf and printed it out trying to figure out which pages have to be printed out next to each other if I print on A3 to make a book and then I saw it.

On the Index, it says Defense page 2, but on the Defense page, it is marked as page 3.
And it carries on, offense p. 3 is really p. 4, etc.
Or did I miss something really blindingly obvious?

Mistake in the Index!

I just purchased the pdf and printed it out trying to figure out which pages have to be printed out next to each other if I print on A3 to make a book and then I saw it.

On the Index, it says Defense page 2, but on the Defense page, it is marked as page 3.
And it carries on, offense p. 3 is really p. 4, etc.
Or did I miss something really blindingly obvious?

walter mcwilliams wrote:

I create 1 large word doc with all the encounters which I keep on a clip-board for use when the situation becomes tactical. It really improves my handling of encounters as I become very familiar with the creatures abilities, strengths, and weaknesses as I retype them. It allows for a much smoother session as I make less rule reference and have better tactics and options in mind for the baddies.

Have fun!


I am going to start EoA tonight. I would be very grateful if I could also have a copy of your encounter list. meredith . jones [at] web . de


Are wrote:

I would go with the one in the Inner Sea World Guide, for a couple of reasons: It's the most recent product, plus it was written for the Pathfinder rules while the Crimson Throne player's guide was written for the 3.5 rules.

I imagine the bonus was reduced as a result of removing the prerequisites.

OK, thanks. I'll do that.

Just pre-ordered all the pawn boxes (Bestiary, RotRL, Shackles and NPC) as well as the beginners box from Amazon UK due to shipping costs to germany.

Just want to say that this is great. A lot cheaper than plastic minis, but better than the paper minis.

Any chance of submitting the serial number or some sort of proof of purchase and getting the PDFs somewhat cheaper?

Ravenmantle wrote:
The order information for my preorder of the Bestiary Box gives me an order total of $43.53, including shipping to Denmark. Should I expect an increase in the shipping cost?

I put it in my shopping cart on Paizo and it told me USD 51 shipping costs. So I checked out Amazon UK and with shipping to Germany, it costs me GBP 25.36 or USD 31. So I pre-ordered it with Amazon.

It just stinks that I don't get the PDFs with it, but 50 bucks are 50 bucks.

I'm going to start on monday with CotCT and just found these maps of yours.

Wow! Just wow!

I'm going to the printers tomorrow to get the Fishery printed full size.

I do have a question though, the maps for All the World's Meat and Eels End don't use 1 inch = 1 square on the map. Is this on purpose?
Do I have to print at 200% or something like that?

Thanks so much for sharing.


I just got confused.

According to the inner sea world guide:

Numerous Harrow readings early in your life seem to have hit the mark precisely, increasing your belief that you are destined for a specific purpose in life.

Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Will saves made to resist enchantment effects.

But in the Crimson Throne Players Guide:

Numerous Harrow readings early in your life seem to have hit the mark precisely, increasing your belief that you are destined for a specific purpose in life; the Harrow deck and your destiny seem intertwined.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, must be chosen at 1st level

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Will saves made to resist charm or compulsion effects.

Which one is correct?
Also are the prerequisites true or not?

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Meredith Jones wrote:


I just got a harrow deck and read through all the instructions, but still am at a loss with my first try.

Here is what I got:

The Foreign trader____The Forge_________The Dance
The Carnival_________The Empty Throne__The Avalanche
The Cricket__________The Tyrant________The Rakshasa

Assuming this is Zellara's first Harrowing for the party:

"The cards tell of the past... of information gained gained at great cost and the shattering of dreams. They tell my story... of my search for my son and my failure to rescue him from Gaedran Lamm.

However, in the present there is hope... your many talents bring you strength. Gaedran Lamm has hurt you as well as me... but I can pass on what I have learned, so that you can overcome his evil.

If you act in harmony, you will likely succeed... but danger lurks ahead. I cannot see it clearly, but vast forces are in motion... something or someone is not as it seems... Korvosa itself may be in peril!"

Breaking down the individual cards, if you want to add a little more detail (you should be especially vague when it comes to the future):

Foreign Trader - An informative pact (Zellara)
Carnival - Illusions and false dreams
Cricket - The journey goes poorly

Forge - Strength through diversity
Empty Throne - Loss brings good fortune
Tyrant - A paternal influence brings pain (Gaedran Lamm)

Dance - Staying in perfect harmony
Avalanche - Unrelenting, unthinking disaster (the plague in the next adventure)
Rakshasa - Dominance and mind control (Kazavon/Ileosa)

Thanks guys, these are some excellent suggestions.

I can't wait until monday to start the AP


I just got a harrow deck and read through all the instructions, but still am at a loss with my first try.

Here is what I got:

The Foreign trader____The Forge_________The Dance
The Carnival_________The Empty Throne__The Avalanche
The Cricket__________The Tyrant________The Rakshasa

So I have the following matches:


The left column is the past, so I could either take the Carnival or the Cricket to interpret, the carnival as neutral outcome and the Cricket as negative? Or did I get that wrong?

So I take the misaligned Cricket which means a poor journey and tell them about the pc that died on their last adventure.

For the present, I only have the Tyrant which is not misaligned, so I have to interpret that "a paternal influence brings pain" somehow. Gods know how.

And last the future where I can choose between the traditional Dance (staying in perfect harmony) or the traditional Rakshasa (dominance and mind control). Which encounters would you use either of these for?
I would use the Dance for the Shingles chase perhaps, but the Rakshasa? No idea.

Does anyone have any ideas for me, anything that would help me interpreting the cards? What where your interpretations like?

Thanks for all the help.

Liz Courts wrote:
Meredith Jones wrote:
I just purchased it and am wondering, what do I do with the square macaque swarm?
Since swarms can change their dimensions (from a 10x10 square to a 5x20 line, for example), it's easier to represent them on the map as tokens.

And another fact I did not know about swarms :-)


I just purchased it and am wondering, what do I do with the square macaque swarm?


first post to let you know that I really appreciate the effort that has gone into this and am willing to enter huge amounts of data if needed.

And I noticed that your in your DataCharacter sheet field D20 (AC_Natural) doesn't add the Alchemists Mutagen so just add
+SUM('Conditions and Effects'!V43:V45) to the beginning of your formula.

Cheers and thanks again.

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