Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny (Skull & Shackles 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.00/5 (based on 22 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny (Skull & Shackles 1 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 1: "The Wormwood Mutiny"
by Richard Pett

Pirates take whatever they please, whether it be ships, plunder, or people! The adventurers wake to find themselves press-ganged into the crew of the pirate ship Wormwood, the vessel of the nefarious Captain Barnabus Harrigan. They’ll have to learn how to survive as pirates if they’re to have any hope of weathering rough waves, brutal crew members, enemy pirates, ravenous beasts, and worse. But when fortune turns to their favor, it’s up to the new crew to decide whether they’ll remain the pirate’s swabs or seize control and set sail for adventures all their own.

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path and includes:

  • “The Wormwood Mutiny,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by Richard Pett.
  • Details of life aboard a pirate vessel and rules for becoming the most infamous scallywag to sail the seas, by Jesse Benner, Richard Pett, and F. Wesley Schneider.
  • Revelations on the daring faith of Besmara, goddess of pirates, strife, and sea monsters, by Sean K Reynolds.
  • Death and plunder in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Robin D. Laws.
  • Four new monsters, by Jesse Benner, Sean K Reynolds, and Steven D. Russell

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world's oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-404-7

The Wormwood Mutiny is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (479 KB zip/PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.00/5 (based on 22 ratings)

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Fun but Fraught with Peril


I've had this ever since it was first released. I've wanted to run it for a long time and finally got to start it last year. Next to Rise of the Runelords it's been the AP I've wanted to run most.

The story is very compelling. The antagonists are really well done in that your group should definitely grow to hate them. Once the inevitable happens, it's quite the payoff for the group. They'll make lots of friends and those friendships will payoff and create an awesome tapestry through the AP. They'll also make some enemies who will be there until the end.

That being said this isn't for everyone. The group starts out press-ganged on to the ship. Which is another way of saying they are enslaved. Their freedom is very limited and they are punished for the slightest infractions. It can be extremely oppressive. It is a roleplaying heavy volume of the AP. Not a lot of your typical action happens for pretty much the first half of the book. It is a gold mine for those who love roleplaying.

The PCs are also put face to face with some very high level and dangerous people. Groups who feel they can resolve everything with violence are going to be in for a surprise if they step out of line at the wrong point. If they try to mutiny too early, it's going to be the end of them. A mutiny is the expected outcome of the volume, but they need to do it as the right time.

There are a few encounters that are really dangerous and potentially deadly especially as groups have very little access to tools to deal with them. So it takes a bit of work to either modify the scenarios or try to find a way of getting something to help them in their hands.

This volume introduces a fair amount of water based encounters. If you aren't familiar with the rules for swimming and the effects of water as an environment, or you don't like them, this AP may not be to your taste either. A lot of encounters through the entire AP are set in the water.

Ultimately by the end of the book, if all goes well your group should be in command of their own ship with a loyal crew, no longer enslaved to their old captain, and charting their own destiny on the High Seas.

Good adventure with one bad map

Recently I`ve bumped into Mr. John Compton`s inquiry about reviews on Paizo products

I`ve GM-ed Wormwood Mutiny and liked it - couple new mechanics, survival sandbox for players, huge number of NPCs to hate and oppose. But heres my spoon of tar in this barrel of honey: map (Riptide Cove) with 1 square = 10 feet grid.

If your artists can draw "1 square = 10 feet grid" - they definetly can draw smaller "1 square = 5 feet grid" so GM-s do not have to learn picture editing and spent time on it.

One might say, that it is because of printed book version page number limit, editing problems. Maybe. But why they keep "1 square = 10 feet grid" in interactive map PDF? Theres no space (page) limit there.

Maybe your artist and editor never GM-ed it, never prepared this particular map for game session - I am sure, that even after one such time with grid-editing "1 square = 10 feet grid" into "1 square = 5 feet grid" they definetly never did such thing for others.

Fun Premise, Good Delivery


I ran a group of mid-level gamers through this module. I find the feedback of other gamers to be incredibly useful and mostly agree with the other comments. A few things I didn't see, but made running the module difficult:

1) The information is way too scattered. If you need a specific NPC's stats, you'll thumb through about 16 times in order to find it. Same with the rules for Plunder, Infamy, Ship to Ship combat, etc. It seems to be an Achilles' heel of the AP overall. Now that it's out of print, my suggestion to Paizo, if they ever decide to compile it as a hardback in the same vein as earlier APs, is that they consolidate the heck out of it. Lump all the NPCs together in one section. Put all the new rules together. Etc.

2) Where it drags on--day by day as pirates--can be a drudge. You'll have to work with your players, and do a bit of homework as a GM to make it interesting.

3) For a group playing a "non evil pirates" campaign, be prepared to swap out some encounters. This is a bigger challenge in Module 2, where people can be sold into slavery, but still worth mentioning here.

4) Make sure your players have enough resources to survive swarm encounters before they get on the island! I had to cheat a little bit by stuffing a few flasks of alchemist fire and acid in some of the treasure on the island. Otherwise it would have been a TPK after 1-2 botfly encounters.

5) The final encounter is a weird setup that you will have to adjust. Plugg and Scourge give the PCs a short amount of time to get supplies, but at the same time there's no way to run through all the encounters in that time. Maybe make it one of the reasons they are mad at the PCs?

6) The ghouls deserve a story! I made the underwater encounter a bit more interesting and added some plunder for recovering the wreck, otherwise there's absolutely nothing there for anyone.

Some Assembly Required


I ran this adventure for a group of 5 new players. I cut some encounters and used the fast advancement track due to time constraints. Including building and leveling PCs, the adventure took 20 hours to run.

Richard Pett provides great information to build on here, with 8 fully detailed NPCs (friend and foe) and over a dozen more with enough information to inspire the GM. Even the mundane treasure is interesting. As a GM, though, you'll need to figure out how to introduce a number of the NPCs on your own. Instead of using space to provide advice in this area, the adventure has rules for daily job roles that can quickly get tedious.

The supplementary material for the adventure is solid, although one of the magic items is a bit expensive for the level range. The Life of a Pirate article contains more campaign-specific rules that I found confusing and hard to convey to the players. SKR's article on Besmara is up to his usual high standard, and the fiction should inspire a magic item or 2. The monsters compliment the adventure well, but the pirate familiars are missing any mention of bonuses (or lack thereof) for those who choose them.

Summary: Can be a blast to play, but only if the GM puts in the prep time. Most of the back matter is good quality.

Reading it is Brilliant, Playing it is a Different Story


I read this module and it immediately hooked me as a GM. This is an excellent, nay brilliant adventure that has much going for it. I put in massive amounts of work to encourage the players to get excited to play this and they were.

But I had not realised the effect this module would have. This module basically is about kidnapping the players, grind them down and subject them to a harsh ship experience. Sure, in the end they rise up and get a ship of their own and escape the yoke of the evil Captain and his minions but the lead up can be very depressing for players that get seriously into character.

This module nearly broke my group. The players in my group got tied up in their characters and it was not pleasurable to see how they attempted to balance who would get the beating and who would not. I felt for them as they felt the helplessness of their characters. In the long run it ended in a massive argument and the group nearly broke up for good. I had to spend a good amount of time rebuilding burnt bridges and assuring them that they were moments away from a great resolution to the module.

In the end I loved how this module read, hated how it played. So this review puts it right in the middle of the ratings. Consider running it (and the AP as a whole is awesome) but be aware of the dangers that lie in it.

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Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

HangarFlying wrote:
I'll hedge my bet: AHAAAAAAAAAR!

Now it's official. This is on my list of "movies to get inspiration for the Skull & Shackles"! :D

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I raise with a Yo-ho-ho.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Does anyone else think the title is misleading, considering that

the mutiny doesn't take place on the Wormwood at all when that ship probably is hundreds of miles away from Bonewrack Isle when the mutiny takes place?

Liberty's Edge

Zaister wrote:

Does anyone else think the title is misleading, considering that

** spoiler omitted **

Meh, I'm not too concerned. The First Mate is committing mutiny by not obeying the Captain's orders by changing course and wanting to set off on his own; so if the Wormwood is the flag ship, one could still consider this to be a mutiny, even though the actual mutiny is occurring on a different ship.

HangarFlying wrote:
I'll hedge my bet: AHAAAAAAAAAR!


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Stockvillain wrote:
Looking through the new sea-themed familiars, and I've noticed no mention of what bonuses they give to the masters. Is this an omission, or do they lose that feature in exchange for being Small-sized and / or vermin?

That was an accidental omission. The answer to your query is in this post.

Liberty's Edge

First I'd like to say that the art in this book is amazing. I know I shouldn't be surprised but I can't stop gushing about it. Brilliant once again.

I've just breezed through the book but I read the end game for the AP, and all I can say about the final boss and the aftermath of that battle... wow! Just wow.


Absolutely Mike - the artwork just keeps getting better and better.

Glad you like the ending - ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!


Did they choose to leave the pregen characters out of this module for a reason? I would have been interested to see the skill selection they'd have used.

Pregens have been dropped. In addition, they didn't rebuild them for each AP specifically, just put the same stat block in, so they weren't really that helpful for character build decisions (one of the reasons they've been dropped).

So, I assume this hits the game store this week?.....

Yeah, Spanky. Street date is Wednesday the 25th


Wednesday is Pirate Day, I reckon.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'm guessing that Alestorm are the soundtrack for this AP. If you're not familiar with them, have a listen to Captain Morgan's Revenge.

Picked up The Wormwood Mystery at Orc's Nest yesterday, along with The Isle of Shackles campaign setting and the Ship's Cabins map pack. Printed off the Player's Guide this morning and the Skulls and Shackles Item cards are on their way from Amazon, so I'm well on my way to immersing myself into this adventure path.

I've started reading the adventure path. As others have said, the artwork is glorious! I read a little later into the night just to get to the description of Rosie Cusswell.


Kradlum wrote:

Picked up The Wormwood Mystery at Orc's Nest yesterday, along with The Isle of Shackles campaign setting and the Ship's Cabins map pack. Printed off the Player's Guide this morning and the Skulls and Shackles Item cards are on their way from Amazon, so I'm well on my way to immersing myself into this adventure path.

I've started reading the adventure path. As others have said, the artwork is glorious! I read a little later into the night just to get to the description of Rosie Cusswell.

I love Rosie! When I run this, I'm going to have to resist the strong urge to turn her into a GMPC...

Dark Archive

Kruelly would be positively tickled by this adventure hehehe

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Two points:

1) The movie "Pirates!" is in theaters today in the US.

2) Mr. Plugg is shown as having "Heavy Blade" training.
As he fights with a cutlass, this should be "Light Blades".
(assumimg his attack values as shown are correct, if you try
to build his character in Hero Lab the numbers don't match).

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I don't know if it's been done before, but the option to turn off the map grid and labels in the PDF is brilliant.

Looking forward to running this one :)

Sovereign Court

JohnF wrote:

2) Mr. Plugg is shown as having "Heavy Blade" training.
As he fights with a cutlass, this should be "Light Blades".
(assumimg his attack values as shown are correct, if you try
to build his character in Hero Lab the numbers don't match).

A cutlass is statistically identical to a scimitar, and therefore belongs in the heavy blades weapon group.

As far as I can see, his attack values are correct (+5 BAB, +2 Str, +1 Weapon Focus, +1 weapon training, +1 magic = +10, or +8 with a -2 penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting). Since cutlass is a new weapon, perhaps its stats are not yet in HeroLab?


Been looking forward to this for a very long while! I'm liking everything about it... Seems to be made for a lot of embellishment on the part of the GM, which I'm good with. Some great suggestions and lots of good NPC's to play with.

Game rule: anyone says "Ar" gets five lashes from the cat! ;->

Finished reading this last night. For someone who hasn't been RPGing for 25 years it was a lot to take in, and a revelation. Lots of fun stuff in there but it seems like an awful lot for a GM to manage, and possibly requires players with a certain mindset who really want to roleplay pirates rather than ones who want to hack and slash.

I think I'll be collecting this path and all the extras and then putting it aside for a while until I have some players I can trust to do it justice.

Kradlum wrote:
I think I'll be collecting this path and all the extras and then putting it aside for a while until I have some players I can trust to do it justice.

Heh, that's what I did with Kingmaker... Skull & Shackles is much more appropriate for my group than KM.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DLandonCole wrote:

I don't know if it's been done before, but the option to turn off the map grid and labels in the PDF is brilliant.

Looking forward to running this one :)

Glad you're finding this feature useful! This started in the Jade Regent adventure path and we're looking into what else we can do with it. :)

Grand Lodge

I have a question about the Kuru race. What weapons are they using in the picture? Because those most definitely aren't clubs.

And I've only got one thing to say about the Lusca. My god, you actually managed to design Sharktopus. Granted it's got three heads, but still.

One thing I'd love to see is a full write up on Nightclaw. Not so much him though.

I'm insanely curious to know about that locket of his wife which keeps him from being destroyed in the sunlight. Is it an artifact? Is it divine magic of his dead wife's spirit keeping him from bursting into flames? I'd love to know so I can put it on other vampires, if at all possible.

I noticed no description of the Wormwood's pirate flag. I guess is up to DM then. Comments?

Would the stats of the other Wormwwod Officer's become available?

I have a comment:
The stairs in the Officer's and Capt's room are "off-limits" to the PCs. I am wondering how are they supposed get to the lower decks? Is it through the hatches? Does a magical stair appears?

As of now I had them go down via the stairs in the Cpt's quarter. Those staris are outside the Cpts room.


Sovereign Court

This is one of those annoying little things that pop up when you do tie-ins between multiple products.

The best way to solve it is to add a stairway under one of the hatches on the main deck down to area A6. That way the crew can get belowdecks without having to go through the officers' or captain's quarters.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
DLandonCole wrote:

I don't know if it's been done before, but the option to turn off the map grid and labels in the PDF is brilliant.

Looking forward to running this one :)

Glad you're finding this feature useful! This started in the Jade Regent adventure path and we're looking into what else we can do with it. :)

You could always use try adding some Darklands maps as layers beneath the surface maps that you could turn off and on.

(For an example, check out Denis 'Maldin' Tetreault's Underdark map.)

Just purchased and this is excellent!

Anyone else have a problem with the PCs stealing the wrong ship?

Any idea what is the height of the lower decks of the man's promise or any other standard ship? Is it 5, 10, or 15 ft??


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am taking my group through this, and there are a number of questionable design decisions that I wonder were play tested.


1) The initial 'time on the ship' is set to 20 days. This includes 2 ship actions at a minimum per day per PC (with lots of seemingly pointless DC 10 checks, but with occasional con checks which are quite hard and result in various whippings.) Add in 5 bonus ship actions per pc at the end. Lets make an EXTERMELY conservative guess that a ship action takes 2 minutes of real time to resolve. 20 days x 2 actions +5 x 4 PCs is 180 ship actions!!!! At 2 minutes per action that's 360 minutes or SIX HOURS. And we aren't even counting the actual encounters and events during this time!

I ended up cutting it in half and it was still tedious and dragged over two sessions.

2) Shipwrack Isle or whatever its called: I hope you like monsters with improved grab. Giant frogs, Ankhegs, vine-chokers, giant crabs. All with improved grab. This is a nightmare for PCs with average CMDs (and are 2nd level at this point). Being constantly grappled is NOT FUN.

3) Botfly swarms? Sure, these are CR3, but if the group lacks a character with an AoE spell, they are a TPK waiting to happen. 31 hp? 2d6 damage automatic, IMMUNE TO ALL WEAPONS. Oh, and they give ghoul fever? Basically if the party doesn't have a sorcerer with burning hands, its game over, or they do a lot of un-fun running. I just took them out completely but since they were factored in to get the players up to level 3 for the caves at the end, I had to fudge XP.

I love pirates and was so psyched to run a pirate themed campaign, but I'm definitely going over each adventure going forward and dramatically re-working anything like this I See again, as it is constantly annoying and frustrating my group.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Added spoiler tags to post above.

I disagree that piracy as presented in this AP is consistent with good alignments.

PCs who are good will be motivated run away from this AP as soon as they touch the mainland in the second module. What they are presented with as the life of a pirate - theft from, and murder of, random merchants - is evil. The AP blurbs hint that most of the activities in the AP are not actual piracy. But *in game* the PCs will not know this. They will have touched the mainland with their stolen ship and have a real opportunity to escape what they have been shown as a life of evil doing. Good PCs should be excluded from this AP.

Scarab Sages

Would Drunken Ki Or Liquid Courage Make The Rum Ration Any Less Dangerous, Or Would They Just Add More Benefits To Go With The Dangers? Do Drinks That Get Converted Into Ki Or Grit Points Still Require Fortitude Saves?

Note: Yes, This Stupid Browser Capitalizes Every Word. I Apologize In Advance For Any Eyestrain It Causes.

This volume is listed as being in "Backorder"; any estimate on when more copies will be available? My local store sold their last copy of #55.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Cuuniyevo wrote:
This volume is listed as being in "Backorder"; any estimate on when more copies will be available? My local store sold their last copy of #55.

I'm working on acquiring some back from distribution, but chances are not good.

Thanks for the response and heads-up. I suppose I'll end up getting the pdf then.

Will this ever be reprinted? I was going to buy the series, but this one is not in print. I looked elsewhere and the only copies are on Amazon or other resellers for $88 up to well over $300 for one copy of just this. PDF's are not as useful and thus won't buy the series if that's the only option. Hope this gets reprinted!

Community Manager

VonSerrng wrote:
Will this ever be reprinted? I was going to buy the series, but this one is not in print. I looked elsewhere and the only copies are on Amazon or other resellers for $88 up to well over $300 for one copy of just this. PDF's are not as useful and thus won't buy the series if that's the only option. Hope this gets reprinted!

We don't have any plans to reprint the AP at this time.

Hope this is the right place for this....

There's an omission in the stat block of one of the new monsters presented--the Tidepool Dragon (pp. 82-83). Does the little fellow have standard treasure or maybe triple like some of his big, bad cousins?

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

Profession Smith 6 ranks wrote:

Hope this is the right place for this....

There's an omission in the stat block of one of the new monsters presented--the Tidepool Dragon (pp. 82-83). Does the little fellow have standard treasure or maybe triple like some of his big, bad cousins?

I'd say it should have standard treasure, like its faerie dragon and pseudodragon cousins.

If there is anyone considering running this campaign setting be prepared to do the following

(1) Speed up the first part of the book because it starts to bog down.
(2) Be prepared to drastically adjust the content on the island so the CR is appropriate for the level party.

With a few tweaks this can be a fun adventure.

(note: hard to believe this book passed play testing as written)

Liz Courts wrote:
VonSerrng wrote:
Will this ever be reprinted? I was going to buy the series, but this one is not in print. I looked elsewhere and the only copies are on Amazon or other resellers for $88 up to well over $300 for one copy of just this. PDF's are not as useful and thus won't buy the series if that's the only option. Hope this gets reprinted!
We don't have any plans to reprint the AP at this time.

any plans yet? I would love these as physical copies, but they are going for $100 plus for a few of them not sold here. Maybe a hard cover deal like the Curse of the Crimson Throne?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Maybe in 16-24 years, Captain Brown Bear. Even if they do continue making the hardcovers, there are 7 other APs between Throne and Shackles, and they don't put one out every year. My experience with modules and AP's is that I use a lot of print-outs, notes and scratch-paper even with the books I own physical copies of, so I wouldn't let the PDF format stop you from getting this one. It's good. =]

This adventure nearly killed my group, so you'd better pay attention to the following advice (this includes GMs):

First, absolutely everybody needs a rank in Profession sailor to avoid seasickness checks. Everybody MUST have Climb as a class skill, and have it maxed out at each level. No joke, the DM is told to assign the PC's to whatever job they are worst at, which includes climbing the rigging and falling to their deaths. Quick tip, elves can give up their WPs to get Climb and Swim as class skills.

It is a VERY good idea for everyone to have class access to Swim. Heck, if you can get yourself a Swim speed, that's even better! Our party had an undine in it who gave up all his racial stuff to get blindsense 30ft in water, the ability to breathe underwater, and limited fast healing while in water. This saved his butt repeatedly.

The party desperately needs to have PCs with lots of Charisma to befriend the NPCs! In ours, we had a Cleric with a high Diplomacy and a Wizard using Charm Person and a untrained Charisma check, and they still didn't turn 4 of the crew.

You need to give up your first and third level feats for defensive ones like Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Combat Casting, and in the future Uncanny Concentration would be great. Those first two feats quite literally saved PC lives, no joke, I saw the dice rolls. GMs, replace the wand of magic missile and the wand containing a paladin spell with Cure Light Wounds wands or the party will not make it through part 3 alive. No joke.

If there ever was a book that needed a Rogue (or at least a Ranger with the Vagabond Child urban trait to get Disable Device) and a Cleric, this is it. You need Stealth, Perception, Disable Device, and Escape Artist is recommended as is Acrobatics. Diplomacy, Heal with a high Wisdom, LOTS of healing so those channels are incredibly needed. Our party got by with a Ranger and a Cleric of Besmara, and barely made it.

It would be a good idea for someone to be a follower of Besmara, someone who values Diplomacy and Perception.

Part 3 WILL KICK YOUR BUTTS. You have all of 2 days to complete it, and there's lots of disease, encounters, and such waiting. My group tapped out all of their healing they got throughout the book here, including the half strength CLW wand I had planted. 3 out of the 4 got a severe case of ghoul fever with lots of Constitution damage, and not from the ghouls. If your party does not have an area effect damage dealing spell like Burning Hands ad nauseam, you will die. Really really.

Note that the Hurricane Savvy character trait and Knowledge Geography are great for anyone who is going to be your pilot/navigator in future books. GMs, be dead certain to get Aquatic Adventures and Isles of the Shackles so your PCs can not only handle the need to buy mithril armor in the second book, but also handle the problems of underwater combat and survival.

Now, there are two books that can serve as your second book in the campaign. One of which is Raiders of the Fever Sea, and this one expects you to commit acts of piracy so it's not likely LG characters (and likely not LN) will work out. In it, you will have to make a side trip once your boat is operational to Port Peril to buy mithril armor.

The other book is Plunder & Peril, which doesn't make you become a full ruthless pirate. The down side is that you won't find a city big enough to buy mithril full plate etc in it, and it doesn't look like you will be able to schedule a side trip once the adventures begin. Thus, you will have to wait until the much maligned 3rd book, Tempest Rising, to get to Port Peril to get your armor.

If you want to give the players languages that actually apply to the campaign, check this out uages-of-the-shackles

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can we get this title for print-on-demand?

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