
David Devier's page

28 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Well, I've left my review. Another excellent Tale! I rather enjoyed all the <redacted>, <redacted>, and peril as the story went on!

Very cool preview! Been a fan of Tengu since the olden days, and now I want to go fly a kite.

As for my opinion on what else to preview? I'll go for Ratfolk!

Yeah, Spanky. Street date is Wednesday the 25th

zergtitan said wrote:
Hi, new guy here. why hasn't the PDF been made available. it seems strange to release the book and then two weeks later release the PDF. it seems like one would usually make the PDF available at the same time as the book itself. So why must us PDF lovers wait?

IIRC, the PDF release date of April 25 is the street date for the physical product, when it should be available from your FLGS or the like. Those of us getting copies starting this week are folks who have subscribed to the line, and when Paizo ships the product and charges our monetary establishment, we gain access to the free subscriber PDF. It's a perk of having a subscription!

I got mine! Huzzah...er, AAAARRRRRRR!

I keep seeing those job listings, and continue wishing I hadn't majored in History, and gone to business school.

So I notice that Distant Worlds is the best seller in the store right now. Congrats, James! I'm hopeful that response to this title remains strong.

I'll be running my first Akitonian One-shot tomorrow night, I'll make sure to let you know how it goes.

I'm on board. Heck, I've already written two one-shots and a level 1-5 adventure about it, it'd be awesome to see what the Paizo-ites can do as well!

I'm already enjoying this story. Ready to see where it goes!


And thanks, James. Because of this book and knowledge amongst my gaming peers, I'll be running two or three sessions of a one-shot set on Akiton in the next week, leading up to the release of the John Carter movie. I'll try to post post-game reports for you!

One thing I have going for me is the fact that I'm single and can still move everything I own in an SUV with a small trailer. But I definitely think I could maybe manage the move in.. 2-3 months, if I economize. We shall see what the future holds. Someone get out the Harrow deck!

edited because I missed an I in there and it looked silly.

Maaaaan. Now I'm looking at my finances and plotting the sheer crazy of moving halfway across the country.

Well, I've got nearly 10 years of Restaurant management. I can't believe you guys have got me seriously looking into this.

You tempt me, Moreland. I've been looking for a way out of east Texas...

I still call dibs on running the Paizo Cafeteria...

I got my physical copy yesterday, and after pouring over it, bought a PDF copy as well to give to my roommate! This book is everything I hoped for James, keep up the good work.

Man, this BA in History and 10 years in the Restaurant industry do not a Paizo employee make. Unless I can build and run an on-site cafe! *plots*

Goodness, that is an awesome cover. And I really like the background color. Very attention-grabbing!

The plot, it thickens, like gravy. Definitely getting some creepy vibes about the abundance of pork...

Man... so tempted to buy the pdf... my poor pending jan. shipment... stupid snow. *checks bank balance* hmm.. tax return hasn't posted yet. ah well. Patience!

Awesome. Welcome back, Norret. And Orlin! I must say, little stories like these make me want to run a game in Galt...

Keep up the good work, Mr Murphy!

I'm really getting a kick out of this story, Lucien! It's also making so many bad puns run through my brain, which just makes me snicker louder.

When my friends who game (I seem to have more and more of them these days, must be the local college) ask me about Pathfinder or, more specifically, Golarion, one of the things I always do is hand over my Tales books, and Plague is definitely the most popular among the east Texas crowd. Very glad to see you're working on another adventure!

James Jacobs wrote wrote:

Gregg Helmberger wrote:

Say,what's your current understanding of the shipping schedule on AP installments? I understand about the delay of #5 of Jade Regent (hey, it happens) but that means that you'll need to double up one month if you plan to reveal the first book of Shattered Star in August, as has been your custom. Any idea when that will be?

The reason I'm asking is that I LOVE getting two AP books in the same envelope and I want to know what month to look forward to. :-D

I'm not sure when we'll have "double months" but we'll probably have two of them in the next several months, if all goes well. The AP line suffered some pretty big setbacks to its schedule for various reasons, and we'll be scrambling to get it caught up again, which means there'll be double months at least once and probably twice by Gen Con.

As for what month that occurs... I don't know.

Looking at my subscriptions bar, it's showing the first two adventures of Skull and Shackles as shipping in March. Hope that helps.

This is, as they say, awesome! I picked up all three Tales books I've not read yet! (Prince of Wolves, Master of Devils, and the Worldwound Gambit) as an early birthday present to myself. Thanks for having such awesome fiction guys.

I was definitely hooked on this story. My copy is already rather battered, as I forced a couple of my players to read it! Review posted here and at Amazon (my first product reviews anywhere, if it gives you an idea of how much I loved the story!)

Been flipping through it since I got off work an hour or so ago... very cool. I'm going to start running the Jade Regent in two weeks and I'm seeing loads of stuff I can sneak in to make it a bit more hectic on my players! Also, as a sneaky thing... do I detect the final cover art for the Advance Races Guide on the ad? Squee!

I've really enjoyed the story, Steven! The ending wasn't all bright and happy, but that's what makes it all the more effective. Hope to see more from you in the Pathfinder universe soon. I think I'll finally relent and borrow my roommate's copy of the Vampire Wars as well!






The Netherlands


Common (English), Gnome (Dutch), Elven (French), Dwarven (German?)

About Brass Pigeon

Profile Template (stolen from ? & adjusted)




Speed: ft


Abilities, Feats, Traits & Skills:




Disable Device:
Escape Artist:
Sense Motive:
Sleight Of Hand:


[ooc]Initiative[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]

[ooc]Trip Attempt[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]

Unarmed Attacks
[ooc]Unarmed Attack[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Damage[ooc] [dice][/dice]

[ooc]Attack[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]

[ooc]Damage[ooc] [dice][/dice]

[ooc]Sneak Attack with Dagger[ooc]
[ooc]Damage[ooc] [dice][/dice]
[ooc]Sneak Damage[ooc] [dice][/dice]

[ooc]Fort Save[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Reflex Save[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Will Save[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]

Skill Checks
[ooc]Acrobatics[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Disable Device[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Escape Artist[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Perception[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Profession[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Sense Motive[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Stealth[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Swim[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
[ooc]Use Magic Device[ooc] [dice]1d20+0[/dice]