Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters Brick

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Pathfinder RPG combat comes to life on your tabletop with Heroes & Monsters, the debut release in the new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures line! Produced in cooperation with Paizo Publishing, Heroes & Monsters presents a fascinating array of 40 beautifully painted miniatures perfect for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any fantasy miniatures game! From the brave Gnome Fighter to the mighty evil lich, Heroes & Monsters offers a wide range of player characters and dungeon denizens that make a perfect start to your Pathfinder Battles collection!

  • Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.
  • Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.
  • Heroes & Monsters Bricks contain 16 Standard Boosters and 3 Large Boosters.
  • Heroes & Monsters Cases contain 4 Bricks (64 Standard Boosters and 12 Large Boosters).

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Begin your Pathfinder Battles collection today! The Heroes & Monsters of the Pathfinder world await!

See the press release for questions and answers about this exciting new product line.

Heroes & Monsters Set List

1  Goblin Warrior (Red)
2  Goblin Hero (Red)
3  Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4  Goblin Hero (Blue)
5  Orc Brute
6  Orc Warrior
7  Skeleton
8  Watch Guard
9  Watch Officer
10  Lizardfolk Champion
11  Zombie
12  Giant Spider
13  Wolf
14  Venomous Snake
15  Mummy
16  Human Rogue
17  Human Ranger
18  Elf Wizard
19  Half-Elf Cleric
20  Dwarf Fighter
21  Human Druid
22  Gnome Fighter
23  Dire Rat
24  Gargoyle
25  Half-Orc Barbarian
26  Spectre
27  Seelah, Human Paladin
28  Werewolf
29  Medusa
30  Minotaur
31  Ogre
32  Troll
33  Ettin
34  Chimera
35  Manticore
36  Giant Caveweaver Spider
37  Frost Giant
38  Succubus
39  Lich
40  Vampire

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB1 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB3 PFB4 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB5
Medusa Lich seelah orc
092311_EttinPreview 092311_RangerPreview 093011_GoblinPreview
(go to main product page)

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3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Too Much $$$


I hate to be a bad mouth, and I am honestly not motivated here by vehemence. This figs just cost way too much for what you get ESPECIALLY because they are random and plastic.

I am not saying there is anything better out there - as far as I can tell there isn't. My local store is 1 of 2 significant stores, in a metro area of around half a million folks. The store I frequent has yet to sell out of the ORIGINAL , the 2nd line has barely sold at all, and he has refused to order anything else. It just doesn't sell. And its not placement - they are quite actually the first and last thing you see when you enter his store.

When I bought DND mini's the price for randoms eventually became to high for me and I was able to still get the minis I wanted by buying singles. So far, everything I have seen indicates the singles market is incredibly over-inflated.

So, quality wise they are top notch. The paint jobs and sculpts are in every way superior to what I have seen anywhere else here in America. There are foreign companies doing comparable work in similar markets, but that is irrelevant to this review.

For me though, the final thing comes down to money. They are too expensive.

Individual figures


I would be more willing to buy these if one could select individual figures desiered rather than getting a "Grab Bag (box)" of unknowns.

Vibrant, but Overpriced


I didn't even want to buy any originally because of the price, but I decided to grab 3 small (1 medium or 2 small figures each) and 1 large (1 large figure) boxes. This cost me $19 before taxes and I ended up with 1 large and 3 medium figures. When D&D Miniatures was producing boosters I would pay $15 or $16 before taxes to get 8 figures and I'm pretty sure there was 1 large per booster.

I then placed them side by side with the D&D Miniatures I have and I would say the quality is about the same, but the Pathfinder minis are more vibrant. The D&D minis though each came with a stat card and could be used to play a separate minis tactical game.

Even if I were to get 2 small figures in each of the small boxes of Pathfinder minis I purchased I'd have 7 figures. For $3 or $4 less I would have 1-4 more figures and I never remember seeing a full booster of D&D minis as small figures, maybe half at most.

I really like the Pathfinder RPG books, but I'm sorry, I won't be buying any more minis because I think they're overpriced. Maybe I'm just behind times though because I know the D&D minis are not being produced any more, but I can still buy singles for $1 each for commons and uncommons.

1-2 random for HOW MUCH!


For random minis, the pricing is obscene. Tack on a buck and let me know what I am Getting. The local store has yet to sell out of the Original Brick. And from what I have seen, the sculpts and painting is so sub-par.
As much as I hate the Paper Minis, I will take those over these in a heartbeat.

Excellent Beginning Run.


I have just gotten into my box set that I recieved (in no specific order). Individual Review will be added later.

Box 1:

Frost Giant
Venomous Snake
Red Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Watch Guard
Dire Rat
Half-Elf Cleric
Human Rogue
Gnome Fighter
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin

Box 2:

Human Rogue
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Red Goblin Hero
Gnome Fighter
Dire Rat
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin
Lizardfolk Champion
Watch Guard
Venomous Snake
Giant Spider
Orc Warrior

Box 3:

Orc Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Lizardfolk Champion
Elf Wizard
Half-Elf Cleric
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Warrior
Half-Orc Barbarian
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid

Box 4:

Giant Caveweaver Spider
Elf Wizard
Human Druid
Watch Officer
Giant Spider
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Half-Elf Cleric
Venomous Snake
Orc Brute

Final Count:

Red Goblin Warrior x2
Red Goblin Hero x2
Blue Goblin Warrior x4
Blue Goblin Hero x4
Orc Brute
Orc Warrior x2
Skeleton x3
Watch Guard x2
Watch Officer x3
Lizardfolk Champion x2
Zombie x3
Giant Spider x4
Wolf x3
Venomous Snake x3
Mummy x2
Human Rogue x2
Human Ranger x2
Elf Wizard x2
Half-Elf Cleric x3
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid x2
Gnome Fighter x2
Dire Rat x2
Half-Orc Barbarian
Spectre x3
Seelah, Human Paladin x2
Werewolf x2
Medusa x3
Ogre x2
Troll x3
Ettin x2
Giant Caveweaver Spider
Frost Giant
Succubus x2

84 Minis, out a minimum 76, and was able to get the full collection. I can safely say that I am over all pleased, though I was hoping for more humanoid opponents, but can't be to grumpy since I did get a full collection, with a few doubles of key members. Add to this the ones Irecieved from random Store Boughts as well as a minion order from this site and the six-man Evil Booster and you have a good assortment of minis to choose from.

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Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JMD031 wrote:

I suggest for everyone who has an issue with the distribution/marketing of this product to take it over to Wizkids and let them know because posting about here is really not the way to go....

On a different note, I agree with a lot of people because I too hate the randomness (see my first post in this thread for my reaction to the news) but I have since decided that it will be a necessary evil for this product to exist at all. Several people are hung up on the individual figure packaging, which sucks, but the next set will not be like that. However...there may not be a next set without Wizkids making some kind of money off of this one, so catch 22 there.

Two things:

1) WizKids folks are reading this thread (and we Paizo people are, even while at Gen Con), so there's no need to fear that messages posted here aren't being heard by the right people.

2) I am seriously not at all worried about this first set underselling to the point where there will not be a second set. Like, seriously not worried about it at all. Even if everyone who has raised a single concern about this set (and I _do_ understand a lot of those concerns and am not trying to discount them) decided that they absolutely could not buy any of the first set, I still think the first set would be a smashing success. Especially after seeing paint masters and sculpts here at Gen Con. The quality of these minis is going to make believers out of a lot of skeptics, and I am far more worried that we will not make enough to meet demand than I am that the line will sell so poorly that we immediately cancel it. That simply isn't going to happen.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vaahama wrote:

Just to make sure!

I assume it does but just to make sure is the new pathfinder minis are "sized" to fit the pathfinder rule?

I mean by that do we have tiny, small, medium, large and even huge figs?

Yes. No Tinys as of yet, but so far we have minis planned for all of the other categories (and maybe even some bigger stuff...)

Thinking about the comment about how WizKids has used the model, single random mini, for the last two sets they put out, I wonder ... how many of those were sold individually? I mean, if you are buying cases either for personal consumption or to open them and sell them on the secondary market, it doesn't really make a lot of difference how they are packaged. I just wonder, are most of the sales on the cases level or are there lots of single booster sales as well with these sets?

I realize this is something that WizKids might not be able to determine, since they probably only sell cases and individual stores sell them by either the case, the random booster, or the opened mini.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Cartigan wrote:

I imagine the business model will be altered within a year.

One way to better imagine this scenario is to carefully read the news release, which explicitly states that the larger Rise of the Runelords set will be released in multi-figure boosters within seven months of the Heroes & Monsters set.

So I'd say that your prediction is sound.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Your company might lie to their customers. We don't.
ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:

Not telling is not the same as not lying, but this statement makes my brain want to bleed. The fact that no one else here blanched at this shows the strength of your marketing. Every company lies to their customer base. Some more than others, some with malice and some without, but no company is 100% honest OR 100% transparent with their customer base.

TWGG, I find it ironic that you can't imagine how a company could possibly turn a profit without lying to its customers. That doesn't speak well for the gecko business...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

pres man wrote:

Thinking about the comment about how WizKids has used the model, single random mini, for the last two sets they put out, I wonder ... how many of those were sold individually? I mean, if you are buying cases either for personal consumption or to open them and sell them on the secondary market, it doesn't really make a lot of difference how they are packaged. I just wonder, are most of the sales on the cases level or are there lots of single booster sales as well with these sets?

I realize this is something that WizKids might not be able to determine, since they probably only sell cases and individual stores sell them by either the case, the random booster, or the opened mini.

This is anecdotal, of course, but I have seen these sets "in the wild" in three different places, two comic shops and in the collectible aisle in Target. In all cases, the box that holds all of the little boxes was about half-full, so I think it's pretty clear people were buying them as impulse items one or a handful at a time, and not as full cases or what have you.

Erik Mona wrote:
pres man wrote:

Thinking about the comment about how WizKids has used the model, single random mini, for the last two sets they put out, I wonder ... how many of those were sold individually? I mean, if you are buying cases either for personal consumption or to open them and sell them on the secondary market, it doesn't really make a lot of difference how they are packaged. I just wonder, are most of the sales on the cases level or are there lots of single booster sales as well with these sets?

I realize this is something that WizKids might not be able to determine, since they probably only sell cases and individual stores sell them by either the case, the random booster, or the opened mini.

This is anecdotal, of course, but I have seen these sets "in the wild" in three different places, two comic shops and in the collectible aisle in Target. In all cases, the box that holds all of the little boxes was about half-full, so I think it's pretty clear people were buying them as impulse items one or a handful at a time, and not as full cases or what have you.

How are the Cap's selling here?

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:
ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote:
CREATING a market is what a marketing department does, and Paizo has one of those.

Actually, no we do not.

And this is one of the reasons I love this company. :D

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

pres man wrote:

How are the Cap's selling here?

Do you mean on I'm not sure I understand the question.

(And if that is the question, I actually have no idea.)

After having a few hours to cool off I still feel betrayed by Paizo. First the insanely horrid Humans of Golarion (cmon the least you could've done is told us on the cover that it was just a C&P job from Inner Sea Guide! Trap-splat books seem like a WotC thing and not a Paizo thing! I've come to expect exciting new material from Paizo and the book was a complete disaster in that regard.) and now this. It seems like everytime a ICV2 report comes out Paizo starts to shift closer and closer to the "Screw the customers, we're getting money!" mentality that WoTC has.

Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.

However, Paizo has served me well in the past and my former claim of not buying future books was uncalled for. As long as Humans of Golarion was a fluke and the rest continue to be grandslams, I'll continue to buy books. Just consider me in "Red Alert" status here folks. Paizo has raised some red flags and I'm not entirely enthused about the direction they seem to be taking.

Lordofkhybr wrote:

After having a few hours to cool off I still feel betrayed by Paizo. First the insanely horrid Humans of Golarion (cmon the least you could've done is told us on the cover that it was just a C&P job from Inner Sea Guide! Trap-splat books seem like a WotC thing and not a Paizo thing! I've come to expect exciting new material from Paizo and the book was a complete disaster in that regard.) and now this. It seems like everytime a ICV2 report comes out Paizo starts to shift closer and closer to the "Screw the customers, we're getting money!" mentality that WoTC has.

Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.

This isn't true. Just read the thread, a lot of people have no problem with the random aspect.

Erik Mona wrote:
pres man wrote:

How are the Cap's selling here?

Do you mean on I'm not sure I understand the question.

(And if that is the question, I actually have no idea.)

How are the Marvel HeroClix: Captain America selling here (on

*Cap = shorthand for Captain America

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Lordofkhybr wrote:

Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.

I get that you are not enthusiastic about this plan, and I respect both your opinion and your decision not to buy them. That is, of course, your right as a consumer.

That said, the idea that "no one" wants to buy randomized miniatures is absurd on its face and demonstrably untrue based on the huge number of orders we have seen for this product in just the three days since we announced it.

I think there is a tendency among gamers (or perhaps just humans in general), exhibited several times in this thread, to equate "I do not like" with "no one likes."

Very seldom does the world work in such absolute terms.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

pres man wrote:

How are the Marvel HeroClix: Captain America selling here (on

*Cap = shorthand for Captain America

I figured that's what you meant. I have no way to determine that (especially not from the road at Gen Con). Lisa or someone else who works more closely with the webstore or warehouse aspect of the business may be able to provide more info, but even if so, we are not a huge outlet for HeroClix in general, and I think these products have a significant impulse element to them that works better on the shelf of a brick and mortar store than in a huge webstore.

Paizo Employee CEO

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lordofkhybr wrote:
However, Paizo has served me well in the past and my former claim of not buying future books was uncalled for. As long as Humans of Golarion was a fluke and the rest continue to be grandslams, I'll continue to buy books. Just consider me in "Red Alert" status here folks. Paizo has raised some red flags and I'm not entirely enthused about the direction they seem to be taking.

Consider us warned.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

Yes. No Tinys as of yet, but so far we have minis planned for all of the other categories (and maybe even some bigger stuff...)

I sure would like a gargantuan green dragon...

(Not that I would be upset with other gargantuan dragons, but I'd REAAAAALLY like a gargantuan green!)

Dark Archive

Brian E. Harris wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Yes. No Tinys as of yet, but so far we have minis planned for all of the other categories (and maybe even some bigger stuff...)

I sure would like a gargantuan green dragon...

(Not that I would be upset with other gargantuan dragons, but I'd REAAAAALLY like a gargantuan green!)

I wouldn't be opposed to a new colossal Red Dragon to take the place of the DDM one...

Well, any dragons really. The black is the first of more to come I hope. When not used in a game they make fun decoration pieces for bookshelves/desks/etc!

Liberty's Edge

Lordofkhybr wrote:
Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.

Just pre-ordered a second case of randomized miniatures that I don't want...

Heymitch wrote:
Lordofkhybr wrote:
Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.
Just pre-ordered a second case of randomized miniatures that I don't want...

Yeah, I've got three of the useless things on the way - what's up with that?

Lordofkhybr wrote:
It seems like everytime a ICV2 report comes out Paizo starts to shift closer and closer to the "Screw the customers, we're getting money!" mentality that WoTC has.

Are you suggesting that they are making a huge profit on this model? If so - why isnt anyone else doing it (and why do you think WoTC stopped for that matter)?

Brian E. Harris wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Yes. No Tinys as of yet, but so far we have minis planned for all of the other categories (and maybe even some bigger stuff...)

I sure would like a gargantuan green dragon...

(Not that I would be upset with other gargantuan dragons, but I'd REAAAAALLY like a gargantuan green!)

My thoughts exactly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lordofkhybr wrote:
It seems like everytime a ICV2 report comes out Paizo starts to shift closer and closer to the "Screw the customers, we're getting money!" mentality that WoTC has.

Any examples you'd care to provide?

Lordofkhybr wrote:
Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures

Ned, you're always wrong.

Let's review:

Steely Dan is not one person.
We get fringe benefits, not French benefits.
James Dean is an actor, Jimmy Dean makes sausage.

And you know what, Ned?

It's not the leaning tower of pizza.

So your business model is now going to be "pay us $20, and maybe we'll give you something you want, or maybe we'll give you something you have no use for and gloat as you throw it in the garbage"? Well OK, that's your choice, but I'm going to think a second and a third time before I buy anything from you again.

If this is such an awesome business model, why don't you use it for your rulebooks? Hey, look, it's my third copy of "Ultimate Magic", if I keep on buying rulebooks I'll get a copy of the core rules, sometime, too! And if it's such an awesome business model, how is it that companies selling metal miniatures have managed to stay in business for decades without resorting to it?

Lots of potential Red Lantern recruits here...

Thorri Grimbeard wrote:

So your business model is now going to be "pay us $20, and maybe we'll give you something you want, or maybe we'll give you something you have no use for and gloat as you throw it in the garbage"? Well OK, that's your choice, but I'm going to think a second and a third time before I buy anything from you again.

If this is such an awesome business model, why don't you use it for your rulebooks? Hey, look, it's my third copy of "Ultimate Magic", if I keep on buying rulebooks I'll get a copy of the core rules, sometime, too! And if it's such an awesome business model, how is it that companies selling metal miniatures have managed to stay in business for decades without resorting to it?

I am not expert on the miniatures production market, but from what I've heard metal miniatures are cheaper to get started. The molds are cheaper and thus they can make a better profit on small production runs than plastics can. Plastics in order to cover their start up costs have to make larger production runs and thus must sell more miniatures to get the same level of profit as metal miniatures. That is why you can have small companies produce metal miniatures, but not produce plastic ones at the same production scale. That's what I heard anyway.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Yeah, I've got three of the useless things on the way - what's up with that?

Yeah, What Up With That?

Thorri Grimbeard wrote:

So your business model is now going to be "pay us $20, and maybe we'll give you something you want, or maybe we'll give you something you have no use for and gloat as you throw it in the garbage"? Well OK, that's your choice, but I'm going to think a second and a third time before I buy anything from you again.

If this is such an awesome business model, why don't you use it for your rulebooks? Hey, look, it's my third copy of "Ultimate Magic", if I keep on buying rulebooks I'll get a copy of the core rules, sometime, too! And if it's such an awesome business model, how is it that companies selling metal miniatures have managed to stay in business for decades without resorting to it?

This might be a good time to read the rest of the thread, and maybe to listen to the words of those who know a bit more about the realities of the fantasy pre-painted plastic minis business.

Because, man, your attitude here? Not great.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thorri Grimbeard wrote:

So your business model is now going to be "pay us $20, and maybe we'll give you something you want, or maybe we'll give you something you have no use for and gloat as you throw it in the garbage"? Well OK, that's your choice, but I'm going to think a second and a third time before I buy anything from you again.

If this is such an awesome business model, why don't you use it for your rulebooks? Hey, look, it's my third copy of "Ultimate Magic", if I keep on buying rulebooks I'll get a copy of the core rules, sometime, too! And if it's such an awesome business model, how is it that companies selling metal miniatures have managed to stay in business for decades without resorting to it?

The reasons for it have been explained many times in this thread. Whether or not you believe it is up to you. And I'm sure you realize books and minis are much different products. So of course they are sold differently. Also nice to note that pre painted plastics are different from metal minis.

Also, and this is not directed at you, or anyone specific, I don't understand all the hate. Up until recently there were no Pathfinder pre painted plastic minis. If you don't like the product, or the way it is being sold, don't buy it. Why not pretend it doesn't exist, as it didn't a few months ago. They aren't taking your books away, or forcing you to buy the minis. Paizo puts out plenty of products I have no interest in(I am interested in these though). But their mere existence doesn't offend me, or cause me to rage on the message boards. I simply don't buy them, and focus on the products I am interested in.

Liberty's Edge

Lordofkhybr wrote:

After having a few hours to cool off I still feel betrayed by Paizo. First the insanely horrid Humans of Golarion (cmon the least you could've done is told us on the cover that it was just a C&P job from Inner Sea Guide! Trap-splat books seem like a WotC thing and not a Paizo thing! I've come to expect exciting new material from Paizo and the book was a complete disaster in that regard.) and now this. It seems like everytime a ICV2 report comes out Paizo starts to shift closer and closer to the "Screw the customers, we're getting money!" mentality that WoTC has.

Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.

However, Paizo has served me well in the past and my former claim of not buying future books was uncalled for. As long as Humans of Golarion was a fluke and the rest continue to be grandslams, I'll continue to buy books. Just consider me in "Red Alert" status here folks. Paizo has raised some red flags and I'm not entirely enthused about the direction they seem to be taking.

I really wonder, what direction it is you think Paizo is going to?!

I mean, c'mon how many great products did they produce on a regular basis, and than you complain that loud about one single product?! That's just not fair (but I think that happens if you start to impress people; they expect you to keep that quality forever).
I never had the feeling, that Paizo is ONLY about the money. Sure, they need to calculate, they need to make money, 'cause they want to keep their jobs as you like to keep yours.
When Lisa explained to me here in this thread, that the line in the product description, where it tells you you will nearly get a full set when byuing a case for $247.99 was only written, because humans are going to package the stuff, and that they sometimes make mistakes I was a! I mean, which company does tell you that?! I always consider such things and would've never thought a company taking that into consideration, or rather tell that to their customers (afterwards, when the mistake is done, sure).
I am fine now with the model. I don't have to buy them. I will have the chance to buy single minis through the internet at whatever source it will be and if I like, I can have them all - for a price, granted. But it's my decision. You can't blame a company for giving you options!
And no, I am not a blind fan-boy. I complained as well about the randomization, but I understand it now, and at least I have a chance buy them all (without the hassle to collect them - in the end, I would mosty probably have paid the same, if not more to have them all).
But I am fine with that selling-model now. Can't wait to see the first minis.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I've been reading along with this thread from the start.

I'm more of a collector. As a first reaction to the press release, I thought "Meh, randomized? Don't really like that." The explanation of why this is, in fact, necessary sounds convincing to me, though. The fact that getting a case should net me a complete collection also makes it better; and who knows, maybe I'll even have use for the duplicates I'll be getting by getting a case.

I have a feeling that my group will buy some of these miniatures when they are in a multi set format.

Six dollars for one plastic medium-sized miniature that's going to be random is not my cup of tea. Especially when it's likely to be deformed (bent swords, turned arms, leaning) or some absolutely disappointing miniature.

For the record, I love my myconid guard, but like if I paid six dollars and pulled him from a booster...

I have no doubt that this will sell adequately to very well. I'm just not a gambling man.

... Also, do the large miniatures just look short to you guys?

I might get a few.... till I run into more of what I already have from other mini sources.

For the price of a crate? I think I would pick up five to six more books, that which I can open and look inside of.

I would have been happier if the fine people making the minis in work with pathfinder thought a bit bigger and sold a 'wall of minis', with individual pricing for each one.

Five to seven dollars for something you would have too paint vs. something all ready to go, out of plastic, for the same price? I would think that would push more people who run Pathfinder games, with a bit more of a justification, to pick up these minis that would be needed as the best complement to your adventure paths.

I dunno, Like I was sayin', I will buy some of these, lets just keep them fingers crossed.

Ice Titan wrote:

I have a feeling that my group will buy some of these miniatures when they are in a multi set format.

Six dollars for one plastic medium-sized miniature that's going to be random is not my cup of tea. Especially when it's likely to be deformed (bent swords, turned arms, leaning) or some absolutely disappointing miniature.

For the record, I love my myconid guard, but like if I paid six dollars and pulled him from a booster...

I have no doubt that this will sell adequately to very well. I'm just not a gambling man.

... Also, do the large miniatures just look short to you guys?

Six dollars is the price for 1 large mini. Four dollars will get you 1 medium or 2 smalls. Also, there will be single minis for sale here, and through other resellers. So if ya wanna go that route, you can.

As far as the large minis looking "short", I dunno, I need to see them next to something else I know the size of.

Lordofkhybr wrote:

It seems like everytime a ICV2 report comes out Paizo starts to shift closer and closer to the "Screw the customers, we're getting money!" mentality that WoTC has.

Please just stop it. Nobody wants to buy randomized miniatures and your product isn't enhanced by it one bit. It's just 100% customer screw. I don't care how well-done you think the miniatures are, I'm not buying them randomized.

Then don't. Its a good decision to not spend money on things you don't like.

But they even explained the business decision on why they are selling them randomized. And given that WotC stopped producing Minis, you better hope the Paizo/WizKids line sells well.

You can also look at the randomized part as an advantage: OK, maybe you won't get some of the rares easily, but you'll find the common ones below cost at miniature resellers within no time.

Lordofkhybr wrote:
Paizo has raised some red flags and I'm not entirely enthused about the direction they seem to be taking.

I'm sure they are trembling in fear of your further judgement.

Grand Lodge

Just want to mention that 1 case is pre-ordered here as well.

I also bought 100+ of figurines in bags for less than 150$ on several websites, but those were coming from random sets...

so my idea is that this PF set will sell really good, and that we'll see new bags with really common/duplicates soon :) and that will make the non-randommers happy, so they'll be able to buy whatever they want at a cheaper price

hey, 4$ a mini is not that huge, but lots of people before me mentioned that buying a brick/case lower that even more. (not speaking of subscription benefits...)

Dryder wrote:
I never had the feeling, that Paizo is ONLY about the money. Sure, they need to calculate, they need to make money, 'cause they want to keep their jobs as you like to keep yours.

It's a good thing for all the fans that Paizo is also about the money. Too many gaming or hobby companies focused on 'creating the perfect product', ignored the realities of business and went bankrupt in no time. That doesn't help any fan, as there won't be any new products, at all.

We should be happy Paizo is in such capable hands and will likely produce new stuff for a long time. Yay.


Do you have a list of the different minis and their size (small, medium, large) ?
Is the small 25mm format ?
Can we order the big black dragon only if we preorder the case ?


Liberty's Edge

Thorri Grimbeard wrote:

So your business model is now going to be "pay us $20, and maybe we'll give you something you want, or maybe we'll give you something you have no use for and gloat as you throw it in the garbage"? Well OK, that's your choice, but I'm going to think a second and a third time before I buy anything from you again.

If this is such an awesome business model, why don't you use it for your rulebooks? Hey, look, it's my third copy of "Ultimate Magic", if I keep on buying rulebooks I'll get a copy of the core rules, sometime, too! And if it's such an awesome business model, how is it that companies selling metal miniatures have managed to stay in business for decades without resorting to it?

Grotnar wrote:

The reasons for it have been explained many times in this thread. Whether or not you believe it is up to you. And I'm sure you realize books and minis are much different products. So of course they are sold differently. Also nice to note that pre painted plastics are different from metal minis.

Also, and this is not directed at you, or anyone specific, I don't understand all the hate. Up until recently there were no Pathfinder pre painted plastic minis. If you don't like the product, or the way it is being sold, don't buy it. Why not pretend it doesn't exist, as it didn't a few months ago. They aren't taking your books away, or forcing you to buy the minis. Paizo puts out plenty of products I have no interest in(I am interested in these though). But their mere existence doesn't offend me, or cause me to rage on the message boards. I simply don't buy them, and focus on the products I am interested in.

All excellent points. I would add that it's not even a Paizo product. It's a third-party product (WizKids) sold under license. Which makes the Paizo hate even nuttier to me (not that I'm promoting WizKids hate, either).

Anyone who thinks Paizo should produce a large assortment of high quality, non-randomized, inexpensive pre-painted plastic minis should also let us know which company is going to produce these for them? Paizo has (wisely, I think) let a miniatures company produce the actual miniatures.

Grand Lodge

Lisa and Eric,

I have a question or two.

Did I understand correctly that Paizo will be cracking cases and selling the miniatures individually? And if so, then coming from Paizo these individual miniature sells would not fully be secondary market. And would this not take some of the randomness out of the equation?

Personally, I am getting a case, maybe two. Each booster that I open will be like Christmas.



Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Mazra wrote:

Lisa and Eric,

I have a question or two.

Did I understand correctly that Paizo will be cracking cases and selling the miniatures individually? And if so, then coming from Paizo these individual miniature sells would not fully be secondary market. And would this not take some of the randomness out of the equation?

Personally, I am getting a case, maybe two. Each booster that I open will be like Christmas.



Since they likely aren't up yet... let me try to tackle this.

Paizo would be getting cases of minis from WizKids. In the same shipment that your and my cases would be coming out of. Now last time I checked, no one at Paizo has super powers to look into the cases and pick the best packs for themselves. So they'll be opening boxes (waves to Interns) and sorting just as you and I will in our cases. Will they have more than a case or two? Yeah. But their presense in the 'secondary market' would be just the same as would be, or you or I if we sold minis on e-bay.

To assume that they'll be getting supra secret all rare sets... well you'd have to be licking lizards to buy into that. And I'm sure you're not ;-)

Grand Lodge

No. I doubt there are any suprasecret rare sets. It is just, with the Pathfinder brand on the box, coming from Paizo, you would be getting it closer to the source than from anywhere else. The biggest complaint I see is randomness. As soon as Paizo or for that matter anyone else start selling these miniatures individually, there goes the randomness. You may not like the price. That is called free market capitalism. Free miniatures for all I doubt will ever be in the cards.



Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

The only correction I will make to that is that I am relatively sure that it won't be interns who open all of the minis packs to generate the singles sales. If it's anything like Star Wars or DDM, I'm fairly certain it will be Lisa and Vic. :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Erik Mona wrote:

The only correction I will make to that is that I am relatively sure that it won't be interns who open all of the minis packs to generate the singles sales. If it's anything like Star Wars or DDM, I'm fairly certain it will be Lisa and Vic. :)

Oh, you are awake!

Go back to sleep Eric, I've got this one ;-)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Mazra wrote:

No. I doubt there are any suprasecret rare sets. It is just, with the Pathfinder brand on the box, coming from Paizo, you would be getting it closer to the source than from anywhere else. The biggest complaint I see is randomness. As soon as Paizo or for that matter anyone else start selling these miniatures individually, there goes the randomness. You may not like the price. That is called free market capitalism. Free miniatures for all I doubt will ever be in the cards.



*claps* I agree. The randomness keeps the price low for the intial offering, the subsequent secondary market is subject to the whims of supply and demand.

Heck, I paid $200 for Ptolus (Then it got stolen) because that was how much demand I had for the book, and that was how much the supply was worth. I bought a slave leia, count Douko, Asoka Tano and Wedge minis because I enjoyed the characters, I don't even play the game. Imperial Knights make good hellknight proxies (or guards in CotCT) etc.

Paizo Employee CEO

Erik Mona wrote:

The only correction I will make to that is that I am relatively sure that it won't be interns who open all of the minis packs to generate the singles sales. If it's anything like Star Wars or DDM, I'm fairly certain it will be Lisa and Vic. :)

Ahhh, the olden days. :) Erik is right, that Vic and I (and Jeff Alvarez) were the ones who many times opened up DDM and Star Wars minis in the past. But now we have a crack team of warehouse folks we didn't have back then, so my mini busting days are over.


Scarab Sages

I noticed some other folks putting in a call for (at the least) a gargantuan green dragon. I'd like to throw my own support behind that idea! Also, maybe a gargantuan red. And how about a gargantuan ravener?

I would most certainly buy one of each of those.

And can we hope to eventually see some of the Spawn of Rovagug?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
srd5090 wrote:
Brian E. Harris wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Yes. No Tinys as of yet, but so far we have minis planned for all of the other categories (and maybe even some bigger stuff...)

I sure would like a gargantuan green dragon...

(Not that I would be upset with other gargantuan dragons, but I'd REAAAAALLY like a gargantuan green!)

I wouldn't be opposed to a new colossal Red Dragon to take the place of the DDM one...

Well, any dragons really. The black is the first of more to come I hope. When not used in a game they make fun decoration pieces for bookshelves/desks/etc!

I'd buy any Colossal model they put out. Except a Colossal Earth Elemental because, well, rocks.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Aberzombie wrote:

I noticed some other folks putting in a call for (at the least) a gargantuan green dragon. I'd like to throw my own support behind that idea! Also, maybe a gargantuan red. And how about a gargantuan ravener?

I would most certainly buy one of each of those.

And can we hope to eventually see some of the Spawn of Rovagug?

I want Blues. Paizo blues are so much cooler than the blues I currently have. (I can then give them to niece and nephew once I get superior blues)

Jeremiziah wrote:
As has been rightly pointed out to you several times just in this thread and probably countless times over the past year in other threads, there are people other than you in the world. They might even hold opinions different from yours and react differently to similar stimuli.

The point is I don't remotely see how selling minis that give no benefit for a game other than character representation would encourage people to buy the game they are representing characters for. There is no driving incentive. For D&D/PF players to buy the minis? Some in that they want character representation. For people buying the minis to spontaneously deciding to pick up rule books for a game they (a) aren't playing and (b) can find the rules for free online simply because they bought character minis is ridiculous.

Erik Mona wrote:

WizKids has actually had a lot of luck with this format, and has been releasing a lot of HeroClix sets this way over the last year or so. Since we signed a deal with them, they have released a Green Lantern and Captain America set this way, to strong sales.

I will just presume you missed the various posts suggesting that there may be a difference between "Collectible Miniature Games" and "Miniatures that can be collected and are not a game."

Further, this is not significantly different than the way a lot of capsule/boxed toys are sold as impulse/collector items in Japan and Europe. Kubricks, for example, are packed almost exclusively in single-toy blind boxes, as are several brands from highly successful brands like KidRobot.

That is ACTUALLY a valid point, and the only valid one produced thus far in support of this marketing method, though Japan is a silly place. I know Kubricks are sold to Japanophiles and geeks as a Japanophile thing, but I don't really see them in stores anywhere.

Erik Mona wrote:
Cartigan wrote:

I imagine the business model will be altered within a year.

One way to better imagine this scenario is to carefully read the news release, which explicitly states that the larger Rise of the Runelords set will be released in multi-figure boosters within seven months of the Heroes & Monsters set.

So I'd say that your prediction is sound.

Clearly I am clairvoyant.

Sovereign Court

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

The only correction I will make to that is that I am relatively sure that it won't be interns who open all of the minis packs to generate the singles sales. If it's anything like Star Wars or DDM, I'm fairly certain it will be Lisa and Vic. :)

Ahhh, the olden days. :) Erik is right, that Vic and I (and Jeff Alvarez) were the ones who many times opened up DDM and Star Wars minis in the past. But now we have a crack team of warehouse folks we didn't have back then, so my mini busting days are over.


It's good to be the king... erm, queen.

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