Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed (PFRPG)

4.40/5 (based on 9 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed (PFRPG)
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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Over the course of its decades-long history, fantasy gaming has produced countless monsters both terrifying and alien, some pulled from mythology and others sprung full-formed from the twisted imaginations of their creators. Yet as with any idea, not every monster can be a winner. Or can it?

With Misfit Monsters Redeemed, Paizo Publishing has taken 10 of the most notoriously bad monsters in RPG history—the lamest, most hated, and flat-out silliest creatures in the genre—and attempted to make them fun allies and adversaries for players and Game Masters alike. Each monster comes complete with updated statistics for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, lengthy ecologies explaining how the monsters behave and why they are the way they are, tips on how Game Masters can use them in a campaign, notes on how to fit the monsters into the world of the Pathfinder campaign setting or your own home game, and more.

    Inside this 64-page book, you'll find monsters such as:
  • Flumphs, everyone's favorite flying jellyfish monster, come from the stars to warn innocent civilizations of the cosmic horrors lurking in the darkness.
  • Disenchanters, the blue-furred camels who live to prey on adventurers' magical gear.
  • Flail snails, the magic-warping gastropods who weave slowly through the subterranean Darklands, writing epic poetry with their slime trails.
  • Doom-screeching dire corbies, the bird-headed terrors of the darkest caverns.
  • Lurking rays, the stealthy ambush predators that are really three manta-like monsters in one: the executioner's hood, the trapper, and the lurker above.
  • Adherers, those sticky, mummy-like monstrosities whose wrappings of flayed skin are the scarred relics of a horrible experiment by phase spiders from the Ethereal Plane.
  • Other loveable losers like the delver, the lava child, the tojanida, and of course, the infamous wolf-in-sheep's-clothing!

Misfit Monsters Redeemed is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-270-8

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Redemption is Hard


"Everyone deserves a second chance" is the tagline on the back cover of Misfit Monsters Redeemed. D&D has decades of Monster Manuals and the like, filled with hundreds of creatures. It's inevitable that some would land with a thud, and others would be unintentionally, hilariously bad. The goal of this book is to provide a new take on some old duds and salvage them for use. As the introduction explains, Paizo had had good luck with its ". . . Revisited" series of books that added fresh flavour to classic monsters, but this book arose from a dare on the forums to see if the company could take the worst creatures in fantasy RPG history and breathe new life into them. Redemption is attempted for ten monsters, each receiving six pages of coverage divided into the following sections: ecology, campaign role, variants, role on Golarion, stat block, and new artwork. I'll give my verdict on each attempt at redemption below, but the short conclusion is that . . . some of these creatures really didn't deserve a second chance, and just couldn't be redeemed. However, there are a few nice surprises.

Before getting into the content, I'll just mention the cover artwork (fairly poor, in my opinion) is reproduced in the inside back-cover sans logo, while the inside front cover is a funny "Hall of Shame" listing the monsters covered with a "before" and "after" to show what the book has tried to achieve.

*Adherers: Before, they were essentially sticky mummies that could trap weapons used against them; now they have damn creepy origin as essentially living livestock for phase spiders on the ethereal plane. I think their CR is too low given the awesome build-up for them in the text. Nonetheless, my verdict: Redeemed.

*Delvers: Before, they were subterranean cave slugs that feast on ores, and filled a pretty bland role alongside things like xorns and earth elementals. Now, they're intelligent, spiritual beings that could serve as guides for spelunkers. My verdict: Redeemed.

*Dire Corbies: Before: evil crow-men. Now: Xenophobic bipedal birdmen of the Darklands. There's a lost opportunity to tie them into tengu somehow. They're okay, but essentially just disposable random encounters for subterranean explorers. My verdict: Guilty as Charged!

*Disenchanter: Before, blue camel-like creatures that can destroy magic items. Now: Pretty much the same, with a bit of a better backstory. I don't get their weird headband fetish, and they're truly goofy looking. My verdict: Guilty as Charged!

*Flail Snail: Before, they were giant snails with maces on their faces. I have to admit I was surprised they could be improved, but now they're long-lived, intelligent zen monks with magic reflecting shells. My verdict: Redeemed.

*Flumphs: Before, they were weird floating jellyfish-like creatures. Now, these lawful good creatures warn of horrors from other worlds, and good make for really good adventure hook vehicles. My verdict: Redeemed.

*Lava Children: Before, they were a forgettable race of feral subterranean humanoids. Now, they're the creations of shaitans meant to survive in the Elemental Planes of Fire and Earth. I still don't get why metal passes through them, and despite the admittedly creepy artwork, I still don't see much of a role for them in a campaign. My verdict: Guilty as Charged!

*Lurking Ray: Before, they were underground ambush predators. Now, they have a really interesting, well-defined ecology with different niches for three variations. Still, each variation is a subterranean ambush predator and they're nothing more than random encounter fodder. In addition, Pathfinder's suffocation rules are such that they're not really dangerous. My (reluctant) verdict: Guilty as Charged!

*Tojanida: Before, they were aquatic crustacean-like monsters. Now, they're aquatic outsiders trapped ages ago in a bizarre shell form, and they can't remember why. I just can't really get a read on these creatures and what role they're supposed to fill in a campaign. My verdict: Guilty as Charged!

*Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing: The only creature in the book I'd ever actually used, this forest predator (pictured on the cover) with a dumb name disguises itself as a tree stump with a small rabbit or squirrel on it before pouncing on any PC who gets too close. Its ability to manipulate corpses is creepy, and the book provides some admittedly interesting ideas on how to use a surprise monster that will only ever work on players once. It's a good try, but my verdict is still: Guilty as Charged!

By my count, the book successfully redeems four of the ten monsters it covers. That's not bad considering what the writers had to work with. That being said, I don't really see this book as being useful for anyone but real old-school gamers who would get a little kick out of seeing a modern updating on an old loser of a monster. Everyone else could happily stick to the six Pathfinder bestiaries for all their monster needs. To me, that makes Misfit Monsters Redeemed among the least essential books in the Campaign Setting line.

Warning: Terrifying!


I bought this book because it featured an old relic: Wolfs in Sheep's clothing. While the original concept of them was just a living log with a bunny, Paizo has managed to give me NIGHT TERRORS about these things. They now insert their vines into corpses, and animate them like puppets. Sure, this sounds like something not TOO bad, but that's just the beginning. I flipped through the pages, and noticed an image of the Druid Iconic, 'Lini', sitting on the WOSC. This was slightly scary, but there was something different about her. I couldn't figure out what it was. So I kept looking through the book, until I came to the last chapter, talking about these monsters. But what was truly terrifying was the image of the beast, dragging the Druid towards it, preparing to kill her. I flipped back to the first picture, and figured out what is was. Her skin was cracked and decayed, and a root attached to her back...


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Great choices


This book re-presents some of the weirdest monsters to come out of dnd over the years. I eagerly read this book and wanted to use everything inside. In the Sargava game I’ve been running prior to all the new material to aid games set there, I wanted to populate the southern continent with new and unusual monsters. I trawled through manuals grabbing monsters from other systems, other d20 products and fringe material. I actually added in a region well-populated by the flail snails, which the party travelled to, so it is amusing to see them added to golarion. What made me chuckle was the point that they can be found on all levels of the darklands (more encounters ahead delvers) and that they are actually intelligent and Zen Buddhist like in their philosophy. When the party of my game ran into them, spells re-bounded, hit allies, someone got set on fire, causing quite the fuss. It was really very funny. They are a counter to warlocks or invokers. Note: do not use the base reflection rules, use the d100 table provided, it adds a lot more possibilities. Moar flail snails!

The other monsters can be quite the added treat. I’ll throw in the adherer although I already did something similar by taking your average Osirion mummy, give him some fighter levels and the weapon locking feat. The various lurking rays are perfect to turn a bit of spelunking into a horror game, cornbys could be added as fringe tribes in unexplored regions, disenchanters could follow wizards around who have all their body slots filled (although I prefer nishruus), and the wolf-in-sheep’s clothing could get quite a chuckle, but a savvy adventurer will know to stay back from what is cute and fuzzy in nature.

Enjoyed it too much not to give it five stars.

Misfits no more


Okay heres the deal I've played this game for more years than i care to think about and yeah there are some real stinkers out there. I was initially unsure about this title until I read that the wolf in sheeps clothing was getting reworked. A fan of the old expedition to the barrier peaks I had to see if the rework would make an old favorite of mine usable again. Much to my surprise it is as are most of the others in this book. There are a couple that although strictly speaking more playable than they used to be are still just a bit too odd to see much long term use. Everything in misfits could be used once or twice with ease and some of the creatures many times. Kudos to Paizo for bringing out the weird and making if fun. I personally would like to see a book 2 of fan voted stinkers reworked. How about it Paizo 10 more ?

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Dark Archive

Snorter wrote:

Wouldn't that have still caused PCs to go after it, though?
After all, if they had amended the pic, the players would ask "Why are you showing us that picture? I know what a rabbit looks like.", and suspect a trick.

If the bunny has two horn-stumps, I bet there's somebody out there decides to catch themselves a 'baby jackalope'. LOL

I actually never showed my players pics until after the encounter started. I used to rely on narration, description - that was of course way before the advent of plastic mini's and resin dungeons. So lazy.

Beyond using the WISC in S3, I never had any real use for the monster, at least in D&D - perfect for Gamma World though. So the pic of the bunnyoid on top of the WISC in the MMII was never really a problem for me (well, maybe deep in my subconscious mind), I would just like Pazio to correct a 27 year old art mistake.

But if they decide to keep the two horn MMII S3 reprint legacy I probably wouldn't go the baby jackalope route - maybe a baby al-mi'raj?


Snorter wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:

WHAT GIVES? This has confused me for many, many (27) years. Couldn't they have just redrawn or white’d out the rabbit horns in the MMII? Any player who saw the rabbit on the stump in the pic from the MMII would say "Hey, that doesn't look like a normal rabbit! That looks like a rabbit with two horns!" So much for the element of surprise.

Wouldn't that have still caused PCs to go after it, though?

After all, if they had amended the pic, the players would ask "Why are you showing us that picture? I know what a rabbit looks like.", and suspect a trick.

If the bunny has two horn-stumps, I bet there's somebody out there decides to catch themselves a 'baby jackalope'. LOL

Bunnies? Who said it has to be bunnies?

Now if the lure could be changed by the WiSC to resemble different creatures that might work

Scarab Sages

Let's have it waggle a six-pack and a kebab, to lure fellows rolling home from the pub.

I love all these books, ecologies are always great. Where does one throw out requests for the next one? I'd love to see a "Monsters of Legend Revisited", you know yeti, kraken, lake monster... those sort of beasties would be awesome to see next. (Wasn't sure where else to post this by the way.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Panguinslayer7 wrote:
I love all these books, ecologies are always great. Where does one throw out requests for the next one? I'd love to see a "Monsters of Legend Revisited", you know yeti, kraken, lake monster... those sort of beasties would be awesome to see next. (Wasn't sure where else to post this by the way.)

I'd go with the Pathfinder Chronicles Fourm.

@ Auxmaulos: If you decide the WISC can morph his "appendage" (heh that sounds wrong!) into anything he likes then so be it. I didn't even notice horns, I just saw the pic online with its name and stats and made everything else up. Was a 'normal' rabbit in my game.

Heck, the WISC could even be a distant relative of the Mimic?

Scarab Sages

Matthew Morris wrote:

Well if anything should be from another world, it's the wolf-in-sheeps-clothing.

D20 modern wisc, would have a 12 pack of beer on a stump and eat stupid hunters.

I will so borrow this for my Buffy game :)

I know its not usable (and that it is a GOOD thing..), but does anyone remember the wingless wonder?

Liberty's Edge

so you finally conceded to the flump masses?


I turned in my contribution on this a week ago, and now I'm thinking, "October? I can't wait that long!"

This was incredibly fun to write, and I'm looking forward to seeing if these monsters have been redeemed.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Colin McComb wrote:

I turned in my contribution on this a week ago, and now I'm thinking, "October? I can't wait that long!"

This was incredibly fun to write, and I'm looking forward to seeing if these monsters have been redeemed.

Ditto. The point of the book is "hey, these monsters AREN'T completely retarded after all!" - and hopefully going to the next level of "In fact, they are pretty frickin cool!" I was happy with my turnover. We'll see what people think come this fall.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I was stoked about my turnover and I truly hope I redeemed the beastie. I can't wait to see how the rest of the critters turned out.


I've developed 7 of the 10 monsters so far, and I'm impressed with how they've all turned out.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Adam Daigle wrote:
I was stoked about my turnover and I truly hope I redeemed the beastie. I can't wait to see how the rest of the critters turned out.

Which one was yours?

Sebastian wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
I was stoked about my turnover and I truly hope I redeemed the beastie. I can't wait to see how the rest of the critters turned out.
Which one was yours?

Heh. Gotta be the flumph

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

You would be correct!

Adam Daigle wrote:
You would be correct!

I'm glad our noble pancake-monster misfit was left in caring hands ...

Scarab Sages

I know this will be an interesting product, but it really strikes me as unnecessary, it's so niche, aren't there 100 topics that should be covered before something like this?

This and Magic items revisited are in great part of the reason why I canceled my chronicles subscription.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Adam Daigle wrote:
You would be correct!



I won't hold that against you.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DragonBelow wrote:

I know this will be an interesting product, but it really strikes me as unnecessary, it's so niche, aren't there 100 topics that should be covered before something like this?

This and Magic items revisited are in great part of the reason why I canceled my chronicles subscription.

These poor monsters have waited for 30 years for justice. It's about time.


Adam Daigle wrote:
You would be correct!

It was YOU who stole it from me! When Sean offered me parts, he hadn't crossed the flumph off yet, and I was so excited... so very, very excited... until he had to confess that he had offered its love to another.

If a few months ago you heard a piteous shatter, it was the sound of my heart breaking.

At least I got to do the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Sorry to snag that one. I'm not really, but I'm sorry you were disappointed about not getting it. :) Sean contacted me and asked how clear my plate was because he had a project for me. He couldn't even tell me what the project was at the time, but said I'd love it and everyone told him to contact me. I of course accepted without even knowing the gig, but I had my suspicions.

I'm sure some of that resulted from co-conspiring a pro-flumph movement called Go Flumph Yourself! here on these boards.

You got a good chunk of this book and I can't wait to see what you did with some of your critters.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Adam Daigle wrote:

Sorry to snag that one. I'm not really, but I'm sorry you were disappointed about not getting it. :) Sean contacted me and asked how clear my plate was because he had a project for me. He couldn't even tell me what the project was at the time, but said I'd love it and everyone told him to contact me. I of course accepted without even knowing the gig, but I had my suspicions.

I'm sure some of that resulted from co-conspiring a pro-flumph movement called Go Flumph Yourself! here on these boards.

You got a good chunk of this book and I can't wait to see what you did with some of your critters.

Unless I misremember, Colin did *FOUR* of these freaks. I thought I was doing a hefty chunk with two!


Adam Daigle wrote:

Sorry to snag that one. I'm not really, but I'm sorry you were disappointed about not getting it. :) Sean contacted me and asked how clear my plate was because he had a project for me. He couldn't even tell me what the project was at the time, but said I'd love it and everyone told him to contact me. I of course accepted without even knowing the gig, but I had my suspicions.

I'm sure some of that resulted from co-conspiring a pro-flumph movement called Go Flumph Yourself! here on these boards.

You got a good chunk of this book and I can't wait to see what you did with some of your critters.

Don't worry about it - I was just surprised that no one had taken the flumph at the time Sean was contacting me for the project, and oh, my hopes were high. I should add further that, having read your efforts to... ahem... be Paizo's "flumpher", you were far more qualified to take the critter.

But seriously, I got the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. That dude is awesome. That was more than enough for me.


Jason Nelson wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:

Sorry to snag that one. I'm not really, but I'm sorry you were disappointed about not getting it. :) Sean contacted me and asked how clear my plate was because he had a project for me. He couldn't even tell me what the project was at the time, but said I'd love it and everyone told him to contact me. I of course accepted without even knowing the gig, but I had my suspicions.

I'm sure some of that resulted from co-conspiring a pro-flumph movement called Go Flumph Yourself! here on these boards.

You got a good chunk of this book and I can't wait to see what you did with some of your critters.

Unless I misremember, Colin did *FOUR* of these freaks. I thought I was doing a hefty chunk with two!

I always feel a little greedy when Sean asks me how much I want to do. The answer is almost always: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is fun stuff.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Colin McComb wrote:
I always feel a little greedy when Sean asks me how much I want to do. The answer is almost always: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is fun stuff.

Tell me your secret: how do you get him to ask you that? Are you sending him money, confections, and coffee with heartwarming poetry and promises of love? Cause I've been doing that, and I don't think it's been working.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
Colin McComb wrote:
I always feel a little greedy when Sean asks me how much I want to do. The answer is almost always: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is fun stuff.
Tell me your secret: how do you get him to ask you that? Are you sending him money, confections, and coffee with heartwarming poetry and promises of love? Cause I've been doing that, and I don't think it's been working.

I thought it was hookers and blow. :)

Shhh..... this is a family orientated thread

Dark_Mistress wrote:
I thought it was hookers and blow. :)

No, Sean's a vegetarian; hookers are meat.


Mark Moreland wrote:
Colin McComb wrote:
I always feel a little greedy when Sean asks me how much I want to do. The answer is almost always: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is fun stuff.
Tell me your secret: how do you get him to ask you that? Are you sending him money, confections, and coffee with heartwarming poetry and promises of love? Cause I've been doing that, and I don't think it's been working.

I shouldn't say he "asks" me. It's more like I tell him what he is going to assign me, and when he does it, I let his puppy go.

Most of it, anyway.

Colin McComb wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Colin McComb wrote:
I always feel a little greedy when Sean asks me how much I want to do. The answer is almost always: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is fun stuff.
Tell me your secret: how do you get him to ask you that? Are you sending him money, confections, and coffee with heartwarming poetry and promises of love? Cause I've been doing that, and I don't think it's been working.

I shouldn't say he "asks" me. It's more like I tell him what he is going to assign me, and when he does it, I let his puppy go.

Most of it, anyway.

~laughter~ Poor Sean.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm so glad that Colin is getting more and more assignments from Paizo. Slowly, slowly my dream of Ultimate Pathfinder Book of Planes (320p. hardcover with foldout maps) by W. Baur, M. Cook, C. McComb, R. Vallese and T. Stewart is becoming more and more real ... make it happen ! :)

Dark Archive

Colin McComb wrote:

But seriously, I got the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. That dude is awesome. That was more than enough for me.

This has always been one of my favorite monsters. I have never understood why people were so down on it.

David Fryer wrote:
Colin McComb wrote:

But seriously, I got the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. That dude is awesome. That was more than enough for me.
This has always been one of my favorite monsters. I have never understood why people were so down on it.

I think it might be the horned bunny thing...

After Barrier Peaks, I never used it again.

I can;t wait to see what they do with it...

Dark Archive

gigglestick wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Colin McComb wrote:

But seriously, I got the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. That dude is awesome. That was more than enough for me.
This has always been one of my favorite monsters. I have never understood why people were so down on it.

I think it might be the horned bunny thing...

Perhaps, but then I always retroconned the horns anyway.

So can we get a list of who did which monster(s)? Before the book releases?

Flumph: Adam Daigle
Lava Child: Jason Nelson (hinted at on page one of the discussion)
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Colin McComb

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Steven Purcell wrote:

So can we get a list of who did which monster(s)? Before the book releases?

Flumph: Adam Daigle
Lava Child: Jason Nelson (hinted at on page one of the discussion)
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Colin McComb

I also did... THE ADHERER!!!

If he had a theme song, it'd be stuck in your mind, wouldn't it?

Dark Archive

Jason Nelson wrote:
Steven Purcell wrote:

So can we get a list of who did which monster(s)? Before the book releases?

Flumph: Adam Daigle
Lava Child: Jason Nelson (hinted at on page one of the discussion)
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Colin McComb

I also did... THE ADHERER!!!

If he had a theme song, it'd be stuck in your mind, wouldn't it?

Another awesome monster! I so want this book.

Sovereign Court

Colin McComb wrote:

At least I got to do the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing.

I envy you with a world-shattering intensity.


Jason Nelson wrote:
Steven Purcell wrote:

So can we get a list of who did which monster(s)? Before the book releases?

Flumph: Adam Daigle
Lava Child: Jason Nelson (hinted at on page one of the discussion)
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Colin McComb

I also did... THE ADHERER!!!

If he had a theme song, it'd be stuck in your mind, wouldn't it?

Since I see all of my critters are listed above, I'll add:

- Delver
- Disenchanter
- Lurker Above
- WiSC

The hardest part was not filling the space, but rather deciding what to cut.

Silver Crusade

At long last I can have a Wolf-In-Sheep's Clothing to devour my unsuspecting players once more! Yay! Wonder if any of these will be in the Bestiary 2?


Cavalier Lord wrote:

At long last I can have a Wolf-In-Sheep's Clothing to devour my unsuspecting players once more! Yay! Wonder if any of these will be in the Bestiary 2?

There's no overlap between this book and Bestiary 2, but each of the chapters in Misfit Monsters will have a full-page, Bestiary-style stat block treatment for easy use.

And I wrote the Flail Snail!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Colin McComb wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Steven Purcell wrote:

So can we get a list of who did which monster(s)? Before the book releases?

Flumph: Adam Daigle
Lava Child: Jason Nelson (hinted at on page one of the discussion)
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing: Colin McComb

I also did... THE ADHERER!!!

If he had a theme song, it'd be stuck in your mind, wouldn't it?

Since I see all of my critters are listed above, I'll add:

- Delver
- Disenchanter
- Lurker Above
- WiSC

The hardest part was not filling the space, but rather deciding what to cut.

That is the truth. Once you find your hook and theme for each one, sometimes it's hard to stop!

I thought I was crazy for doing two, but Colin is obviously categorically INSANE for doing *four*.

I had originally asked for Lava Children and Dire Corbies when this thing first went around, but Rob totally bogarted 'em before I had a chance. I can't wait to find out the story behind their long history of warfare with giant bats... :)


Sovereign Court

I only bogarted the dire corbies - I wouldn't touch the lava children with a 10-foot pole. Because dire corbies are not misfit monsters at all, you see, but bad-ASS, with a capital BAD!

DOOM! DOOM! Doom, I tell you!


Jason Nelson wrote:

I thought I was crazy for doing two, but Colin is obviously categorically INSANE for doing *four*.

When the assignments were still up in the air, I was going to be asked about interest in this book, and I was and asked about a few monsters, but noooooooo, Colin had to be insane and do *four*. Thus I sat this book out.


That said, holy crap I can't wait to see what you guys came up with, both those of you that are sane or otherwise. *grin*


Todd Stewart wrote:

When the assignments were still up in the air, I was going to be asked about interest in this book, and I was and asked about a few monsters, but noooooooo, Colin had to be insane and do *four*. Thus I sat this book out.


That said, holy crap I can't wait to see what you guys came up with, both those of you that are sane or otherwise. *grin*

I took those monsters to save you, Todd, because of my enormous respect for your work on the Great Beyond. I said, "Does Todd need a (further) challenge to his sanity?"

And I replied, "No!"

I did it for you.


::Breaks down in unashamed, manly weeping::

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:


::Breaks down in unashamed, manly weeping::

The love that dares not speak its name.


What? You were expected explosive runes?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Rob McCreary wrote:

I only bogarted the dire corbies - I wouldn't touch the lava children with a 10-foot pole. Because dire corbies are not misfit monsters at all, you see, but bad-ASS, with a capital BAD!

** spoiler omitted **

Hey, Lava Children, with those creepy never-changing smiles even when the lizard king is totally stabberizing them in the 1st Ed FF illustration - that's high-octane Nightmare Fuel!

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