![]() ![]()
![]() For me it's Taldor. Huge selling point for me, I love knights, and intrigue, beasties, and empires in decline. There are so many kinds of things you could find just in Taldor alone. White Dragons in the Fog Peaks, Ghouls in a dilapidated farmstead, the capital is built upon an ancient ruin if i'm not mistaken. Also, the opportunity to unleash a monty python skit on the players! Taldor for all it has, feels like england in the middle ages, with giants, dragons, and all manner of beasts added in. Don't forget the Norwegian Blue Parrot! Sure there are other elements, but how can you go wrong with jolly old Taldor? ![]()
![]() Actually... This was the party I had to GM.
Dragonblooded Gnome Sorcerer was always trying to hatch her child... an ostrich egg the Hobgoblin found. Clever as a bag of wet hair, and horny. No not that kind! But literal horns above her brow, had a habit of burning taverns she sleeps in. Bad dreams, breathes fire... need new inn. Ifrit who loved the cold... Hobgoblin who enjoyed making money as a mercenary, rather than as a grunt under some commander. Oh and he was nearsighted, and the archer/ranger. Half-Orc manservant of the Ifrit, from distant Katapesh. The Half-Orc and Ifrit were left together after Legacy of Fire, they met the others and adventured until they settled down in the River Kingdoms. ![]()
![]() I allow a majority of races, BUT, only in regions they may be found in.
#1 rule I have is that it has to make sense, and the player has to sell it to me. Failure to do so results in a set list of options, which is what I usually do when starting an adventure anyway. For example, the adventure begins in a woodland area, a village of elves to be exact. Wood-Elves, and I have a list of races available at the time. NOT all are a good idea. There's always one race selected in the list to be negatively viewed.
He starts in a wooden cage, Sure the player knows this ahead of time and they can go with it or tweak it their own way. But the Kobold starts a prisoner. Give the Party a reason to want him to come along. How many times do you see an oddball party that just shouldn't be?
It sounds like the start of a bad joke. I like some diversity, but not a ton. Tengus are great for bustling cities, or the orient. What I'm saying is every race has it's preferred locales for a reason, and would probably stick around those regions. That is unless the player wants to just be an annoyance, picks something ridiculous just to irk the players and GM.
So I guess I'm under the Cruel Overlord banner. But hey it's nice here and we do have cookies! ![]()
![]() yellowdingo wrote: SO season two will be about mega-engineering as the Government build a giant tree spade to dig out the 'sphere' and launch it into space...before it becomes a problem. Well that can't happen if the government's still shutdown. Man it's even effecting the dome. But seriously, I too hoped for a miniseries with a conclusion, I'll watch next season because it's a new twist, having read the book I find some of the characters less repulsive, and new ones make my eyes roll in disgust. LOL All-in-all a good show. ![]()
![]() Many thanks. The "Sacrificial Lion" is such an adequate name for it. Also you appreciate how special a Paladin is, played poorly they are the bane of any game. "I crush the red dragon egg" Just because...
Well said, this will stretch the lengths of Lawful Good interpretations. Fairness, Hope, Courage, Valor, Honor.
I always thought that Paladins are more Cavalier with a pinch of Cleric added. Minus the snazzy spell selection. Pallys can be a great class. If you play them right.
![]() See, I like that too! It's a good adventure when it leaves enough wiggle room to customize. Also, good motivation. Award 20 xp to Tangent101.
After all the abyss isn't pretty-and definitely not supposed to be a cakewalk. Right? Oh the 10th levels were the zealots intent on purging the abyss, they asked for this believe it or not, and I delivered.
Thank you both for your thoughts, and I just hope everyone enjoys, and survives what is to come! :) ![]()
![]() TheLoneCleric wrote:
![]() Not at all, we've really enjoyed the AP so far. With and even Without problem players (who happen to play a Paladin). I just feel the dire situation in the beginning needed to be more... well "Dire". The rest of the adventure plotted along and was both fun and exciting. Though it was fun to find a wounded 4th level player who survived topside. Saving who they could (the low level party), and adding a more dramatic effect to the kickoff. Now into book 2 they don't feel like "heroes" as much as the rogue said, "Poster Children and Propaganda for some bloody crusade". So he and the Queen don't see eye to eye. No they definitely are getting it, and will be faced later with the transformed versions of fallen beloved 10th level pc's they had. (but that's a side note, not a major plot or hook)It's a great motivator though. Each will probably bee a lesser guard for a greater demon or such. If anything the AP is always meant to be played as-is with a few tweaks for your group, as every group is different. I've played AP's and ran them as-is and enjoyed them both ways, with and without tweaking. The party is split over the "can a demon be redeemed?" question.
Every group is different though.
![]() This what I'd like to ask: is heavy armor becoming outdated?
I'd love to play a Human Fighter with a Full Plate, Tower Shield, Bastard Sword and basically say "Come at me, bro!"... but in the end, I sink like a stone, I ring my arrival when sneaking, I plug corridors... it's just not practical... Not Practical, but darned if plugging a hallway full of beasties, allowing the wounded party to retreat, isn't a bad thing. Add one ring of Waterbreathing, and it's adventure in the briny deep, who knows they may find treasure! And of course full plated never sneaks, we stand imposing! Sleep terrible, and make great makeshift cookpots with our helms! Know that even the cavalier would don leather armor or chain if it were snazzy, and helped with spelunking or sneaking about an enemy encampment. Players often get too lazy to setup a 2nd set of armor they travel with for certain occasions. the Lighter set a rust monster won't find as tasty... ![]()
![]() As a GM who has always hated the Paladin Class, love the AP for it's potential to truly grind them down, force them to make moral decisions, and ultimately punish them vigorously with things that find them irritating-but-tasty!!! I love the premise of the AP, and the idea is solid.
Mendev and the Worldwound, what comes to mind when thinking of the crusade? I know! A Meat Grinder. Putting it simply, I established that the players could play their 10th level heroes from the start, and have one 4th and 1st level character each. Now this sounds like a terrible idea! Well follow along now, this is where it gets interesting. When the wardstone falls, the high level PC's are in the thick of the action, and systematically get shredded along with the silver dragon! So yes the players are devastated, this is good! They also feel they soiled themselves. After all, what can a 4th level PC do that a 10th level couldn't? Except die well. Now believe it or not I had some amazing RP interaction, 10th level guys and gals trying to save others, igniting the true feel of desperation, only to be cut down by a Demon. Making the lower level characters panic as they sat in the tavern when the wardstone fell, each party was divided geographically, so they couldn't help one another. Some actually lasted long enough to interact with the lower level heroes, gear was pretty much abandoned in panic. Trying to grab that +2 longsword often resulted in being someone's dinner. (this is how many of the 4th level PC's died)Simply because I baited the ones I knew would dive for higher level gear, allowing them the honor of feeding-a-demon day at the zoo. Some survived long enough to make it to certain places that were still standing later in the adventure (they didn't know what locations they were, so it was a hoot!). Some were picked off by NPC foes, like: 1) LE Cavalier trying to get the attention of a demon or two.
Remember this takes place while the 1st levels are swallowed up by the earth. So they really are cut off from one another. Upon re-emerging from the catacombs, the formerly 1st levels are now dealing with what the 4ths have been fighting.
So largely I did follow the AP, but felt the magnitude of a wardstone falling was too light, and the horror of what they faced was glossed over. If surviving a low level dungeon crawl warrants one to "deserve" mythic tiers, then I felt they should understand just how much they did earn it. A lot of PC's died, simply because I refused to run the surface battle the same as the battle down in the catacombs. It just felt wrong awarding them mythic for something so unspectacular. I'm trying to say simply, that this is the Worldwound pouring out, Kenabres is lost, and all I get to do is run the PC's through a dungeon Crawl to freedom, and the nightmares they witness afterwards.
No disrespect to all of the wonderful staff at Paizo, but I felt this should be a higher level adventure path, taking you from 4th to 20th. Or something like that. Also Paladins, thank you for putting out the complexity of what goodness is in Champions of Purity. I now have an Asmodean Demon Hunter, Hellknight who is more virtuous than the paladin. Hey they can be LG. Heck even the Ranger and the Rogue are more pure of heart than the paladin. So when Iomedae gives her blessing she passed up the Pally for the Cavalier. HUZZAH! Technically the Paladin already has Iomedae's blessing. So I refuse to empower that specific class further. Largely due to the player being more self-righteous than most tele-evangelists. Which brings me to the 2nd point... Homosexuality in the game, doesn't bother me, but some players are way too sensitive IMO. The beauty of the AP is that it helps players and GM's put a more realistic spin on the game. ![]()
![]() What's missing for me, is the fact this isn't set in the Marvel Universe, but rather the Movie version of the Marvel Universe, which has pretty much just the avengers in it. SNOOZE...
But what turns me off on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the lack of imagination the writers and producers have put into it. Yes it's a CSI for the Marvel movie-verse. But if you want to make it amazing, or even spectacular, add a billboard advertising Jennifer Walters Legal Firm, or Matt Murdock. What I'm saying is there is a desperate need to add some fluff to the set, fun easter eggs that make people who know and love the comics smile. This is my short list of examples of what I'm talking about:
Just simple things that fans actually might bother to look for. While I understand the whole copyright issues for some heroes, there are hundreds more they could use, just to build the feel of this show being more than a James Bond wannabe set in the Marvel Movie-Verse. I like the show, I do, but it could be so much better. But Graviton? Really? Ah well, I can understand using a character with minimal history being an appealing thing. Some downsides to the comics to film transition is the hordes of luggage they haul around. Spidey has been through how much? He was married, and rebooted, he was 22 now he's 18 again! Hell, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde was 16 for 20 years! LOL So Graviton is a good thing, not a load of backstory. This could start getting better! I say could, because it desperately needs to. One last gripe, I promise...
I'm not a Troll, just a Troglodyte. I like the show, but it needs more! ![]()
![]() I love the iconics and would really enjoy a tale of Alain the Cavalier, or if possible a small party consisting of: Alain, Lem, Ezren,and of course Kyra the Cleric of Sarenrae. Set in Oppara it would be interesting to see Alain's reaction to her devotion to the dawnflower, maybe he would turn her in? Maybe not if he owed her for saving his life a time or two? Just a thought, also why Lem? Comic relief, Ezren makes a great crabby old man to scold both Alain and Lem when needed. ![]()
![]() A Manual of Gainful Exercise+1 is a wonderful thing, but a +4 is always better. So my question revolves around the use of said types of Tomes and Manuals. I know each of them is a one time use item. But later in a PC's career should they find another +4 Manual of Gainful Excercise, would they be able to use this new one like they did the old one to get a boost to thier stats? This is a problem I had back in 3rd with a Munchkin-like player whom was a good soul, but very... well annoying when he played his Fighter.
Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() I personally am looking forward to these minis! I was sold at the mention of Pre-Painted! Also plastic can be more durable if a cat jumps up on the game table, no bending swords back to shape, which sadly has happened more than once. I know my cat was a gamer in another life. But mini's of our favorite Iconics? All I can say is, where do I sign! Here's hoping the rest of the Iconics get added soon.
Can't wait for the release, thank you Paizo & WizKids! ![]()
![]() Well let's see, our group is kind of a diffrent take on the traditional adventuring party. There's the Cavalier (Cha 20)to serve as the tank, our fair lady the Rogue (Cha 16), the grumpy scottish sounding dwarf cleric (Cha 20), a universal school Wizard (Int 20, Cha 16),and of course the Witch (Int 20, Cha 18). One of my personal favorite NPC's would have to be Crazy Old Bokken, Our GM always plays him as a complete headcase, so he's always fun to visit but mind you nobody want's to stay long in his hut. But damned if those fangberries don't make his potions taste great!
And ever since when we come back his way we pay him a visit and he tells us of these lunatics who were disguised like us and forced him to bathe! Needless to say his insanity is a crowd pleaser. ![]()
![]() Say, did I just hear someone say Cavalier? :)
However it turns out, i'm gonna just be glad to see them as a class again. Always thought Taldor should be Cavalier central. LOL Now excuse me while I go act like a total estatic spaz for the next hour or so over the return of a fave class. ![]()
![]() Just wondering what everyone thinks about brewing, yes the end result is always fun to drink, but would you label it as a Profession or Craft? I always thought craft as is it would require some skill to make a good ale, I always had it as a Craft skill. So then a failed batch would taste less like ale and more like watered down swill. Just looking for your thoughts on this.
![]() Well, at least we remember them, and they'll live on forever in re-runs. You know I remember watching that with my grandparents, funny how a good show you never forget. In honor of Molly we made a NPC company of merchants in a small village fashioned after them, and let's just say that her cat was the talk of the village. I even fashioned a bard after Mr. Humphreys. LOL ![]()
![]() The plot of the series sounds good, the pilot episode had some good moments but also some lackluster moments as well. All in all on a 1 out of 10? It deserves a 5, mind you I liked the pilot, but it needed some work here & there. My gripe isn't the premise of the show actually it's the delivery. I mean this isn't exactly new. I actually had finished watching Poltergeist: The Legacy on Chiller network before I tuned in Warehouse 13. I'm just saying that like Poltergeist, it has a good idea and plot. It just needs to refine a few things and it could be even better. ![]()
![]() Yeah, and what's with the intensely crappy lineup of dull & lame shows? I mean i suffered through Stargate SG1. I used to call it the SG1 channel as that was all that was ever freakin' on half the time. LOL Now me? I was a fan of the Dresden Files! Mind you sci-fi dropped it, why? Because it was actually a good show. Keep in mind if it's crap they keep it. If it rocks, they roll it... and keep rolling it right out the door. What's with the wrestling? I mean they have a WWE Channel so why not put it there, just seems out of place in my opinion. Hey maybe WWE needs to put it on Vh1 as another reality drama series (which it is anyway). Man I remember when the old Incredible Hulk TV series was on that channel, and classic trek. While i'm at it, I'm still miffed at Cartoon Network for never even airing a single D&D cartoon, or keeping Mike Young's revised Masters of the Universe on the air. Here's hoping the deathknell for Syfy comes sooner, rather than later. ![]()
![]() A player and I are at odds with how each of us thinks the Character Traits work, by that I mean does it count against your 1st level bonus feat, and replace it with two traits? Our disagreement is rather the; yes it does count against your 1st level bonus feat and uses it up. Or No it doesn't, so sit down shaddup and enjoy the game already. So give me your 2 coppers on if the charcater traits count against the bonus feat at 1st level or nay! Many thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() They had me at backwards compatable! I mean come on look at video game platforms always changing and upgrading, and forceing you to buy all new games for a favorite series. Kinda like tabletop gaming, only pathfinder made it possible to blow the dust off my green ronin master class books and bring all the old gang over, and tell them we're not downgrading to 4th (purely my opinion since 3.5 had at the more years of life left). For me the moment came when my players eyes widened, knowing they could now explore a brave new world with their fave charcaters. Of course some minor revisions were in order (you know, Tuble became Acrobatics, etc.). The moment I was hooked was seeing the wonderful art, recognizeable classes, and a familiar rules set that somehow felt like I was catching up with an old friend. Yes senimental as it sounds, I had invested in 3rd to 3.5 and was done gaming if I had to buy all new books for 4th and let my 3.5 ones gather dust. Granted i'm still buying books, but at least it's expanding on the ones I have. Thank you Paizo! ![]()
![]() What I love about PF is the chance you have to continue the home grown campaign you started, how many times has this happened to everyone? New edition comes out so now you have to re-do everything, from re-tweaking the classes of NPC's and rulers. Add new rules here and there, or just play the last edition to a turning point in the ages and craft a new age for your players. With new rules, etc. I always made it so that if a charcater wanted to play a certain age or era of my homemade campaign setting, that they needed to play in that edition of rules, (made conversions easy, because it was like having an excuse to dust off the old orange spined books of 1st edition. The best part for me with this game is the chance to possibly someday submit or contribute something to it. In my opinion the best kind of game allows players and actively encourages them to pitch in, so it's really more everybody's game than it is a brand & logo without any real care for a fan following.
Look at history, How many Campaign settings do you remember? How many really hooked you and rubbed off on your own home-made ones?
So hey, thanks to all of you at Paizo for giving us the chance to continue our own homegrown Campaign Setting. ![]()
![]() Hey, no matter how everyone feels we love TO game! I think we all can agree on that. Oh and thanks for the cookie! (muches happily from his mount) Now as far as Pathfinder standing the test of time, I think it will. Granted we one day might have 2nd edition Pathfinder or something like that, but honestly we play the game for what we like. I mean come on who doesn't enjoy being a heroic or dastardly scoundrel delving into ruins of a once glorious city, all in the hopes "of finding the remains of a great treasury said to have been held by the king, supposedly lost in the destruction of this shattered remains, where once stood a city sprawling with people of all manner and creed. It is now that you feel uneasy, as if you were being watched, and all you see is ruin all around you." See it's not the brand, it's the feel of the game that we love.
![]() DarkWhite wrote:
Actually yes, I was thinking more of a Natural AC bonus. You're right, the rules already account for this so it's not needed, but you have to admit it does present a little bit of a challenge for the players to overcome a specific weakness or be sure of themselves with a slight higher AC bonus. Granted they should feel good about it, up until they encounter a dragon who enjoys "Canned Food" (hence dwarf in armor is more like tuna in a can.). ![]()
![]() I know I posted it in the wrong forum, sorry in hindsight. I was just wondering if you might be interested in adjusting the base AC for each PC race? I mean if Humans are the middle of the road with 10 Base, an elf or gnome could have a base of 8. Dwarves have a base of 12 and half orcs as well. It's just a thought. ![]()
![]() In my campaign we use a 7th ability, yes it may sound odd but honestly it's a lot of fun. The ability is LUCK. Originally I passed it over in the Green Ronin Advanced Player's Handbook. Admittedly I had held my doubts, but it really made the game downright nail-biting at times. Say you didn't have a high enough skill to disarm a trap? Substitute your Luck score modifier for your normal one, or in some cases add to it to accomplish your task. The main reason I wanted to share this with everyone is simply for the fact it is something they might want to look up and try themselves, and maybe Pathfinder could use something like it down the road for an expansion? I made Gambling a skill and Luck was it's main attribute, it turned out pretty well. ![]()
![]() It's been a house rule of mine to alter the Base AC of various races, much like the varying base AC of most monsters. Before I go on please allow me to explain my reasoning, not all races of monsters and humanoids are alike, for example the Dwarf is stout and durable, while often in fantasy we see the elf as graceful but far less durable. Dragons of course are above the status quo as they are the apex predators in most any game. My suggestion is that if you want a dash more variety (not that I don't love what I see, I do, this is just from my campaigns to you), that you should consider having a slight diffrence in the base AC by race & monster type. Take for example:
Dwarves are given a base AC of 12, they maintain the same abilities & perks but suffer one drawback, a -4 to Charisma. Half Orcs have a base of 14 and remain largely the same. Humans are still base AC of 10. I do however understand the Base AC is 10 for all races for the simple fact it brings balance to the game, no once race is better to play than another, my way is just for the effects of having a harder impact on players to really be GLAD they have a Dwarf & Half Orc in the front of the party in combat. (Oh and as far as the elves choice of spells for which 2 they get, is the player's choice. Considering they are 0 level spells it just adds some fun & help to any elf fighter who has two 0 level spells in his arsenal. ![]()
![]() seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Yeah, to me it kinda feels like Greyhawk & Forgotten Realms used to feel like, and THAT is a very good atmosphere for any setting. You guys know what I mean, and thanks btw, it's great to be here. ![]()
![]() For the Bestiary, I hope for the Hook Horror! Ok, Probably not available, how about the Linnorms? Now for a NPC book or entry I advise Jesters, because they're the closest thing to clowns in the game, mind you they are uber-creepy and need to be slain on sheer principle alone. Just be mindful of thise pies! They throw them with deadly accuracy, and the seltzer, or the squirting flower... But I digress, as every royal court and street corner has known the fool/jester, it wouldn't be proper without one. (dodges a swarm of pies)
![]() Having been forced to play 4th edition for 4 sittings now, I was driven (by hunger for a better game) to either give up on D&D and resort to a life of WOW for my sword & sorcery fix. Fortunately that didn't happen, I popped on here to buy a T-Shirt and a plush elder god... And taa-daa here is Pathfinder, and I must say it feels more like Classic D&D than D&D 4th edition does! Does anybody else think so? So to me I tend to call Pathfinder D&D, and D&D 4th edition something along the lines of Junior D&D. ...Pacifier NOT included. (You must excuse my rantings, as I've been denied my funyuns & Mt. Dew.) ![]()
![]() I've always enjoyed the Knight class (or Cavalier Prestiege Class), and the Swashbuckler class. I'm hoping there is a chance that somewhere in the pathfinder campaign setting that these two favorites of mine might be re-done later in a future book? My only request for the swashbuckler is to maybe make them a bit of a cross between the Corsair & A Fencer (from the Variant fighters article back in Dragon #310). This probably isn't possible, but I figure the swashbuckler was always more of a scoundrel of the high seas come to port, than a musketeer in the royal courts. ![]()
![]() My prefrence is Video game soundtracks, and orchestra selections. Here is a Taste of what I mean. Castlevania Soundtracks:
Conan the Destroyer & Barbarian Soundtracks:
Kung Fu Hustle Soundtrack:
Brahm Stoker's Dracula Soundrack:
Stargate Soundtrack:
Midnight Syndicate:
Lord of the Rings Soundtracks:
Lineage II Soundtrack
Van Helsing Soundtrack:
My Reccomendation... Shameless as it is.
Akira Ifukube Scores:
But for the most part I have hunted down a lot of those listed above and agreed with a lot of your selections. I think it's all about finding perfect music for certain adventures.
![]() Thank you! I really was hoping to hear that.
I can see now how a Knight/Cavalier/ Purple Dragon Knight would work for example. Or the Wizard/Loremaster/ArchMage.
So thanks you two. ![]()
![]() Greyhawk is the mundane classic setting of D&D, the one world that was the training ground for other worlds like FR, or DL. It is a shame Greyhawk isn't around as a Core world now. What COULD make it highly desireable for newcommers and veterans alike in the mainstream again, would be to accept change! Meaning the world itself is pretty stagnant. I understand and respect the Low Magic setting. But Re-name kingdoms and change some borders, time changes all things as nations rise and fall. For example a Orc Warlord who conquers Geoff would Re-Name the kingdom. Keep the history flowing. It would allow mistakes like Mika Oba to be forgotten, the Wolf Nomads and some of the "really stupid" things that existed back in the day to be a distant memory. My example:
Maybe some new gods? Maybe stop making Iuz and Zuggtomoy the two biggest baddies there were.
Change is a good thing.
The Dutchy of Urnst gets taken over by a warlord and his vast armies posessing powerful magic never seen before on Oerth... Gee, maybe a villian escaped from the Realms and came here to get things done... It would be easy pickings. The Lich Queen campaign setting way back when opened my eyes to how easily Greyhawk would be crushed. The Balance of power in Oerth is dwarfed by other worlds. They need to add on to the "Known World" some forgotten continent, left in exile for good reason perhaps?
A Red Dragon Overlord and king for example, in a world with little to NO Higher enchanted weapons would find it hard pressed to de-throne him. So that's some of my suggestions.
So, what bothered me about Greyhawk? The fact that it was like a Monty Python skit sometimes, and that it never really changed, even after a war that allegedly changed the face of the Flanaess. The war was a baby step in the right direction, it just needs to keep moving now. ![]()
![]() One of my gamers has it in his head that a charcater can take more than one Prestiege Class, even if the requirements were met it would clash. so I have not allowed this to happen. I mean a Swashbuckler Dualist/Dread Pirate? Sounds good but some things you need to Role play, not just add a class to flesh out your charcater. Well I ask this question in hopes of hearing if one CAN or CAN NOT have more than one Prestiege Class per character? Thank you. A very overworked DM ![]()
![]() halfling...no...death-ling wrote:
Well ever seen a dried out Mind Flayer? I can see it now, somewhere in the underdark a half dried out Mind Flayer staggering to a pool of water and diving in. He emerges with an oninous... "AHHH That's better!" Who says Mind Flayer's don't need water? they're like squid, brain sucking sea monkeys. LOL |