Pathfinder Chronicles: Cities of Golarion (PFRPG)—Non-Mint

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Pathfinder Chronicles: Cities of Golarion (PFRPG)

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Most adventurers think of cities as the places to go after the adventure is over. It’s time to show your players that cities can be every bit as exciting—and dangerous—as the darkest dungeon!

Each city presented in this 64-page book comes complete with a full-page color map, history both ancient and modern, relations with neighboring nations and monsters, noteworthy locations, and pages of adventure hooks, making it the perfect place to run a Pathfinder campaign!

    Cities in this book include:
  • Cassomir, home of Taldor’s aggressive navy and strange creatures that lurk beneath the streets
  • Corentyn, the crumbling, haunted city that gives devil-worshiping Cheliax a chokehold on trade through the Inner Sea
  • Ilizmagorti, a haven for pirates and secret base of the mysterious Red Mantis assassins
  • Nisroch, gloomy port city of shadow and bone, ruled by priests of the sadistic god Zon-Kuthon
  • Vigil, a bastion of law and good on the border of civilization, built to watch over the tomb of an ancient lich
  • Whitethrone, capital city and noble playground of the daughters of the witch queen Baba Yaga

Every city described in this book also appears as a huge poster map in Pathfinder Chronicles: City Map Folio.

By Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Jonathan Keith, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, and Jeff Quick

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-200-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys
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4.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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A useful Suppliment for both DM and Player


Cities of Golarion detail six far flung cities like Whitethone and Ilizmagorti. They add richness and complexity to those kingdoms where they lie, and give players somewhere to be from. Check out my full review: Cities of Golarion

An excellent resource for the Golarion setting


This book does a very good job of fleshing out several cities in the Pathfinder campaign setting, and many of these cities also serve to give some additional flavor to the nations that they are associated with.

The coverage of Cassomir is a perfect compliment to the Taldor: Echoes of Glory product, and immediately, perhaps more than any of the other cities, this one stands out in the product as being the best base for a "standard" adventuring party.

On the other side of the coin, Nisroch doesn't seem like a place well suited for much except a destination for an adventure where the adventurers are quick to exit the scene once their mission is done.

It doesn't run at maximum awesome. Corentyn is fine, but doesn't seem especially well suited for being called out in a product like this, as an example.

Still, none of the write ups are bad, and the product as a whole is very solid.

Cities for urban campaigns


The book presents 6 new cities in the Pathfinder campaign setting, devised for running urban campaigns. I guess you can use them for a part of your game, or center a whole campaign in them. Either way, the information is very useful and the writing is inspiring, so it's a very enjoyable read. I personally like to pick and chose, here and there, buildings, NPCs and plots, to enhance the flavor of my own cities. However, I rated 4 stars, because I think there should be at least some more good-oriented cities, and a little less complexity throughout the book. Maybe a "Towns of Golarion" would complement these aspects. It is overall an excelent buy, especially if you're interested in running urban campaigns or urban-adventures.

A nice sourcebook


Each city is unique and leaves a DM with a detailed descriptions yet still allows some room for any personal touches desired to fit a specific campaign. The cities are unique and each has a different flair. Finally, we get to see a glimpse into the dark nations of Nidal and Irrisen via a couple of the cities. Great stuff!

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Yay! cities!!! Can't wait to see it


Ok this look really cool.

Hm, does this have something to do with the SECRET project Mr. Jacobs was talking about when doing the mappers open call...?

Can't wait to have this one, you can never have enough cities.

Dark Archive

Alright... I give up... I need to get a subscription to everything. You know, I suggested a product like this to certain FR designers over at WoTC, but I was told that it wouldn't probably sell.

I'm glad the Paizo Psionicists have read my mind, once again! :)


Dark Archive

Wow, great idea for a scourcebook! I'll buy this on the spot! You can't have enough well fleshed out cities!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Liberty's Edge

(Homer's voice) Lastwall... mmm vigil...mmm nice :D

the other cities tooo!(/Homer's voice)

Omg yes!

Important informashun!

Personally, I can't wait for vigil.
comeon comeoncomeon.

Liberty's Edge

FANTASTIC. New corners of Golarion to zoom in on. Count my group in!

-DM Jeff

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Vigil is for me!!! All for me!!! Vigil! Vigil! Vigil!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Paizo, have I told you today that 'I love you'?

The Exchange

I like the fact that they are nothing we have seen before. I really like that fact. It is oddly wonderful.


City products are always good because, next to modules, they are the most easily adaptable product to other campaign settings.

I have zero interest in Golarion, but there is a high probability I'll pick this one up - I've picked up all the previous city books so far.

The Exchange

Yay! Nisroch! Easily my favorite place on Golarion so far, and that's just going by the PFCS. I'm writing a fan fiction set there, just for my own practice, and I'm trying to get a bead on Nisrochians (Nisrochis?) attitudes and prejudices and how they relate to the world. So far it's a bit of "hardboiled noir" meets "Edgar Allen Poe," meets "Hellraiser," meets "fascist totalitarian regime" so I'm definitely going to add this to my cart and see how my ideas measure up to what the Paizo authors think the place is. :)

Dark Archive

Tarren Dei wrote:
Paizo, have I told you today that 'I love you'?

You haven't, and neither have I. Let's do it together!

This looks absolutely gorgeous! I'm totally pumped for this. Absolutely sold. If you made a whole line of these I would buy every single one. Thanks, you guys are great!

...oh, and I love you, Paizo.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.

You guys are intentionally twisting both of my arms to convince me to pick up a Chronicles subscription, aren't you!!?!??

Dark Archive

This reminds me of the Cities of Harn supplement from waaaaay back. And it's exciting me now like the other product did back then!

Yay, Cities of Golarion!

Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:
This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.

I personally know that Ilizmagorti will kick Vigil's booty any day of the week, and then some! Boo-yaah! ;)

I'm excited about Whitethrone, does anybody know who is writing that?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Rob McCreary wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.
I personally know that Ilizmagorti will kick Vigil's booty any day of the week, and then some! Boo-yaah! ;)

As if! In your face, you swamp-sucking bug-lovers! The Last(wall capital city) shall be First!

Scarab Sages

Mmm, Whitethrone......that'll fit nicely, thanks Paizo Genius guys!

I must say this looks great

this is the kind of book I always wanted for my once loved Forgotten Realms


Watcher wrote:
I'm excited about Whitethrone, does anybody know who is writing that?

Mr. Jonathan Keith. :)

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Watcher wrote:
I'm excited about Whitethrone, does anybody know who is writing that?
Mr. Jonathan Keith. :)

Well I look forward to what he comes up with!

Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:
Rob McCreary wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.
I personally know that Ilizmagorti will kick Vigil's booty any day of the week, and then some! Boo-yaah! ;)
As if! In your face, you swamp-sucking bug-lovers! The Last(wall capital city) shall be First!

The first to fall to the crimson claws of the Red Mantis, you mean?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Rob McCreary wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Rob McCreary wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.
I personally know that Ilizmagorti will kick Vigil's booty any day of the week, and then some! Boo-yaah! ;)
As if! In your face, you swamp-sucking bug-lovers! The Last(wall capital city) shall be First!
The first to fall to the crimson claws of the Red Mantis, you mean?

No, the first to fall to the editorial purification of the esteemed Master Reynolds, Lord of Cruel Truth (TM)!

Oo, oo, whos doing Cassomir? I'm very interested in Cassomir.

Liberty's Edge

Jason Nelson wrote:
This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.

most excellent

already waiting for it
did Master Reynolds, speaker of thruth finished reviewing this noble city?

Silver Crusade

I'm really looking forward to Ilizmagorti.

Kamen Rider-lookin' assassins and pirates fighting velociraptors! Most extreme island nation ever!

Seriously, it approaches Dr. McNinja levels of insanity. In a completely good way.

vagrant-poet wrote:
Oo, oo, whos doing Cassomir? I'm very interested in Cassomir.

Paizo's friendly Taldor expert.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
Oo, oo, whos doing Cassomir? I'm very interested in Cassomir.
Paizo's friendly Taldor expert.

Ha. You said "friendly."

yoda8myhead wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
Oo, oo, whos doing Cassomir? I'm very interested in Cassomir.
Paizo's friendly Taldor expert.
Ha. You said "friendly."

I know, right? So not true.

Now that I've seen the, IMO, very disappointing map of Westcrown from CoT#1, I have to ask:

Are the maps in this product in the style of the superior maps such as Sandpoint, Magnimar, Riddleport, etc?

Or are they the inferior version like that of Westcrown?

This will decide whether I purchase this product or not.


While I feel your use of the words "superior" and "inferior" are inflammatory, the maps in Cities of Golarion are like the maps we produced for Sandpoint and so on, not the more in-world style of the Westcrown map.

Dark Archive

Mikaze wrote:

I'm really looking forward to Ilizmagorti.

Kamen Rider-lookin' assassins and pirates fighting velociraptors! Most extreme island nation ever!

Seriously, it approaches Dr. McNinja levels of insanity. In a completely good way.

I'm *so* waiting for the map (and info) on Whitethrone and Vigil! :)

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
While I feel your use of the words "superior" and "inferior" are inflammatory, the maps in Cities of Golarion are like the maps we produced for Sandpoint and so on, not the more in-world style of the Westcrown map.

Hmmm... I suppose, then, that you're not in the messageboard school of posting that believes that all posts have an implied "IMO" after each sentence. Oh well. (And since map preferences can only possibly be subjective, my post could only possibly be my opinion based on my personal preferences.)

And I'm sorry that your business feels that one of your customer's personal preferences is "inflammatory". Also unfortunate. Nothing I can do about that, though. What I like is what I like!

In any case, thanks for the good news! I can't wait for this product (and the accompanying poster map product). I love city books!

Sean is in business, and the customers opinion about your product is always right. If you can't handle that, get out of business.

On top of that Arnwyn is right about which maps are "inferior" to which, something that should be noted and taken into consideration for all future maps.

So thats two "opinions" that PAizo missed the boat on their usual quality of presentation.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Vigil is for me!!! All for me!!! Vigil! Vigil! Vigil!

I'm all for what now?

Rob McCreary wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
This is actually one of my favorite things I've worked on for Paizo. I liked the approach to it and getting to delve more deeply into an area I'd already written about (Lastwall for the campaign book). I hope people enjoy the Vigil section and that every part of the book kicks booty.
I personally know that Ilizmagorti will kick Vigil's booty any day of the week, and then some! Boo-yaah! ;)

Why is everyone picking on me. And you can tell that Ilizmagorti joker that I've studied Tsoi Li Ho Fut Kung Fu and can totally take care of myself.

Sovereign Court

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Sean is in business, and the customers opinion about your product is always right. If you can't handle that, get out of business.

That's only true if you only have one customer and even then they might not know how the implications of a choice might develop in a way that the producer does.

And Sean is a human being, so you have a moral responsibility to treat him with with respect.

I'm not saying that you were rude: I'm just pointing out that this argument is the thin end of a particularly unpleasant wedge.

I actually like having a variety of map styles that give a hint of the flavour of the environment they represent.

Living in a long-established European city I think that the clear delineated maps of the style employed for Sandpoint would struggle to do justice to the topographical complexity of such a place and thus find the Westcrown map quite apropos.

GeraintElberion wrote:
Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Sean is in business, and the customers opinion about your product is always right. If you can't handle that, get out of business.

That's only true if you only have one customer and even then they might not know how the implications of a choice might develop in a way that the producer does.

And Sean is a human being, so you have a moral responsibility to treat him with with respect.

I'm not saying that you were rude: I'm just pointing out that this argument is the thin end of a particularly unpleasant wedge.

I actually like having a variety of map styles that give a hint of the flavour of the environment they represent.

Living in a long-established European city I think that the clear delineated maps of the style employed for Sandpoint would struggle to do justice to the topographical complexity of such a place and thus find the Westcrown map quite apropos.

I was a jeweler for over 8 years doing custom made designs. Customers use the language they use, and I accepted it and learned to talk with them despite how rude or hostile they may have started the conversation. As a professional, you do not respond by being confrontational in return.

As for the map itself, enlarge it. There is a lot of detail there, that gets blurred by the enlargement. Plus look at the colors used. So the size with which it is presented actually damages the detail, either because it is to small in print, or gets blurred when enlarged in the PDF when you get to a scale where the detail is easy to see.

Plus the colors are bad. They don't help with contrasting the buildings and other features, making the over all appearance blend into one big looking mess.

This is not what I am used to seeing from Paizo, and frankly this isn't the first map I was disappointed in.

I hope when the Map pack for this folio is done the scale is enlarged to better show off the details that are there, and the color scheme is also changed to strengthen the visibility of those details.

Sovereign Court

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
was a jeweler for over 8 years doing custom made designs. Customers use the language they use, and I accepted it and learned to talk with them despite how rude or hostile they may have started the conversation. As a professional, you do not respond by being confrontational in return.

I would like to think that as a dignified and polite human being you do not respond by being confrontational in return.

But then jobs are complex things, in this instance Sean has not only to deal with a single customer but to do so before a wider audience of customers and acting not only as a producer/salesman but also as a moderator on messageboards whose corespondents are generally very well-mannered.

Places of business also work very hard to establish reputations - I had a friend who worked in a cocktail bar that would happily kick out people who were rude even if they were big spenders.

In any case; I would like to reiterate that I do not think anyone has been rude in this thread. I just think that the idea of the customer's infallibility can be taken a little too literally.

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Plus the colors are bad. They don't help with contrasting the buildings and other features, making the over all appearance blend into one big looking mess...

I think we can safely assume that the colour scheme was an active choice. I am guessing that it was intended to replicate the limited colour scheme and reliance on shading found in many early maps - that is, it has a role in expressing the flavour of the city and that has been given precedence over other factors.

I like it but I seem to be in a minority, at least amongst the cohort of people who post on the messageboards and have Adventure Path subscriptions.


Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Sean is in business, and the customers opinion about your product is always right.


GeraintElberion wrote:
And Sean is a human being

*double chuckle*


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
And Sean is a human being
*double chuckle*

Hee hee! :)

And while I'm here, this might be interesting reading for everyone. :)

Liberty's Edge

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
And Sean is a human being
*double chuckle*

Hee hee! :)

And while I'm here, this might be interesting reading for everyone. :)


Just got off the horn with AT&T. For those who need a reminder of how good we have it here, give them a jingle...their motto must be "the customer always needs to be hassled."

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