Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 130 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

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Enter a fantastic world of adventure!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game puts you in the role of a brave adventurer fighting to survive in a world beset by magic and evil. Will you cut your way through monster-filled ruins and cities rife with political intrigue to emerge as a famous hero laden with fabulous treasure, or will you fall victim to treacherous traps and fiendish monsters in a forgotten dungeon? Your fate is yours to decide with this giant Core Rulebook that provides everything a player needs to set out on a life of adventure and excitement!

This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an open playtest involving more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook includes:

  • All player and Game Master rules in a single volume
  • Complete rules for fantastic player races like elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and half-orcs
  • Exciting new options for character classes like fighters, wizards, rogues, clerics, and more
  • Streamlined and updated rules for feats and skills that increase options for your hero
  • A simple combat system with easy rules for grapples, bull rushes, and other special attacks
  • Spellcaster options for magic domains, familiars, bonded items, specialty schools, and more
  • Hundreds of revised, new, and updated spells and magical treasures
  • Quick-generation guidelines for nonplayer characters
  • Expanded rules for curses, diseases, and poisons
  • A completely overhauled experience system with options for slow, medium, and fast advancement
  • ... and much, much more!

Available Formats

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is also available as:

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-60125-150-3


Looking for more? Check out the Resources and Free Downloads available for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Last Updated - 5/30/2013

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL) Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL) Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL) Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 130 ratings)

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What a Pathfinder truly needs...


If there is any one book to have, it is this one. It is the only Pathfinder book you will ever need to start playing, but if you're like me you'll eventually want more.

When I first learned of tabletop RPGs my attention turned to D&D even though I knew next to nothing about it, nor did I know of anyone who played it. I only knew it because it was the name everyone knew when someone said "tabletop RPG" and the answer wasn't "what is that?" I wanted to play it but I didn't know where to start. I was lost, forlorn, and alone.

Then, one fateful day, I met someone online who told me about Pathfinder. I took one look at the Core Rulebook and I never looked back, and to this day I don't regret the decision one bit. The Core Rulebook is a solid start to any aspiring tabletop gamer's adventure and is a must own not only for the abundance of useful information it provides but also for the clean presentation and the magnificent art provided by Wayne Reynolds.

In short, if you want to play Pathfinder and haven't already, pick this book up immediately. It is well worth it.



Legendary. It’s hard to know where to begin to review this book, but that one word encapsulates it well. There’s a reason Pathfinder is thriving a decade into its existence, and it all starts here. If you don’t know anything about Pathfinder, you can think of it as a revised and improved version of a specific edition of D&D (the “3.5” edition). Its strength is the nearly infinite capacity for customization, and its weakness is that enormous customization introduces complexity. In other words, this is a “crunch heavy” instead of a “rules light” game. Trust me, it’s worth it though. This is going to be a long review because I’ve got fifteen chapters to cover in this massive, 575-page book! If you don’t have the patience to read through the whole review, the conclusion makes it clear: buy this book. With this and the Bestiary, you have years of adventure at your fingertips.

Chapter 1 is “Getting Started” (12 pages). This chapter contains a brief introduction to the game, an overview of each chapter, a glossary of common terms, an example of play (very useful if this is your first RPG ever), and the rules for generating ability scores for a character (how physically and mentally capable they are).

Chapter 2 is “Races” (11 pages). The “Core” races presented here are: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, and Humans. As you would imagine, there are advantages and disadvantages to each race. The chapter spends a page on each race, and beyond the rules ramifications it takes care to talk about what members of that race typically look like, what their culture is like, why they often become adventurers, and how they relate to other races. It’s not an overwhelming amount of information (which is good for new players). For the most part, these races stick to fairly standard fantasy expectations.

Chapter 3 is “Classes” (57 pages). There are eleven “core classes” presented in this book: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard. The spread of classes does an excellent job covering different play-styles and roles within a group. The power level of these classes has been significantly bumped up from D&D 3.5, and there are a lot more choices to be made within each class. This makes the classes more complex, but also more satisfying to see advance up through each level. If you’re brand-new to Pathfinder, it might be good to stay away from spell-casters like the Druid, Cleric, Sorcerer, and Wizard until you get more experience, as the sheer number of choices to be made can be overwhelming at first.

Chapter 4 is “Skills” (27 pages). Skills are something that every character has and they determine the likelihood of success in doing certain things. Want to leap from one rooftop to another? Roll an Acrobatics check. Want to figure out what spell that evil wizard just cast at you? Roll a Spellcraft check. Different classes get bonuses to using particular skills, but every character, regardless of class, can become good at something if they invest their “skill points” in a particular skill. Pathfinder has condensed the number of skills slightly from D&D 3.5, though it still has more than newer RPGs tend to have. I like the diversity and ability to specialize in discrete areas, but some think there should have been further consolidation. Each skill is described with great detail on specifically what it allows you to do and not do, which is quite helpful in avoiding rules arguments.

Chapter 5 is “Feats” (29 pages). Feats are special abilities. Every character gets to choose one feat at every odd level, and some classes and races get “bonus” feats. A feat might be something that lets you fight better in darkness (“Blindfighting”) or it might be something that makes certain spells you cast more effective (“Spell Focus”). There are several dozen feats to choose from, so this can be one of the parts of character creation that takes the longest to do. Their value, again, is that they allow for enormous customization of a character. Just because there are two Fighters in the party doesn’t mean they’ll be identical, because feats allow them to operate in very different ways!

Chapter 6 is “Equipment” (16 pages). Your character will need a weapon, maybe some armor, and some other gear like a backpack or a coil of rope. But in addition, you might wonder how expensive a night’s stay at an inn is, or how much it’ll cost to persuade a local wizard to cast a spell for you. All of the answers are in this chapter. I really appreciate that every item and service isn’t just listed on a table with a price, but in addition most receive a description, a picture, and (sometimes) additional rules to explain how it works in actual gameplay.

Chapter 7 is “Additional Rules” (13 pages). The title of this chapter isn’t particularly helpful, as the entire book consists of rules. Really, it’s a miscellany of various things about your character. First up is Alignment, which is whether your character is good, evil, or somewhere in between. A lot of other RPGs dispense with such questions, but it is “hard-coded” into Pathfinder in the sense that it’s not just a role-playing choice: many spells, magic items, and other effects change depending on a character’s alignment. Next, there’s a few pages on “Vital Statistics” like determining a character’s age, height and weight, and (most importantly) carrying capacity (also known as “encumbrance”). If your character has a low Strength score, don’t expect him or her to be able to carry a lot of gear. Then, there’s a discussion of movement speeds in various contexts (in the course of a combat encounter, for example, or for travelling great distances overland). Last, a bunch of little things are covered under the title “Exploration”: how far characters can see in different levels of light, how to determine if an object can be intentionally broken, etc. It’s a chapter that’s easy to overlook but provides answers to a lot of “little things” that might come up during a session.

Chapter 8 is “Combat” (29 pages). Combat is a major part of Pathfinder, and there’s admittedly a lot to digest in a short number of pages here. The way the chapter is laid out isn’t necessarily intuitive, and later Paizo products (like the Strategy Guide) do a much better job making combat clearer. You’ll find everything you need in this chapter, but you’ll be flipping back and forth for a while. I’ve been playing for years and I still refer to it occasionally.

Chapter 9 is “Magic” (19 pages). This chapter discusses different categories of spells, how characters learn them, and how to read a spell entry in the next chapter. It’s a chapter that’s easy to skip over at first, but is actually pretty important once a campaign gets serious.

Chapter 10 is “Spells” (156 pages). You read that right: about a quarter of the book consists of an alphabetical list and description of several hundred different spells! The spells have been cleaned up and improved from D&D 3.5 for better gameplay, but what hasn’t changed is that magic still rules. If pure power is what you want, play a true spell-caster and you’ll find it.

Chapter 11 is “Prestige Classes” (23 pages). Prestige Classes are special classes that characters can eventually take, well into their adventuring careers, if they meet certain prerequisites. This book has ten of them: Arcane Archer, Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Dragon Disciple, Duelist, Eldritch Knight, Loremaster, Mystic Theurge, Pathfinder Chronicler, and Shadowdancer. For the most part, and until very recent, Pathfinder hasn’t been a game where prestige classes thrive. Apart from some specific flavour reasons, a character would usually be better off simply continuing in their base class rather than taking levels in a prestige class.

Chapter 12 is “Gamemastering” (15 pages). As its title indicates, this chapter helps the person running a game (the “Gamemaster” or “GM”) prepare an adventure, referee the rules, deal with common problems at the table, etc. It’s okay for what it is, but I’ve seen better resources to help new GMs figure out what they’re doing.

Chapter 13 is “Environment” (39 pages). This chapter contains a lot of little things to help make the setting interesting. It contains rules on weather, travelling through the wilderness, dealing with traps, and so forth. It’s primarily for the GM too and shouldn’t be a priority to master until more fundamental rules are digested.

Chapter 14 is “Creating NPCs” (11 pages). This chapter gives rules for creating background (non-player) characters by using “NPC classes” like a Commoner. I have to admit I never use this chapter, as I just rely on NPC stat blocks already generated in other Pathfinder products.

Chapter 15 is “Magic Items” (101 pages). Your adventurer is going to want some cool magic gear, and this chapter explains what it does, how much it costs, and how it’s made. It’s pretty extensive and detailed.

Last up, there are appendices summarizing “Special Abilities”, “Conditions” (status effects a character might be under), “Inspiring Reading”, and “Game Aids” (other products you can purchase).
The Core Rulebook is a hefty tome for an RPG book. For players coming from D&D 3.5, it’s basically a combination of the Player’s Handbook and the Dungeon Master’s Guide in a single volume, but refined and improved. The book is, with the single exception of the deities, completely “setting neutral” (that is, it’s suitable for play in any campaign world or a homemade setting). There’s some excellent artwork taken from other Paizo products mixed in with some artwork that’s more pedestrian. Still, the production quality overall is fantastic. I would normally go into more detail, but there are hard word counts on these reviews. So I’ll sum up by saying: this is the one book you won’t leave home without, and it’s worth every penny.

Special Note: The Core Rulebook was recently released in a smaller softcover. The interior is exactly the same as the sixth printing of the hardcover, but it’s lighter and easier to carry. I’ve been using it for a few months now, and I’m quite happy with the font size, reduced price, durability, and ease of use.

Pathfinder's Heart


This book is at the heart of all Pathfinder games. It is great and can be picked up regularly cheap with sales all over. (Humble Bundle 1$) I myself have a PDF but plan to pickup a hardcopy one day. Either one will do the trick and is always good to keep handy. I like the PDF because you can do keyword searches. Even if you don't ever use it. The cover art is pretty awesome.

A Fresh Start


After years of seeing the Pathfinder rule books on the shelves of my FLGS, I took the plunge in December of 2012. I bought the Core Rulebook and began skimming it immediately. My first discovery was the character creation rules. They were fun! Characters were cool in a way that I hadn't seen in previous editions of the world's oldest role-playing game. Within three months, I was up and running my first Pathfinder adventure. That was three years ago and I have no regrets getting involved with the Pathfinder system.

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

Or a week from *now*.

But... Are we there yet?????????

570 pages

<Looks at his Conan RPG book: 420ish.>

Holy JEEBUS! That's fracking huge!

Kruelaid wrote:

570 pages

<Looks at his Conan RPG book: 420ish.>

Holy JEEBUS! That's fracking huge!

576 pages, not 570 pages! ~grins~ those extra 6 pages are important!

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

570 pages

<Looks at his Conan RPG book: 420ish.>

Holy JEEBUS! That's fracking huge!

576 pages, not 570 pages! ~grins~ those extra 6 pages are important!

We have three sizes, wee, not so wee, and friggin' huge!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Devil of Roses wrote:

This may have been asked earlier but will there be any deals that will include a pdf copy with the physical?

Scrolls up... oh... apparently there's something in the works.

Most likely the PDF copy will come free if you are s subscriber but they haven't officially announced the subscription yet and hope to do so within the next week or so.

Vic Wertz wrote:
You could go now and tell them it's going to be USD $49.99, and ask them how much they expect to sell it for....

I had a dig around online, instead, and several places (including Amazon UK) have it for £37.99, so that seems to be the guide price. This means the cheapest way to purchase it is to order it from Amazon US! I may have to wait a week or two for it to arrive, but I've still got quite a way to go on my 3.5E Age of Worms campaign, so that's fine by me...

Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?

Dark Archive

If shipping rates to Europe would not be that high (no fault of Paizo) I, as well as my friend would gladly have ordered directly from Paizo. Unfortunately the shipping cost is almost exactly the same as the book itself. Even ordering 3 or 4, the cost for the shipment is in no relation to the price of the book itself (cost for shipping being 2 bucks below the price of the book itself).

We kindly ask your understanding that (in this case) we, as well as othes, rather opt for ordering the book with Amazon (free shipment) or any local Gaming store (shipment being something around 5$ for a total weight of up to 20lbs (at least in Germany)).

Again, we understand that the cost for shipping is figured by the shipping company, not by Paizo.

We do hope that you folks at Paizo will find some comfort in knowing that we are ordering the PF-RPG, even though it will not be directly from Paizo themselves. We are sure that you folks will forgive us that tiny bit of selfishness. (please just ensure that retailers like Amazon (Europe and other Countries) and our local stores receive their shares of the book on time (Perfect would be the same time as do shops in the US)).

Yours truly, on behalf of all Pathfinder-Fans overseas of the US, (being sure that you will sell lots of the Rules to lots of residentd of any country outside of the US)


We seriously need to see this cover art on the blog without the text so I can snag it for my digital fantasy art collection. :winkgun:

Liberty's Edge

3.5 vs PFRPG Question:

Will older books (i.e. PF Gazetter) containing feats/traits/spells etc. that were written for 3.5 rules be updated in the Core Rulebook?
I raised a specific question in another thread and didn't get much feedback. Example - The war college feat in the gazetteer uses the x4 bonus skill points at 1st level for a fighter that takes this feat. Will Paizo be publishing a conversion document or will it be updated in the Core rule Book?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Gunny wrote:

3.5 vs PFRPG Question:

Will older books (i.e. PF Gazetter) containing feats/traits/spells etc. that were written for 3.5 rules be updated in the Core Rulebook?
I raised a specific question in another thread and didn't get much feedback. Example - The war college feat in the gazetteer uses the x4 bonus skill points at 1st level for a fighter that takes this feat. Will Paizo be publishing a conversion document or will it be updated in the Core rule Book?

It has been said a few places, usually by James, that they will be doing free PDFs for things that need "updated" in that manner :)

Liberty's Edge

Gamer Girrl wrote:

It has been said a few places, usually by James, that they will be doing free PDFs for things that need "updated" in that manner :)

Thanks - I looked and couldn't find any references.

I cannot figure out how to start a thread for a new question even when there are directions on the page. Anywho...

Has anyone else noticed that Animate Objects is no longer a wizard/sorcerer spell? I'm looking at the Beta Web Enhancement. Call me crazy, but this seems like a definitive arcane spell.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Gunny wrote:

3.5 vs PFRPG Question:

Will older books (i.e. PF Gazetter) containing feats/traits/spells etc. that were written for 3.5 rules be updated in the Core Rulebook?
I raised a specific question in another thread and didn't get much feedback. Example - The war college feat in the gazetteer uses the x4 bonus skill points at 1st level for a fighter that takes this feat. Will Paizo be publishing a conversion document or will it be updated in the Core rule Book?

We will probably do a little conversion PDF for stuff, especially the Campaign Setting. But it may take a little bit, as there are lots of other fish to fry in the immediate short term.

Tanner Nielsen wrote:

I cannot figure out how to start a thread for a new question even when there are directions on the page. Anywho...

Has anyone else noticed that Animate Objects is no longer a wizard/sorcerer spell? I'm looking at the Beta Web Enhancement. Call me crazy, but this seems like a definitive arcane spell.

Not in 3.5 it isn't; Pathfinder didn't change a thing in that regard.

Just ordered my scut copy from My "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH IT! EVEN IF YOU DID WASH YOUR HANDS!" copy I was planning to get from a FLGS or (maybe) through subscription depending on what gets announced at PaizoCon. FLGS might be hard decision: one has poorer service but regularly carries Pathfinder stuff, other has great service but is somewhat oblivious to anything non-Warhammer. Not sure which I should support.

Scarab Sages

In the words of a comedian...

To Vic...

"You can do it!"

Or as I like to say, unlease the subscription fury!

Benoist Poiré wrote:
I preordered the PF RPG a long time ago, and never regreted it. I am eagerly awaiting the final version of the game, and then will run Ptolus once more.

...because you have a "must be at least 550 pages" rule for your roleplaying? Heck, you ought give the War of the Burning Sky hardback a try, too!

The Exchange

WelbyBumpus wrote:
Benoist Poiré wrote:
I preordered the PF RPG a long time ago, and never regreted it. I am eagerly awaiting the final version of the game, and then will run Ptolus once more.
...because you have a "must be at least 550 pages" rule for your roleplaying? Heck, you ought give the War of the Burning Sky hardback a try, too!

I like big books, and I can not lie...

dances... badly...

So preview banquet notes: lets share the goodness, took 4 pages of notes and I saw someone with a camera so there may be a video coming.

The pdf is 578 pages including covers.

Jason says the rulebook is considered a weapon in 30 states, I beleive him :P, it's the second largest RPG book I've ever seen

Races: Favored classes are picked by player, humans and half elves get two.
half elves, half orcs, humans get +2 to an ability score to reflect human heritage.

Classes, rage points are gone in favor of a duration as indicated previously.
Cleric domains now include the spells from 3.5 and also offer a few powers.
Fireball is in the fire domain
Domains, schools, bloodlines are in the classes chapter

Paladin has heavy changes, detect evil is immediate, no waiting 3 rounds, smite evil lasts until opponent is dead, 2X damage to fiends, dragons, and undead, Ignore DR, Bonus to AC vs smited critter.
Paladins gain "Mercies" which allow them to remove conditions as part of lay on hands, lay on hands now handled with 1d6/2 lvls.
Pally CL is level -3

Perception is no longer broken down by sense so much, intended to simplify.
Concentration checks are now CL+relevant ability score, I think the DC was mentioned as 20.

page 2 coming soon

Feats, the feat table is 4 pages, I'd guesstimate there are twice as many as in 3.5 core. lots of fighter only/high level feats such as vital strike which i believe was in the beta.

Medium and Heavy armor got better by +1 across the board as an incentive to use it. Mithral armor requires proficiency in regular armor of that type.

Combat, there is a combat defense Class BAB + Str + Dex + anything that gives an armor bonus to AC

Magic: spells are much cheeper to write into spellbook

100 pages of spells, darkness/light spells have been clairified 4 levels of darkness : Darkness/Dim Light/Light/Bright Light. spells modify the light area by one or more steps.

Assassins can kill people and they stay dead.
Shadowdancer will be changed extensively and will be perviewed in Kobold Quarterly #10.

Game mastering tips section includes exp chards and the wealth by level chart on p 399 to make it easy to find.

Environment: underwater combat has been revised a bit to clear up the chart (tail not bludgeoning)

Magic items:
Few changes, physical enhancement items are all belts, mental enhancements are all hats.

You make a craft check when you make an item if you fail your effort is wasted, if you fail badly you get a cursed item, each cursed item is listed as what the item may have been intended to be, before it got messed up.

it was also strongly indicated (by a pdf related accident) that monks may have full BAB progression (and a commensurate insane number of attacks with flurry)

That's it for the notes on the RPG core book. Hope to see many more of you at PaizoCon next year.

Now if I pre order, and Paizo does offer a PDF deal later, I will be grandfathered in to such a deal, correct?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Now if I pre order, and Paizo does offer a PDF deal later, I will be grandfathered in to such a deal, correct?

The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.

OK, I guess I will just wait to see what happens later this week, since I guess your saying that being a Pathfinder and Map subscriber isn't the same as being a "RPG subsciriber".

Liberty's Edge

Ah subscriptions draw closer, very good. :)

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Now if I pre order, and Paizo does offer a PDF deal later, I will be grandfathered in to such a deal, correct?
The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
OK, I guess I will just wait to see what happens later this week, since I guess your saying that being a Pathfinder and Map subscriber isn't the same as being a "RPG subsciriber".

It's the same reason you don't get a free PDF with a preorder of a Companion, Chronicles, or Modules product as an Adventure Path subscriber. You only get a pdf of the products that you purchase as part of a subscription. Your subscription will trump your preorder, and you'll get the book and pdf when it ships in August.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.

Luv' you for this Guys!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Now if I pre order, and Paizo does offer a PDF deal later, I will be grandfathered in to such a deal, correct?
The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.


Now will you be doing this for the Beastiary (which I've ordered) as well?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.


Now will you be doing this for the Beastiary (which I've ordered) as well?

I think the Bestiary will fall into the same subscription line as the Core Rule Book.

So, where did I put this blasted key?

Dark Archive

Lanx wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Now will you be doing this for the Beastiary (which I've ordered) as well?

I think the Bestiary will fall into the same subscription line as the Core Rule Book.

This explains a bit......But yes.

Liberty's Edge

Maugan22 wrote:

Paladin has heavy changes, detect evil is immediate, no waiting 3 rounds, smite evil lasts until opponent is dead, 2X damage to fiends, dragons, and undead, Ignore DR, Bonus to AC vs smited critter.
Paladins gain "Mercies" which allow them to remove conditions as part of lay on hands, lay on hands now handled with 1d6/2 lvls.
Pally CL is level -3

OMFG!!!! I am SO doing a big (lame-ass-white-guy) happy dance over here!! Thats sounds soooo freaking good and awesome! I got a big sh*t eating grin on my face. I LOVE paladins.

Thank you RPG gods for answering my prayers!! This is the love that paladins have been needing for so long!

(now if they get a tower shield too.....I may just faint!)

Jason if you were closer, I'd kiss you!

okay maybe not actually kiss....would a big hearty handshake and smile be sufficient?

Thanks Maugan for all the good updates! All of it sounds fantastic

I also especially like that Mithril armor requires the feat to use of the armor it really is.......that will cut down my disdain for all the mithril chain shirt nimble rogues with the same AC (or better) as my decked out fullplate and hvy shield bearing tank paladins!

EDIT: I wonder if LastKnight saw these paladin bits yet! :-)


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Matthew Morris wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Now if I pre order, and Paizo does offer a PDF deal later, I will be grandfathered in to such a deal, correct?
The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.


Now will you be doing this for the Beastiary (which I've ordered) as well?

Yes. The subscription will include everything listed here that releases in August or later. So far, that's the Core Rulebook, the Bestiary, the GM Screen, and the GameMastery Guide.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will the release date be any different for Australian consumers? Or will we have to wait longer for Pathfindey goodness at our local game store?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Re: Previews.

Holy Frak.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Now if I pre order, and Paizo does offer a PDF deal later, I will be grandfathered in to such a deal, correct?
The way to get a free PDF is to subscribe to the RPG line. Subscriptions will be available later in the week. If you've preordered and you subscribe, we'll essentially convert your first preorder copy into your subscriber copy.


Now will you be doing this for the Beastiary (which I've ordered) as well?

Yes. The subscription will include everything listed here that releases in August or later. So far, that's the Core Rulebook, the Bestiary, the GM Screen, and the GameMastery Guide.

Holy!!! That is certainly one HEAVY book! $8.25 for shipping. I also presume we will have the "combine orders" option when it becomes a subscription?

Plus I would still like to know if I could pick up my copy at Gen Con, and get some signatures!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Will the release date be any different for Australian consumers? Or will we have to wait longer for Pathfindey goodness at our local game store?

The release date is August 13 worldwide. Whether your retailer will have it by the release date is not entirely up to us, though.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Robert Miller 55 wrote:

Holy!!! That is certainly one HEAVY book! $8.25 for shipping. I also presume we will have the "combine orders" option when it becomes a subscription?

Plus I would still like to know if I could pick up my copy at Gen Con, and get some signatures!

Yes to the first. As for the second, you can certainly buy a copy there and get it signed, but right no there's no way to for you to pick up a preorder or subscription copy at Gen Con. (We know folks want it, but it's really not easy to do.) If that changes, we'll let you know.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Robert Miller 55 wrote:

Holy!!! That is certainly one HEAVY book! $8.25 for shipping. I also presume we will have the "combine orders" option when it becomes a subscription?

Plus I would still like to know if I could pick up my copy at Gen Con, and get some signatures!

Yes to the first. As for the second, you can certainly buy a copy there and get it signed, but right no there's no way to for you to pick up a preorder or subscription copy at Gen Con. (We know folks want it, but it's really not easy to do.) If that changes, we'll let you know.

OK, Thanks Vic!

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:

Yes to the first. As for the second, you can certainly buy a copy there and get it signed, but right no there's no way to for you to pick up a preorder or subscription copy at Gen Con. (We know folks want it, but it's really not easy to do.) If that changes, we'll let you know.

Why not still charge the shipping option but allow people to pick up their books at GenCon? Require that the indicate prior to GenCon - say prior to 1-Aug - that they plan to pick up the book at GenCon. That way you know how many to bring as well as can create a list of those picking up the book. If for some reason they didn't pick it up, you've still collected the shipping fee to cover sending it to them.

It's a bit of work, but is certainly doable. (I picked up my copy of Ptolus at GenCon a couple of years ago. If Monte can manage it, I'm sure that Paizo can!)


Scarab Sages

Eric in another thread that there are more than several hundred preorders. I would imagine thousands... it maybe like Vic said that it might be hard to organise.

I agree, for the folks at Gencon, it would be nice.

Scarab Sages

Masika wrote:

Eric in another thread that there are more than several hundred preorders. I would imagine thousands... it maybe like Vic said that it might be hard to organise.

I agree, for the folks at Gencon, it would be nice.

I understand. However, as they are selling the book at GenCon, they are shipping them to Indy anyway. It doesn't seem to be that hard to have a list of those that plan to pick them up there with them as well.

Just some thoughts.

The Exchange

Every already sold book that they bring to GenCon is one un-sold book they have to leave in the warehouse. I don't know if that has anything to do with their decision, I mean being Paizo they are pretty good about treating their customers right. However, given the size and weight of the tome, I would be suprised if it was not at least a consideration. I mean they only have X amount of floor space at the show, and a few hundred pre-orders would consume a good part of that in what amounts to temparary storage.

Scarab Sages

Darkwolf wrote:
Every already sold book that they bring to GenCon is one un-sold book they have to leave in the warehouse. I don't know if that has anything to do with their decision, I mean being Paizo they are pretty good about treating their customers right. However, given the size and weight of the tome, I would be suprised if it was not at least a consideration. I mean they only have X amount of floor space at the show, and a few hundred pre-orders would consume a good part of that in what amounts to temparary storage.

Yep agreed - it will be some logistics work!

It's my understanding that purchasing it at the Paizo booth will not entitle anyone to a discount on the PDF or include the PDF. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

So, then you have people who have pre-ordered or now belong to the new subscription who faithfully subscribe, but are not able to obtain the book at a convention where it is first unveiled ;-)

Just trying to please everyone.

For myself: If I can get the book there as part of a subscription, then I will subscribe. Otherwise, it's ~$18 cheaper at Amazon. No PDF that way, but $18 is $18!

The Exchange

Timothy Thomas wrote:
Just trying to please everyone.

Actually, you're just trying to please yourself. I mean that's OK, but let's call a spade a spade.

For the record, I agree it would be great if those going to GenCon could pick up their pre-orders/subscriptions there, but if Paizo says they can't do it, must people badger them on the subject? I'm sure if they can figure out a way to bring the books and not create a bunch of logistical nightmares, they will change their minds and let folks know.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Picking up preorders or subscription copies at Gen Con would require a significant rewrite to our order processing system. It's really not even close to as easy as just making a list.

We will consider it, just like we did last year.

Well, in my case, I can afford to buy another copy if I decide having one to get signatures in is that important to me. Signatures is the real reason I would like the book at GenCon, otherwise having it mailed to my home is the far more convenient option. Plus I want the PDF, since I do a LOT of on line gaming, and being able to copy/paste stuff if I ever play PF is a very nice convenience.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
Well, in my case, I can afford to buy another copy if I decide having one to get signatures in is that important to me. Signatures is the real reason I would like the book at GenCon, otherwise having it mailed to my home is the far more convenient option. Plus I want the PDF, since I do a LOT of on line gaming, and being able to copy/paste stuff if I ever play PF is a very nice convenience.

If I've a friend going to Origins, I'll put getting one signed on his shopping list.

(Last time I tried this, I jsut asked him to pick up a signed copy of The Anubis Murders, he forgot. Must write things down it's bad when we both have Attention Deficit- Squirrel!)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Matthew Morris wrote:
If I've a friend going to Origins, I'll put getting one signed on his shopping list.

The book won't be out at Origins. Did you mean GenCon?

Why wait!?

For a mere $1,004, TSCBooks claims to be able to send you a copy right away! (, used.)

Seems like somebody needs to get in trouble for something.

I can only hope this will be the first thing I ever order from Paizo.
Power to the Casters!!!

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