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Organized Play Member. 584 posts (614 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Dark Archive

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I had tons of folks ask me to put together a simple painting tutorial. So I have made a video with easy step by step details so you can follow along and paint a miniature in under and hour .... If you take longer than an hour that's OK also..

Video link Click here..

Dark Archive

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well they are burly and muscled compared to regular goblins...

Dark Archive

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* faceplam *

Dark Archive

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i dont think it would combine your caster lvl at all...since they are separate ( one divine)

so your max pool is 20hd ( thats between both classes)

Dark Archive 5/5

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i hope to find out that the numerian spaceships are from from the future of starfinder.. and crashed after a failed time travel experiment.

Dark Archive 5/5

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break out the tin foil hats....

it would be idiotic to drop PFS ...

lets looks at what PFS does..

brings in new players
sells books
sells scenarios
sells minis
special events( Like COns) give tons of promotion !

its a win win scenario for Pathfinder....

Now will starfinder kill Pathfinder RPG.. Hell no..
It will more than likely make it even larger

wanna play a star wars campaign?
spelljammer ? stargate ?

there is a huge floodgate of new ideas that it will allow.
And some of those players have not ( or dont like) Fantasy RPG's
But thanks to a great ruleset they have a foot in the door to ( starfinder/Pathfinder)

Dark Archive 5/5

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OlSmokey wrote:
I'm looking for a fletchling boon if anyone has one and wanting to trade please let me know what you would want for it... thanks

if my memory serves me correct they were a special event boon that were assigned to a player and not a boon that was tradeable

Dark Archive 5/5

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Have the following boons


custom order
mounted tradition

want-interesting new boons
ghoul touched- or whatever its called

other interesting offers- minis, book ?

Dark Archive

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For those who missed origins 2016 ..
check out these awesome leather journals i found .. I am thinking about getting one to use for all of my campaign notes and maps

there was just something about the feel and smell of a leather bound tome.. and then i talked to the artist and found out they are handmade in NY from recycled leather
I had to pick up a few for myself and my daughter

Go to Video link.

Dark Archive 5/5

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Gamerskum wrote:
Is there a Fetchling Boon?

not that is tradeable....

Dark Archive 5/5

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Aasimar x 1

Tiefling/Child of Chaos=1 (allows you to combine tiefling and aasimar boon to create a Ganzi, Distant Shores)



Gen Con 2015 gm boon= (rebuild,Skinwalker ,changeling,samsaran,grippli)

gen con 2014 gm boon =(rebuild ,grippli ,vishkanya,suli ,undine,oread'ifrit,slyph)

Mounted Tradition (unusual mounts for unusual races)

share the wealth
Expedition Manager
Custom Order

looking to trade for anything unusual...
I rarely play and spend 99% of my time being a GM

Dark Archive

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Hello there gents ( and ladies)

I figured I would share my Low magic campaign it is simply called

" Dark City"

it is Pathfinder based , and uses a low magic system, wound thresholds, and a madness, despair, insanity checks.

It is meant to have a certain old school ravenloft feel to the campaign. I have some background material already written for the campaign and some basic rules and other bits in pdf form on my web site and it is all free to use.

Go to Dark City- site.

Dark Archive 5/5

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these arent boons from scenarios ( those cant be trades)

these are ones earned by gm'ing at Cons and won at conventions for particpating

Dark Archive 5/5

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your GM cant kill your vanity as they arent in the combat in any way...

Dark Archive 5/5

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Ive seen some weird builds based on it..

as long as you let your gm know at begin of scenario you should be fine..

Dark Archive 5/5

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try bonekeep

Dark Archive 5/5

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i have a bunch of boons.. i only GM

grippli, suli,vishkana, and all the ele races

i also have a bunch of non race boons.. i will go thru them later and make a list

id trade some for MINIs ? or ?

Dark Archive

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bonus and special abilities granted by this raging song are determined when the song begins = the skald would determine or decide

that is my understanding of the description..

Dark Archive 5/5

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i only use it on kittens and unicorns....

Dark Archive

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Had a few folks ask for it.. so figure why not share with the group..

Go to Video link..

Dark Archive 5/5

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Dark Archive

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That's right we ran Crypt of the Everflame in full 3d terrain..

this was my 150th table for PFS and we wanted something fun and in a grand scale so...

i give you..

Go to Video.

Dark Archive 5/5

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Uwotm8 wrote:
Obo wrote:
I think i have most of my pdfs loaded in to my phone but a gm checking my watermark or even requiring to see them is a jerk move. If you are gming you are not paizos copyright police. Your job is to officiate a game.
GMs in PFS are specifically tasked with these duties. Yes, they are Paizo's copyright police, as you put it. You agree to PFS's conditions to play. You're the jerk for trying to ignore those rules in addition to feeling justified for doing so.

Some like myself.. i am just a jerk.. and like catching cheaters

Dark Archive 5/5

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↑ sounds like someone has something to hide...

Dark Archive 5/5

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who cares.....

its not a huge difference in gold.

Dark Archive 5/5

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i always have my tablet with me when i gm- If a person comes with a character and doesnt have the pdf( watermarked) or the book.. i will let them log into paizo site and pull up the books they own...

if they cant provide proof ( that they own the books..or the book iteself)

then i am more than happy to provide a pre gen...

I have seen to many players with pdf's that arent watermarked... and players who dont own any books and are playing a grippli...

Dark Archive 5/5

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woganator wrote:
We cleared I think 5 or 6 of 8 rooms with barely a scratch.

so you didnt smoke anything....

you made it almost to the end...
show me a party of pre gens who beats it in the time limit..and i will be impressed..

Dark Archive

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can i +1 this for worst idea ever ?

Dark Archive 5/5

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YogoZuno wrote:
...except crafting items is not allowed in PFS. Thus the OP's question - how is it useful to swiftly craft things when you can't craft them?

it scares me that you have 2 gm stars and cant read the FAQ or additional resouces....

crafting is allowed for a alchemist

and investigator...

Dark Archive 5/5

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rakasha blooded tiefling ( with a octopus looking face) ...psychic

who thirsts for brains...

Dark Archive 5/5

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ok so in ...Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–06:
You Have What You Hold

Question about the boon and how the players can use it....

boon spoiler:

Smine’s Best: Following your spectacular performance in the Arena of Aroden, Venture-Captain
Holgarin Smine decided to craft a spectacular new weapon (colloquially known as a “Smine”) to
commemorate your victory. You may apply this boon to any one weapon made primarily out of metal
when you purchase it. Alternatively, you may spend 2 Prestige Points to apply this boon to a pre-existing
weapon that the venture-captain modifies for you. When you choose the weapon, record its type below.
While wielding that weapon, you gain a +1 bonus on performance combat checks as well as a +1 bonus
on Intimidate checks made against creatures proficient with that weapon. In addition, increase the
weapon’s hit point total by 5.

Does this qualify a player to fix " gamin the misforged" since it clearly indicates the weapon smith is enchanting it and adding hp's ?


this may be a good one to FAQ...

Dark Archive

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For those who didnt make it to GEN-CON here is my hands on video with the new DF kickstater caverns stuff at GenCon...

and hanging out with stefan- BS'ing about games..

Go to Video is here..

Dark Archive 5/5

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I have several Racial boons and others to trade...

I mostly Gm so would consider trades for modules, minis ? or ?

1-Gen con GM boon 2013 ( rebuild, grippli,Vishkanya, suli or elemental races)

1- grave blooded- dhampir race

1-tiefling race boon

1- undine

1- oread

1- custom order

2- mounted tradition (custom mounts for special races)

Dark Archive 5/5

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might wind up being a collectors item...

Dark Archive 5/5

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Leathert wrote:
What if I have a race boon? Can only the one character with the boon use the feats/traits/etc?

yes- a boon allows that character ( only) to access that race and its benefits- spells,equipment and such..

Dark Archive 5/5

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if its a pfs game then you need the harrow cards- no exceptions....

Dark Archive 5/5

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PFS is made to support Paizo products....

since they make the cards for this purpose it is required...

Dark Archive 5/5

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ran this yesterday....

once they had rescued Lander- he went on his way

the first encounter ( kobolds)

Lander charged into combat and critted the first kobold and killed it with one hit..

the bard used his diplomacy and bluff to critique Lander and talk him into going to a fighting school

Dark Archive

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why nerf it ?

throw area effect spells, compulsions at him instead....

if a creature attacks him a few times and doesnt hit ( or cant)
its gonna move on to next person.

dont let one cheesy build throw you off.

dont forget the character will still loose dex if suprised...

maybe BBEG will sunder his fancy armor/shield...

there are spells to make charatcer loose the shield also

grease/monkey swarm ect....

and lets not forget the horrible will saves of fighters...

Dark Archive 5/5

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thats just plain old cheating

and a horrible GM to not call the player out on it..

Dark Archive 5/5

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shop smart.. shop S mart....

Dark Archive

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Go to Video link here....

I had several folks ask how to make a slime effect for 3-d dungeon terrain / dwarven forge....

so here ya go

Dark Archive 5/5

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its amazing how many people dont know how to use the search function...

Dark Archive 5/5

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In the future would it be possible for the developer to please have fewer level gaps in module sets such as these!

If a character comes into thornkeep at lvl 2 then there will be a gap after the The Dark Menagerie... if they start at lvl 1 its even more confusing.

Most gm's and players would much rather play from lvl 1-7 without the huge gaps in the story.

Shadow Lodge

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I for one find this blasphemy outrageous...

we all know of our lord Razmir's Omnipotence...

In 4661 AR our lord Razmir saved us from the Chaos. Gained his Divinity.. and used his divine power to turn the city of Melcat to ash overnight...

Dark Archive 5/5

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I had tossed around the idea of a grippli bard..

Aka... hypnotoad

All glory to the hypnotoad...

Dark Archive

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Finally my gaming table has arrived. It was originally going to be a birthday present, but because of the delays it was several weeks late.

For those who don't follow follow me on facebook here is the pic and the video also....

Go to Pic.

Go to Video walkaround.

A big thanks go out to all of those who helped in my planning and design....