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Hello fellow gms.. and rules lawyers. I have a odd question. I have a player who created a Bloodrager with Draconic bloodline and my question comes down to the claws. So the Bloodrager bloodline states "These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack, using your full base attack bonus" but if you look at natural weapons it specifically calls out. That there are primary and secondary( off hand natural weapons) "Most creatures possess one or more natural attacks (attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two categories, primary and secondary attacks. Primary attacks are made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and add the creature’s full Strength bonus on damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made using the creature’s base attack bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls" So I guess the question really is. Does the second attack take the -5 for being a secondary(off hand) attack. and it should only get half of the str bonus also ?
I put together a quick How to video for those who wanted a little bit more info on how to 3d print Dungeon terrain.. Go to Tutorial video..
For those who missed origins 2016 ..
there was just something about the feel and smell of a leather bound tome.. and then i talked to the artist and found out they are handmade in NY from recycled leather
Go to Video link.
Ive had a few folks lately ask me how i create a good bit of my custom minis ( ones i have converted from various sources to be used with RPG games) SO i put together a quick you tube video on how to convert them to D&D or pathfinder. and some different ways to source them for 10 cents each or less -super cheap_ so here is the video Go to You Tube video link..
Yeah I am laughing so hard right now. I missed my pathfinder game b/c my douchebag boss needed me to stay late so i used these guys to send him a box of poo ank-ever-/131763644759? I found out the package came yesterday at work. and I guess it smelled so bad my boss was dry heaving . awww.. I feel better now
that's right C&C renegade is back a fan based group has re-released the game as Renegade X using the unreal engine( see video below) did i mention its free ? Go to Renegade X.
Hello there gents ( and ladies) I figured I would share my Low magic campaign it is simply called " Dark City" it is Pathfinder based , and uses a low magic system, wound thresholds, and a madness, despair, insanity checks. It is meant to have a certain old school ravenloft feel to the campaign. I have some background material already written for the campaign and some basic rules and other bits in pdf form on my web site and it is all free to use. Go to Dark City- site.
Thats right as promised the auction is live... 1 cavernous river set
the whole lot starts at 99 cents.... Yes i'm a little crazy... but hopefully it all goes to a good home.... Go to Ebay auction link. here is the video to the pieces also ( HD video for you fine gents) Go to and video of pieces for sale.
Hey guys just wanted to let you all know I finally have some off my new tiles sculpted. most of my new bits are up for sale on my ebay store Go to Ebay store link. I have the lava tiles all done.. now i am working on some new wood floor and stone ( cavern style) floors.. hopefully soon I can prep some molds to share with folks...
Had a few folks ask for it.. so figure why not share with the group.. Go to Video link..
ok so in ...Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–06:
Question about the boon and how the players can use it.... boon spoiler:
Smine’s Best: Following your spectacular performance in the Arena of Aroden, Venture-Captain Holgarin Smine decided to craft a spectacular new weapon (colloquially known as a “Smine”) to commemorate your victory. You may apply this boon to any one weapon made primarily out of metal when you purchase it. Alternatively, you may spend 2 Prestige Points to apply this boon to a pre-existing weapon that the venture-captain modifies for you. When you choose the weapon, record its type below. While wielding that weapon, you gain a +1 bonus on performance combat checks as well as a +1 bonus on Intimidate checks made against creatures proficient with that weapon. In addition, increase the weapon’s hit point total by 5. Does this qualify a player to fix " gamin the misforged" since it clearly indicates the weapon smith is enchanting it and adding hp's ? . this may be a good one to FAQ...
For those who didnt make it to GEN-CON here is my hands on video with the new DF kickstater caverns stuff at GenCon... and hanging out with stefan- BS'ing about games.. Go to Video is here..
Thats right I am starting a epic 3-D run of ROTRL so we had to start things off right with a 3d layout of Sandpoint for the opening game. This was how i pictured Sandpoint for the festival I used..
Go to Video Link is here..
so swarm suit says -
so a rat swarm is considered " tiny" so technically the suit doesn't help against a rat swarm is this correct ? thoughts ? thats right... Art of war ( game store) in Cincinnati Ohio The Ruins of Bonekeep—Level One: The Silent Grave. A Pathfinder Society Special for characters of 3rd to 7th level (Tier 3–7). An enemy of the Pathfinder Society recently found a hidden dungeon in a centuries-old siege fortress, but despite his best efforts to convert it into his base of operations, he failed. When a pair of Pathfinders encounter disaster while scouting out the entrance, the party must explore the first level of the dungeon to determine not just what attacked their comrades but also what dark power their nemesis nearly acquired.
I am pondering starting a new gm credit baby something i have wanted to roleplay for awhile.
So i am thinking to make a sorcerer with aberrant bloodline.
so the idea is make him looks sorta like a mindflayer
but roleplay idea is he is slowly becoming a mindflayer.
if i take the tiefling tail trait- could i say its my tentacles?
thoughts? suggestions?
any tips on how to deal with a player with a druid character
i dont want to say he cheats... but good lord he abuses the rules. I dont allow it but another gm was allowing him to use para-elemental (mud,ect) this game he was wanting to scout ahead every room in elemental form(earth glide) in a dungeon. this theory is that he can peek out and no one can see/attack him b/c he is in the wall? getting frustrated...
yes i know they stack.... quick question ... i searched forums havent found it asked before if fienedflayer uses fiendblade can they enchant the blackblade with the abilities ? I have a player who thinks they can use this ability along with the blackblade energy ablity.. to me it reads the fliendblade summons a new weapon( poof) and thats what you have to use? thoughts ?
anyone remember this gem from 1993? Dragonstrike i posted the video(vhs) on my you tube channel its hilarious to say the least. Go to video link here.....
Go to Video link here.... I had several folks ask how to make a slime effect for 3-d dungeon terrain / dwarven forge.... so here ya go
So during CincyCon i finally hit my 4th star.. woohoo but i have been tinkering with the idea off running bonekeep.
and it looks like its now ok to be ran ( for store games) ? and pre-gens are allowed but not suggested correct ?
thats right I am selling some of my beta test pieces Custom game tiles with led's.. the video is here..
and of course the ebay listing is active now Go to Ebay link. After these are sold I have a few ideas for new stuff...
Yes.. that's right its Fangwood keep in 3-d.. I've been playing with adding LED's to DF tiles and other bits Go to the Video ....
In the future would it be possible for the developer to please have fewer level gaps in module sets such as these! If a character comes into thornkeep at lvl 2 then there will be a gap after the The Dark Menagerie... if they start at lvl 1 its even more confusing. Most gm's and players would much rather play from lvl 1-7 without the huge gaps in the story.
So I picked up 2 of these boons at gen con.. Quick question ? Do I need to determine the fame needed by the price of the bundle of 10? Or go by the normal bundle of 50 for fame needed? So if I use these on my gunslinger do I just figure my cost for bullets plus the +2 enchantment? The way the boon is written it seems a lvl 1 gunslinger could purchase a bundle of 10 bane bullets... or 10 holy bullets?
I got my gm boon.... Also got the following.. (2)Boon 1- custom order ( order small batches of +1or +2 ammo sets of 10) (2) boon 3-erratic luck (2) long distance support- spend prestige for cha bonus to crusaders and bonus against demons (3) mounted tradition- extra mount/companions options based on special races (axe beak, giant frog, giant gecko, megalania, giant chameleon, goblin dog) (3) nexavarian requisition- skip a day job to make bluff/diplo to aquire a mw nexavarian weapon, or spend prestige to buy +1 version. (1) on the job training- become specialized in a skill of your choice after 10 times of being aided. (1) sky citadel scholar- perm +1 knowledge checks about sky citadels, also choice of specialized in knowledge dungeoneering or learn dwarven for free. (1) spirit of the shadow lodge- continue to purchase shadow lodge prestige awards ... (2) taint of the worldwound- every 3 scenarios in worldwound (when wounded/fail saving throws) you unlock a boon...
Hi guys... So I have built Thornkeep in 3-d Terrain and have began running the Modules ( great fun) Go to Thornkeep terrain video . I do have a few questions for my fellow Gm's on a few encounters.. Wight encounter:
Did anyone else find this extremely overpowering for lvl 1 parties?.I nearly had a TPK,luckily the characters made some last minute changes that saved their rear. our party consisted of a
Finally my gaming table has arrived. It was originally going to be a birthday present, but because of the delays it was several weeks late. For those who don't follow follow me on facebook here is the pic and the video also.... Go to Pic. Go to Video walkaround. A big thanks go out to all of those who helped in my planning and design....
who remembers this Gem ? i had to dig out my closet recently and uploaded id a few pals who had never seen it before... wow i had alot of fun playing that game. link to the video Go to Dragonstrikevideo.
I need to make room for my next big project. anyone want a large dungeon terrain set with glow in the dark special effects and accessories ? listed now with no reserve... must make room. p3984.m1558.l2649 item= 171039058754 links to videos of the set her also. Go to overall look at set. Go to glow in the dark effects.