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Knights,villians and magic artifacts that can change the World


Hello fellow Pathfinder fans,

I just got done reading the newest addition to the Pathfinder tales: Gear of Faith. First let me start by saying this book is very different from the rest of the series. Yes there is adventure but what i love above all the great Background history revealed. The book is written around the 2 main characters Keren a human knight of Iomedae and Zae( her Girlfriend) a Gnome cleric of Brigh ( god of invention).They are summoned to Absalom and get more than they bargain for...

Now Sadly i cant give too much away. But I promise you it is a great story. There is also a ton of valuable information for GM's and players on everyday life in the city of Absalom . You will learn about how certain merchants treat visitors, all about what the Starstone Cathedral looks like, and how the locals feel about it. There are other Golarion Historical references but I must keep them to myself until you read the book.

If you'd like to learn more about the worshipers of Iomedae you are in luck. You will see the inner workings of the church, how they train and learn their views on certain rivals.

There is also some great references to mechanical works, constructs and magical practices in the novel. These I feel are a great addition for GM and player alike.

Kudos to the Author for being so inventive and giving such a great Story wrapped within so much flavorful History.

I have also included the link to the video review for those who are interested.

Go to Video review link..

Our Price: $14.99


Wow- One of the best Pathfinder Tales novels yet.


Hello my fellow Gamers,

I have recently read a copy of the Pathfinder tales “Through the Gate in the Sea”. Let me first start by saying the book is excellent. Rarely have I read a novel that beckons to me as Gm to sit down later and take some notes to “borrow” later for my Pathfinder RPG game. I am personally running a Serpents Skull campaign which happens to take place near the region that a portion of the book takes place (smugglers shiv and surrounding sea).
Where to start? The novel continues the adventures of Mirian Raas (a human female captain of a sea vessel) and her loyal friend Jekka. Now in case you have not read any of the other Pathfinder tales involving this duo Jekka is a male lizardfolk. The author gives us great insights into the relationship between the two but the most enjoyable moments for me is when we see the way Jekka interacts with other People. So often when we read we think of ourselves in the character’s shoes. When we see things from a Lizardfolk’s perspective it can be amusing, confusing yet oddly it reminds us that in the world of fantasy Humans are just a one of the many races. It makes me really wish to explore playing a Lizardfolk character who also searches for his lost heritage (or perhaps others of his kind).

As for adventure This book has plenty. You go from aboard ships, to the depths of the ocean. There are pirates, sorcerers, Dinosaurs and did I mention followers of the Child-God Walkena. And of course, for my fellow Pathfinder or D&D Gm’s we can’t forget to mention cool locations. The heroes adventure ancient vaults of long forgotten crypt and then a magical island. They search for a magical artifact and of course a Party of opposite intentions wishes to find the same artifact for much less than noble reasons.

I love a book that will challenge my inner creativity and in that regard this book is one of my favorites. I love a great adventure, but throw in the clash of differing cultures and rare locations and it makes a great story.
I have included a link to my video review of the Novel also if you wish to see the extended review.

Go to Video review here..

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Broken chains...not as broken as some people say !


Let me start by saying I gave this module 4 stars...

It could be an easy 5 stars....if the story was tweaked a bit. So as many have already said it has some great story elements ( slavery,pesh addicts and of course the save the hero plot)

any RPG player worth his weight will guess right away that the hero turned to the dark side. In my session I gave the party plenty of clues in the way of handouts

treasure pouch found with the body ( coins a small map and a key)
the heroes journal ( with false information)
and another map found in dungeon ( that is different than the one the found)

these are items i added since i knew my group would quickly guess part of the main story.... and it worked they were so conflicted in their theory the couldn't decide if she was good or bad until the big reveal.any good GM will quickly read this module and make some changes to fit their group...

is it a perfect module- NO

is it a good value- Yes

with a few tweaks you can easily get 2-3 gaming sessions out of this module.

Critical Hit/Fumble deck review


For the full video review please see below...

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Critical Hit/Fumble deck review


For the full video review please see below...

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Love it


I started off with the Buff deck, so I had an idea of the quality involved. I have to say I love these cards. They make things much more streamlined for the GM and the artwork on the cards is awesome...

I made a video review on my Vlog to showcase them and show them off..

great novel..


Wow.. where to start?

I really enjoyed this book. To start with the characters are well thought out. Each has a unique personality and seem quite authentic. I was a bit skeptical of a book written in regards to a alchemist. Alaeron's background as unique and much grander than what i expected. His companions with their personalities and umm lifestyles.. were also unique..

Well done Tim Pratt..... well done...