Count Lucinean Galdana

wanderer82's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 517 posts (2,782 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 33 aliases.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Brayden Baxon

male Angelkin (aasimar) Summoner / 1, HP 12/12, Init +2, Perc +4, AC 17, T 12, FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1 (103 posts)
Grand Lodge Renli Rumblebelly

Male Halfling Archaeologist 1 / Trapper 1 HP 14/14, In +3, Per +6, AC 18, T 14 ,FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; CMB +1, CMD 14; sword +4, 1d6+1, bow +5, 1d6; Acr +6, App +6, Blf +7, Dip +8, Dsb +7, Kn(arc,loc) +7, Kn(oth) +3, Prf +7, SoH +6, Stl +10, Sur +3, UMD +8 (156 posts)
Sczarni Magnus Thrane

Tiefling (0 posts)


Jolis Raffles
Adegard "Aden" Underhill

CG Halfling Rogue 7 HP 76/76 | AC 24 (26) | Fort +11 Refl +17 Will +13 | Perception +15, low-light | Powers 7/7 (43 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Aelfred Agnarsson

M Human Ranger 2 / Shaman 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 / T: 14 / FF: 19 / DR: -, SR: -, Resist: -, Immune: - | Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | M. Atk: +9, R. Atk: +7, M. Touch: +7, R. Touch: +7 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Init: +3, Perception: +10 (39 posts)
Ancient Chronicler
(49 posts)
Beltias Kreun
Antroth of the Shadow

Male Halfling Rog(Unc) 5 / Orcl 10 || HP 123/123 || AC 36 (T 22 / FF 36) || CMD 28 || Fort +22 Refl +32 Will +21 || Init +5 || Perception+30 (+26 vs surprise) (13 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Assam Fadhrun

Human Paladin HP 40/40, AC 19/12/17 || Ft +9, Rf +6, Wl +6 || Init +2 || Perception -1 || Smite 1/2 || LoH 3/5 (39 posts)
Ratfolk Caravan Guard
Baedjrak Bloodeye

Ysoki Operative 1 | HP 8/8 SP 7/7 | AC 15e/16k (T 13 / FF 12e/13k) | CMD 12 | Fort +0 Refl +5 Will +4 | Init:+3 | Perception +7 Sense +7 | Pistol 9/9 (74 posts)
Brand Hornblower

male Halfling Rogue (unc) 3 / Bard (arch) 1 || HP: 34/34 || AC:20 (T:15 / FF:16) || CMD:17 || Fort:+2 Refl:+8 Will:+4(+2 fear) || Init:+4 || Perception:+10/11 Sense +5, adpt luck 3/3, arch luck 7/7 (222 posts)
Liberty's Edge Brayden Baxton

Male Human Ranger (Divine Tracker) 1, HP 13/13, Init +4, Perc +5, AC 18, T 12 ,FF 16, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3 (32 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Brother Gaelin

Male Chondathan HP 10 || Def 17 || Str +0 Dex +2 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +5 Cha +1 || Init +2 || Perception +5 (30 posts)

Human Ranger (Divine Tracker) 1 (16 posts)
Abra Lopati
Dante Marchioni

Male Human Paladin 1 || HP: 12/12 || AC: 17 (T:12 / FF:15) || CMD:18 || Fort:+4 Refl:+2 Will:+2 || Init:+4 || Perception:+5 (15 posts)
Draknar Fellhammer
(0 posts)
Kaigon the Miscreant
Duglin Braehammer

male Dwarf Fighter 1 || HP 14/14 || AC 19 (T 11 / FF 18) || CMD 15 || Fort +5 Refl +1 Will +2 (+2 poison, +4 spells/like) || Init +1 || Perception+7, darkvision (44 posts)
Erkan Vaughan

WS 40, BS 40, S 34, T 33, Ag 34, Int 36, Per 28, WP 46, Fel 39, AP 4 all, Wnds 12/12, FP 3/4, ShotLas 21/30oc LongLas 20/20oc Stub 13/13ms (135 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Friar Gabe

Cleric (evang) 5|| HP: 39/39 || AC:22 (T:15 / FF:16) || CMD: || Fort:+5 Refl:+5 Will:+10 (+2 fear) || Init:+4 || Perception:+ Sense +, adpt luck 3/3, channel / (3 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Friar Gad
(0 posts)
Chain Mauler
Gareth Felbranche

M Half-Orc Ranger (Divine Tracker / Urban Ranger) 1 HP:14/14 || AC:19 (T:13 / FF:16) || CMD:19 || Fort:+7 Refl:+7 Will:+4 || Init:+3 || Perception:+6, darkvision (25 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Gavin Entwhistle

Male Halfling Cleric 1 | HP: | AC: () | CMD: | Fort:+ Refl:+ Will:+ | Init:+ | Perception:+ (98 posts)
Gavin Fickletoe

Male Halfling Ranger 2 HP 19/19 || AC 18 (16/13) || Frt +6 Rfl +10 Wil +3 || In +5 || Per +8 (48 posts)
Smaar Janderfut
Gregor the Barkeep

male Human Alchemist 4 / demi-gestalt Brawler, HP /, Init +4, Perc +5, AC 18, T 12, FF 16, Fort +, Ref +, Will + (49 posts)
Stronfeur Uherer
Kurdran Graybeard
(22 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Ludvig von Ingelstein

male Leprechaun (17 posts)
Mathias Gabriel

HP , AC , DR | Ft + Rf + Wl +, resist cold/elec/fire 5 | Init +2 | Perception +, darkvision (146 posts)
Maxim Ashvayne

WS 40 BS 42 S 41 T 40 Ag 43 Int 50 Per 30 WP 38 Fel 32 Infl 30 AP ?? Wnds 15/15 FP 4/4 (134 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Radovan Agnarsson
(8 posts)
Chaleb Sazomal
Reinald Ambroise

WS 45, BS 43, S 67, u10 (47), T 49 u8, Ag 54 (44), Int 58, Per 46, WP 42, Fel 35, Wounds 22/22, FP 3/3, Insanity 6, Corruption 0, AP 9/10 (27 posts)
Taalik Amun

Athasian Halfling Druid/Monk 4 (Heirophant 2) || HP: / || AC: (T: / FF:) || CMD: || Fort:+ Refl:+ Will:+ || Init:+ || Perception:+ (192 posts)
Tarkhan Dzhambul

White Scars Tactical Marine WS 43 BS 49 S 61/102 T 44/88 Ag 52 Int 41 Per 41 WP 43 Fel 43 Wounds 23/23 FP 5/5 Insanity - Corruption - AP 9 (t) / 7 (a/l/h) Renown 8 (22 posts)
Abra Lopati
Valarius ex-Epaphras

male Human Magus 2 (bladehound, hexcrafter) || HP 19/19, AC 17/13/14 || Ft +5, Rf +3, Wl +5 || Init +3 || Perception +8 (39 posts)
Drazmorg the Damned
Varius Kavro

WS 41, BS 44, S 40, T 39, Ag 34, Int 46, Per 36, WP 38, Fel 28, Wounds 12/12, FP 4/4, Insanity 2, Corruption 0, AP 5 all (46 posts)
Vashiro Hitaki

Human Ranger (Divine Tracker) 4 / Unchained Rogue 3 || HP: 61/61 || AC:24 (T:17 / FF:24) || CMD:24 || Fort:+7 Refl:+11 Will:+5 || Init:+8 || Perception:+12 (22 posts)
The Fifth Archdaemon
Wayward Wanderer
(194 posts)
Wraxus Drake

Male Elfmarked Bard 5 / Warlock 2 || HP: 52/52 || AC 17|| || Init:+2 || Perception: +7, darkvision (163 posts)