Spellbook - 0th acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, spark
Spellbook - 1st blade tutor's spirit, color spray, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, long arm, shield, shocking grasp, vanish
TRAITS Magical Lineage when cast 1 spell (shocking grasp) with metamagic feats, counts as 1 level lower
Seeker +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you
FEATS Extra Arcane Pool arcane pool increases by 2 (included below)
Power Attack -1 attack, +2 damage (+3 if two-handed)
Combat Casting +4 to concentration checks to cast on the defensive
CLASS ABILITIES/QUALITIES Cantrips Cantrips: can prepare a number of cantrips each day, cast like any other spell, but are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Arcane Pool 6/day, expend 1 point (swift action) grant any weapon +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute.
Spell Combat (full-round action) make all attacks with melee weapon at –2, also cast any spell with casting time of 1 standard action (spell attack roll takes penalty). If casts defensively, can take additional penalty rolls, up to Int bonus, and add to concentration check. If check fails, spell is wasted, but attacks still take penalty. Can choose to cast spell first or make weapon attacks first, but if more than one attack, cannot cast spell between weapon attacks.
Spellstrike whenever casts spell with range of “touch”, can deliver spell through weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of free melee touch attack, magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon as part of casting spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If this attack is in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon’s critical range, but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier.
Strong, agile, and hearty, with a disarming rich hazel gaze and sun-kissed olive skin, Valarius is all that men aspire to be. Possessing a naturally regal bearing, bold stance and swift gate, even among the Hermeans he stands out as a fine specimen of humanity. On his last mission to the mainland he let his hair get a bit shaggy and grew a neatly-groomed beard, a style which he has maintained since returning (that has only made him more popular with the ladies). Though he generally dresses in the utilitarian garb found in Promise, it is usually accented by a couple pieces from one of his field kits - a crimson vest from Varisia, a brown leather longcoat from Ustalav, a broad swept hat from Cheliax.
Confident, determined, and inquisitive, Valarius is the perfect Seeker Agent. Both intelligent and quick-witted, he is able to adapt to and deal with any situation that can be thrown at him. Though logically minded, he has been experiencing more and more conflicts of heart, questioning the morals and ethics of certain actions. Still, he considers these doubts to be a flaw in himself and his ability to evolve further along the Hermean path, and as such has spoken to know one about his doubts. He is loyal to all those he is assigned to work with, for loyalty to each of them is loyalty and commiment to the Unity Principle, to Hermea.
Epaphras: Development of “field agents” and specialist personnel, equipped to explore, recover, and recruit throughout Golarion.
Five background and concept elements important to Valarius ex-Epaphras.
1) Bred the offspring of a master swordsman and a skilled arcanist, Valarius was part of a program to develop a new class of soldier for Hermea. He exceded the expectations of the Rhodean scientists that planned his brood, expertly balancing the opposing disciplines of spell and steel. Though many of his breeding cluster were assigned to tribe Lucarus, he was welcomed into tribe Epaphras.
2) Valarius is driven and motivated, with a strong sense of duty to his actions. He works hard to live up to the standards set by his mentor, determined to prove his place amongst the elite forward agents of tribe Epaphras.
3) Since being accepted into tribe Epaphras, Valarius has continued to excel in his studies, managing to balance his split studies side by side while most others are forced to pursue one then the next. He has also developed a talent as a bladesmith, feeling that knowledge of steel will allow him to wield it better.
4) Valarius sees every challenge as an opportunity for further growth, and actively seeks out such opportunities. Some view him as cocky or arrogant for his willingness, but they are wrong. In truth, Valarius knows he could fail, but in failing he knows he will grow the most.
5) Valarius is perplexed by the emotions he experienced that countered his rational, logical mind. Both magic and war are calculations, yet how do emotions, how does the value of life, factor in? Is one life worth more than another? These questions have begun to haunt Valarius.
Two goals that are important to Valarius.
1) Valarius is committed to continuing his dual development of arcane and blade mastery, striving to exceed the skill of his mentor.
2) Having received a taste of the outside world and its many different theories and emotions, Valarius is motivated to experience and learn more of what lies beyond the walls of Hermea.
Two secrets about Valarius, one that he knows, and one that he not yet aware of.
1) In his training of war and tactics, Valarius was schooled heavily on the rational use of weapons and magic, and the acknowledgement that success requires casualties, this is simply an understood cost. Yet when he saw Arturus target a behir unleashed amidst a crowd of street urchins with a fireball, he felt a deep pang of anger and disgust toward his mentor. Arturus brushed off the situation, citing both their lesser status as beings and the reality that they and many more would have died from the behir’s rampaging. Logically, Valarius knew this made sense, but he could not shake the feeling of doubt that began growing as to the ethics of Hermea’s actions.
2) During his training and development, Valarius was exposed to a multitude of experiences and traumas to develop his resilience and adaptability. Unbeknownst to him, during several of these sessions experimental technoarcane devices developed by tribe Xanthip were implanted into him. They are currently latent, designed to activate as his mastery of the arcane increases. magical lineage, black blade
Four people that are tied to Valarius, three are friends and one is an enemy.
1) Arturus tal-Epaphras: Valarius’ field mentor, Arturus is everything that Valarius has aspired to be. Driven, dedicated, and absolutely loyal to Hermea, Arturus is a model citizen and an exceptional field agent. His one hubris is his pride in his most recent development, Valarius. Valarius in turn looks up to him with great respect, though his callous dismissal of lesser lives has left Valarius’ once perfect vision of his mentor tarnished.
2) Constantine ex-Epaphras: A scholar tasked with educating Valarius on the many strange aspects of the outside world, Magnus has painted a colorful picture of all that Golarion has to offer. Some of his statements on the many talents of successes of different cultures, while not heresy, could be considered volatile at times.
3) Helios ex-Lucarus: A broodmate of Valarius, Helios is counted as Valarius’s closest friend. The pair can often be found sparring, training, and studyng together. Helios is equally skilled at the blade, and though magic is only a secondary skill for him, his force of personality will someday make his a strong military commander.
4) Marius ex-Epaphras: Accepted into tribe Epaphras a year before Valarius, Marius was considered a highly promising candidate. Yet his dual training in both the sword and spell were not in sync, and Valarius’s early success quickly overshadowed Marius. Marius has developed a severe bitter streak, and is waiting for the moment to orchestrate Valarius’ fall from favor.
Four memories, mannerisms or quirks Valarius possess.
1) During his first off island mission, Valarius suffered a blow to the left side of his head from a gnoll’s maul. Ever resilient, Valarius quickly recovered, but the muscles on the left side of his face are partially muted from the nerve damage. This causes him to have an uneven smile, which looks like he is smirking, making it hard to determine the meaning of his words at time.
2) Valarius exhibits a curious occular trait, having one dark brown eye and one bright green eye. His gaze is both charming and ever alert. This, combined with his leaner, angular build and slightly pointed ears suggests that he may have elven blood in his heritage. seeker
3) Valarius takes great pride in the quality and maintenance of his possessions, keeping his blades perfectly sharpened and oiled and his armor polished.
4) Valarius keeps a small silver coin he found on the body of one of the street urchins when Arturus killed the behir. The coin is scorched, but beneath the flame’s touch lies a curious relief of a butterfly. In moments of doubt, he finds the coin in his hand being rubbed between his fingers.
here did that fireball mishap occur? It couldn't have been in Hermea, as they don't have street urchins. No one is poor in Hermea. All are cared for.
- Sorry, I was not clear on this. This occurred on his fourth field mission (he has been on 5, the first 3 were training missions, the last 2 were active missions, though he was still there as a secondary agent)
What is Valarius's profession - international secret agent, or bladesmith?
- He is a Seeker, an agent dispatched to investigate, locate, and recover targets determined to be valuable to Hermea. These targets can be material goods (magic items, rare gems, etc), or persons/creaures of interest. To be honest, I included the training as a bladesmith to justify having a couple ranks in Craft(weaponsmith), as you said all characters must have ranks in at least 1 knowledge and 1 profession/craft. That is, unless you consider "spellcraft" to be a craft?
Does he have any inkling of the technoblade's power? What are the details of the implants? Does he have any idea about them? How does he feel about technology in general?
- My plan is to be a bladebound magus, I figure the technoblade can manifest as the black blade. No, he does not know about the arcano-technoblade or implants, they are his his secret that he is unaware of (the implants, including the black blade). He's sees magic and technology as two sides of the same coin, and a very useful coin at that. Though his training has been on the magic side to date, he welcomes the usefulness of science/technology.
What does he do on the journeys outside Hermea? Where has he gone specifically, and what has he done in those missions?
- The first three missions were training excursions, executed in the Menador Mountains in western Cheliax (entering Cheliax twice through Kintargo and once through Pezzack). On his fourth mission he was dispatched to Korvosa as part of an active quest with the task of recovering the relics and research left by a long-dead transmuter who had great success in controlled interbreeding practices of several magical beasts and humanoids. With escaping his former lair, one of their small company triggered a statis trap which unleashed the behir hot on their heels. His final mission was to into the Aspodell Mountains. Interestingly, his mentor took them through the Andoran city of Augustana, rather than the closer Chelaxian port of Ostenso. When Valarius inquired as to why, he casusally tossed it off and said, "It's easier to deal with freedom fighters who love everyone than devil worshippers who want everyone to bow to them." The stark comparison of two nations that border each other intrigued Valarius, and as they crossed through Augustana, he took notes, comparing it to his brief times in Kintargo and Pezzack.