Okay need some advice if the PCs successfully entertain Vellexia and accept her invitation to perform at her manor. There amulets of True Faith have given them a warning but we have to bards that insist on going. So I guess my question is how would ya'll handle this. JJ I'm looking at you specifically oh mighty T-Rex but any kind of help would be appreciated.
Name: Warf
Gelderfang performed his signature coup de grae on Warf. The group has not decided on whether or not Warf would want to be raised without his missing parts. Don't think I would want to be under the circumstances.
Not sure if my copy is messed up or not but it says to increase the percentage by 40% if the pcs are not disguised it the says see page 66 but page 66 is just info on different places in the abyss.Does anyone know what page this is actually referenced on. This is reference to Alushinyrra encounters page 24.
Now I think I'm to blame for the habits of our table because this is what I do and now they do too, but I have always the dice need to be inside you to gather their mojo. Example in your mouth until its time to roll that twenty side. One of my players decided to try and increase his mojo by putting them next to his let's say Junk for lack of a better term.
Name: Hado
The player of Kaiser is not totally aware of the exact details, and is a metagame master, so much it has led to the death of one of his past characters. So no he is not aware exactly. That being said the player is all RP and just loves the story side of all are games so that I am not afraid to do this to him. 100% sure he will not be upset. Also I like Jaelithe's idea of detect evil showing something is amiss.
Okay I think my first post was unclear, the PC in question is not yet a paladin only wants to be when he levels up, so he cannot fall right now. As for the detect evil part that Jaelithe mentioned, the party currently has a paladin of Iomedae that failed her sense motive and didn't use detect evil because she thought it would be insulting and I would have to agree with the Jaelithe and the player.
The thing that sucks for him is he was wanting to take his first level in paladin next time we up. To make it worse he was going to choose Iomedae as his goddess. Should I have Konneshka(succubus) try to lead him down the anti-paladin path or would that not work(as in have to want the anti-paladin power and could not get it without being obvious).
So one of my players in sword of valor accepted the succubus profane gift as he was told she could help him fight evil. Note he did not sense motive or tried to detect any falsifications. He now believes Iomedae has granted him power to fight evil. How should I handle this? I did tell him the power seed or whatever you want to call it feels darker than he expected after having a vision of Iomedae in the first AP of WotR.