![]() Cr1ms0nsh4d3 wrote:
Cr1ms0nsh4d3 wrote:
Hate to say it, but I think you need to follow your own advice here. I get the frustration, but anyone who backed anything on Kickstarter agreed to the T&Cs that state you're never guaranteed anything and you take on all the risk. Kickstarter is not a preorder platform (even if some companies use it that way.) Additionally, Paizo still can't do anything about Ninja Division. ND was just a licensed partner, and as with any licensed partner, they can only be held responsible under whatever license agreement they signed. And if ND filed for bankruptcy or whatever happened to them, Paizo can't really do anything to help you. The answer is correct -- contact ND with any issues related to the original Kickstarter, as it was their Kickstarter, not Paizos. ![]()
![]() I'm confused about the actions taken by the seugathi researcher in C8. A seugathi researcher observes the destrachan in the testing grounds and takes notes on a writing slate. Upon noticing the intruders, the seugathi
I'm not sure what wall is turning ethereal and where the researcher is supposed to be moving from and to. Does he start in the area by the table with the stairs to B21? Does he start by where C8 is labeled on the map? ![]()
![]() andreww wrote:
So confused about the rewards mentioned at the end. Are we supposed to give players those items for free? If not, what are they there for? ![]()
![]() I was just looking at creature types and creating them in Foundry in the dungeon. My workflow is usually can the pages for creatures/traps, place them on the map, read the details later. This just makes it easier for me/my brain to prep things. But anyway, thanks for the clarification James and Nicolas, I appreciate it! Now I can go back to prepping :D ![]()
![]() In the Abomination Vaults book 1, there is a creature that doesn't exist in Second Edition yet. The book points to the Bestiary page but it's wrong. Spoiler:
On page 29, the Majordomo is supposed to exist in the Bestiary (1) on page 289. Majordomo doesn't exist anywhere in that book, or in any currently released book, as far as I can tell. What do we do? ![]()
![]() I agree with that interpretation, but expect table variation. Since Leshy companion is marked as an ally boon, slotting it (and taking the feat) provides you with the leshy companion only when the boon is slotted.since ally's, by default, are considered non-combatants, I think they're requiring you to spend the feat and boon slot to get the extra benefits of a combatant. ![]()
![]() Christian Dragos wrote: we decided to possibly cancel games until this has blown over I was thinking more for just the end of this month and see how things are looking early April. From the various news sources I've been reading and watching over the past few days, I think we're going to see the numbers jump over the next 2-4 weeks before it begins to decline. But here's hoping that never happens and the worst has already occurred... ![]()
![]() Gary Bush wrote:
That is precisely what happened in 1-06 though. They use a bunch of the same tiles, and since the tiles need to be oriented in certain directions, you can certainly save time by pre-laying out your first map in your box, but that second map is still a pain to lay out. When we ran this again last night, I let the GM borrow my stuff (he stepped up to GM last minute after the previous GM had to cancel). I didn't bring him my flip tiles, just a blank flipmat. He drew a rough approximation in about 30 seconds. If he had used the tiles, even pre-arranged, it would have taken quite a bit more time. ![]()
![]() pauljathome wrote:
For sure -- you wouldn't want players to ever miss anything in cases like that. ![]()
![]() I think you're going to see this played out one of two ways: 1) GM chooses which boons they get (particularly in scenarios where you get either boon a or b, depending on certain outcomes) 2) GM gets the same boons the players got, which could potentially "punish" the GM for "negative" boons I agree with Christian and abide by option 1 when I GM. ![]()
![]() logsig wrote:
Awesome, thanks! logsig wrote:
How!? Were the social bits super short? It's a mystery scenario, and I ran it with a lot of investigation, conversations and discovery as they search the inn. Also the poltergeist encounter took a long time, both times. That thing hits hard and hits for a lot of damage. The boss fight also takes forever because she has the advantage of high ground. It took most players over 1 round just to climb up to her, just to get smacked really hard, or hit by some wings or spells. ![]()
![]() logsig wrote:
Thanks -- was this new scaling mentioned somewhere and I just missed it? ![]()
![]() James Anderson wrote: At our convention this weekend, I noticed that at least 2 slots of this ran over time there as well. Same here. I GM'd it twice. Once went for 5 hours and I had to trim it because the next slot was about to start. The other was the last day of the con and I still had to trim it since we were at 6 hours. ![]()
![]() 1) Why does the low subtier adjustments for C. contain 16-18 Challenge Points?
![]() #1 -- I think it might mean they're sicked 1 for 1 hour, or they can just sit there are try to wretch for a few rolls til it goes away... *shrug* #2: Quote: Linneus’s malevolent will haunts the kitchen and continues to cause any plate or piece of cutlery that a creature interacts with to attempt to injure that creature until the PCs either destroy or contain the artifact #3 -- This makes use of the new rules for visibility conditions: Quote: While invisible, you can’t be seen. You’re undetected to everyone. Creatures can Seek to attempt to detect you; if a creature succeeds at its Perception check against your Stealth DC, you become hidden to that creature until you Sneak to become undetected again. If you become invisible while someone can already see you, you start out hidden to the observer (instead of undetected) until you successfully Sneak. You can’t become observed while invisible except via special abilities or magic. #4 I think that is in error, 16-18 should be high tier, no exceptions as far as I know. #5 They're not robbing, they're "recovering" items :) I'll have my GM Cheat Sheet up on http://www.pfsprep.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?541 soon ![]()
![]() beowulf99 wrote:
An yes, you guys are correct. I misread/misremembered that one. Niiice ![]()
![]() Unicore wrote: lots of words Well said. My main reason for following this thread and commenting is due to my heavy involvement in PFS. It is vital that this feat is played the same at every table because of how much of a different game it can be depending on how this feat is handled. Additionally, with the removal of CLW wand spamming and the increased difficulty of enemies, broadening the variety of healing in game matters. ![]()
![]() Thod wrote:
You mentioned RAW only in your first point. The “somatic” manipulate for battle medicine could be thought of as the battle medic pointing to the recipient and saying “chin up!” or “it’s just a flesh wound!” Hell, they can even give the recipient a slap on the back while wielding a sword. Additionally, if a PC has taken mental damage only, healers tools aren’t going to do anything there. Taking other uses of manipulate is great for theory arguments and home games, but RAW should mean don’t connect dots that aren’t there. While Battle medicine is seemingly pretty powerful, it can only be used once per day on each PC. In PFS, that usually means once per scenario, and with 2-4 encounters on average, it’s pretty insignificant and could prevent many PC deaths. In my experience with PFS so far, I have had my first TPK in under 20 tables, while I’ve never come close in around 80 1E tables (from the GM side). I feel like 2E is a more deadly game, so hero points and things like battle medicine are very important to keeping things hard and tactical. ![]()
![]() Malk_Content wrote:
Then we’re on the same page :) ![]()
![]() Malk_Content wrote: We can want it errata because folks come up with silly narratives for it to prove a point. That's fine, but that isnt an arguement for how it works now by the book. The book is fairly clear on how it mechanically operates. Which is how? It’s a medicine check that has manipulate. Medicine itself does not require any healers tools. Battle Medic does not mention requiring healers tools. Manipulate trait says nothing about free hand(s), just that you must have a hand (or suitable appendage). And yes, this only applies to PFS; home rule however you want. But in PFS, there is nothing in the book (or in the blog posts) that say you need healers tools or free hand(s). ![]()
![]() Per today’s blog post of additional resources, we can now accept that battle medicine does not require healers tools, because it is not using treat wounds, only a straight medicine check. Additionally, it does not require two hands.
Quote: As Mortal Healing (page 105) requires you to specifically use the Treat Wounds action, it does not apply when used with other actions related to medicine or healing, such as Battle Medicine. So to sum up, only requires a single action with the manipulate trait. ![]()
![]() Michael VonHasseln wrote: While I appreciate the hard work that some of the VOs have put into creating a printable version, it is still rife with errors and artifacts of having been lifted from the website. These are errors that would (hopefully) not exist in an official pdf version, having gone through an extensive developer overlook before passing. Let me know what's broken/missing and I'll fix it. No one has submitted anything for me to fix, so I can't fix what I don't know is broken. My email is in the PDF on the very first page where it says: "If you find any errors or have suggestions, feel free to contact me at" ![]()
![]() John Brinkman wrote:
Thanks! It made reporting a bit... difficult. I crossed off the Killed/Pacified part on the chronicle sheet, since neither ended up happening. Wasn't sure how else to handle that part, especially since we don't yet know what role that might have in a future scenario. In hindsight, I probably should have noted on the chronicle that the monster killed them, so the GM that runs whatever scenario that ties in to knows, but alas, too late. Shouldn't be too significant, hopefully. That dreg just hits so hard, and they got the reach tentacle variant, so I was able to just hulk smash the people next to him and reach out to the others just out of reach. They were 6 HP away from killing it, too! ![]()
![]() Got my first TPK tonight running this. They ran into the Dreg and between some bad tactics, bad rolls, and lucky GM rolls, I got them all to dying 1 or 2. At this point, if they stabilized, by rolls or hero points, I wasn't going to kill them permanently. Fortunately, they all stabilized, so I had the creature stop attacking once they went down, being that it's pretty unintelligent and probably thinks that the threat is gone. The PCs awoke in the Grand Lodge in hospital beds, discovering that the smugglers recognized them as Society members, and not wanting to draw the ire of the Society, decided to drop their unconscious bodies at the local "fire department" unwanted baby drop-off. They left a note in the PC's pockets explaining that "we could have killed you, but we don't want problems with the society." Basically, don't hunt us down and kill us please. The PCs wanted to venture back to the ship, but I told them the smugglers, having been discovered, have already moved their operations leaving no trace. The PCs had already finished the other 3 parts, so they got 8 treasure bundles, failed primary, succeeded secondary. All in all, it was a satisfactory ending for everyone, with no real player deaths, the real fear of death, and hopefully some lessons learned. ![]()
![]() I work hard to maintain the PDF -- I have automation in place to notify me and create the PDF any time they update the website. Once I notice the notification, I do a quick sanity/formatting check of the PDF then upload it to pfsprep. So far, I've had updates out within about 4 hours from published changes. As the PF2 guild guide is a living document, I think that there's some understanding that there will be some instances where the guide is updated while tables are being played or are close to starting where no one at the table will check the guide for updates, so using the latest version should be done ASAP, but won't always happen. ![]()
![]() The guild guide has been updated! You can check it out here: http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2guide/ Additionally, I've updated my unofficial PDF version of the guide! You can grab that here: http://pfsprep.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?3138.0 ![]()
![]() The only time it's free is if the creature has improved grab (pg 343) Quote:
For example, a snapping flytrap has improved grab: (pg 160) Quote:
![]() shroudb wrote: if the grab is part of the monster attack, they don't need to waste an action simply to grapple. I've seen it played that way twice and I must say, this is EXTREMELY WRONG and is making people continue to play it incorrectly. The bestiary states, page 343:
Edit: When played incorrectly, it is extremely overpowered. You're giving every creature with that ability (which is a lot of creatures) an extra action per turn. Not cool.