Count Lucinean Galdana

keith goudreau's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 513 posts (2,434 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.

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Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2


2 more and you will have one for each day of the week

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

As long as my wand of magic missiles and their wand of magic missiles never physically touch there should not be a problem... stupid physics.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton squints his eyes with spite at the dodgy cleric. He fires off the wand sending three missiles to strike and runs for cover behind some rocks to break the line of sight. Looking back at the old timer in the hallway he points a jagged finger miming a "stay" motion.


Posting now for the next round, may not have a chance later tonight.

Use 1 charge from the wand of magic missiles for 3 missiles.
3d4 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) + 3 = 8

Move to M8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton watches the man run from stone to stone with amazing speed, thinking about how he is far too lazy to play this game. He reaches into his spell component Pouch and pulls out a little lard.
Slippery Sloppity Goop
He casts the grease spell where the man just darted to.

It is a 60 ft range, do diagonals cost extra movement? If so he will move up a little to put the man in range. It is a 13 Dex save.


Casting Time: 1 Action 
Range: 60 Feet 
Components: V, S, M 
Duration: 1 Minute

a bit of pork rind or butter

Slick grease covers the ground in a 10-foot square centered on a point within range and turns it into difficult terrain for the duration. When the grease appears, each creature standing in its area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. 

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton flares out his lower lip and ruffles his brow in an 'you may be right sir' facial expression while nodding his head in an approving manner.

I know right. Heads in a bag, that is pretty vile, hear that Molok?

I'd say I am more practical, I mean I DON'T want to kill you, but who knows what craziness you could unleash if we let you out of our sight. You are in league with a secret cult that had dead bodies down here BEFORE we arrived.

Cough cough

Plus old timer we are just meeting you, maybe you played a role in the killing of those bodies. So you see from our point of view this is not really evil, it is practical not to let the geezer go that may gorotte us from behind. So do us a favor and don't fight us tying you up and walking with us or we ARE going to have to break your legs. I like old people, I really do, but you sir a really creeping me out.

After he answers all the questions Keaton will tie him up in the leash.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2


Whoa! Oh, no no no no no! Don't you dare sass me! Clearly it cannot fend for itself and it should be surgically stiched to its mother's leg until it physically cannot fit under her dress anymore!

Big voice.

I have a thread!

And when did I become the bad guy!? The stone man is the one carrying around a sack with a head in it.

Glares at Molok.

Let us get finished with this place. I am VERY interested in talking to the elders. You want to be angry with someone be angry at the elders that send these kids down here. Tell you what let's bring those elders down here and pile rocks on them, we are muder hobos afterall! Or we can feed them to the bear! When the HELL did we get a bear!? Going on a limb here, Kenna is that you!? For the love of all the gods we have dived into a sinkhole and wandered around wrecklessly looking for something evil.

Calming down a little.

Let us get this done. I promise you let me take us out on the ocean, lose those land legs, it is peaceful, so peaceful.

Takes a deep breath as trying to calm down.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2


By the gods! This is amazing! Hey Narnel give me a push over to the rock! Mwhahahahahahahahahaha

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2


Should of left the kids down here, would of solved that problem.

Keaton casts light a distance away from him, he looks around the sinkhole for creatures.

He nervously talks to himself in a quiet quick voice; he is visibly scared of being alone in a pit with creatures he cannot see.

Normally when one says creatures that implies things of an unnatural sort. Not animals, or people, but creatures! That is too open ended! I bet there are hideous monstrosities hiding in the shadows. I have heard stories in one port of these ghoulish people that took over a sewer system and we're eating the bodies from a nearby graveyard.

How we doing with my ride out of here?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton drops his rain cover and hurries over to the opening of the sinkhole, careful to stay a few feet from the edge. He points at the lime green buoy floating in the water next to the kids with a funny finger gesture.

Hold onto that buoy until you little monsters can get fished out.

Looking angry as he is now getting wet he starts to look around for shelter until these beastly kids can be fished out of the muck.

I hate kids.

Minor Conjuration:
Keaton will use his minor conjuration to summon a large buoy. 10 pounds of buoy, up to 3ft x 3ft. He is a sailor and would have knowledge of such things. He does not advertise conjuring the buoy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

As the wagon continues onward into the rain Keaton takes comfort under a three foot square whitewashed window shutter that he holds above his head. The shutter has an odd glow to it, that accents the constant birage of lightning.

Keaton pays keen attention to the instructions of potion creation.


Use minor creation to create a window shutter to stay dry under. The glow is from the ability, everything created has a minor glow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton calls to his familiar Lemmy to perch on his shoulder, instructing the bird to keep its Talons on the leather backpack straps.

Speaking to the bird.

Lemmy, I am very happy with the work you did. It helped many of these people. What may I give you for a reward?

After talking with his bird he will approach Lymmura with a big look of relief on his face.

I am infinitely happy the message found you well. I know you are new to Red Larch on your rotation, but has there been news of people going missing? Who are these people?

Speaking of the piles of corpses the that are being blessed.

Maybe you can help us identify something. There was this sphere that had a glow about it and a symbol. This symbol. [/b]

Keaton will bend over and etch the symbol into the dirt on the ground.

Any idea what it is? It disappeared when it was removed from its stand.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton does a little victory jump seeing his spell working flawlessly. He begins to yell in a fast loud manic voice

Yes! Yes! Woo! Quickly, we have only moments before this wretched man wakes. Let us strip him down and bind him! I bet there are many families in Red Larch that have questions about loved ones. This monster will pay dearly for his use of black magic!

Keaton quickly pops out of his manic moment, adjusting his tone to a normal volume. How are the injured? Is everyone safe?

He quickly enters the room making for the necromancer as he talks fumbling to get a coil of rope off his backpack.

And just as quickly as he stopped his manic moment he jumps right back to it.

Take everything away from him, any rings, rods, wands, staff, pouches, odd regents, dirt, or lard. Give him no components to cast more magic on us. We should bind his hands behind him, gag him, blindfold him, and bind his ankles together. I will parade him into town on a floating disk so he does not slow us down!

move + dash to V1,10. Not sure if he can pull out the rope ad part of a move action, if not he just fumbles with it this round and will pull it out next round.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton moves further up the passageway to the entrance to the larger cavern. He locks eyes with the bald man and whispers a word to him. snooze

move to 13, m1. The sleep spell is cast on 8, w1.

sleep: 5d8 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 3, 7) = 21


1st Level Spell 
Casting Time: 1 action 
Duration: 1 minute 
Range: 90 feet 
Components: V, S, M

This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious crea
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected. Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t affected by this spell. 
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, roll an additional 2d8 for each slot level above 1st. 
Material Component: A pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Before, when everyone said left spoken to himself.

MMhe, where is the fun in that.

Seeing body parts in baskets.

Remember I said I had a good feeling about right.

Keaton seems tense as the group prepares to enter the lab of wathever mad people live down here.

I understand the benifit of doing one direction just playing out an inexperienced character.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Really getting my money's worth out of that grease spell!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Pointing out what he is talking about while he does so.

There is not enough blood, and look at the neck. That was not made from some heinous sharp bladed hidden trap, maybe a hatchet, or sword did the cleaving. See right there, right there, right there, and right there; those are individual choppings. Then after that the killer moved the body to this location to ward off intruders. Notice the placement of the sign to the proximity of the torso, it was used almost as a gurney to transport the corpse to this location.


Looks like


He was head over heels to move.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton mumbles something and then he glows with light. He walks over to the open door and looks in standing behind Narnel and Molok.

Cast Light on my bandana, move over to O10.

NOT advocating grave robbery, and I am not saying we should take what is obviously in the tomb because that is grave robbing. But. But I really want to know what is in that chest.

Also, it could be trapped. The last thing we need is that girl to come back here to play and get sliced navel to neck. You know who that old crown is gonna go and blame, us. She is gonna blame us because we didn't have the decency to undo the hazard in a tomb her rotten grand kid should not be in anyway. Then we are probably gonna get hunted down with a bounty on our heads. I bet that is what is going on here, people like us are coming out to help out this small town and then get blamed for things like this.

Er... so we need to, so we can salvage whatever reputation we are trying to create in Red Larch, no I say we MUST! WE MUST DISARM THE TRAP FOR ALL THEIR ROTTEN CHILDREN AND REMOVE ANYTHING HAZARDOUS WE WILL GET BLAMED FOR!!!!!!

persuasion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
If you pass the roll you can tell Keaton really does not care about any of the things he just said, he really just wants to see what is inside the box.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

I so hope it is Old Man Williams in a mask and a lighting effect; "and I would of gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids and their mule!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Looking to the rest of his companions to see if they think the price is fair.

To Vaneros and Narnel
Sound good?

If yes:

What can you do about a shovel and prybar? How about 780 silver with the tools.
The pair new is 4 gp (2 gp each). Figure we will be getting used gear on some store credit.

If no:

To the group.
Vaneros you have a better eye for this stuff and know what it should cost. Why don't you haggle with the man and come to a better price. Try and get us some shovels and a prybar too.
Keaton then will physically step back letting Vaneros take the stage.

When Vallivoe talks of the skull and marks the map.

How did they get the arrow through the skull? Did someone hold it while somebody else stepped back and shot it out of the guys hand? That sounds dangerous.

To Vallivoe, Keaton's tone is not yelling but of an astonished concern.

What is with this town? I can see why the constable wanted help, the man is either really bad at his job or has way too many wackos running around the town outskirts to possibly handle himself. Everybody we talk to is citing a new wackjob off in the hills somewhere. Does a black arrow in a skull represent anything that you would know of? Maybe a bandit gang, orc tribe, isolated necromancer, something else horrible? Thanks for the tip, I am interested, putting on my list of things to do. Curiosity will eventually pull me that way. If you hear of anything else that needs looking into let me know.

To the group.
After we meet up and tell of this new black arrow mess, we should ask the constable if he has heard anything. Also, maybe map it out and try and see if we can do this on the return from Lance rock.

Keaton would of shared Lemmy's findings with the group before we split ways this morning. Telling of the "small brown creature with teeth and big giant man thing watching the door. They rest nearby it. Hide they do." 

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HP 28, AC 14, Fort 5, Ref. 1, Will 6; Perception 3, Diplomacy 8, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility 5, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 5 Human

Sorry long ride back from snowmobiling.

Just for justification, Hal is afraid and superstitious of the ocean thus treats it with care and approaches superstitions and evil goddesses of the ocean with extreme... tact. He did spend his predawn hours carefully blessing the ship and blessing coins to offer as a tithe to the evil sea goddess. Also did not think the captain was on the outing.

Hal is really torn on the actions taken. He is afraid to anger the b*+%# goddess, and lose loyalties with his party.

init: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Hey capt I am going to cast silence on you so you can stop any spell casting from the cleric and make you extra stealthy. If you do not want me to Does anyone want it on them?

Action= cast silence on a party member
Free Action= Pray Manically to Waukeen for the sins of my crew

Scarab Sages

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Male Human Void-Touched Sorcerer 3- HP 23/23 - (AC:12 /T:12 /FF:10) - Perception (-1) - F:+3 / R:+3 /W:+2 - CMB (0)- CMD (12) - Speed (30) - Init. +8

If the Baron says they are harmless, they are harmless. Count let me look at your foot so we can bag us the first kill of the day like we discussed.

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Trying to use some innuendo to relay a secret message to the count, that message is "You have no balls, your father-in-law is lifting up your dress right now to confirm you have no balls, prove him wrong dammit.

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I have been interested for a while in playing a CoC game. Unfortunately I have never read any CoC systems, nor played d20 mordern. However I am very familiar with 3.5/pathfinder!

Huge Lovecraft Fan, and also a huge ravenloft fan.

4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 1) = 18 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 3) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 1) = 5 4... can I re roll the 4 please?
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 6) = 23 18
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 2) = 15 13

re rolled 4 if possible: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 6) = 21 17

Lucas Nettle is a recently divorced he moved to a new city for a new start.

After his daughter died, losing a long battle with cancer, his marriage slowly fell apart and died as well. He just needed something new, something that would let him move forward. Lucas works several jobs, to pull himself out of the debt life has left him with, and to simply occupy his time. He works part time at a local big name gym behind the counter, and full time as a janitor in an office building full of lawyers and accountants. He also started to take a night class at the local community college to get the ball rolling, Literature of the 20th century.

Not sure if that works as an idea. Also I do not want to play him as a sob story, but as a guy that has already dealt with enough mental nonsense he may hold it together when eldritch horrors come knocking.

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AC 15, Fort +1, ref +6, Will +2 human Rogue 2 / wizard 1
Acrobatics 9, Appraise 8, Bluff 11 Climb 5, Diplomacy 6 Disable Device 8, Disguise 6, Escape Artist 8, Intimidate 2, K. Arcana/Dung/Local 7, Perception 6, Sense motive 5, SleightHand 7, Stealth 9, Use Magic Device 7

Del waves his fingers in a wave-like motion at Novennia in response to her question. He has a confident really-really look on his face, with a bit of "this is kinda my thing" look sprinkled in.

In addition Del has forgone shaving in an attempt to begin to look more scholarly, but his "beard" is patch worked with bald patches of facial hair that never grew in. In addition, every once-in-awhile he yells out "ouch" as Gus, his pet crow, grabs a "beard" hair with his beak and forceable plucks it from Del's face. He has mentioned now that he is a "grand mage diviner" he should start to look the part and get a big white long beard.

First off nice to meet you Slenter, I am Delgata, welcome.

Del stands as if to wow his audience at the table.

Without going into specifics, I have done this kind of thing before. And since we are not strapped for time, or are we strapped for time? Lets just say we are not strapped for time because that usually tends to leave less causalities, dead dogs, and friends necromancer-hexed.

So before we enter the property we need to know four things. One, are we sneaking in and becoming one with the shadows? Two, or we going to bluff our way into the front door? Three is a mixture of the two some sneak some bluff, but can pay off because we could loot, umm... (pause) explore the residence for other clues and relics that you Foundpathers desire. The forth is very complex and I doubt the orphanage would loan us their excess children for our task.

Either way we will have to do some surveillance on the household that could take up to a week. Paying attention to guard rotation, and the guards themselves. Maybe follow a guard home, tie him up and use illusions to mimic his likeness then go to his shift like a regular workday for the bloke. When the rest of the group is outside the back door the illusional us-guard could open the lock and let everyone else in.

We need to know about dogs, I hate dogs, dogs are a bad day, and dogs bark. Those skeleton dogs did not bark which meant they were either well trained or poorly trained, either way. We need to know about dogs, and get some cat-stink, Yix that is your department providing the cat-stink. Everyone will also need a cheap extra black cloak for the catstink, you will not want it back after the fact so cheap-cheap.

Along with the numbers of guards present we need to know about spell casters. I am going to stress Necromancers, they are the worse-est. But let us not overlook the wait staff, cleaners, cooks, or concubines. Usually they have better access than the guards, and are easier to tie up and fill the role.

We should get a basic idea of the layout, outside and in. What kind of rooms are on which floor. Usually the bedrooms and offices should be on the second floor, while the ground floor is set with larger sculptures that are too big to carry, big manors like this like to put all their big things to impress people with on ground floors; as well as the kitchen and wait staff, just to let them know who is above them. But knowing what is where is super helpful, and if we plan to shadow our way in usually second or third floor access is a great way to get in.

Guards and wards were mentioned, now personally I have never encountered this, but there are wards that protect against teleporting so I will not be teleporting us into the complex. bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 But it is true there are magical traps for many other things. I would imagine that such a rich family as the Thrune house would be able to invest in some pretty deadly house defenses, so on our toes.

Getting general knowledge about their reputation is also very useful. Rich people have a way of being smug and having strong traits they will not fold on, even if they are wrong or being duped. It may be a long shot but knowing their strengths could also show us their weakness.

So that is maps, surveillance, guards, staff help, magic traps, no teleportation, dogs, spellcasters, NECROMANCERS, and catstink.

Del takes a moment and does a little self evaluation of his presentation thinking if there is anymore he should add.

I have more I could go on with but it really depends if we are sneaking, bluffing, mixing sneaking or bluffing, or someone knows the headmaster at the orphanage.

Del then sits down looking content and feeling like he contributed. Amazingly that is the most focused and non-tangential anyone has ever seen him.

Scienter, mispronouncing your name is not an insult, it is just Del and his ADD.

Catstink, or catpiss. Common tactic for cat-burglars, soak a cloak in catstink, go do the crime. If dogs pursue you ditch the cloak, they will not be able to follow your scent because it was masked by the catstink cloak.

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@ Zol

Father Zantus smiles at your passion for drink.

Wine, of course! Do not think ill of me but I do have a private collection. Some rare some not, all with unique flavors and boutiques. Wait here.

He scuttles along with a slight skip in his step to his private chambers, returning quickly with a bottle and a few goblets. After handing everyone a wooden goblet he opens a wicker wrapped bottle and smells the cork with a deep inhale and smile. He pours everyone a sensible serving for day drinking in a house of the holy.

I will raise my goblet to your god and thank him for the wine. Cheers! This is a strawberry blush with a slight chocolate infusion that is most noticed in the aftertaste. It is from a vineyard in a Ustralev valley north of Ravengro. It is called a chocolate haunt for the wonderful aftertaste.

He enjoys a sip.

This man that I am trying to arrange is indeed a mage. He does have a unique name, Upfishtim Ibn, Atra...,Ibn, Vald...Ibn, Razeen Ibn Ha Mad Shroomuppack; I am definitely saying it wrong.

Grand Lodge

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M Human Fighter 2. HP 17/23. AC. 18. (T 12, FF 16) Fort+5, Ref +2, Wis +1, Init +2, Perception +7

*Fawns over his warrior princess.*

*Takes off his belt.*

A strap my lady.. Offering it lovingly.

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22nd Rova 4707 AR

You are in Sandpoint, a small coastal town on the lost coast fifty miles North of Magnimar. It is still an infant town of less than fifty years, but booming with a little over twelve hundred inhabitants mostly human with a dotting of other races. Fishing, lumbering, glass-working, shipwrighting, and farming are the major industries and exports of the town. The land around the town is truly scenic and uninhabited, little is on the lonely road but shrines to Desna that offer shelter for any unfortunates that get caught in a rainstorm, and the rare inn every twenty four miles or so. On all the entrances to the town is a mirror hung on a post with a sign that reads, “Welcome to Sandpoint! Please stop to see yourself as we see you!”

You are fortunate to be in town for the Swallowtail Festival, which is in honor of the Autumnal Equinox; this year is special due to the consecrating of the newly built church to Desna. The festivities start as planned and without any incidents. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them.

Everyone is packed in tight to be able to hear the opening speeches that will kick off the festivities. Mayor Deverin takes the stage first and her friendly attitude and excitement prove contagious as she welcomes visitors to town and jokes about how even Larz Rovanky, the local tanner (and notorious workaholic) managed to tear himself away from the tannery to attend, much to everyone’s amusement (except Larz’s).

Sheriff Belor Hemlock brings the crowd down a bit with his dour mood, his reminder to be safe around the evening’s bonfire, and his request for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the fire that claimed the town’s previous church several years ago

The next speaker is scheduled to be local nobleman Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but a sudden illness has prevented him from attending the ceremony (this isn’t something that surprises the locals, given Lonjiku’s well-known dislike of frivolity and festivals).

Sandpoint’s own showman Cyrdak Drokkus is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up with his rousing anecdotes. He delivers a not-completely-irreverent recap of the long process the town went through to finance and construct the new cathedral. He throws in a bit of selfpromotion at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater the following evening to check out his new production of “The Harpy’s Curse,” revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda!

Finally, Father Zantus steps up to give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before declaring the Swallowtail Festival underway which is greeted with cheers and applause.

Numerous games and contests take place during the day, including sack races, games of hide-and-seek, weight-lifting challenges, balance beam contests, tug-of-war events, and the like. Everyone is invited to participate and win the grand prize of bragging rights for the day, a fine prize in Sandpoint indeed!

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