[D&D 5e] Princes of the Apocalypse DM Asmodeus (Inactive)

Game Master bwatford

Current Location: Bargewright Inn in the Dessarin Valley

651 to 700 of 1,554 << first < prev | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | next > last >>

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel steps forward next to Molok and attacks the fallen ceature with a two handed staff swing and then stomps down with his foot to end the abomination.

Narnel moves forward 5 feet to G-1, 55, and he attacks the prone zombie with his staff and a martial kick.
Staff Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Staff Adv Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Staff Dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Mart Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Mart Adv Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Mart Dam: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

Seeing only one zombie remain and still struggling to stand in the grease, Kenna surmises that Molok and the rest of the party can handle the fight and moves back to retrieve her swords.

Moving to R1/54

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N

Once again, Molok raises his greatsword and brings it down crashing onto the zombie.


Attack-melee: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (5) = 17 using inspiration dice
Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4) + 3 = 9 reroll '2' 1d6 ⇒ 3 total damage = 10

Die already, Cade thinks as he casts another stone down the crowded hallway.


Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 if disadvantaged
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Cade used 1 sling bullet. (18 Remaining.)

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Seeing only one zombie remain and still struggling to stand in the grease, Kenna surmises that Molok and the rest of the party can handle the fight and moves back to retrieve her swords. Stepping into the edge of the darkness as she goes.

Cade casts another stone from his sling down the crowded hallway, toward the zombie bear. The stone striking the beast right in the face knocking out a few rotten teeth from its mouth.

Keaton unleashes another ray of frost on the prone zombie. The ray barely clipping its hand as a couple of its fingers ice up.

Narnel steps forward into the cramped quarters next to Molok and attacks the fallen creature with a two handed staff swing which comes crashing down on the creatures back with a crunch, then Narnel stomps down with his foot to end the abomination by striking it in the arm on the back of the elbow and snapping the bone forward in a sickening break as the bone comes through the skin.

Ember throws another ball of flame down the hall at the prone Bear Zombie. She seems to scoop it from thin air and then throws it underarm trying to arc it over her allies. The ball of flame grazes the creature across the top of its head as bear costume scorches and flames up momentarily.

Once again, Molok raises his greatsword and brings it down crashing onto the zombie. The mighty blow severing its head from its body completely on the down stroke, bringing his greatsword back up Molok slices of the broken arm and stabs it through the back to end the creatures movements once and for all.


Since the space you moved into is actually only a half square so you are considered squeezing which gives you disadvantage on your attack rolls and dex saves. However since you have advantage on the prone creature the disadvantage and advantage will cancel each other out. Will use your first rolls of each attack and they both hit anyway. Just letting you know.


Zombie Bear takes 8 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from Cade's sling.
Zombie Bear takes 1 hitpoint of cold damage from Keaton's Ray of Frost.
Zombie Bear takes 5 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from Narnel's staff.
Zombie Bear takes 4 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from Narnel's martial attack.
Zombie Bear takes 2 hitpoints of fire damage from Ember's Prodyce Flame.
Zombie Bear takes 19 hitpoints of slashing damage from Molok's greatsword.
Zombie Bear has taken 39 hitpoints of damage total.
Zombie Bear is dead.

Cade used 1 sling bullet. (18 Remaining.)

Cade's Heroism Spell Ends

Keaton's Grease Spell Ends.

Active Effects:

Ember has used 1 handaxe (0 of 2 remaining.)

Narnel has used 1 handaxe (1 of 2 remaining.)

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 7 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade used 2 sling bullets this combat. (18 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 handaxe's (0 of 2 remaining.)
Ember used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Molok has 1 inspiration dice (1d6) that he can add to any d20 roll within the next 6 minutes.
Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 4 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Kenna used 2 javelins (3 of 5 javelin remaining.)

Lance Rock in the Dessarin Valley, 17 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 3:39pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Is everyone ok? Shall we advance in our normal fashion?

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

Kenna picks up both her scimitars and sheathes them, "It didn't seem like it, but is anyone hurt? I still have healing available."

She then goes to retrieve her javelins.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

When Narnel sees Kenna retrieve her weapons, he quickly does the same as he rummages through the destryed zombie for his handaxe that hit the mark.

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Extra smirk seeing the excellent use of the grease spell.

Remind me to do that again if there is more of them. I am uninjured and ready to continue.

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Molok again took the lead and entered the chamber up ahead to see where the zombies had come from. Narnel followed as he retrieved his handaxe for the corpse. Ember took the next spot as she retrieved both her handaxe's from the battle. Then came Kenna as she picked her javelins up off the floor where they had missed their mark. Vaneros came next as he tried to bandage his wounds from the spell blast that had struck him. Keaton and Cade took the rear guard as Cade managed to find one of his two sling bullets he had fired still serviceable.

This star-shaped cavern has many clefts in its walls. Only two, across the cavern, seem large enough to traverse.


Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Active Effects:

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 7 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 handaxe's (0 of 2 remaining.)
Ember used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Molok has 1 inspiration dice (1d6) that he can add to any d20 roll within the next 5 minutes.
Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 4 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.

Lance Rock in the Dessarin Valley, 17 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 3:40pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Maybe right? I like right.

Said matter of factly with conviction.

Looking to Keaton he replies, "I heard that you should always keep turning the same way you started. Since our first turn was left we should stick with the left, I think it will make it easier to back track." Said with an equal amount of conviction.

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

I do believe this is what copper coins were made for.

Digging around in his pouch pulling out a copper coin. As he launches the coin flipping from his hand to the floor he calls it in the air.

Heads. 1 on the d2

1d2 ⇒ 2

Left it is

Picks up coin.

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

"We should stick with one side as Cade said. And as I suggested earlier. So we go left."

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Indeed, regardless of the coin flip.

Female Fire Genasi | Wizard 3 | Spell Slots: 1st: 1/4, 2nd: 0/2 | Spell DC 13 | HP 13/20 | AC 15 (Mage Armour) | Saves S-1, D2, C2, I5, W3, Ch0 | Pass Perc 11 | Status: Normal | Hit Dice: 3/3d6 | Insp: Y

Ember looks down the left passage

" Weird that those Zombies were acting out some kind of play but even stranger that no one was watching... " she comments idly to the group.

She picks up a rock, casts a light spell on it and throws it down the left passage.

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N

Molok wipes the dark goo off his sword and turns to follow the light stone down the left passage.

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

As Ember throws the lighted rock down the passage the group forms up and follows Molok down the tunnel, once he reaches the lighted rock a clear turn in the tunnel can be seen. As Molok peers up the tunnel he notices a very large lighted cavern is ahead. What he can make out from here he trains his eyes on trying to get a better look.

The passage opens ahead into what looks to be the beginnings of an enormous cavern illuminated by several guttering torches set in sconces on the walls. The floor is uneven, and the ceiling is easily forty feet up. Three flat boulders near the passage serve as tables for human corpses. Severed body parts sit in baskets by the corpses, covered in dry gore. But you can still only make out very little of the entire cave from this distance.

Active Effects:

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 7 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 handaxe's (0 of 2 remaining.)
Ember used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Molok has 1 inspiration dice (1d6) that he can add to any d20 roll within the next 3 minutes.
Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 4 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.

Lance Rock in the Dessarin Valley, 17 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 3:42pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel whispers,

Prepare yourselves, we approach a large open cavern.

At Narnel's words Cade holds his staff tighter and recasts light on his staff.

You hear a groan from behind you that is gladly not coming from a left-over zombie, but from Vaneros. He tries to breath steadily, but with every step he takes, he is in pain. When the others asked if anyone was hurt, he didn't even have enough breath to object to moving on. He has only just now caught up to the others.

"I don't feel so great actually," he says before coughing up some blood. "Had worse, but I wouldn't mind a small bit of healing either."


Quick Stats:

Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1

Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 4/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion 
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

Caught up in his fear Cade did not realize the extent of the wounds Vaneros had suffered. " I'm all out of spells," he explains as he waves to Enber and Kenna. Vaneros is injured could one of you try to help him."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Before, when everyone said left spoken to himself.

MMhe, where is the fun in that.

Seeing body parts in baskets.

Remember I said I had a good feeling about right.

Keaton seems tense as the group prepares to enter the lab of wathever mad people live down here.

I understand the benifit of doing one direction just playing out an inexperienced character.

Female Fire Genasi | Wizard 3 | Spell Slots: 1st: 1/4, 2nd: 0/2 | Spell DC 13 | HP 13/20 | AC 15 (Mage Armour) | Saves S-1, D2, C2, I5, W3, Ch0 | Pass Perc 11 | Status: Normal | Hit Dice: 3/3d6 | Insp: Y

" Vaneros! Oh I'm sorry. " Ember exclaims in a whisper. " Here. "

She concentrates stretching out her hand
" Lathander Benedicite hunc, sana vulnera."
An orange glow baths Vaneros's wound.

Cure Wounds: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Ember moves over to Vaneros to help with his wounds. An orange glow washes over his wounds. Healing most of them.

The group then made their way up toward the opening to get a better look into the gigantic chamber that lay before them.

The passage opens into an enormous cavern illuminated by several guttering torches set in sconces on the walls. The floor is uneven, and the ceiling is forty feet up. Three flat boulders near the passage serve as tables for human corpses. Severed body parts sit in baskets by the corpses, covered in dry gore. A figure in a dark hood stands by the third table, its back to you. Matted hair juts from the hood, and the figure holds a bone needle threaded with dark cord in its hand that looks to be covered in the dark goo. It seems to be sewing body parts together from the baskets. A stitched together vile creation in the works lay on the table before him. He does not seem to notice the group spying on him.

Farther to the west, a stone stair climbs the north wall, ending near the ceiling. A stone slab like a counter juts from the wall across the room from the base of the stairs. It holds saws, knives, and other tools. Four skeletons stand beyond this tool bench, guarding a wide passage that exits the to the west.

A wild-eyed human with a bristly black beard and a shaved head stands behind the long table back near the skeletons, arranging and cleaning his tools on the tool bench.


Vaneros gains 4 hitpoints from Ember's Cure Wounds.
Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Ember used 1 first level spell slot. (0 of 2 remaining.)

Active Effects:

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 7 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 first level spell slots. (0 of 2 remaining.)

Molok has 1 inspiration dice (1d6) that he can add to any d20 roll within the next 2 minutes.
Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.

Lance Rock in the Dessarin Valley, 17 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 3:43pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N

Molok moves into the room, allowing his comrades to funnel into the open space of the cavern.


Molok moves to space K-52
Just a note, Molok used his inspiration during the last battle....

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel follows Molok quietly into the room, staying to the wall.

Narnel creeps to E-52
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Cade stealthily tries to follow his companions when he realizes he still has his light spell cast.


Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

move to L, 53

Female Fire Genasi | Wizard 3 | Spell Slots: 1st: 1/4, 2nd: 0/2 | Spell DC 13 | HP 13/20 | AC 15 (Mage Armour) | Saves S-1, D2, C2, I5, W3, Ch0 | Pass Perc 11 | Status: Normal | Hit Dice: 3/3d6 | Insp: Y

Ember walks out behind Molok a hand axe drawn but held low in her hand.

mechanics :
Move to J, 53

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

Kenna also follows with her scimitars drawn, making sure to maintain formation.

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton will follow to the end of the hall then stop. He will be ready to assist with support from a distance.

He will follow the group and stop at L, 56. He is no good in melee, but will be ready to assist with ranged attacks once combat starts.

"Thank you," Vaneros says to the cleric. "At least I will now be able to breath without being in pain."

He has just finished his sentence, when he sees the gruesome scene in the next room. He crouches down low and follows the others into the room and into cover behind the first table.

Just say the word and I'll slip into his mind and compel him to come to us... And Molok's giant sword, Ixerazhou whispers in Vaneros' mind.
If he, she, it isn't undead himself.
True, undead are... difficult, even for me.


Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Move into cover at I52
I could try my Command spell. But I think it wouldn't work on undead and we can't be sure that he isn't.


Quick Stats:

Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1

Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 8/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion 
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

As the group entered the cave they caught the attention of the occupants, the hooded man turned slightly as the group entered and let go of the needle in his hand sewing body parts. He turned and you could now clearly see the lifeless expression under the hood, he was definitely no longer alive. The skeletons in the back of the room drew their bows and notched their arrows as if waiting for instructions. The bald man looked up from his tools from behind the bench, when he does, he cries, "You dare to pit yourselves against the Lord of Lance Rock? Death is your reward!" Then he continues to cackle as he prepares to take action.

Round 1 Initiative:

Bald Man
Hooded Man

Active Effects:

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 7 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 first level spell slots. (0 of 2 remaining.)

Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.

Lance Rock in the Dessarin Valley, 17 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 3:44pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Keaton's brow folds down, eyes burn with hate, and nostrils flare in anger. He quickly extends his hand in a snapping gesture, clearly his anger bleeds even into his spell.

The resulting effect of his spell is a privacy screen often seen in a woman's boudoir, to let a woman stay modest as she changes. It looks wooden with an interact painting of a summer valley; bright flowers, green trees, blue skies.

Kill the king! And all his vile creations!

Minor illusion cast on J, 47. It is meant to give whomever goes into J, 48 a cover bonus vs the skeleton archers.

Female Fire Genasi | Wizard 3 | Spell Slots: 1st: 1/4, 2nd: 0/2 | Spell DC 13 | HP 13/20 | AC 15 (Mage Armour) | Saves S-1, D2, C2, I5, W3, Ch0 | Pass Perc 11 | Status: Normal | Hit Dice: 3/3d6 | Insp: Y

Ember hurls her hand axe at the hooded man and ducks down behind the bench.

mechanics :

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Slashing damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Cade charges forward toward the hooded abomination. Swinging his staff across his chest and quickly reverses the staffs momentum striking at his target again.


Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

bonus action from pole arm master
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Moves to J, 48

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

"Lord under a rock. Can't say I'm impressed." Kenna moves between the casket to get to the hooded man's other side and brings down her scimitars.

Move to H/47

Scimitar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Scimitar off-hand: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Vaneros pops out of cover only long enough to release an Eldritch Blast directed at the hooded man.


Eldritch Blast: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14, Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 9


Quick Stats:

Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1

Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 8/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion 
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Round 1: Partial Update
Round 1 Initiative: Vaneros, Keaton, Kenna, Cade, Crawling Claws, Ember, Narnel, Skeletons, Bald Man, Hooded Man, Molok
Names in gray have already went this round.

Keaton's brow folds down, eyes burn with hate, and nostrils flare in anger. He quickly extends his hand in a snapping gesture, clearly his anger bleeds even into his spell. The resulting effect of his spell is a privacy screen often seen in a woman's boudoir, to let a woman stay modest as she changes. It looks wooden with an interact painting of a summer valley; bright flowers, green trees, blue skies.

Kenna moves between the tables to get to the hooded man's other side and brings down her scimitars. It is almost as if the creature is not even trying to defend itself as both weapons hit their mark. The first slicing into the hooded man's stomach and the second slicing it in the leg. The now familiar black goo can be seen from both wounds. It does not flinch with pain, it does not draw back or utter a sound. It just stairs at you blankly.

Cade charges forward toward the hooded abomination. Swinging his staff across his chest as the sound of cracking bone can be heard as it connects, then he quickly reverses the staffs momentum striking at his target again. This time in its wounded leg. Severing the leg at the kneecap. As the severed limb drops the creature just quietly looks at Cade but does not fall or lose its balance.

Vaneros pops out of cover only long enough to release an Eldritch Blast directed at the hooded man. The force of the blast was enough to completely blow the creatures head clean off, but yet the body did not fall as a fountain of the black substance erupted from its neck.

Picture of Crawling Hands

All of a sudden out of the baskets of body parts that the hooded man was using to stitch together some sort of creature come five crawling severed hands skittering across the floor in all directions and on the attack.

The first one claws at Cade but doesn't seem able to penetrate his armor.

The second slashes Kenna across her right hip from her waist to her knee, opening up a deep wound on her leg.

The third claw slashes at Molok but just seems to bounce right off the stone man as it flops around on the floor.

The fourth claw slashes Narnel across his right forearm.

The fifth claw slashes at Narnel but the warlock moves just in time as the claw rips into his robes just missing him as the claws long nails drag across his flesh but not deep enough to cause injury.

Ember prepares to hurl her handaxe at the hooded man and then she suddenly sees all the claws come crawling out of the baskets and begin slashing at her friends. This throws her off balance and she flings the handaxe and it embeds itself in the stone table in front of her.


Had to move you forward to J-53 as the minor illusion cantrip only has a range of 30 feet.


Moved you to H49 as you did not have enough movement to get to H47 (Moving through squares occupied by allies or one of the tables count as 2 squares instead of one.)


Hooded man takes 8 hitpoints of piercing damage from Kenna's scimitar.
Hooded man takes 4 hitpoints of piercing damage from Kenna's scimitar.
Hooded man takes 8 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from Cade's staff.
Hooded man takes 5 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from Cade's staff.
Hooded man takes 9 hitpoints of force damage from Vaneros's Eldritch Blast.
Hooded man has taken a total of 34 hitpoints of damage.

Ember fumbled.
Lodged weapon. Your handaxe becomes stuck in the stone table in front of you. (Marked on the map) You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.
Ember used 1 handaxe (1 of 2 remaining.)

Narnel takes 2 hitpoints of slashing damage from Crawling Claw #4
Narnel has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Kenna takes 4 hitpoints of slashing damage from Crawling Claw #2
Kenna has 6 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keatons Minor Illusion (Privacy Screen) (1 Minute Remianing.)

Active Effects:

Hooded man has taken a total of 34 hitpoints of damage.

Ember used 1 handaxe (1 of 2 remaining.)
Lodged weapon. Your handaxe becomes stuck in the stone table in front of you. (Marked on the map) You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.

Narnel has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 7 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 first level spell slots. (0 of 2 remaining.)

Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)
Keatons Minor Illusion (Privacy Screen) (1 Minute Remianing.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Kenna has 6 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel moves forward and attacks the hand attacking him with his staff, then attempts to step on it to end its clawing.

Away you vile thing!

Move to F-50
Staff Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Staff Dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Martial Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Martial Dam: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

I meant to go to h/49 actually, so it's all good. It was a typo or perhaps one of those times when I just turn the numbers 7 and 9 around in my memory for no apparent reason. But it happens a lot to me.

Scimitars deal slashing damage.

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Round 1: Partial Update
Round 1 Initiative: Vaneros, Keaton, Kenna, Cade, Crawling Claws, Ember, Narnel, Skeletons, Bald Man, Hooded Man, Molok
Names in gray have already went this round.

Narnel moves forward and attacks the hand attacking him with his staff, the swing was awful and literately bounced off the cold stone floor looking like a schoolboys attempt at an attack. Narnel then attempts to step on it to end its clawing. His foot coming down on the hand and crushing it into loose bones.

The bald man in the back of the room then issues orders to the skeletons. "Form a line boys, just like I showed you. In unison now. Make papa proud. Forward, concentrate your fire. One target. Fire at the one behind that screen."

The skeletons move forward taking up a position in front of the bench. Almost marching in time, step for step. They aim together and then release their volley of arrows at Cade's position. None of the arrows strike Cade but two of them pass through the illusionary screen revealing it to not be real.

The bald man then says "Your tricks will not work. Let me show you what real magic looks like." he then pulls a small piece of cured leather from his pouch and waves it around while saying some arcane words and making some symbols over his head. Once he is done he falls prone behind the work bench out of sight.

Knowledge Arcana DC 11 to determine spell cast.:

Mage Armor

The now headless, formerly hooded man lashes both its arms out at Cade, coming down with its full weight into the bard's chest. The bard collapses under the mighty blow. The sounds of ribs cracking and the air being expelled from Cade's lungs can be heard as the blow lands.


Bald Man is prone with full cover. No ranged attacks. No line of sight.

Hooded Man has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #1 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #2 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #3 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #4 takes 7 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from Narnel's martiaL attack.
Claw #4 is dead.

Claw #5 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Cade takes 14 hitpoints of bludgeoning damage from the hooded man's slam attack.
Cade has 0 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade is unconcious.
Cade needs to start death saves next round.

Narnel fumbled.
Give them hope. Your target’s allies within 30 feet gain a d6 inspiration die that can be used during this encounter.

Active Effects:

Bald Man is prone with full cover. No ranged attacks. No line of sight.

Hooded man has taken a total of 34 hitpoints of damage.
Hooded Man has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #1 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #2 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #3 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #5 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Ember used 1 handaxe (1 of 2 remaining.)

Narnel has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 0 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade is unconcious.
Cade needs to start death saves next round.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 first level spell slots. (0 of 2 remaining.)
Lodged weapon. Your handaxe becomes stuck in the stone table in front of you. (Marked on the map) You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.

Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)
Keatons Minor Illusion (Privacy Screen) (1 Minute Remianing.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Kenna has 6 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel moves deftly around the claw on the ground, slipping between the tables and bringing his staff to bear on the hooded man with a swift kick for good measure.

Move to H-48, staying within claw's threat range, avoiding an opportunity attack. Attack hooded man.
Staff Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Staff Dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Martial Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Martial Dam: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

What the...that is two rounds in a row!

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N

Seeing his comrade fall to the hammering blows of the headless corpse, Molok moves forward and slices at the undead abomination.


Move to j-49 and attack headless corpse

Attack-melee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 5) + 3 = 9 reroll 1 1d6 ⇒ 2 total damage= 10

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Seeing his comrade fall to the hammering blows of the headless corpse, Molok moves forward, as he does so the crawling claw again swipes at the stone man and once again it is a futile effort against his stone skin and armor. Once Molok reaches his fallen comrade he then slices at the undead abomination. The greatsword comes down in a mighty arc and severs the creatures left arm from his body but still the abomination stands, headless and with only one arm and one leg remaining.

Round 2 Initiative:

Bald Man
Hooded Man


Hooded Man takes 10 hitpoints of slashing damage from Molok's greatsword.
Hooded man has taken a total of 44 hitpoints of damage.

Active Effects:

Bald Man is prone with full cover. No ranged attacks. No line of sight.

Hooded man has taken a total of 44 hitpoints of damage.
Hooded Man has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #1 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #2 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #3 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #5 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Ember used 1 handaxe (1 of 2 remaining.)

Narnel has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 0 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade is unconcious.
Cade needs to start death saves next round.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 first level spell slots. (0 of 2 remaining.)
Lodged weapon. Your handaxe becomes stuck in the stone table in front of you. (Marked on the map) You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.

Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)

Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)
Keatons Minor Illusion (Privacy Screen) (54 Seconds Remianing.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Kenna has 6 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Lance Rock in the Dessarin Valley, 17 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 3:44:06pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Female Half-Elf Druid 3
Quick Stats:
Init +2 | AC 14 | HP 24/24, Speed 30 ft | PassPerc 15, Senses Darkvision
Quick Stats:
Spell DC: 13 | Spells (0/4 2/2 used) | STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0)

Kenna decides to ignore the hand clawing at her for now, hoping to take down the hooded creature with two swipes from her scimitars.

Scimitar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Scimitar off-hand: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Quick Stats:
Human, Sailor, Wizard 3, HP 20/20, AC 12, Initiative +2, Speed: 30, Proficiency +2,
Quick Stats:
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 12, Spellcasting Bonus: +5, Spellcasting DC: 13, Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2

Ray of frost hand #3, then fall back to the hallway L, 56

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Target's speed reduced by 10 feet.

Out of the corner of his eyes Vaneros sees his comrades struggle against the headless undead abomination. He draws power into his hand and lashes out against the crawling hand right beside him.

There must be a way to destroy them more efficiently. Maybe fire?


Eldritch Blast: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10, Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 5
I don't really know if I get disadvantage because the hand is right beside me. If I do, I'll instead bash it with the staff:
Eldritch Blast: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10, Damage: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0


Quick Stats:

Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1

Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 8/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion 
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

Location: Lance Rock
Map of Current Area (Click Here)
You may have to refresh the image to get the latest version.

Round 2: Partial Update
Round 2 Initiative: Vaneros, Keaton, Kenna, Cade, Crawling Claws, Ember, Narnel, Skeletons, Bald Man, Hooded Man, Molok
Names in gray have already went this round.

Out of the corner of his eyes Vaneros sees his comrades struggle against the headless undead abomination. He draws his staff into his hand and lashes out against the crawling hand right beside him. However he only hits stone as the claw is too fast for him.

Keaton's familiar Ray of Frost lashes out at one of the hands. The ray freezes the hand solid and it stops moving. Keaton then falls back to the hallway.

Kenna decides to ignore the hand clawing at her for now, hoping to take down the hooded creature with two swipes from her scimitars. Her first swing slices open the creatures stomach as it entrails fall out, she followed that attack with her next scimitar slashing again into its stomach region. The creatures midsection was just a hunk of dangling flesh and bone but the creature somehow still stood.

Cade's body twitches and convulses on the ground.

The claw next to Molok slashes at the stone man once again and this time it finds a weak spot in his armor as it slashes his leg with its claw.

The claw next to Kenna lashes out at the woman as she turns her back to fight the hooded man and rips a giant chunk of flesh from her backside as blood now pours from her back.

The claw next to Vaneros again lashes out at the man but despite its best efforts it can not make contact.


Crawling Claw #3 takes 6 hitpoints of cold damage from keaton's Ray of Frost
Crawling Claw #3 has taken 6 hitpoints of damage total.
Crawling Claw #3 is dead.

Claw #2 used inspiration (0 remaining.)

Claw #5 used inspiration (0 remaining.)

Hooded Man takes 5 hitpoints of slashing damage from Kenna's scimitar.
Hooded Man takes 3 hitpoints of slashing damage from Kenna's scimitar.
Hooded man has taken a total of 52 hitpoints of damage.

Cade 1 failed death save.

Molok takes 3 hitpoints of slashing damage from Claw #1.
Molok has 9 of 12 hitpoints remaining.

Kenna takes 4 hitpoints of slashing damage from Claw #2.
Kenna has 2 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Active Effects:

Bald Man is prone with full cover. No ranged attacks. No line of sight.

Hooded man has taken a total of 52 hitpoints of damage.
Hooded Man has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Claw #1 has a 1d6 inspiration die.

Ember used 1 handaxe (1 of 2 remaining.)

Narnel has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Cade used 1 bardic inspiration (2 of 3 remaining.)
Cade has 0 of 9 hitpoints remaining.
Cade is unconscious.
Cade 1 failed death save.
Cade has used 2 first level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Cade sling bullets. (19 Remaining.)

Ember used 2 first level spell slots. (0 of 2 remaining.)
Lodged weapon. Your handaxe becomes stuck in the stone table in front of you. (Marked on the map) You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.

Molok has used Stone's Endurance (0 of 1 remaining.)
Molok has 9 of 12 hitpoints remaining.

Vaneros has 8 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Keaton has used 1 first level spell slot. (1 of 2 remaining.)
Keatons Minor Illusion (Privacy Screen) (54 Seconds Remaining.)

Kenna has one level of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Kenna has 2 of 10 hitpoints remaining.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

I have already posted my Round 2 action above.

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