DM Asmodeus |

Location: Vallivoe's Sundries
Who's Here: Keaton, Vaneros, Narnel, Endrith (NPC)
Endrith Vallivoe
Proprietor of Vallivoe's Sundries
More Information
As Keaton, Vaneros, Narnel and Endrith prepare to head to Vallivoe's Sundries Lemmy gives his report. Once Keaton is finished communicating with the bird the three men head out.
As the three men arrive at the destination on their map. They look at what lies before them.
Aside from the bewildering profusion of doors, barrels, rotting old furniture, and tools leaning against its outside walls, this building looks like a private home. A small, faded sign on the front door reads “Vallivoe’s Sundries.” Rooms are crammed to the rafters with new wares and used items of all sorts.
A couple of children run to and fro through the establishment bringing a few items out from inside as they are still setting up from the shop opening only moments ago. A older gentleman comes from within through the open doorway and greets the three men that have approached. More a shuffle than a walk. The scuttling little man wears a greenish cloak over some faded fancy merchant clothes and his weird fancy hat matches the cloak. White and grayish whisp of hair poke from beneath along with a long white and grayish mustache. He proudly display a silver harp shaped pin upon the cloak that is made into a broach, an obvious sign of affiliation with the group that calls themselves the Harpers.
In a low quiet voice the man mumbles a few words "New and used goods, furniture, lamps, carpets, mirrors, weapons, shields, helms, and a little bit of everything else. Have almost anything one might be interested in" the little man moves a bunch of stuff by the door, mostly junk and then pulls forth a book and opens it to show you the blank pages within. "Only place in town selling blank books and parchment." he says as he blows the dust off the book.
"Looking for something in particular?"
Lemmy says "Small brown creature with teeth and big giant man thing watching the door. They rest nearby it. Hide they do."
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Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:00am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Ironhead Arms
Who's Here: Molok, Cade, Feng (NPC)
Feng Ironhead
Proprietor of Ironhead Arms
More Information
As Cade and Molok head out toward the location marked on their map as Ironhead Arms they approach the make shift shop with the name painted haphazardly upon the front wall. They notice that the building is spartan at best, stone block with very little decor, as they enter with the barrel in tow they find makeshift shelves and tables with weapons and armor displayed. Both new and used, some looking to have been repaired extensively from previous damage and others as fine of a sword that you would want to see.
Behind the counter stood a gruff but friendly looking half-orc with a purple bandanna tied around his head and wearing a set of full splintmail, carrying a longsword on one hip and a shortsword on the other. From the style and appearance of the armor that the half-orc was wearing it was obvious where the constable had gotten his.
The half-orc came from behind the counter and said "Welcome to Ironhead's. Names Feng. We are just opening for the morning and you are lucky customer number one...." then he spied the sack of weapons that Molok was carrying.
"So gentleman, what can I do you for. Perhaps you need some of those rusty knives repaired." he continued as he looked at the two men.
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Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:00am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Kenna's Room of the Swinging Sword
Who's Here: Ember, Kenna, Laial
Meanwhile back in Kenna's room she continued to lay resting, surely about to go stir crazy. Ember sat with her while the others were out.
Kenna has three levels of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
Kenna is back at full hitpoints.
Kenna has rested for 13 hours total. (Already removed one level of exhaustion.)
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:00am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Vaneros Anteri |

On their way to the store, Vaneros reminds the others of what he had learned the other day about Vallivoe.
"Those kids are his eyes and ears in Red Larch and I suspect he also uses them as pickpockets. So keep your coin purse close. I wanted to meet one of his kids to maybe find out more today, but he and the Tarnlar kids haven't shown this morning. Tarnlar thinks Vallivoe is dangerous, I suspect he only knows too much for the other shopkeepers to feel comfortable."
I need ot buy some sweets for them, if they show up later.
When they enter the shop, Vaneros offers the owner his hand and greets him in a friendly manner: "The name's Vaneros. Pleased to meet you," he starts. "We came upon some wares we'd like to sell now and we also need some equipment ourselves."
He shows what they have to sell and asks: "I don't suppose you have a pipe and something to smoke along with it? That would be just for me. We also need a shovel and a prybar."
He then waits if the others add something to the shopping list.
Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1
Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 10/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Langauges Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

Ember Draymon |

After her dawn prayers Ember returned to the groups room to check on Kenna's wound and keep her company while the others carried out thier business.
" Well, your wound is looking a little better already. " she says cheerfully, fussing with some bandages to change the dressing. " If your feeling up to it we could chat? What brought you to Red Larch? I was sent here by the Dawnmaster, ah, the head priest of our temple... "

Narnel Falerathon |

Narnel remains quiet as he uses his Quarterstaff as a walking stick. He enters the home/shop behind Vaneros and retreats to the corner while remaining ever-vigilant as to the conversation.
Ahhhh...a Harper. That could be good...or bad...
He steps forward briefly and bows slightly at the hip,
A good day to you, Master Vallivoe, I am Narnel Falerathon. We have some goods to sell , and potentially some to purchase. My friend Keaton here can show you.
He motions with his free hand and steps back a bit to allow Keaton the opportunity to discuss business.

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton's eyes look around at the kids, he looks uncomfortable.
Ah, yes. We were looking to sell these goods, also interested in possible trade for the items we require. I also have a list of components I need. Here take a look.
As Vallivoe looks over the goods. If Vallivoe looks over the goods.
Hey you know anything about Lance Rock? We are going out that way this afternoon. People say it is cursed.
Looks at Vaneros to step in.

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Vallivoe's Sundries
Who's Here: Keaton, Vaneros, Narnel, Endrith (NPC)
Endrith Vallivoe
Proprietor of Vallivoe's Sundries
More Information
Endrith walks over to the sack of plunder and looks inside, he motions for a couple of the children to come and unload it so he can take a look. As the children begin to take the items out of the sack and show each one to the little old man he either just nods or frowns and they begin to make piles according to his reaction.
Elrith then turns to the three men "Odd collection you have here. I will make a offer for the lot. How about 800 silvers?" he says.
When Vaneros questions about a pipe and tobacco he sends one of his kids inside who rumages around before coming back with a pipe and pouch. Endritch wipes the pipe off with his clothes. "Still serviceable, tobacco might not be as fresh as you would like." he feels the weight of the tobacco pouch. "About two pounds of tobacco. What say we just do one gold for the pipe and tobacco since it is not so fresh."
Looking over Keaton's list of wanted goods he then looks up and says "Looking to find a familiar are we? The charcoal, incense, and herbs that you require could be purchased at the Allfaith's Shrine. But if you require a brass brazier of sorts.." he sends another kid to rummage around in the back rooms. After a few moments the kid returns with a small brass bowl that has seen considerable use. "This is called a thurible as he hands it to Keaton. The word just means small censor. It is small, fits in a pack well and is mainly for personal incense and herb burning. This I will just throw in with the deal for the other plunder."
When the question of Lane Rock comes up the mans tone changes drastically "Full of a lot of questions are you? Where did you get these items you are wanting to sell? Didn't steal them did ye? Look, I am a retired caravan merchant. Spent my entire life running up and down this coast. North and south, east and west. I've heard most of the rumors and words of monster sightings, but I don't know, and don't want to know, what is really going on. Or what is or isn't happening at Lance Rock. But again I ask you where did you get these items? The weird and random assortment suggest they may have come together from many different sources. Yes? If that is the case then I may not be able to offer you as much as I did a moment ago. Be quick, speak up."
The pipe and tobacco would take up one encumbrance slot.
The small brass brazier is very lightweight and takes up 0 slots to carry with you.
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Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:05am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton's eyes light up when he is given the brass bowl, he seems to loosen up around the children for the moment.
Thank you very much sir!
To answer where the good came from.
We did not steal them, I would have no part of that. We are the group that captured the bandit and killed the bandits that were targeting Crain road. One of our group was badly injured and we have to say longer at the inn before heading to Lance rock, and we need more supplies. We are trying to finance these expenses, as well as make a small profit.

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Vallivoe's Sundries
Who's Here: Keaton, Vaneros, Narnel, Endrith (NPC)
Endrith Vallivoe
Proprietor of Vallivoe's Sundries
More Information
Endrith listens first to the explanation that Keaton offers for the goods. As Keaton finishes the old little man responds in a even small voice "Bandits you say? Very well that seems to explain it."
"So my offer of 800 silver is acceptable?" the old merchant ask.
"Well, if you are interested, I sure ain't paying you to do it and I will deny to anyone I told you, hell I don’t even know if it's even relevant, but I overheard someone say that they saw a skull pinned to a tree with a black arrow, like some kind of dire warning or ill omen. It was a half day's walk north along the Larch Path, then about four miles east into the hills. Here I'll mark it on your map for you" he then proceeds to mark the map your map for you.
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Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:05am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Ironhead Arms
Who's Here: Molok, Cade, Feng (NPC)
Feng Ironhead
Proprietor of Ironhead Arms
More Information
Feng listens to Cade's talk of selling all the weapons they have brought. The half-orc then clears a spot on a table and says "First, lets see what we got." he then proceeds to lay out the best of the weapons as he mumbles to himself "Four serviceable light crossbows, four scimitars, 20 bolts." then he fishes around in the muck of the weapons in the sack mostly mumbling things like "junk, broken, rusted, chipped and ugghhh" he then looks back up at the men that had brought the items.
Motioning to the serviceable items that he had laid out on the table "Now that lot there I can do something with, give you 1,000 silvers for the lot. The rest of this is nothing but scrap for the smelters. Throw it in for buying the others and you got yourself a deal."
Noticing Molok looking around at items "or maybe you would be interested in a trade instead of coin?"
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Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:05am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Ember Draymon |

Ember continues to natter on as she tidies her things.
"You see, priests come out here from Waterdeep all the time to serve at the All Faiths shrine and my Fa... well, my mentor Philious, was serving on the last rotation. He came back with all these rumours of plague and strange magic. He made a report and put my name forward. I was really pleased. It's so exciting, being away from the temple, even with all the strange looks and Keaton calling me a demo... I'm not a demon though. Philious says I'm blessed by Lathander's light, that I'm to do great things, bring rebirth and renewal to the church and the world.
Ember trails off, realising that she's said a lot and has been speaking for a while. She looks over her shoulder to see if Kenna is still awake.

Keaton Larroquette |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Looking to the rest of his companions to see if they think the price is fair.
To Vaneros and Narnel
Sound good?
What can you do about a shovel and prybar? How about 780 silver with the tools.
The pair new is 4 gp (2 gp each). Figure we will be getting used gear on some store credit.
To the group.
Vaneros you have a better eye for this stuff and know what it should cost. Why don't you haggle with the man and come to a better price. Try and get us some shovels and a prybar too.
Keaton then will physically step back letting Vaneros take the stage.
When Vallivoe talks of the skull and marks the map.
How did they get the arrow through the skull? Did someone hold it while somebody else stepped back and shot it out of the guys hand? That sounds dangerous.
To Vallivoe, Keaton's tone is not yelling but of an astonished concern.
What is with this town? I can see why the constable wanted help, the man is either really bad at his job or has way too many wackos running around the town outskirts to possibly handle himself. Everybody we talk to is citing a new wackjob off in the hills somewhere. Does a black arrow in a skull represent anything that you would know of? Maybe a bandit gang, orc tribe, isolated necromancer, something else horrible? Thanks for the tip, I am interested, putting on my list of things to do. Curiosity will eventually pull me that way. If you hear of anything else that needs looking into let me know.
To the group.
After we meet up and tell of this new black arrow mess, we should ask the constable if he has heard anything. Also, maybe map it out and try and see if we can do this on the return from Lance rock.
Keaton would of shared Lemmy's findings with the group before we split ways this morning. Telling of the "small brown creature with teeth and big giant man thing watching the door. They rest nearby it. Hide they do."

Kenna Icemane |

Kenna sits up on her bed: "It doesn't hurt so much anymore."
she looks over to Ember and smiles: "Keaton seems a little happy to jump to conclusions. Don't worry, you're not the only one with unusual heritage."
Looking out of the room's window she continues: "I know what it's like when people think you're some kind of monster. My father and I lived deep in the wilds so they would leave him alone."
"So why did I come here... it probably sounds stupid, but I've had dreams about this place, nightmares actually... That is even though I had never heard of this town before. I barely knew Waterdeep to be some far flung town on the coast from the Moonshaes."

Molok Granite Fist |

Molok shakes his head at the store owners suggestion.
"This blade is a family heirloom and I would not willingly part with it, but thank you all the same."
He looks over to the bard and shrugs his massive shoulders.
"One thousand silvers seems a tidy sum to me. What do you think?"

Narnel Falerathon |

Narnel puts his hand to his chin in the classic Thinking Man's pose.
Hmmmm. The price seems alright to me, Keaton. Vaneros?
If there is one thing that I know little about, it is the cost of items. I was provided all that I needed, albeit little, in the monastery. I never had to purchase from the traders. It was never my responsibility. Oh well, Vaneros will know.

Vaneros Anteri |

This visit at Vallivoe's is more than a mere shopping trip. It is about getting to know one of the possibly most influencial people in Red Larch. The offer given was a bit on the low end while still reasonable, a bit of haggling is good form.
"How about you give us the shovel and prybar on top?" Vaneros asks as he takes the pipe and inspects it. "Think about it as an investment. We will run some errands here, do some adventuring. And you will be the first person to get a look at whatever we turn up."
He waits a moment for Vallivoe to answer and adds regarding the pipe: "I will take the pipe and tobacco for 10 silver, as per your offer. How long long have you been around here? You seem to have a bit of everything here."
Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1
Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 10/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Langauges Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Vallivoe's Sundries
Who's Here: Keaton, Vaneros, Narnel, Endrith (NPC)
Endrith Vallivoe
Proprietor of Vallivoe's Sundries
More Information
Endrith watches and listens as Keaton goes off on his rant about the happenings around town before he responds in a calm small voice "Strange things have been afoot lately yes, I have learned to keep my head down and not to worry or care much about such things. Like I said I don't even know if the skull is relevant just thought I would pass it along to the bandit slayers. Again I will deny I told you anything if pressed."
Upon hearing Vaneros's counter offer Endrith turns to one of his kids and simply nods, the kid runs off into the backrooms and digs around and comes back with a brand new shovel and a brand new prybar.
"Two items that are in demand with all the farms around here. You will have to excuse the newness of them. They have not quite been broken in properly as of yet. I will add them to the deal." He pulls out a pouch with eighty gold in it and hands it to you with the shovel and prybar. His kids begin hauling the plundered goods inside.
He then answered Vaneros's question "Been around for a longtime, seen many of your type come and go. I am retired now, no longer travel up and down the coast. I just simply collect things that might be needed in the future. That is all. Keep my children busy."
Party treasure minus plundered goods.
Party treasure plus 80 gold coins.
I don't know who is carrying the shovel and crowbar. They take up one encumbrance slot each.
Vaneros minus 1 gold coin.
Vaneros plus 1 pipe and 2 pounds of tobacco (1 Encumbrance Slot)
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Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:10am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Ironhead Arms
Who's Here: Molok, Cade, Feng (NPC)
Feng Ironhead
Proprietor of Ironhead Arms
More Information
Feng looks at the stone man as he responds "No, no, I don't mean selling your blade son. I thought you might need some of these fine weapons I have in trade for some of the stuff you brought in. Instead of coin."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:10am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Keaton Larroquette |

Happy the transaction is over he smiles to Vallivoe.
Thank you very much for the thurible. Now that I think about it, do you have any used books on the arcane, spellbooks, or Scrolls floating about for purchase? I would be interested in looking at any stock you may have.
Keaton is more or less a self taught wizard, if there are any books on wizardry or magic he would be really interested. Not for any mechanical game effects, just flavor.
Also he is looking for scroll and spellbooks.

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Vallivoe's Sundries
Who's Here: Keaton, Vaneros, Narnel, Endrith (NPC)
Endrith Vallivoe
Proprietor of Vallivoe's Sundries
More Information
With the transaction done. The old man listens to Keatons request for books on the arcane and he simply responds "Don't have any written books, just blank ones, that's the ones with no writing in them if you are wondering. Don't know of any shops around here for such things either. Might try up in Beliard."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:10am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Ironhead Arms
Who's Here: Molok, Cade, Feng (NPC)
Feng Ironhead
Proprietor of Ironhead Arms
More Information
Feng shakes Cade's hand, "Let me go get your payment." The half-orc goes and rummages around in the back, it takes him a while as he seems to be going through a lot of stuff looking for stuff, when he comes back he hands you a pouch with 100 gold worth of assorted coins and lint. It seems like he scraped up everything he had just to pay you.
"Come back anytime." he says with a toothy smile.
Party Loot Minus Bandit Weapons
Party Loot plus 100 gold
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:10am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Vaneros Anteri |

Vaneros hands the shovel to Narnel while keeping the crowbar. He looks to the shopkeeper saying: "If you don't mind I'll try out my new pipe right away." He proceeds to put in some of the tobacco, running it through his fingers, testing it. He readies the pipe and asks one of the kids to get him a glowing splint to light it. He will light it outside if Endrith doesn't allow him to smoke inside.
He waits if anyone of the others wants to buy something, making conversation with the merchant while waiting. He gets out the Visitor's Guide to Red Larch. "I was wondering about this curiosity. I have never been handed a flyer when entering a town," he says with a frown. "Do you pay a fee to be listed here? Are there some locations omitted that are worth a visit?"
Vaneros Anteri, Noble Human Warlock (Fiend), Level 1
Initiative +2, AC 14, HP 10/10, Speed 30', Unencumbered
Passive Perception 10, Senses none, Langauges Common, Infernal, Draconic
Special Traits: Spell Sniper (the range on ranged attack spells is doubled and ranged spell attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover)
Spellcasting Bonus: +5
Spellcasting DC: 13
Spell Slots: 1
Slot Level: 1st
Cantrips Known: 2 (+1 from Spell Sniper)
Eldritch Blast (Evocation, PHB237): 1 action, 120ft., V, S, inst., ranged attack for 1d10 force damage, lvl5: 2 rays, lvl11: 3 rays
Minor Illusion (Illusion, PHB260): 1 action, 30ft., S, M (a bit of fleece), 1 minute, creates an illusory sound or image no larger than a 5-foot-cube
Prestidigitation (Transmutation, PHB267): 1 action, 10ft., V, S, up to 1 hour, perform minor magical tricks
1st-Level Spells Known: 2
Burning Hands (Evocation, PHB220, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, self (15ft. cone), V, S, inst., creates a 15 ft. cone of flame for 3d6 fire damage, Dexterity save for half damage, gain one additional d6 of damage per level of spell slot used above 1st
Command (Enchantment, PHB223, gained access via Patron Extended Spells): 1 action, 60ft., V, 1 round, Wisdom save or follow a one word command for one round, affects one creature per level of spell slot used
Skills: +3 Arcana, +5 Deception, +3 History, +3 Investigation, +5 Persuasion
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS* 10 CHA* 16

Narnel Falerathon |

Narnel takes the shovel with a smile. His herbalist activities have made the tool familiar to him, like an old friend. He steps outside with Vaneros who is puffing pleasantly on his new pipe with the flyer of Red Larch in his hand.
So, Vaneros, well-negotiated in there. Should we head back to the Swinging Sword to divide our proceeds?

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Kenna's Room At The Swinging Sword
Who's Here: Narnel, Vaneros, Cade, Keaton, Molok
As the current transactions around town was finished everyone seemed to converge back into the main room at the Swinging Sword. Ember and Kenna was still up in Kenna's room.
The rest of the group decided to head up to her room to divide up their current rewards and plan their next move.
Party Loot minus 180 gold and 4 copper.
Narnel plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Cade plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Vaneros plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Keaton plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Molok plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Laial plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Kenna plus 25 gold, 7 silver, 2 copper.
Vaneros learns that the flyer's are handled by Alberi Mellikho, she is one of the leading town elders and also proprietor of Mellikho Stoneworks here in town. Also that each business in town pays to be listed in the flyer and that it is not optional. It is part of a tax. Alberi then pays Endrith to have one of his kids distribute them when caravans arrive.
Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:15am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Narnel Falerathon |

As Narnel collects his share, he can hardly believe his good fortune, but he has a puzzled look on his face.
What in all the Realms will I do with this much gold?
So, it appears that we have multiple options for investigation on our plate. There is the Rock, the haunting, and the skull with an arrow through it. Am I missing anything? It certainly seems like the Rock may be the most threatening and daunting.

Keaton Larroquette |

Is there some place you could recommend in Beliard? I do not mind letting the person know you sent me there for business, if that is helpful.
Either with a lead or without a lead Keaton has no further questions and leaves with the group.
Before going back to the Swinging Sword, to the group.
I am going to run over to the All Faith's Shrine for those spell components. If you don't want to tag along I will see you at the inn shortly
Keaton will stop by the all faiths shrine and pick up the components for his familiar spell. He will be cheerful, and try to make small talk with the clerics.
So has any new news happened since we last met?
We are going to investigate some tomb that has been opened up and things are guarding. Some kid said a ghost chased her off. Any tips for fighting undead? Incase it actually is a ghost. Keaton gives a happy wink.
Also, I really would like to get my dagger blessed. Handing it over to the Tempus Cleric handle first. This group I am traveling with is very hands on, I would like your blessing to help keep my hand steady if needed.
Keaton will pay his ten gold for the spell components, plus another five gold for the blessing.
Back at the Swinging Sword, with the group.
Yeah, that Vallivoe guy says someone found a skull stuck to a tree with a black arrow. He marked the location on my map.
Shows group the map, very matter-of-factly.
Want to add it to the list of things to do? Vallivoe also mentioned Beliard as a place for me to get some Wizard type resources, if anyone else is interested.
Looks over at Kenna with a warm smile with some concern.
If you are feeling up to it then I am ready to go inspect this tomb while it is still light.

Ember Draymon |

" I'd like to stick with our plan to check out the old tomb this afternoon and then head to Lance Rock tomorrow. Though the skull does sound ominous... "

Molok Granite Fist |

Seeing Ember join the group, Molok ask how Keena is doing.
"Will she be well enough to travel in a day or so? Maybe checking out that tomb will help her get back on her feet. I will carry her if needed, and watch out for her health..."
The stone man trails off into silence to see what the others think.

DM Asmodeus |

Location: Kenna's Room At The Swinging Sword
Who's Here: Narnel, Vaneros, Cade, Keaton, Molok
As the group weighs their options they notice on their map that the tomb and the skull are relatively close together. (About 10 miles apart) Using the skills between them they start laying out paths both across country or by a combination of roads to each location.
Lance Rock is about 12 miles across country if they didn't use the roads. If they used a combination of Kheldell Path and across country hiking then it would be about 8 miles on the path and then another 6 miles across country for a total of 14 miles. Across country would take 6 hours to get there. If they went by road and then cut across then it would take about 5 and a half hours to get there.
The Haunted Tomb was only 6 miles out across country and would take about 3 hours. If they used the Long Road for 6 miles and hiking out 2 miles would put the total at 8 miles and the time of travel would be the same.
The skull pinned to a tree was 18 miles out across country and would take 9 hours to reach on foot. If they used Larch Path for 16 miles and 4 miles across country then they could reach it in about 8 and a half hours.
If they traveled from the tomb to the skull tree then it was about 10 miles across country and would take about 5 hours cutting between the two.
The team worked up a combined map so they could see alll of their objectives clearly.
Overall Map With All Objectives Labled (Click Here)
Each Map Hex On This One is 2 Miles.
Sorry I didn't know you wasn't done yet
Vallivoe doesn't know of any place in particular in Beliard. The town is bigger than Red Larch and they see a lot more traffic so he is just guessing at that location.
The ALLfaith's Shrine bares no new news at this time. You can add the spell components and take off the required gold. As far as asking about information on a ghost you are told:
A ghost yearns to complete some unresolved task from its life. It might seek to avenge its own death, fulfill an oath, or relay a message to a loved one. A ghost might not realize that it has died and continue the everyday routine of its life. Others are driven by wickedness or spite, as with a ghost that refuses to rest until every member of a certain family or organization is dead.
The surest way to rid an area of a ghost is to resolve its unfinished business. A ghost can be destroyed more easily by invoking a weakness tied to its former life. The ghost of a person tortured to death might be killed again by the implements of that torture. The ghost of a gardener might become more vulnerable when exposed to a potent floral fragrance.
After that the priest will bless your dagger. You will gain a +2 to hit bonus to the first attack made with the dagger. It is used up if you hit or not. The +2 to hit will only apply if the creature is of the evil sub-type. It is used up regardless.
Once everyone is ready and we have decided on a destination, I will advance the time to 11am so Kenna can benefit from her next long rest and we can head out. She will still be at half speed so it will take twice as long to get to the tomb unless someone can carry her weight and gear without being encumbered themselves. Or you could rig a stretcher so two people could help bare the load without slowing anyone down. Or she could ride on a disk if one is created.
Red Larch in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 8:15am
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Kenna Icemane |

"Going to the tomb we would have the skull and arrow on the way and could investigate as we pass. So the question is, do we do those things or do we go look at Lance Rock?"

Keaton Larroquette |

Weighing out the options Keaton looks back up at Kenna before speaking trying to gage how weak she is.
Why don't we stick to the plan and go to the tomb first. After that, if we are still prepared for more walking, we can head over to that skull. Remember we have to walk back too. I say we use the road so we are not trampling through some farmer's field. I can make disks for Kenna to rest on as we go, it would only add twenty or so minutes to the trip and be the most comfortable option. We could also put our bags and heavy things on it to give Kenna a back rest while giving our backs a rest.
What ever the party decides he is ready to go.

Narnel Falerathon |

I concur, let us journey to the tomb, and if we have time before nightfall, then the skull and arrow. Otherwise, we can return here and decide upon the rock or arrow for a trip first thing in the morning. Remember, we also have a mule and a wagon from the bandits now.

Keaton Larroquette |

Let us leave the wagon for now. We are not sure how travel will be crosscountry off the trail. I will be dammed if I am pushing any cart or wagon while the donkey gets to watch!

Narnel Falerathon |

I was just pointing out that we have it. I know what cross country travel is like, and it has been done efficiently for centuries without the use of flying discs and with the use of a mule drawn cart. We do not have to use it, provided everyone prefers that we demonstrate our true power for the world to see in the manner of a charlatan grand performer. Forgive me, all, but I am a simple man of simple means, and such demonstrations of pompous behavior place a sour taste in my mouth.
He stares at Keaton with his arms crossed.

DM Asmodeus |

Location: The Haunted Tomb
Map of the current area (Click Here)
The group gathered everyone together and made the trek toward the spot marked on their map where this haunted tomb was supposed to be. Kenna rode on the magical disk of force, the spell being recast and renewed every hour. It took the group three and a half hours of walking to arrive at the sight and they almost walked completely up on it before realizing it lay right in front of them. Almost with perfect timing the disk expired and Kenna stood on her own, now expecting the time it would again vanish. The group took in their surroundings at what they could see before them. The time was around two thirty in the afternoon by the placement of the sun in the sky overhead however it was beginning to cloud up and looked like it might rain soon. The smell of coming rain hung in the air, a slight cool breeze blew through the scattered trees around them. The heavy smell of earth mixed in as they stood before the hill before them.
A dark, rectangular hole gapes amid the grass and vines of a nearby hillside. A stone door can be seen, ajar, in the tunnel’s dim depths. The door bears chiseled marks that might once have been a name.
I have removed another level of Kenna's exhaustion. She now has two levels of exhaustion remaining. See Active Effects below.
We are not in initiative so act freely but please note grid coordinates when moving to finalize your new position according to the map.
Good Luck!
I did not bring your mule along. If you did want to bring him then let me know and I will add him to he map. Otherwise he is in Red Larch.
Vaneros has +4 temporary hitpoints.
Keaton has a blessed dagger.
Kenna has two levels of exhaustion from the traumatizing injury.
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed halved
You loose one level of exhaustion per long rest, or until the exhaustion is removed by magical means.
Haunted Tomb in the Dessarin Valley, 16 Mirtul, 1491 DR, 2:30pm
Year of the Scarlet Witch

Keaton Larroquette |

I was just pointing out that we have it. I know what cross country travel is like, and it has been done efficiently for centuries without the use of flying discs and with the use of a mule drawn cart. We do not have to use it, provided everyone prefers that we demonstrate our true power for the world to see in the manner of a charlatan grand performer. Forgive me, all, but I am a simple man of simple means, and such demonstrations of pompous behavior place a sour taste in my mouth.
He stares at Keaton with his arms crossed.
Big smile, very very big smile. He is not trying to be hostile but friendly as he speaks.
You sir need to learn of sarcasm and mirth! For a moment envision with me now; the wagon stuck in a rut and the donkey gets to see us be the asses for a change! What a hoot! Tis funny! A gas of mirth even. I can without a shadow of doubt confirm that at least eighty percent of everything I say to be mirth and out of that thirty to be truly meant for insult! Do the math, the fraction of rudeness and general hostility that flies from my ever japping jaws is ever so low. Are you still sorry I thought you to be an eunuch? You are going to need to get over that, I have not questioned your answer of denial to eunuchism. Though I am of the school of thought that one who denies or makes a fuss over things has something to hide, "He who smelt it dealt it".
So out with it; have I insulted you? put a tarnish on your honor? Looked at you wrong? Forget to call you by your full name?
I have no problem with you, I like you. I like that you are different. I can deal with you do not find my joking funny. I have no doubt that you are a capible warrior. I also think you seem to be a trustworthy type of person. I do not want this to be an on-growing wound that keeps festering while we both keep picking at it. If we are going to be traveling together we need to understand this. I have been stuck on a ship for many a voyage with crew upset with each other, it makes for a painful journey, one I do not want any part of. So if you need to say something please say it before we take to the path. Smooth sailing, and a crisp breeze, that is what we need.
Smiles the entire time, gives Narnel a small nod at the end, then gives him time to speak if he wishes. Keaton is ready to shake hands in friendship if Narnel is accepting.
As the group closes in on the tomb Keaton will send Lemmy up to scout again. He will ask if he can locate the creatures he viewed last night. Keaton will share any information with the group. He tends to stand a little closer to Molok.

Ember Draymon |

" Where are the creatures your bird informed you of? " Ember says stepping past Keaton to get to a better position to look into the tomb.
Perception : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Kenna Icemane |

Also I prepared animal friendship, charm person, cure wounds and entangle again

Narnel Falerathon |

I am sorry that I do not understand your sarcasm. I am disciplined, and probably not much fun for someone like you. There is a serious problem here in the area of Red Larch, and I will need your help to return the balance of nature. I will try not to offend in the future.
Narnel slowly and quietly approaches the opening and peers inside with his darkvision.
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6