Delgata Pesur |

With his damped slicked back Auburn hair, Del wanders down the street toward the market square. He was going to find his mother's sister's daughter's daughter but the smell of fresh bakery items had carried on the small amount of breeze this stuffy city gets. It did not take him long to find the bread vendor with the still warm oatmeal rolls, Del feeling like he had accomplished... well he accomplished something according to the people that are letting him stay in their house.
Per usual his thoughts were racey and came in bursts so quick he has difficult times keeping them straight.
To himself thinking.
Did I just join a cult? Dammit, I thought it would of been more obvious. They have a secret hide out and that is a sure sign of a cult. And I was "recruited" that is more cult speak. If this ends up with me smeared in dead chicken blood kneeling and swaying to chanting while getting symbols burnt into me with hot brands my mother is going to be so upset. So what are we worshipping anyway? Something that does not like low class citizens apparently... What the hell do they have against the flings anyway? That is some racist nonsense, just because they are second class citizens we have to kill them now? And what about that whole capturing a prison wagon? We did not even keep the wagon. Ugh. I killed someone.
Del looks down at his basket of rolls and the thought of warm oatmeal rolls turns his stomach.
I killed a few people.
Del stops dead in the flow of pedestrian foot traffic while that grim fact really digs in; he was a murderer.
The flow of people push and shove and complain about Del the roadblock as they manage around him, some say some nasty words; but Del stays lost with that thought for a long time. Even with the constant bombardment of people pushing him about he has never felt so alone. He drunkardly makes his way to the side of the foot traffic and to the wall of a tall building that boarders the walkway. For a very long time he stands with his back against the wall, feeling the roll in his hand grow cold, like the people he killed.
He wasn't sure what type of temple he was in or how he got there, or what happened to the bag of oatmeal rolls, but there was definitely stained glass so he was in a temple. The fine dressed cleric he was talking to seemed a bit appalled by his direct questions but Del had things he needed to know so he asked again.
Like I said HYPOTHETICALLY, that means I did not do it but what if. So HYPOTHETICALLY if I did kill someone what kind of pray is that for penance? This is that kind of church right? The erase your bad things to be good church? ... What do you mean this is the showroom and want me to leave at once!? When was salvation for sale! I have real brain wracking questions!... For the eighth time I am not leaving until I get an answer and I do not want to buy a window.
This conversation ended by two large gentlemen physically throwing him out of the Church of Kaijitsu of Sandpoint, odd name.
As Del was in the process of standing up from his sidewalk net someone grabbed him by his ear with a firm twist. A young girl moved Del's hurting ear to the side to bring his face into view. She said.
Hey uncle Del. You told me you were in town. And I was told by the you of tomorrow you want me to show you that trick. You also wanted me to meet you here so you did not go back into the stained glass store and break all those windows that got you arrested.
Del. Mina! I probably did! Just who I was looking for.

Novennia Wintrish |

Novennia listens, thinking, her fingers drumming on the table as Krokod speaks. "Do you think you'd be able to teach us?" she asks after a moment's thought. "I doubt this will be the last time we find ourselves in trouble as a group, and communication is an important thing to keep up."

Krokod Firetongue |

Krokod seems genuinely touched by Noevnnia's question, "I realize you're just being practical, but thank you for that question. It would make me feel a little less lonely. Well, I never thought of myself as a teacher, but I have taught one or two ladies to dance in the past. I could certainly try to teach the language. After all, I can CHOOSE to speak it even when calm. If we have the time, and you're still interested, I'd give it a try." He inclines his head to her with a slight tilt and a smile

Novennia Wintrish |

"Well, how about we start with the language, and let the dancing come later?" Nivennia replies with a faint smile. A hint of pink rises in her cheeks as she realizes what she's said, and she turns away, busying herself with rummaging in her pack for a journal and ink.
As she rummages, she says, "On the topic of this 'council of thieves', I've heard only rumors. I never had reason to even believe they were real until now." She straightens, bumping her head on the underside of the table, and emerges rubbing it with a wince. "Arael, you'll be sure to tell us if you hear anything, won't you?"

Krokod Firetongue |

"Well, how about we start with the language, and let the dancing come later?" Nivennia replies with a faint smile. A hint of pink rises in her cheeks as she realizes what she's said, and she turns away, busying herself with rummaging in her pack for a journal and ink.
"Delightful," Krokod notices the blush, but is too polite to tease.
As she rummages, she says, "On the topic of this 'council of thieves', I've heard only rumors. I never had reason to even believe they were real until now." She straightens, bumping her head on the underside of the table, and emerges rubbing it with a wince. "Arael, you'll be sure to tell us if you hear anything, won't you?"
"Easy there..."

GM Birch |

It’s been a short while since the matter of the “Bastards of Erebus.”
You’ve had time to recover and get to know each other as a group of friends – not just as a gang of fighters. A couple of your number have decided to leave but Arael has introduced a new member to the fold – a wizard named Scienter.
But no sooner has he been introduced than Arael has news for you. Janiven would like to speak to you all immediately.
He takes you through to another room where Janiven is present (although at the moment unknown to Scienter) and a beautiful woman dressed in well-worn armour. Arael introduces this woman as Ailyn Ghontasavos, a member of the Pathfinder Society.
The Pathfinders are not that welcome these days in Westcrown, and that the presence of one here, even under cover, indicates something big is building.
The Pathfinder speaks to you all now. ”I have come to Westcrown secretly and under the cover of a common mercenary, and hope to recover several treasures lost when the city’s Pathfinder lodge was forcibly closed decades ago by agents of the House of Thrune.”
“The lodge is known as Delvehaven, and has been locked down tight for over 30 years, and even before then no Pathfinder has set foot inside since Aroden’s death.”
“The fact that the shadow beasts came to plague Westcrown’s streets so soon after the lodge was sealed by the House of Thrune seems to indicate a strong connection between the two events, and I believe I have discovered proof while researching Delvehaven in the libraries of Skyreach at the Great Lodge in Absalom.”
“For quite obvious reasons, as much as I would want to explore Delvehaven, I cannot — I’m not officially here on Pathfinder business, and if the society were to find out that I’d taken the exploration of Delvehaven into my own hands, I would be in a lot of trouble.”
“Yet if, perchance,” she gives you a conspiratorial wink, ”Another group not directly affiliated with the Pathfinders were to enter the old ruin — say, a group of heroes eager to combat the shadow beast legacy — Ailyn would be able to make a formal request to have Delvehaven investigated again.”
“Unfortunately, one cannot just simply walk into Delvehaven. While the House of Thrune no longer actively guards the site, they transferred that responsibility to Westcrown’s mayoral office. Worse, the fact that the House of Thrune has been engaged in an act of rewriting history (either by destroying existing documents or changing them to suit Thrune’s preferences) means that reliable information about Delvehaven has become incredibly scarce.”
“There are several powerful magical locks and wards on the lodge placed there by the House of Thrune to prevent entry, and my research has shown her that keys to the locks and documentation relating to those wards exists in only one place — Aberian’s Folly. Further, the House of Thrune’s devotion to order and tradition all but ensures that these keys and documents are kept in a complex, twelve-sided puzzle-box container known as a Chelish Crux, and that if it has been secured anywhere in Aberian’s Folly, it is likely to lie within the manor’s vault — a place known as the Asmodean Knot.”

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Yix has enjoyed the downtime and dedicated much of it to learning his teammates, the organization they're in, and the organization they're opposing. He had many late nights out scouting, and he also spent some time at the library to learn the language of fire so he could speak with Krokad. When Janiven requests an audience Yix knows the time for idle work is over.
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
"Ailyn, of the Pathfinder Society. Something big must be happening for your organization to be here, openly or not."
"Hmm, quite a shame they were closed. We could use their influence here."
"Well, all you need to rewrite history is one good lie and a river of blood. I suppose documents help."
He smiles at the idea of a puzzle box. "Oh this should be fun. I, for one, am all in."

Scienter Stafford |

Scienter takes a seat and listens. He does not remove his gloves, nor does he display any obvious reaction to Ailyn's remarks. After a suitable pause, he states
"Of course I could not possibly speak for my associates, having only recently made their acquaintance. But I would look forward to hearing you elaborate on most, if not all the words in your phrase, 'I hope to recover several treasures.'"

GM Birch |

Ailyn listens to your questions and answers them in turn.
"Yes, we have concerns over the city as a whole and those things we hold dear in our Lodge are therefore under threat."
"In terms of treasures, I always think of three types. The first two are connected. Knowledge and relics of historical importance. In terms of value - their worth to us outweighs their physical value. Ancient books, rare scrolls, paintings of historical interest - you know the sort of thing. The third type is items where there physical value outweights their research value - magical weapons, gold, standard wands and the like."
"I am talking about the first type. In terms of specifics, we can discuss that when you return with the Chelish Crux."

Novennia Wintrish |

Having spent her respite training with her blade, having the magical breastplate fitted to her form, and learning the Ignan tongue from Krokod (to some success, though with a noticeable accent), Novennia seems eager for some more shenanigans.
"So," she asks, after listening to the questions being put forth, "I've got a question. How do we gain access to the vault? I doubt any noble's going to let us just waltz in."

Delgata Pesur |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Del waves his fingers in a wave-like motion at Novennia in response to her question. He has a confident really-really look on his face, with a bit of "this is kinda my thing" look sprinkled in.
In addition Del has forgone shaving in an attempt to begin to look more scholarly, but his "beard" is patch worked with bald patches of facial hair that never grew in. In addition, every once-in-awhile he yells out "ouch" as Gus, his pet crow, grabs a "beard" hair with his beak and forceable plucks it from Del's face. He has mentioned now that he is a "grand mage diviner" he should start to look the part and get a big white long beard.
First off nice to meet you Slenter, I am Delgata, welcome.
Del stands as if to wow his audience at the table.
Without going into specifics, I have done this kind of thing before. And since we are not strapped for time, or are we strapped for time? Lets just say we are not strapped for time because that usually tends to leave less causalities, dead dogs, and friends necromancer-hexed.
So before we enter the property we need to know four things. One, are we sneaking in and becoming one with the shadows? Two, or we going to bluff our way into the front door? Three is a mixture of the two some sneak some bluff, but can pay off because we could loot, umm... (pause) explore the residence for other clues and relics that you Foundpathers desire. The forth is very complex and I doubt the orphanage would loan us their excess children for our task.
Either way we will have to do some surveillance on the household that could take up to a week. Paying attention to guard rotation, and the guards themselves. Maybe follow a guard home, tie him up and use illusions to mimic his likeness then go to his shift like a regular workday for the bloke. When the rest of the group is outside the back door the illusional us-guard could open the lock and let everyone else in.
We need to know about dogs, I hate dogs, dogs are a bad day, and dogs bark. Those skeleton dogs did not bark which meant they were either well trained or poorly trained, either way. We need to know about dogs, and get some cat-stink, Yix that is your department providing the cat-stink. Everyone will also need a cheap extra black cloak for the catstink, you will not want it back after the fact so cheap-cheap.
Along with the numbers of guards present we need to know about spell casters. I am going to stress Necromancers, they are the worse-est. But let us not overlook the wait staff, cleaners, cooks, or concubines. Usually they have better access than the guards, and are easier to tie up and fill the role.
We should get a basic idea of the layout, outside and in. What kind of rooms are on which floor. Usually the bedrooms and offices should be on the second floor, while the ground floor is set with larger sculptures that are too big to carry, big manors like this like to put all their big things to impress people with on ground floors; as well as the kitchen and wait staff, just to let them know who is above them. But knowing what is where is super helpful, and if we plan to shadow our way in usually second or third floor access is a great way to get in.
Guards and wards were mentioned, now personally I have never encountered this, but there are wards that protect against teleporting so I will not be teleporting us into the complex. bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 But it is true there are magical traps for many other things. I would imagine that such a rich family as the Thrune house would be able to invest in some pretty deadly house defenses, so on our toes.
Getting general knowledge about their reputation is also very useful. Rich people have a way of being smug and having strong traits they will not fold on, even if they are wrong or being duped. It may be a long shot but knowing their strengths could also show us their weakness.
So that is maps, surveillance, guards, staff help, magic traps, no teleportation, dogs, spellcasters, NECROMANCERS, and catstink.
Del takes a moment and does a little self evaluation of his presentation thinking if there is anymore he should add.
I have more I could go on with but it really depends if we are sneaking, bluffing, mixing sneaking or bluffing, or someone knows the headmaster at the orphanage.
Del then sits down looking content and feeling like he contributed. Amazingly that is the most focused and non-tangential anyone has ever seen him.
Scienter, mispronouncing your name is not an insult, it is just Del and his ADD.
Catstink, or catpiss. Common tactic for cat-burglars, soak a cloak in catstink, go do the crime. If dogs pursue you ditch the cloak, they will not be able to follow your scent because it was masked by the catstink cloak.

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Yix gives a faint smile at the patchy beard. I think the crow is trying to tell him something. He listens quietly, jumping in for a word occasionally.
"If you're going to impersonate somebody it's best to get to know them first so you can better act the part. If it comes to that I'll volunteer for that task."
Yix arcs a brow at the cat talk. A less even-headed catfolk would have been deeply insulted. "I look forward to urinating over your clothes."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Wow, he can teleport?
"I think our best course of action for the first step would be to choose a guard, stalk him, learn about him, then impersonate him and learn about the defenses."

Krokod Firetongue |

Krokod listens, an amused look on his face as Del lets it rip, "I'm a performer marked by divine flame, not a spy or burglar. I'll help, of course. I'm in too deep to quit now and it at least sounds interesting, but as for how... I leave that to others. Let me know what has the best chance of living, please."

Scienter Stafford |

Scienter raises an eyebrow, though only slightly, at Delgata's suggestion that he can teleport, either himself or anyone else.
"I'm open to considering all suggestions for the task at hand. No doubt each of us knows his or her strengths and can evaluate the available options with that in mind. It may be rather old fashioned, but if the place includes human guards, there is always the possibility of striking up a conversation, providing free alcohol at a suitable establishment, and listening to what follows. I have noticed many humans to be remarkably susceptible to such tactics."

GM Birch |

At this point in the conversation, both Arael and Janiven observe that the banishing of the shadow beasts from the city’s nights would be one of the greatest accomplishments the Children of Westcrown could do to earn the love and support of the city.
Giving credit to Delgata and his well thought through option, they suggest an alternative simpler plan.
"Find a way to infiltrate Aberian’s Folly and secure access to the Chelish Crux and thus the keys and documents hidden within. With these, an investigation of Delvehaven can be made with greater safety and efficiency."
"As for how you can infiltrate the home of one of Westcrown’s most powerful government officials and have a good excuse to spend a fair amount of time searching it, We have come up with an alternative plan."
"All you have to do is become actors!"
"Mayor Arvanxi is a lover of the theater, and in particular, the Theater Mortrescci — plays where not only the cast’s reputations, but their very lives, are on the line during each performance. A cross between a play and a bloodsport, the Theater Mortrescci — more vulgarly referred to as the “murderplay” — has become one of Cheliax’s fastest-growing forms of entertainment."
"Mayor Arvanxi’s favorite play in this genre is a notorious work known as The Six Trials of Larazod, and as luck would have it, a prominent director is preparing to cast and direct this play with aims to perform the full and uncut version for the first time in years as part of the celebration of the newly reconstructed Nightshade Theatre in Westcrown’s Parego Regicon — the central island where the city’s nobility and the traditional seat of government are located. If tradition holds true, and if the performance of the play pleases the mayor, he’ll invite the cast and crew to his home for a banquet and party — a gala event that would give undercover agents of the Children of Westcrown a singularly perfect opportunity to explore the manor."
Janiven runs down the attractions of this plan, ticking each one off on a finger as she goes:
- As guests invited to the mayor’s home, the heroes-as-actors don’t need to worry about hiding from his guards or sneaking into the house.
- Mayor Arvanxi’s obsession with and respect for the theatrical world would grant the heroes-as-actors a huge advantage in squeezing information from him.
- The mayor’s parties have a well-known reputation for running long—sometimes over the course of days — so you should have an excuse to remain in his home for more than enough time necessary to get the job done.
- The mayor will doubtless require you to come in full costume from their performance, and since you’ll be playing adventurers and the like in the play, that essentially means you’ll be able to walk right in to his manor fully armed and armoured, no questions asked.
- The mayor and his staff celebrate hard — it shouldn’t be long before he and the majority of his guards are so drunk and distracted that they’ll be in no condition to ask questions if you slip away for several hours to look around.
"The only real disadvantage of the plan, is the nature of The Six Trials of Larazod. The play is notorious and was banned for many decades for a reason — the combats and torments the actors endure in the play are not faked, but real."
"And, erm...to date, no cast has survived a production of the full, uncut version of the play—the version the director, a man named Robahl Nonon, has promised to Westcrown and its mayor. But certainly, surviving a play should be a cinch for a group of heroes like you. Even better, if you become the first to survive the uncut version, the mayor’s delight and the subsequent invitation to his home will be all but guaranteed."
"Oh, and you have time for shopping on the way if you wish!"

Novennia Wintrish |

Sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 "Wow, he picked up teleportation quickly!"
Novennia chuckles a little at Del's plan - well, that's not entirely fair; she chuckles at the embellishments and manner of delivery. The plan itself seems surprisingly solid.
As Janiven and Arael propose an alternate plan, she sighs, rubbing the back of her neck as she thinks. "Neither plan sounds like something I could assist with - I'm no sneak, even without my armour. And my skills lie more in swinging large pointy things at people than in acting. That's assuming we even got past the casting. Though," she admits, a mischevious twinkle entering her eyes, "that does sound like fun."
It really isn't much simpler, though...

Delgata Pesur |

Wrinkled brow, confused.
How is that easier? Learn a play? Korkod is most likely the most likely to be successful in this situation. But if he starts fighting he starts talking gibberling. Yix may do alright, actually he should do good, he has nine tries too. I have a little experience with acting, my clan was traveling performers and I did a few smaller stage rolls. Never was good at rememberizing the words and where to stand on the stage. Novennia, is good looking and all, I mean that not only as a friend but as a person that would not like to find your bad side, but is this something she could get by on with good looks? And this goggle elf in not Mr. Congeniality so far, sorry fella I bet you are a great fella and all but not too approachable with the goggles.
(Pause moment of shock an embarrassment, crow then plucks hair)
Ouch! Master elf man, please accept my apology. I am truly sorry. I did not realize that you lost your eyes. As a fellow mage I will assume it was a spell gone awry. Did they not return after shape changing? Or did they teleport while you stayed? Can you still see through your teleported eyes? Are they both in the same place? What are you looking at? I hope you see pleasant sights and they are some place not dusty. Ouch!
Crow again plucks hair to put Del back on track, the bird shows signs of focus and intelligence.
So how deadly is deadly?

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My character was literally made for this.
Yix listens to the entire plan quietly, knowing full well the history of this dark performance. He looks at the others, knowing this is both more and less terrifying for them. "A marvelous plan, pending survival of the play. How long do we have until auditions?"
Yix is wanting to see if he can give the party a crash course in acting.

Krokod Firetongue |

"I like the sound of this play...true, I might lapse into Ignan, but then, Yix can claim it's a bold new rendition in a fiery tongue WORTHY of the play... trust me, if a patron is pretentious enough, you can turn almost anything into a 'bold new take'," Krokod finds his eyes light up, "I'm a performer, my friends. Yix is too. We can carry you through this... assuming, of course, it doesn't kill us all."
Another performer here, of course Krokod will want to do this :)

Scienter Stafford |

"I don't quite get your meaning Delgata. I am not wearing goggles. I don't even possess a pair of goggles. Turning to the matter at hand, I suspect it will take more than a bit of face paint to make us credible as actors, with perhaps one exception."
Scienter nods towards Yix as he says this.
"On the other hand, perhaps it will be as the humans say about a talking dog - 'the surprising thing isn't what it says, but the fact that it talks at all.' In other words, perhaps the audience's shock at our surviving the play (if indeed we do) will overwhelm its natural tendency to critique our acting. All things considered, as an option to gain access, it's not the worst plan I've heard."

Novennia Wintrish |

Novennia shrugs apologetically at Scienter, trying to let him know that Del's always been this way.
"I may not be an actor, but I should be alright at the bloodsport," she chuckles. "I suppose with myself, that's four votes for the play."

Delgata Pesur |

@ Sci, oops I do not know how I screwed up gloves for goggles when I read before. Please alter my conversation to deformed hands possibly missing fingers.
I am game as long as I do not need to fight Novennia.

Scienter Stafford |

"Well then, it seems we should have a look at the script. Given my talent and experience with acting, I will be scanning the list of dramatis personae for roles with titles like 'Waiter in the background' and 'Bystander number 2.' But I can, at least, say that wizards are generally quite good at memorizing the written word."

Delgata Pesur |

Hey Yix. Whattaya say the two of us go start to case the joint. Can you talk to other cats? Hmm... you should talk with the household cats for information. They will surely know of any dogs we need to be on the look out for. I may be able to pull a magic trick or two out of my sleeve.
Del, with a smug look of check out my new toys, places a ramshackle black bag with many damaged and heavily used wands and there is a rattle of many potions and rustle of Scrolls not kept in scroll cases.
A trick or two indeed.

Delgata Pesur |

I would be honored!
It is about time someone around here treated Del with the respect he has earned.

GM Birch |

My character was literally made for this.
Yix listens to the entire plan quietly, knowing full well the history of this dark performance. He looks at the others, knowing this is both more and less terrifying for them. "A marvelous plan, pending survival of the play. How long do we have until auditions?"
Yix is wanting to see if he can give the party a crash course in acting.
"Casting is tomorrow. From what I've heard, they're not going to be overflowing with applicants. The prospect of genuine combat just for game and glory tends to put off the martial type and the true actors wouldn't want to risk their lives."

GM Birch |

I think a temporary bonus would be perfect - thanks for the idea.
All roll a d20. Your temporary acting bonus will be 1d6 as a base and then +1 for every 1 above 10 on your d20 (no minuses).
For the avoidance of doubt:
1-10 on a d20 = Temporary acting bonus 1d6
11 on a d20 = Temporary acting bonus 1d6+1
12 on a d20 = Temporary acting bonus 1d6+2
etc. etc.
The bonus will end after the play and any subsequent party

Krokod Firetongue |

"Right than. Krokad, I believe we need to crash course this lot on the points of the finer arts."
Krokod nods and looks to the others and smiles, "I agree. Now, you'll be tempted to look the crowd in the eyes, but don't...look at the foreheads. They'll think you're giving them your gaze, but you will find it less intimidating..."
1d20 ⇒ 18

Delgata Pesur |

1d20 ⇒ 8
1d6 ⇒ 4
Eh. Del has adhd.

Novennia Wintrish |

Novennia appears to take to the lessons with vigour, taking note of how to position herself on stage, how to project her voice without shouting, and how to pace her words. It's not perfect, but she feels confident in herself.

GM Birch |

Having prepared for your acting debuts (well for most of you anyway), you head off the following day to a small theatre called the Limehouse. It's owned by the director of the play Robahl Nonon and so he's chosen this to be the venue for casting (as the poster says) “authentic adventurers and legitimate risk-takers.”
Janiven says this decision (to overlook the use of established actors for most of the roles in the play) has caused some discord among the performer’s circuit. Apparently, apart from using regulars from his own acting troupe, he has made clear his hopes that all of the roles in this production will be filled by experienced “heroes.” (There's hope for Scienter yet).
Robahl Nonon is a relatively infamous director known for his temper and
his knack for getting emotional performances out of his actors — at least out of those who don’t run in shameful tears from his stage.
The theater itself is rather small, and for larger productions (like Robahl’s upcoming one), the Limehouse serves more as a headquarters and a place for dress rehearsals than an actual venue. The locals actually
prefer this, as they find the dress rehearsals to be much more entertaining with their more-frequent errors, and Robahl himself has made a tradition of forcing his players to perform to this audience.
Not only do the public dress rehearsals allow for additional income (he generally charges half price for such shows), but according to Robahl, “an actor who can remain focused before an audience as unruly and caustic as this one can perform anywhere!” Those who can’t handle the heckling are replaced.
Word of Robahl’s casting call for the uncut Six Trials of Larazod has spread throughout Westcrown, and while he’s cast a few of the supporting roles already, he has yet to settle on a Larazod and many of his companions.
By the time you arrive, the director is at his wits’ end. As you enter the auditorium you hear his anguished cry. "Desperate actors who can’t fight or desperate adventurers who can’t act. Just how much do I have to lower my expectations?" (You see there is hope for Scienter).
You are ushered on stage as a group. Robahl looks you over. "You certainly look the part of common adventurers. Although I'm sure you overdid it with the dowdy look. None the less I have to admit that I'll cancel the production unless any of you can act."
"Tell me a little about yourselves - project your voice. Tell me about a derring-do you took part in. Draw me in, make me believe you."
Over to you - in any order. Remember, those that 'failed' to get a bonus still get a d6 to add to the skill temporarily. Thise that passed get 1d6+their modifier

Delgata Pesur |

Being pushed on stage is a little overwhelming for Del at first but when he notices he is the center of attention all the previous fears of stage fright disappear. This is great!
Hello! Let me be the first to introduce myself. I am D, a traveled performer in search of such a stage and challenge that the rumors I have heard of late of your production may provide me with.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Del will do some impressive moves and gymnastics while continuing to talk.
My blood is rooted from the fine land to the North. I have practiced acrobatics from the watchful eye of Gordus, a very exclusive teacher that only takes one pupil at a time to teach his secret art of the Black Shadow. If you are so honored to have seen any Black Shadow performance sou know of what I speak. From their my training had brought me east to Pittlip, a composer of underground Operas only heard by the select few of The Carrion Crown Area. Getting her ear had taken many months and the payoff of experience was worth a lifetime. I will apologize for being skirted here so quickly without due time to change from my road clothing, or have a chance to bath. I have just arrived by ship from Magnirma looking for a snake priest to educate me on more cultural dance progressions, a collage's sudden illness made us come to port for a more refined city to give him better medical attention and better leech bleeders. That is all you get for now, it has been a long journey and I grow tired.
Del will exit stage right. Find a chair. And demand a cup of tea like the premadonna he has just become.

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Disguise: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Yix comes out to auditions in another elaborate human disguise. This time he has some southern looks to him, with long, dark, combed back hair and faintly tanned skin. He has some fancy swordsman's clothing on that's as much for combat as it is for showing off.
Yix watches Delgata leave the stage flourishing, a look of amusement on his face. Well it's better than being too shy. He gives some polite claps, and once everyone has settled down he steps forward, ushering Krokad with him. "My friend and I have prepared a joint performance for you, modeled after the legendary swordsman who defeated the fire demon of Akropash. We hope you enjoy."
Yix ushers the other actors out of harm's way, then turns to Krokad with his head down. Suddenly his neck snaps up and he draws his longsword off handed, flipping it in the air to readjust it to his sword arm. "You are a false savior, only leeching from these people!" With a spinning flourish he lunges forward, blade flashing with a hint of magic towards Krokad. "Liar, thief, murderer!" Each word is emphasized by another swing. In his face as he fights is a desperate kind of anger, as if something was taken away from him that can't be replaced. His very heart and soul is in this fight, although if he can ever recover is in question...
Bluff (not trying to kill Krokad): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Perform (Act): 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 3 = 33

Scienter Stafford |

Scienter notes the pejorative tone in Robahl's use of the word "common" but chooses to ignore it.
I am what one might refer to as a natural actor, particularly well suited to playing a range of supporting roles. I tend to leave the starring roles to my more charismatic colleagues.(nodding towards Delgata and Yix) But when called upon, I can project my lines with the best of them.

Krokod Firetongue |

I forgot the bonus roll for my earlier 18 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Can I give those to a party member who didn't do as well?
Yix comes out to auditions in another elaborate human disguise. This time he has some southern looks to him, with long, dark, combed back hair and faintly tanned skin. He has some fancy swordsman's clothing on that's as much for combat as it is for showing off.
Yix watches Delgata leave the stage flourishing, a look of amusement on his face. Well it's better than being too shy. He gives some polite claps, and once everyone has settled down he steps forward, ushering Krokad with him. "My friend and I have prepared a joint performance for you, modeled after the legendary swordsman who defeated the fire demon of Akropash. We hope you enjoy."
Yix ushers the other actors out of harm's way, then turns to Krokad with his head down. Suddenly his neck snaps up and he draws his longsword off handed, flipping it in the air to readjust it to his sword arm. "You are a false savior, only leeching from these people!" With a spinning flourish he lunges forward, blade flashing with a hint of magic towards Krokad. "Liar, thief, murderer!" Each word is emphasized by another swing. In his face as he fights is a desperate kind of anger, as if something was taken away from him that can't be replaced. His very heart and soul is in this fight, although if he can ever recover is in question...
Bluff 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Perform (Act) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Krokod comes dressed in a red cloak, and faux horns, not the finest of disguises, but for those that would view from the audiance, it would more than get the point across. Barechested under the cloak, he has painted Ignan symbols across his chest (Ones that will wipe away easily with alcohol).
I'm going to assume this isn't 'real combat' so he's not stuck in Ignan
With a dancer's steps, he mimes an unholy beast on the defensive, even as he puts a sneer of pure wicked delight upon his lips, "So wrathful,swordsman! Yet I but gave the people what they wanted- pleasure, wealth, and power! That they did not know the price is no fault of mine! I stole only what they wanted to be rid of...morality, conscience, choice! Now you seek to avenge their loss, but I? I am a demon, consined by the gods... the people here? Theirs was a freer role, and they chose to be sheep. Does it trouble you that a woman you cared for so dearly was among the first to bleat?"
As Yix thrusts at him a second time, Krokod acts as if the blow has hit, and he staggers, "Ah, the nobility of your heart makes your blade cut deep, but your wrath yet may make you mine!"

![]() |

Wow, we both got nat 20's. This is a performance for the ages. Indeed, false fighting. A performance in ignan would only serve to confuse our dear director.
...oh and also I wouldn't want to hurt Krokad. >.>
As Krokad feigns injury Yix flourishes his blade, swinging it with more anger than finesse, twirling his hand as he steps around the demon. His face scrunches in rage as she is brought up. "You manipulated them into believing they were doing good! There is evil in the heart of all men, but only if you nurture it and call it out." He twirls and cuffs Krokad across the mouth, then thrusts his sword forward almost barbarically. He looks like a master swordsman who is losing his technique through passion and anger. At every cut that gets close and gets a response from Krokad, a line of blood comes out that looks all too real. The droplets start staining the stage and Yix's face, but he almost seems to revel in his bloodlust. After a flurry of blows he springs forward and grabs Krokad by the collar. "I may fall prey to you as well..." He thrusts the sword through Krokad's chest, spraying blood out and coating the stage right wall. "...but I will be the last. Go back to the hellhole you crawled out of."
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Yix is using prestidigitation to make the minor blood tricks, and for the finale he will use silent image for the big fancy illusion of impaling Krokad.

Krokod Firetongue |

"Aieee!" Krokod as the demon screams as he is impaled, struggling to rise but failing, then he sinks weakly, "I...." (Wheeze) "go... but see to your soul mortal, else we meet again..." (Wheeze) "our reunion will not go so well for you." He clutches at the blade as he falls free to the floor, and now that blade glows with a cool flame of its own...which threatens to spread to him seemingly.
Lightspell ;)
As he lays there, he wonders Will any know that this tale is not so different from what's befallen Cheliax itself? Replace demon with deviltry, and it fits the nation like a well tailored jacket.

Delgata Pesur |

Now if I had a full night of sleep and fluffed feather pillows I too would of been on point like those two. Bravo! Bravo! These are the kind of actors I enjoy sharing the stage with.
Del with flip onto the stage and shake both Yix and Krokod's hands like he is meeting them for the first time.
I would very much one day like to preform a play with the two of you in the future called "the hounds of Yith", a fairly newer piece I discovered in the far east. It is a rendition of an old country myth that originated on a rice and Barley farm. A very dark spiritual piece, but eerily disturbing on its approach of modern day man's will to survive in an age of changing times.
bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19