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After your encounter at the church you all head back to the ship to reunite with the crew.
Keep in mind you are never obligated to tell or not tell the crew any information you obtain beyond what your character would do. If there is any last things you guys want to do before heading out now is a good time for that. PS I'm finding my rythem at work so posting should 've normal once again.
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Halrian Wrung |

I will keep the captain up to date on the findings. I will also request an opportunity to talk with the clerics for more information before we set sail in the morning. I will also request from the captain a purse of gold to pay for any information from the church and an offering to the Sea B#@!$ I belive that is an acceptable religious term for her non-disgraceful and the rest of the purse could be an offering for safe travel.
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Semban Margav |

While Halrian speaks to Umberlee's acolyte, Semban doesn't speak a single word, though is visibly uneasy, assigning significant concentration to not reaching for his sword.
Upon leaving the church, though, he speaks up: "I don't know, Halrian. If it were me, I'd rather have my remains at the bottom of the sea than... consecrated in this place."

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it is likely the bottom of the sea is where they will end up lol. That's kind of what burial for this church is. Aside from that the man was a pirate and most likely paid tribute to umberlee to begin with. However your points are valid considering umberlee is as evil as it gets.
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Xanos Shoresong |

Xanos will want to tell more, but has nothing to give.
If anyone is looking, he'll be below decks, trying to sort through his sudden loss of memory.
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Halrian Wrung |

"I will not judge. If that sad sack of bones was a pirate, sailor, or royal navy; all seem to pay homage to the b+%!@ goddess. With good reason. All those leagues off the coast, you are sorely in her hands. I plan to tip a coin tomorrow before we launch looking for favor, less she may have a leviathan swallow the ship whole and keep us prisoner for a decade. On the subject of death. I have a written will in my belongings, please see that it is followed through with in the event of my untimely demise, there are detailed instructions. I would do my best to return the favor if the most unfortunate happens to either of you." Hal has two copies of his will wax sealed with his emblem. One is in his room, the other the captain was asked to hold and keep safe.
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Nadab |

" Well Captain. With your leave I'll go and get my things set up in my quarters. " If the captain doesn't object Nadab will go and find his quarters and spend some time setting it up to his liking.

Captain Ventra |

Captain Ventra nods and says, Yes, please do. I have taken too much of your time. If you have any questions, or need anything, I will be in my quarters. The Captain will then return to his quarters to await the return of the shore party.

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Halrion you have a bit of time if you want to rouse the crew to head to the temple of umberlee before departure. If not I'll post in a bit your group setting sail and such.
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Halrian Wrung |

If the captain allows it. I would like to bring a pouch of gold for information and a blessing of safe sailing.
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Captain Ventra |

The Captain has no problem with Halrian's request. Before Halrian leaves his quarters, Captain Ventra says, Please see me once you are finished at the temple, and we are underway. The Captain then delves into his journals while he waits for the crew to return from the morning outing.

Xanos Shoresong |

Xanos will come by the captains quarters to go over their charted course while everyone else is out.
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Halrian Wrung |

Capt. How much money did you allow? I request 50 - 100 gp.
Hal will wake pre dawn, do some prayers, get out and start blessing the boat, anoint the figure head with blessed oils, throw a blessed coin into the ocean from the ship, and say many prayers that the ship does not sink and he does not drown; this is common for Hal before the ship leaves port. He will dress in a simple tunic which allows him to semi blend into the true sailors around the harbor. He will ask the crew that accompanied him last night to the temple if they would like to join him once more. He will take time and bless each coin that the captain gives as an offering.
Hal will take his pouch of gold as an offering and seek out the Cleric of Umberlee at their temple. He will try to find the cleric he had dealings with the night previous if possible. Hal will present his offering of Blessed coins of Waukeen, to bring good fortune. He will inquire on any legends, lore, or news that could be discovered.
Hal is always looking for new acquaintances or possible business partners for the future, so he will approach any clerics of umberlee as possible future business partners and toss out reverent respect. He will also inquire any items that the church of Umberlee finds sacred or valuable; so in the event any items are stumbled on he will know to procure them.

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You have plenty of time to gather weapons and such. And yeah the muscle wouldn't be a bad idea. It would probably be best for the whole party to go. I'll assume you all do however you can retroactively say you didn't if need be. You have plenty of crew members responsible enough to handle the ship while you are gone.
The group sets out to The Last Breath, it being late, you all figure leaving at night would be best to keep a low profile on the sea and hopefully the process of visiting the temple of Umberlee proves quick.
The group approaches the doors of the temple. As you look up the moon is full shining on the stained glass which now seems animated with men clawing at the waves above them while a dark figure with seaweed hair drags them down.
You open the doors and come in on a scene most vile. The head priest is holding a child no more than ten with his head under water in a large "sacred" saucer in the middle of the room. The boy is flailing to and fro, trying desperately to escape the man's clutches and come up for air.
There are 8 priests including the head priest and what looks to be a small pirate crew totaling 5 who most likely supplied the boy as tribute and payment for safe passage.
Again feel free to act as your character would. I just set things out and have multiple scenarios planned. There is no "right" answer.
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Halrian Wrung |

I was planning to do this at dawn... Either way.
Hal will open the door have a pause, nod at the evil cleric doing their business. Hal will then quietly shut the door and gesture for the crew to sit down with him on a bench, street curb, whatever..
"The clerics are holding a private ceremony we will wait here and wait our turn. I do not know what everyone's individual ideals are, I do not care, you will bite your tongue and be friendly to the clerics. If this causes a moral issue please feel free to give your resignation to either myself or the captain before we set sail today. We will wait until someone sends for us or those in attendance depart."
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Semban Margav |

"I will do no such thing," says Semban hefting his greatsword from his back, a look of utter disgust on his face. "You will stand aside as I fight to protect an innocent life, or you will soon be among those I cut down."
Assuming no actual physical resistance (anything shy of this will fail to dissuade me) from anyone in the crew, I'll cast enlarge person on myself and kick down the door.
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

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While I implore you all to play your individual characters there will be no PvP kills here. And I exspect there to be internal conflicts and you are all playing accordingly, which I appreciate. Just in the end while loyalties may be strained, find a way in character to stay a party.
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Xanos Shoresong |

I'm true neutral, the world is both evil and good, and the ocean is quite both.
Xanos frowns, but doesn't say anything when he glimpses the scene inside. He is puzzled by the rashemi's behavior but doesn't get in the way.
Xanos is, if anything, is too accepting of other people's ways.
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Semban Margav |

I mean, I guess I can always try nonlethal approaches and/or combat maneuvers on any resisting PCs, but otherwise I'm going through with this. Human sacrifice is generally pretty unacceptable. And if I die in the effort, I guess I'll roll up a character more okay with stuff like that, lol

Captain Ventra |

Well, this may as well happen... Ventra says as he draws his kukri and then poisons it with his saliva. He follows Semban while drinking a shield extract. When they (along with any others who might follow) enter the temple, Ventra will try to sneak around the interior wall to get at the back of the head cleric.
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Sneak Attack: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9
Ventra will be trying to get behind the head cleric and then will try to stab him in the back. If he is caught along the way, he will attack the unlucky fool/fools that try to stop him.

Keila Free |

initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
I will use disarm on the pirates (they should be pretty weapon dependant). Keila is happyer with the way things are going now, but she would have been able to accept the other route (begrundgingly)

Xanos Shoresong |

Okay let's do this!
Xanos initiative : 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Chompy initiative : 1d20 ⇒ 8
"Oh great, here we go. Chompy?" Xanos asks as the crew moves. The little caiman takes a defensive position between xanos and the clergy. The little guy starts to swell in size, changing into combat form.
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Robert Macintyre |

"If you want to try and kill someone, pick on someone your own size!"
He moves toward the high priest and trips the first person he comes into contact with (hopefully the high priest).
Mwk. Fauchard Trip: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Nadab |

Nadab shrugs at Halrian and moves in to back up the rest of the crew.
Initiative : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

DM Gazebo God |
Waiting on a response from Hal, to continue. If nothing is up by the afternoon I'll npc him.
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DM Gazebo God |
I mean this is all pre surprise round so you could kick in the doors and take your surprise actions.
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Keila Free |

sweeeet :3
Keila, realising that a desicion has been made, charges, kicks open the doors and strikes a heroic pose, shouting "STOP YOUR EVIL ACTIONS, EVIL DOERS!"
part having been a masked vigiland and part tactic (a fight is much easyer if your opponend doesn't take you serious
Shifting from her heroic pose into a relaxed fighting stace the martial artist looks at the group of pirates, stage wispering "man, what an ugly son of a goat and a blobfish"
should fokus them on me and not on our sneaking captain or the casters
martial flexibility -> Improved Disarm

Semban Margav |

Ok then. Charging the nearest.
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13Damage: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 3, 1) + 7 = 17
Str 16
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 17
Wis 12
Cha 7
HP: 31
AC: 16|10+1(d)+5(a)-1(size)+1(deflection)
Fort 5|3+2
Refl 3|1+2
Will 4|3+1
BAB +2|CMB +6|CMD +17
Attack: Greatsword +5 melee, 3d6+7, 17-20/x2
Chakram +2 ranged (30 ft) 2d6+3

Halrian Wrung |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry long ride back from snowmobiling.
Just for justification, Hal is afraid and superstitious of the ocean thus treats it with care and approaches superstitions and evil goddesses of the ocean with extreme... tact. He did spend his predawn hours carefully blessing the ship and blessing coins to offer as a tithe to the evil sea goddess. Also did not think the captain was on the outing.
Hal is really torn on the actions taken. He is afraid to anger the b!&$* goddess, and lose loyalties with his party.
init: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Hey capt I am going to cast silence on you so you can stop any spell casting from the cleric and make you extra stealthy. If you do not want me to Does anyone want it on them?
Action= cast silence on a party member
Free Action= Pray Manically to Waukeen for the sins of my crew

Nadab |

Nadab watches Robert ready his polearm. He could be bigger... he thinks as he begins to chant and gesticulate.
Nadab is starting to cast enlarge person.

Semban Margav |

Hey, no need to explain yourself, dude. You're playing your character, and that's the important thing. Also, feel free to cast silence on me if the good captain would rather avoid it, as my spellcasting doesn't involve verbal components.
lol and Keila, I feel like you might be about to get upstaged by the two 10-foot dudes wielding heavy bladed weapons.

Xanos Shoresong |

yeah Halrian, it's totally fine! While on the other hand, i do like being able to 'see' what other characters are thinking.
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DM Gazebo God |
Anyone casting spells on allies can do so before the combat, so what actions are you doing once combat starts?
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Halrian Wrung |

According to his blessed coin he tosses in the air and catches he will stay and support the party.
Hal will shut the door to a Crack and peep in through it. If needed Hal will run in and heal or cast support magic in a reactionary way. He has remove paralysis and command if needed. Other than that he is anxious this fight is even happening. He has no armor and a dagger at the moment.
heads or tails: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Take him out of init, if he can undo any status spells he will, or if he needs to channel positive energy to heal the group he will from the doorway.
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Nadab |

Anyone casting spells on allies can do so before the combat, so what actions are you doing once combat starts?
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whoops, missed this.
Nadab conjures a globule of acid and throws it at one of the pirates.
Acid Splash : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
1d3 ⇒ 1

Xanos Shoresong |

Before combat starts, Xanos will cast Barkskin on Keila Free. Chompy will change into his Medium size combat form and fight defensively just in front of Xanos.
On the first round, Xanos will use his Fortune Hex on the Captain. Chompy will remain ready to intercept attackers while on the defensive.

zomblisham |

Keila bursts through the door, letting out her cry against evil. When the doors open you can see the boys movements slowing, his flailing barely a struggle now.
The doorway leads into a foyer 10 ft by 10 ft., opening up into a larger chamber with pews on either side. The larger chamber is 80 by 80 ft. The pews are 20 ft from either side 20 ft. Long with a 10 ft. Gap in the middle. From entrance to the small stage that features the large scaucer with the boy is 50 ft and it's 5 ft off the ground. The pews are 4 rows deep with 5 ft width per pew. There is a 10 ft gap between the pews and the stage.
There are 8 priests. 3 in a line on the inner side of the pews on the left and a line of 4 on the right with the head priest on the stage. All blocking the center lane to the stage. There is a crew of 8 pirates in the first pew on the left.
I'll post what happens in a bit.
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DM Gazebo God |
Kiela you will have to do a double move to get to the pirates or you can charge the first priest on the right or left in the center. Same situation for Robert except you can hit any one of the priests within the first two lines. I'll assume that's what you do unless you correct it next post. If so no biggie.
Semban on the left and Kiela on the right you both charge up, catching the two priests off balance, a mistake they do not live on to regret. Semban cleaves the one on the left in half from collar bone to pelvis, while Kiela does a flying knee crushing the right priests nose knocking him unconscious and bleeding out. Robert then reaches over Keila tripping the next priest on the right, leaving him vulnerable. Just then a orb of acid flys over your shoulders and catches the next priest in the face. Skulking off to the left the captain seems unnoticed and manages to get behind the stage with a double move.
on the first round of non surprise round the captain can sneak attack. It was just too much distence while stealthed to get to the head priest. If you want to stop and attack a different priest that would be fine.
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