backstory: bjork has fought in the war for as long as it has gone on. He is odd my dwarf standards, valuing speed and range over brawn and bulk. He is likly the most nimble dwarf you have ever seen. He is one of the best midlevel gunsmiths available.
His senior redeye, has tasked him with a mission that is perfect for him. He is to make contact with the drow offer weapons to them in exchange for martial aid on the service. The thinking that drow with long range capability will easily turn the war in their favor. Bjork accepts his mission for the good of all dwarves every where. ![]()
I just want to ask one more question rules wise, The rapid reload feat per the fire arms rules reduces the time for reloading all fire arms, advanced firearms, take a move action to reload to full capacity, so, does this mean that feat moves it to a free action? I will operate under this assumption when I am purchasing as it is the prevailing opinion on the board. ![]()
Question 5: What do you as a player bring to this digital table? I bring the ability to think tactically with my other players, as well as be a team player, even in an evil game to work for the betterment of the group. I can also post multiple times a day so that is a non issue. Question 6: Where do you see your character fitting into the grand scheme of things? (classic party roll as well as ambitions and such)
Question 7: How would your character deal with this situation?
Gather information on the thiefs where abouts, and offer him a choice at the point of a sword, give the item to me, or die, as I dont really want to kill him but If I must ti will be done. ![]()
Ok, SoI am going with gns every where so 10% of the cost, since we are in the land, I will add the gunsmithing feet, instead of gun trainging at level 1( this is in the rules however if the world is not the same through out for guns I would assume that gunsmithing is very useful, thus they would know it if this is not how you inted for the crunch please let us know so I can just take it as a feat choice.) Go ing to work on the crunch now. The game sounds really interesting and a great deal of fun. ![]()
back story :
Gorn is the son of a, dwarven noble in the land korsko. He has grown knowing it is his duty above all else to protect his clan, and kingdom from the corruption spreading across the land. He has trained all of his life to fight the approaching darkness. He is also a very devout follower of torag, having conversations with the preists frequently. One day as he was walking about the city he stopped to converse with his old friend rogar as he prepared to join another caravan, rogar had told him stores of the battles and adventures he had experience don the road and Gorn longed for the adventure. He went to his father, to speak with him about such an endevour. he told his father he wanted to prove himself and to learn by battle instead of the training yard, and see the world, perhaps even find a mine to expand the clans holdings. After much yelling on both sides followed by more than one mug of ale for each. Gorn would not be denied and he was to be off on a caraven departing soon. That was several months ago. With the original caravan done he is thinking to do the same with another in durin. Is this sufficent? Can you pm me your email, so I may send you a chracter sheet with crunch. ![]()
Is it to late to apply for the campain? If not I would love to apply, I am unsure of how your bilding works however form what I read there is a stat at 18 then an additional 23 points to build with due to level then we get more build points per level, I am unsre as to how these would be used every level, could we re arrange multiple stats? or do we do this to upgrade only one stat etc. ![]()
Sounds interesting heres hoping for some luck 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 6) = 16 15
Yeah I can work with that. ;) dm: I have an idea for a dwarven fighter with this set up TWF with shield. He would be the son of a dwarven noble who sets out to right the wrongs with the corruption for the benifit of clan and to get a few treasures him self ( just like any good dwarf) My question is given this back ground can I select the rich parents trait, it sets my starting gold to 900 gp ![]()
Stating intrest 6d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 3, 5, 1) = 21 16
1d20 ⇒ 6 16
I can work with those ![]()
Has been a long time since I poseted here, but Id like to roll up a chracter to play if anyone must leave etc. It will be a 6th level dwarven ranger. Stats 6d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1) = 16 11
I was on the boards severl months ago and their were several arguments going around as to how shields as weapons worked etc. Has this been resolved in FAQ or is it still up in the air? Main points are Does bashing and shield spikes on a heavy steel shield = 2d6?
Any knowledge if this has been cleared up would be great. ![]()
I am so sick of my wizards getting dieing from a stiff breeze. Oh well, this is a really awesome way to create chracters, im hopign to see some of the odder combinations, and even if I am not selected I will definatly be reading this one. BTW Kazmuck will be focused on protective magic, for others and him self, he is lawful good and will act as such, too his companions, his sense of honor is very important to him. ![]()
Here is kazmucks background and crunch, Will create a profile on request. background:
Kazmuck was born in the city of highhelm. Unlike many of his kindred he had a special knack for schooling, and study. His father rogar, encouraged him as he himself had to carve out a lif with his ax, and wanted something better for his son. Kazmuck has the utmost devotion for his family, and clan. To this day he carries his war ax with him, as it bears his family crest. Being tough ( even for a dwarf) helped him in dealing with other who were not accepting of his higher mental prowess. He studied with a human mage at high held that had settled there as he hated the company of other humans, he got along better with dwarves and was an old friend of his fathers. His teach metis taght him in the ways of wizardry at Kazmucks request. He studied with metis for many years, before finally, beliveing it his time to move on. With many hardy handshake, and embraces he was off, to make his own way in the world. And the boreing crunch although I have never had a wizard with 13hp at level 1 before. :) Crunch: Kazmuk CR 1/2 Male Dwarf Wizard (primalist) 1 Lawful good Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) Init +2; Senses Perception +2 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10. . hp 13 (1d6+3) +1 favord class. +3 toughness Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 20 ft. dwarven war ax ( 1d0-2) Wizard (Primalist) Spells Known 1st level, grese,magearmour,protection from evil, color spray, shield, abjuring step
Combat Gear , dwarven war ax,
As there is a great deal of ranger intrest I will throw my hat into the which camp. Would you like full crunch and profile for submission or a background and idea of the character? Tactics, will use debuffs to incapacitate enimies, as well as usign the healing hex to help out my comrades. My idea for arya is an elf which, focusing on her heritage as an elf, think of her as the elderly woman in a village that the children all love and think of as a grand mother.. She came to the village in her long travels over her life for an adventure, not listening to the words of her people that she would be hated, and scorned. She along with her pet " chompy" are now bound for parts unknown as their village chased her out, out of thier superstitious fears. Despite this she keeps a positive outlook on life. Helping whome ever she can. ![]()
Here is my right up for Jeod a half elf rouge. Chracter sheet:
HP 11 AC 18 saves Fort +2
Ability scores STR 12
Skills Acrobatics +8
offense TWF w/sneak attack
Kukri +2 to hit
TWF no sneak attack
Kukri +2 to hit
kukri +4 to hit
Gear 140 2x kukri 16gp Chain shirt 100gp back pack 2gp rope (hemp) 50 ft 1gp bedroll 1sp Rations x8 4gp 16gp 9 sp left.
Writing Example:
jeod Jeod's life began like so many do he was born into a poor family in the city, but they managed. One fateful night two thieves broke into their house, Jeods father Ahjihad rose to defend his wife and child. A fierce struggle began between Ahjihad andthe robbers, as Ahjihad finally gained the upper hand using a stool as club, the thieves partner came at him from behind and ended Ahjihad, as life left him he twisted and struck the the thief with a fierce blow and knocked him unconscious. Jeod being no more than a child of 12 picked up a kitchen knife and ended the thieves life as his mother Selena cried over her now dead husband. Life was hard after his father was gone, it fell to Jeod to be the bread winner. Being only 12 and having no marketable skills, he turned to petty thievery, street performing, and doing odd jobs what ever he could to get by. This continued until he reached the age of 17. His mother Selena remarried to a merchant named Anton. His new "father" did not care for jeod and was preparing to send him away. Jeod overhearing an argument between Anton and his mother, where Anton threatened his mother with a life of utter poverty if she protested. Left under the cover of night, with several of Antons treasures After leaving the only home he had ever known Jeod Struck out to make it on his own, deciding that he will deal with what ever challenges life will throw at him. Along the way he has picked up the use of knives to defend himself from animals and bandits. Hearing the promise of a great treasure in a large dungeon he sets off to make his fortune. Dm questions:
I just would like to make sure that I under stand the house rules correctly BTW thank you so much for these I have been wanting to play a rouge for ever but When ever I tried I was so horribly ineffective. As I read it Weapon finesse is for any light weapon so kukri is fine, as well as takeing the martial proficiancy for it as a trait. On Dervish dance, may Jeod take the feat via combat trick, at second level? I look forward to the game and sincerly hope I am chosen. ![]()
prd wrote: Lay On Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability. That is lay on hands and jacobns post is Can a paladin do LoH with during combat when holding a sword and light shield?
Heavy shield or two weaposn means you have to drop something or sheath. ![]()
At level 10 if you are a human the sword and board really starts to get going ( only missing shield master) Level 1: Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash, power attack
Wtih this build you would have a great deal of battle field control, pushing enimies all about getting them away from casters, you will crit a fair portion of the time, and give your allies AoO. You look to expand into bashing finish, ( make a shield bash when you confirm a crit). ![]()
Does any one know if you take the archer archetype if gloves of dueling weapon traing feature still works RAW it would appear it would not. Gloves state. " These supple leather gloves grant the wearer gains a +4 bonus to his CMD against disarm attacks, attempts to sunder his wielded weapons, and effects that cause him to lose his grip on his weapons (such as grease). The wearer doesn't drop held weapons when panicked or stunned. If the wearer has the weapon training class feature and is using an appropriate weapon, his weapon training bonus increases by +2." Archer arcetype states
It would seem it would not. ![]()
This will be my first archer chracter, and I really want to see what the class is capable of. The build out I have so far is level 1 rapid, persise, point blank shot
This is as far as I have gotten the stats are STR 14
Any one have any advice?