Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Paizo Fan

Nostrus' Way of the Wicked campaign.

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"What kind of self-respecting death row serves freaking tea!?"

I have no helpful suggestions on healing, but agree that we need to find a solution.

A witch with the healing hex would perhaps be a solution.

I personally like selective channeling more.

Can't alchemists use healing extracts? If so, I could easily go alchemist. My background still fits. Won't help til later though.

If selected for the group, Dantes could take Infernal Healing as a first level spell, but that wouldn't help with the breakout portion at all. Of course, it would be helpful if we had a patron that had access to devils' blood to keep the costs reasonable... With his background, Dantes could also be re-tooled as a witch with the healing hex, even keeping the same familiar.

Cain... wrote:
"What kind of self-respecting death row serves freaking tea!?"

The absolute scariest kind... Dantes thinks, politely declining the beverage.

I considered picking up Infernal Healing as a spell, but lack of flexibility with spells known and a need for both mage-armor and an offensive spell of some kind sort of locked in my spell selection.

Both the Devils Blood/Dose of Unholy water aren't given a price in the spell stat-bloc so by definition they're assumed negligible and in a spell component pouch.

However you still do need a spell component pouch to cast them....and in prison that could become an issue. Healing spells are likely best relegated to wand purchases anyways if there is no dedicated healer in the party. Unless of course you take a Eschew Materials or play a sorcerer.

I totally forgot about the witch with the healing hex solution....oh well.

Vladimir laughs nonchalantly , "Sorry, sorry the tea it was my doing... you see I pulled a few strings to procure better accommodations in this foul place....though I assure you the Iocane wasn't my doing."

Vladimir raises an arched eyebrow before pouring the tea-cup out, "Frankly I'm rather perturbed that my tea-time has been ruined, but I am most disturbed at the through of anyone assuming I could be disposed of in such an....uncreative droll manner."

He scoffs laughing pompously, "Really I mean...... poison in the tea....way to think outside the box....really is the state of competent assassination degraded to the point that we're just tearing out pages of the old tiresome Drow handbook.....I mean really?"

Vladimir Velrusso wrote:
Both the Devils Blood/Dose of Unholy water aren't given a price in the spell stat-bloc so by definition they're assumed negligible and in a spell component pouch.

I was assuming that based on the spell description for Curse Water that the cost would be 25gp, the same as holy water. But you are right; a drop required for the spell is certainly not the same as a 25gp vial, so it would be good. And as you observed, it still doesn't help in an equipment-less escape scenario without Eschew Materials, but I really wanted the Breadth of Experience feat for Dantes to reflect a century of learning.

Yeah, Selective Channel is pretty much a must-have clerical feat... unfortunately it only solves the problem of not smashing your allies along with your enemies for negative channelers. One solution would be to have a negative energy channeler who specifically takes CURE LW as a spell to ensure he/she can heal the team while leaving the channeling for damage dealing or as an undead buff.

This is all academic until we find out who will be playing, I suppose. :(


Based on the order of my rolls I was going to have low Con regardless, and I figured that healing would be iffy in an evil party, which is why I went Synthesist Summoner. When I have the eidolon "out" I have an effective 20 HP and can heal the eidolon "part of me" 3 times, so I'm basically a self-healing tank. (+18 intimidate /w Antagonize--ok, a bit cheesy)

So if I'm chosen I should be able to help with the healing problem a bit.

The other character I was thinking of submitting was an inquisitor, and it seems like we have a couple of those submitted. For those of you thinking inquisitor but maybe worried about low HP--one thing to consider is the sin eater archetype--again, a self-healing character lessens the pressure on the healer, you know?

I seriously considered a Sin-Eater build (although given she is evil maybe that should be a Soul-Eater or Purity-Eater) :). But her Domain really fits Price's methods and that would have been lost. Also, the Sin Eating ability is nice out of combat (since it takes a full minute) but isn't much help when things go sideways in combat. Given the infiltration and stacked odds element of the game - where the characters may be running and gunning against all sort of White Hats - I was a little concerned that there wouldn't be a lot of time for Sin Eating. *shrugs* Who can say?

Price wrote:
I seriously considered a Sin-Eater build (although given she is evil maybe that should be a Soul-Eater or Purity-Eater) :). But her Domain really fits Price's methods and that would have been lost. Also, the Sin Eating ability is nice out of combat (since it takes a full minute) but isn't much help when things go sideways in combat. Given the infiltration and stacked odds element of the game - where the characters may be running and gunning against all sort of White Hats - I was a little concerned that there wouldn't be a lot of time for Sin Eating. *shrugs* Who can say?

Yeah, I wanted to do an inquisitor of Asmodeus with the Divine domain (awesome, especially at low levels). Then I was thinking about a Sin Eater because of my low Con, but I agree with you about the whole "Purity-Eater" thing, hehe. I thought his background could be him eating the souls of people who didn't live up to their pacts, you know?

One thing to note is that you can "rush" the soul eating as a full-round action to get half the healing, but yeah it's not all that effective when you have to keep moving to a bunch of different combats.

On the subject of soul eating...... I'd love to go the Soul-Drinker prestige class if it's allowed, I'm selected, and I don't simply go Diabolist mostly because Cacodaemon's as familiars are pretty awesome the advantage being it's power to consume a soul of a recently slain creature once per day and turn it into a soul gem that when consumed by an evil outsider (see: Tiefling) provides fasting healing 2 for rounds/my HD.

If I kill enough people it's like having a near endless supply of Cure Moderate wounds fueled by death of my enemies their souls instantly damned to a lower plane of my choosing (Hell).

Not only does it help with healing it also adds a nice fluff of casting down worshipers of the shining lord to hell rather than their own chosen afterlife which is pretty cool and top notch on the scale of evil blasphemous acts.

"Dedicate your life to healing the sick and running an orphanage? Doesn't matter your going to hell for all eternity, mwahaahahaha"

Another part of the problem being that I rolled a 12 on my charisma.

I think I would definitely have to take toughness if I get selected. Stupid 7 con...

Maybe re-opt for favored class and put that into HP as well. That'd get me up to 8 then.

Have any of you guys checked out my profile? I think I could easily fit in with a few of you as well.

I have Monkey. ;) I think we clash on party roles pretty hard, though. In any case arguably the dirty little synthesis summoner puts both of us to shame anyways in terms of raw power so good luck to you.

For the record, when rolling for a Tieflings alternate racial ability always assume you're taking the Fiendish Heritage Feat which allows you to roll 3 times and pick the best. It also has the benefit of allowing you to choose your Heritage moving your racial attribute bonuses around to benefit whatever character you want to build. Worst case you roll crap then decide to go human like you did best case you get something worthy of burning the feat over.

Probably not worth it if you're DM is letting you roll for either anyways, but that's always up to DM fiat as is the feat I suppose.

I am jealous of the fact that you rolled a human for that delicious extra feat and alternate favored class bonus for more spells known. I'm not too fond of tattooed sorcerers, though. I'm definitely not fond of them given they lose eschew materials which is half the reason for playing a sorcerer in this game as opposed to another arcane caster.

Another friendly bump. Kudos to prison teatime!

So here is my submission. It is a healing witch, that worships Asmodeus and is very deceitful. Go ahead and read her profile and check out her stats. I am hoping that this helps fill in the "healer" role that seems to be lacking in this group.

1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

'Prison teatime™' is an exclusive trademark of Velrusso Industries a subsidiary of Team Evilco.

You'll be hearing from our lawyer*

*Salikotal assassin

Strength: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Dexterity: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Constitution: 8 +2 racial bonus
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Charisma: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Meet Alexite Corvis, a man too smart for his own good. Possessed of a brilliant, inquisitive mind that is often bored combined with a proclivity for societal-percieved 'wickedness', including (but not limited to) extortion, racketeering, theft, running illegal gambling dens, conspiracy to commit murder, blackmail, and his latest crime, duelling to the death.

Party Role: To put it bluntly, Corvis is a scout, an infiltrator, and a corruptor. He is skilled at turning people to his cause, and ferreting out the weaknesses of his foes. He is a swordsman, a pugilist, and an all-round sneaky bastard. He'll be a Master Spy in the end, so a perfect infiltrator.

Why he's in jail: Alexite got on the wrong side of a noble family with strong political connections. He blackmailed a young noble with gambling debts, but instead of folding as expected, the young man challenged Corvis to a duel. Corvis won with the boy's hearts blood on his blade, and the family took exception to it. Thus, after a successful life of crime, the half-elf landed himself in the most secure prison ever built. A minor setback, to be sure.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm building Alexite as a sort of Sherlock Holmes homage. If it's alright with you, I'd love to be able to replicate the 'Sherlock Holmes party trick' of deducing information about people with perception checks. Mostly for flavor, but he might learn minor useful things about a person or place. Like burn marks on a mans hands that tell him the person has ranks in craft (alchemy) for example. We can hammer out the particulars assuming you accept the character, if you like. I just think it'd be cool.

EDIT: Sorry folks. I could resist the second application. I think an evil Master Spy would be really fun.

So I've made my decision, which has not been easy whatsoever. For those of you who haven't been chosen, please keep an eye for this thread in future in case we have any drop-outs.

Choices made are:

Mahorfeus: Gideon Schrade, LE Human Anti-Paladin
Eben TheQuiet: Cain, NE Human Barbarian
Sgmendez: Elis Adria, LE Changeling Witch
PsionicFox: Erion Gilor, LE Half-Elf Ranger (Skirmisher, Urban Ranger)
Monkeygod: Hurak, LE Human Tattooed Sorcerer
stormraven: Price, LE Aasimar Inquisitor

Gameplay and discussion threads will be up by the end of the day. I'll give until the end of the week for sign-in.

For those who didn't get accepted this time, don't lose heart. All of the characters were very good but I've chosen those that I think will work best given the adventure path. If I had time, I'd love to run a second game. I'd whole-heartedly suggest that anyone else who picks up the first book (after all, it's only $10) should also run the campaign as it is the first evil campaign I've seen which should run well!

Gratz those who made it. Good gaming.


I guess I'm going to be playing my original character then!

Looks like we have a pretty well-rounded group, but I get the feeling Erion is going to need to step up early (because he has disable device). Go team evil!

And technically, if you like the Sherlock-y bit, I could still do that here, since I still have that rather godly +8 Perception at this level. But only if you think it's a good idea.

I'm fine with that. I am a fan of the new Sherlock stuff, films and BBC series included.

Hey, awesome. Thanks, Nostrus. I can't wait for the game to start up.

Have a great game guys! Give those goody two shoes hell!

Gratz all! Wipe out those goody two-shoes!

Lantern Lodge

We sure will. *snicker*

And congrats to others that made it. I can't wait to start raising hell, in the name of Asmodeus of course.

And I think we may be able to coerce our way out, I do have a base +11 Bluff (+13 if they are attracted to me at all).

And I had a question, I know that we don't have access to familiars and such, but would my familiar have been able to follow me (if you read my backstory you see that we were separated when I was captured) to the prison and maybe be waiting outside (or at least within a mile) that way I can still use the empathic link to know they are safe and to gain the +2 to Bluff?

And one last question, since a Witch doesn't need their familiar to cast spells, only to prepare them, I should be able to cast any spells I have prepared that don't have material components that I do not have access to right?

WOOT! Looking forward to this game, folks.

FWIW - So that we don't have all our healing eggs in one basket, and because Team Evil needs to be healthy to sew the maximum amount of mayhem, I'm going to swap out Protection from Good with CLW.

Good to hear, looks like we have an awesome mix of bad guys here.

Good call on the CLW, Price.

Now, I've seen a lot of movies, so I'm fairly certain the next step in our escape plan is to gather up all of our bed sheets, tie them all together, and ...

"... strangle the next guard that comes in?" Price offers sweetly.

Shadow Lodge

I'm just wondering if you'd let me use Alexite instead? He and Erion are fairly similar in concept, the only difference being that Alexite is the better skill-monkey and (eventually) the better damage dealer thanks to sneak attack. Both of them will take dips in the other class, so its not too much of an issue, but I thought I'd at least ask.

Price wrote:
"... strangle the next guard that comes in?" Price offers sweetly.

"Ha! Such sweet pillow-talk."

Seriously, though... very excited to see what horrible situation we begin in. :)

Also, just for clarity, there is nothing romantic between Price and Cain... he was just joking' around... it's an evil thing.

Have fun guys looks like it will be a great game.

Cain... wrote:
"Ha! Such sweet pillow-talk."

Price glances at the dank walls of the feebly lit and stinking prison cell. She rattles her chains for good measure before sighing luxuriously, "Ah... fetid conditions, manacles, a taste of the whip, and the wails of the condemned... practically a second Honeymoon. Naturally, a young woman's thoughts turn to romance."

Just to be clear, Price is no evil kinkster or a tramp - that's a trope I don't play - but she will pretend to be whatever is needful to secure an escape.

Just a little inspiration for the troops... ;)

Team Evil v Mitra's Clergy

Team Evil's Children's Outreach Program

Congrats to all those chosen! I'll probably follow along to witness the slaughter of innocents. :-)

I can't wait to start this. It is going to be deviously fun. And it doesn't help that I have the free preview and I am using all of my STR to not look in the adventure part of it. But I am reading through pretty much everything else.
Or am I? *snicker*

PsionicFox, no problem.

@Nostrus: Ta mate.

Alexite sighs, and chuckles at the 'seamstress'.

"I never knew a simple seamstress to have such wicked thoughts. Then again, you're hardly a 'simple' seamstress, are you? Judging by the birthmark on your palm, and the crusted blood that you didn't quite wash out in our lacklaster accomodations here, I'd say you were caught doing something a sight more wicked than anything involving whips. Were you and your friend trying to make a deal with Asmodeus? I hear he likes making them."

Just a little taste of what's in store when you hang out with Mr.Corvis

I'm sure this will be addressed as we enter the game, but I'd like to be thinking ahead on a few things.

Do the characters know each other (well, other than Price & Cain)? Have we all been operating in Talingarde or are we recently arrived here? How many cells of the Church of Asmodeus would there be? Would those of us aligned with the church have known each other through that organization?

In order: not necessarily, you'll probably all have been in Talingarde a decent length of time, the Church of Asmodeus as it was is dead and all that is left at the moment is the high priest and a few people operating on your own (Price and Cain being two of them) and I doubt you would have as the Church was persecuted and fragmented.

As it stands, the Church of Asmodeus in the view of the Mitrans is dead as a dodo. At the moment, there is no real structure and it's extremely fragmented. Cardinal Adrastus Thorn expects to correct that little problem.

Cool. That's very helpful. I love me some underdog stories!

Nostrus wrote:
As it stands, the Church of Asmodeus in the view of the Mitrans is dead as a dodo.

Excellent! Let's not disabuse them of that foolish notion just yet... >:)

I am assuming that I don't know any of you except maybe from chatter and whispers within the prison, and of course your constant rambling.

But yes, I do believe that we may be able to have a stereotypical lunch room talk about escape and sharpening sporks into shivs, for those of you that need material weapons.

I'll just sit here, brooding in the corner while everyone else chatters. But I have a Charisma score of 16, so I have to be a nice guy. Right? ...right?

You know I just had a thought. All the characters that didn't make it into the game are still prisoners within the prison. They just don't escape with the rest of us.

I'm fairly certain that means they only have 3 days to live...

... that's if they do actually survive the escape.

Elis, the Deceitful wrote:

I am assuming that I don't know any of you except maybe from chatter and whispers within the prison, and of course your constant rambling.


But yes, I do believe that we may be able to have a stereotypical lunch room talk about escape and sharpening sporks into shivs, for those of you that need material weapons.

If this were the actual thread, you'd be hearing a lot less from Price until she knew what the situation was. There could be spies here and she certainly wouldn't trust speaking openly about her allegiances. She'd do the 'poor seamstress caught up accidentally in nefarious doings' act to play on the possible doubts among the captors to hopefully open an opportunity for escape - either by suckering in some addle-pated jailor into coming too close or by playing on the bit of larceny in most men's hearts. If they think she's desperate enough to bed them in the hopes of being set free, they might try to 'take advantage' of the situation. If she can get unchained - under the premise of giving her favors - she'll take the guard out and the jailbreak is on.

The interplay between Price and Cain was the sort of thing she'd say in their lair away from prying ears or if keeping silent and playing 'little girl lost' was an absolute bust.

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