darth_borehd's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 2,191 posts (3,058 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.
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Any word on how we can buy this?
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Rysky wrote: The do not own dark/undergound elves.
They do for all intents and purposes own the non-white skinned white haired sensually clad matriarchal demon worshipping evil elves that live underground, which are not from real world myth. Paizo can't safely step around that, they could by completely changing everything about the Drow... but that would mean completely changing everything about the Drow.
I don't see how that argument holds water.
WoTC also claims they own Yuan-ti but Paizo just started calling them serpentfolk and now Sekmin.
Retconning "drow" as "serpentfolk/Sekmin" seems a totally bonkers Rube Goldberg-esque construction considering how Yuan-ti were already re-purposed.
Just do the same thing with "drow" that was already done with "yuan-ti" and be done with it seems far more satisfying and easier.
Just as an example:
- They are properly called "dokkálfar" or just dark elves. The word "drow" is a Dwarven exonym that originally meant "troll-like." It was was occasionally used mistakenly in the past. (and never use "drow" in any other product again to refer to "dark elves")
- They no longer live exclusively underground but some choose to do so just like human groups and other surface dwellers could if they wanted.
- They can be just as evil or good as any human.
- Like humans and other PC races, there are some groups and cults that have evil plans (most dark elves were appalled at the cultist group that caused Second Darkness).
- They don't worship spiders more than anybody else. Some dark elves like spiders but that is merely a coincidence.
- Dark elves can be found mingling in above-ground cities just as often as wood elves, aquatic elves, snow elves, etc
- Dark elves live all over Golarion. There are dark elf paladins in Andora just like Cheliax has Dark Elf Antipaladins.
- Things like driders, fleshwarping, etc are the results of evil wizards like the ones that made abominations out of humans.
- Basically, any evil things attributed to "drow in general" were done by evil people or groups that just happened to be dark elves.
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sirgog wrote: Caldax the Shadow wrote: This is a decision I cannot agree with. Drow are second favorite version of elves and to see them just cast aside like this is just WRONG. I've already told people at my table and game groups I'm doing the opposite and will be banning serpentfolk and instead expanding the Drow lore and such even more.
I love Pathfinder, I love the drow, and see them cast aside like this in all honesty almost feels like a good friend being dragged away to never be seen again by another friend who is trying instead to shove what feels like a stranger into the group and acting like nothing has changed.
It's not Paizo's decision, it's American copyright law.
Drow cannot be used without the OGL. WotC made using the OGL no longer viable. If Paizo print something with Drow, WotC will sue and an American court will seize all the product and destroy it.
How is that possible??? Aren't dark elves from Scandinavian folklore and drow from Scottish folklore? Sure they would be public domain after hundreds of years, right?
I don't understand how WOTC can claim they own them now. Can somebody explain this?
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Jade Regent: We are on book 4. The kitsune ranger used her Disguise Self magical tail to appear as a Withered Blossom Warrior. She "tied up" the rest of the party to pass as "prisoners" and bluffed her way through the hobgoblin encampments for two levels of Munasukaru's Penance. She kept rolling 20s on her Disguise and Bluff checks and I kept rolling a bunch of 1s on Perception and Self Motive. It was hilarious.
Mummy's Mask: I moved the setting to 1920s Earth. Magic is real, but hidden. I replaced many of the bad guys with proto-Nazi cultists called The Thule Society made up of German WW 1 veterans. Instead of the Ossumentals in Book 5, I borrowed the stats for the Russian troops and tanks from Reign of Winter. The party sorcerer is Betty White who was Isekai'd from 21st century and now goes by Betty the White. She cast reverse gravity on the tanks and through them up in the air. The party managed to commandeer one mostly in-tact and are now using that to attack Hakotep's pyramid.
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Can we get this title for print-on-demand?
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Oh I would love new VTT maps for this. I was disappointed with the maps in the interactive map PDF for the entire Mummy's Mask AP.
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In order of preference:
1. Actually answer *ALL* of the posts with FAQ tags.
2. Fixed the Shifter
3. More Bestiaries. There are so many real-world mythological and cryptid monsters left.
4. Expanded The Harrowing module into an Adventure Path or new campaign setting
5. Released a video game like Pathfinder Kingmaker but with Neverwinter Night's multiplayer and construction kit
6. Did a modern-day fantasy variant for campaigns like The Dresden File or Buffy the Vampire Slayer
7. Update the Words of Power system with the new classes
8. A bard archetype or that does not cast spells or a new class like Dragonlance's Noble
9. Write up full stats on all of The Tane
10. Ultimate Comedy book. A book for tricksters and pranksters of all classes. The lighter side of Pathfinder for campaigns like The Princess Bride.
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I play in multiple groups. All of them tried or at least looked over Pathfinder 2.0 and were severely under-impressed to put it mildly.
The general consensus was that 1st edition is still far superior so we have no plans on changing.
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The original monk had some legacy design problems and needed more options.
They should have done what they said they were going to do and revised the rules on Improved Natural Attack and monk's Unarmed Strike.
The unchained monk gave a few more options but then gave monks a weak will save, which is an abomination.
A monk redesign should have focused on giving monks style feats, combat maneuvers, and worked more like the brawler.
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Darigaaz the Igniter wrote: Corrik wrote: Words of Power support. Simply flabbergasted by that one. +1 I'm with you there. They never even updated it to include the new casters.
In my campaign, I renamed it "runecasting" and the material component is always a bag full of rune stones.
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Why have they never made a bard archetype that does not cast spells? I have been scratching my head on that one.
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It is closer to the Greek pronunciation.
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I was disappointed to discover that there appears to be no detailed maps of the inside of the outpost's buildings (smithy, tool house, chapel, etc).
We get a general area map of the colony and the surrounding area only.
Has anybody made maps of the colony buildings or have other maps that will fit?
This is for online if it matters.
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I don't like where this rogue is going. This seems to be a continuation of the effort that was started in Unchained to morph the rogue into a combat-focused "striker"-type character class and away from lying, cheating, manipulation, and burglary.
I want more Moist Von Lipwig and Bilbo Baggins and less Assassin's Creed.
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I am severely disappointed in Paizo and a little angry. This is exactly why I left D&D.
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Oliver Veyrac wrote:
As far as this one, i just love old spice. How many pathfinder player's gonna get some old spice just because of this class.
For some, that would be a boon to the entire party.
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Dasrak wrote: I got the sense that they must have known what they were doing with 5+int skill points, and did it precisely because they knew it would cause the more retentive purists among us to froth at the mouth. I myself flinched when I saw it. Because it's odd and not even??
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I don't think I am "hip" to the new lingo the kids use nowadays. What is "hetero-normative"?
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To me, it makes sense that Slashing Grace restrictions apply to Dervish as well. Having your hand occupied is having your hand occupied.
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There's an elf who wants to be a dentist.
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They did a much better job with psionic/psychic powers than anybody else ever have. It is the first time I ever saw rules for that genre I liked and would fit into my campaigns.
If I had a criticism of the classes is that they are a bit more confusing. I had to read the kineticist and medium several times to understand them. They also tend to have a more "one trick pony" syndrome. It's a good trick, but when you get in a situation where you can't use it, you are sunk.
I didn't like the mindscape rules. It made no sense why classes that have a "pool" of points get such a huge advantage over similar classes that don't. If for example, they allowed a warrior-type to create a psychic version of their weapon for free, at least it would be something.
As with all the classes that have come out since Ultimate Magic, I must lodge a complaint that the Words of Power system has not been updated for them.
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PossibleCabbage wrote: Ravingdork wrote: And there are GMs out there that are actually worried that a character with this trait might get a +1 to hit and -1 Armor check penalty from masterwork gear! lol! Yeah, when I have a player who takes this trait, I just ask "do you want me to just up the starting cash so you can afford the stuff you need to function so you can take a better trait?" If it's something they're actually using the 900 gold for where an extra 100 gp or so to buy the correct composite longbow wouldn't suffice, I would be suspicious. Every alchemist I play takes this to buy a portable alchemist lab and a bunch of alchemical supplies. I also take the "Black Sheep Apothecary Aliver Pillbug"to get poisons at level 1 and a place to buy them.
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Saethori wrote: It is customary, if asking a new question, to make your own thread instead of necroing a four-years-buried one.
No matter what I do, somebody says I am doing it wrong.
I post to an old thread and people tell me "don't necro old threads, create new ones!"
I start a new thread and people tell me "use search to post to old threads, don't start new ones!"
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By taking this, does it mean that a wizard's familiar also gains the abilities of a druid animal companion of his level?
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Rysky wrote: Well they have stated they get claws at 1st so they get some amount of shapeshifting before Wildshape. It doesn't sound like what I and other people have been asking for in a level 1 shapeshifter.
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I really hope the shifter gets shapeshifting at level 1. If you have to wait until level 4 or 5 like a druid, it's going to be lame.
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I found this good to have for these pocket editions.
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In Rules As Written (RAW), no. It specifically says you can counter spells cast by a "creature" not traps.
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I still feel this archetype should have been a charisma caster but something got lost in the editing. I have no proof though.
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A lot of gamers these days are also parents. So what I would like to see is a children's storybook set in Golarion.
I picture it as the in-universe primer that Golarion parents read to their young ones when they go to sleep, like Mother Goose, Aesop's Fables, or Grimm's Fairy Tales on Earth. (Sort of like how J.K. Rowling did with Tales of Beedle the Bard).
It would be brightly illustrated and would be made up of stories based on the Harrow Deck (like How the Rabbit Prince Broke His Blade from the Harrow Deck), simplified versions of Adventure Path plots, and Inner Sea history into kid-friendly tales about 3 pages long on average.
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So just to be clear, Thrump the Barbarian would know that somebody used magic on him regardless of whether or not he saved successfully but would not know that it was an Evil Eye hex or who did it without making a knowledge (Arcana) roll with DC 11?
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There is no evidence that there is one and no known way that one could exist. It doesn't mean there isn't one, but the vast preponderance of the evidence points to there is not.
Even if there is one, there is no telling if any of the myriad religions actually has information about how to obtain it or avoid it or manipulate the conditions thereof. Assuming that is obtainable. Or desirable. Or avoidable. Or manipulatable.
My advice is do what you think is right in the life you know have now and stop worrying about it.
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This whole concept is stupid.
Ever since the "baby boomers" got lumped into a one big monolithic social and political group, people have stumbling over themselves to define other generations as such.
It's a flawed concept from the beginning because the "boomer" generation doesn't vote as one block nor do they have the same social morals, viewpoints, tastes, abilities, or preferences.
If it were true, there would be no liberal and conservative sides. There wouldn't be people that are 65 that are brilliant computer engineers and 65-year olds that can't operate a smart phone.
The Lost Generation, The Greatest Generation, The Baby Boomers, The Disco Generation, Generation X, Gen Y, Millennials, etc. are just arbitrary labels that tell you as much about a person as their horoscope. There's not even a set definition of what a generation is.
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You know what would be cool? A chart that shows which adventures can be used with which flip mats and vice versa so you can buy both together.
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Get Lair of The Winter Dragon from the online PFBeginner Box. It's a great adventure for Beginner Box characters and it is has a great winter holiday theme.
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johnlocke90 wrote:
Well they released Unchained Monk because of how bad the original monk was. Its not something thats contested.
No, it totally is contested. They released it to make it easier for new players and Pathfinder Society GMs and nerfed the monk in the process.
Some of the archetypes attempted to make monk better as well, but they are clunkier. Going full unchained monk is much simpler.
Simpler is not better. Monks with a weak Will save is just wrong and always will be wrong.
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The starship combat rules have been the Achilles heal of many Sci fi rpgs.
How do you take a rules system made for tactical combat counted in feet and scale it to bigger-than-colossal ships at ranges of thousands or millions of kilometers?
That's the question few such games have handled well.
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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: The key thing to keep in mind is that Starfinder is not going to be a SciFi game. So if you're looking for Star Frontiers, Star Trek, or a hard sciencey game.... you're boarding the wrong starship. I agree with your point. I think somebody mentioned Farscape and everything I heard about Starfinder seems to jive with that.
I wish people would stop using Star Trek as an example of hard sci-fi. I like Star Trek, but I am also a fan of hard sci-fi and some occasional techno-babble does not make the story hard sci-fi. The difference between Star Trek and Star Wars is not hard vs soft but instead that Star Wars technology has become so mundane and ubiquitous to its characters that they no longer stop to explain how it works.
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Ninja is a Rogue in black pajamas.
You can't take levels in both. Pick one or the other.
It is a fun class in its own right and well worth taking. It is just different enough that there can be a Rogue and a Ninja in the same party and they will have little overlap.
GM Hint: Give your goblins levels in Ninja. It's fun!
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What kind of spells can be cast while blind?
Ray or touch?
Charms and compulsions?
Area effect?
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Brew Bird wrote: Well, what fantasy universe is Pathfinder most similar to? I would say mostly Discworld, with influences from Nehwon, Call of Cthulhu, Hyboria, and Alice in Wonderland, and aspirations towards Middle Earth.
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An elevator that just looks like an empty room. The party goes in and the doors close. They hear a "roaring noise" and feel the ground tremble. When they open the door, they are on another level. Do not give any indication that it is just an elevator.
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Menacing Shade of mauve wrote:
Read the descriptions of Burst and Spread, then see if your spell is one of those.
I did read those. I didn't find them illuminating.
The spell description does not actually say either way.
Yes, I meant the pun.
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Control the direction of Deeper Darkness:
1. Cast Deeper Darkness on a coin.
2. Put the coin in one end of a scroll case.
3. Point the unopened end of the scroll case to create a 60' cone of darkness.
4. Point the cone at enemies and away from allies to put them in darkness while keeping everybody else in the ambient light level (or vice versa as desired).
Is this valid in the rules? Does Darkness and Deeper darkness work that way or is it more like "fog" in that opening one end of the tube puts everything in darkness in a 60' radius?
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I just want to say with about 40 classes and several archetypes and options inside each class, everybody should be able to make nearly every fantasy character they want. That's pretty impressive.
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I think caster/martial disparity is all in the mind too.
Look, if it were true, *everybody* would be playing casters and nobody would play martial characters and that's simply doesn't happen.
You think that it would at least be more true among veteran players and it is not.
Even among the die-hard min/maxers it's not true. It's not even close.
Trust me, it's all in your head. Now relax and just play the game.
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Call me a conspiracy nut, but I think they threw in the "unchained summoner" list as a plug to sell more Pathfinder Unchained books.
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thorin001 wrote: Endency wrote: Am I the only one who's thought immediately went to Heman and Battle Cat with this one? I certainly hope so. :P I did too.