
darth_borehd's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 2,191 posts (3,058 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

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Grand Lodge

I want to take the "We Be Goblins" series of mini modules and expand them to a longer campaign.

Any suggestions on additional adventures I could use that are comedic, satirical, or lighthearted?

The tiefling variant ability "You are invisible to all unintelligent undead. This is a supernatural ability" sounds like it is either

A) Works like 2nd level invisibility. It goes away when you attack the undead creature.

B) Works like greater invisibility. Doesn't go away when you attack.

C) Works like Hide From Undead. Includes all senses, not just sight, but goes away if you attack.

D) Works like Natural Invisibility. Glitterdust works but not Invisibility Purge.

E) Something else

Which is it?

I am not clear what type of creatures esufey from the Niobe sourcebook are supposed to be. The flavor text says they don't have a separate soul and that makes me think that they are outsiders and thus Raise Dead and similar spells that need a soul would not work on them.


I am not clear if and when Spell Resistance applies to magic items. Some magic items seem to simply be a "spell-in-a-can" (like wands, etc) and some seem to be unique but still require certain spells to create.

A brawler wants to make magical handwraps with Disruption and use his flurry of blows against undead. Do the undead have to roll the Save every he hits them or only once for every flurry?

Character wants to buy blightburn paste and use it against groups of enemies. Can it be used an indefinite number of times or is it a single use item?

Just wondering if PFS still allows 1st edition games. There are some older adventures I want to play at events.

Is it possible to use Apport Object offensively?

Like, could I borrow an alchemist time bomb and transport it to a person's pocket?

Could I send an anvil 30' above somebody's head to cause falling damage on them?

It's not clear from the description of Fearsome Duplicate what stops the duplicate. Can it walk through walls? Fly? Swim? Go through the ground to a cavern below? Is it blocked by a thin sheet of lead and so on?

It says you don't need to maintain line of sight or line of effect but it doesn't seem to say what can stop the duplicate itself.

Does Glitterdust cancel Dust of Disappearance even though See Invisibility and Invisibility Purge wont'?

Has anybody made their own Hungry Storm maps? I found the included maps a little too bland.

Grand Lodge

I remade Tunuak from Jade Regent 3: The Hungry Storm as a shaman class. While he is called a "shaman" in his description, he was statted as an oracle because the shaman class did not exist at that time. I tried to stick as close to the spirit of the original as I could except for making him an actual shaman class. I gave him dust of disappearance because shamans don't get the invisibility spell or ability and it seems important to his strategy. I made his spirit animal familiar an artic hare named Amarok with the mauler template. It's actually an Inuit word for "wolf" and I though it was funny for him to have a cute white bunny named "wolf" that turns into a Rottweiler-sized nightmare-fuel lagomorph.


Chaotic Evil Medium Human Shaman 9;

Init 4; Senses Perception: +8 (+10 with familiar)


AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+6 armor, +3 deflection, +2 natural)

hp 84

Fort 8, Ref 5, Will 15


Speed 30 ft.

Melee Staff of Journeys +3/-2 (1d6-3 ),

Ranged Ranged Touch Attack +6

Shaman spells prepared (CL 9; concentration +16)

5th (2/day)- Baleful Polymorph (DC 22); Summon Nature's Ally V (DC 22);

4th (3/day)- Air Geyser (DC 21); Cure Critical Wounds (DC 21); Rope Tornado (DC 21);

3rd (5/day)- Cure Serious Wounds (DC 20); Dispel Magic (DC 20); Protection from Energy (DC 20); Stinking Cloud (DC 20); Wind Wall (DC 20);

2nd (6/day)- Bear's Endurance (DC 19); Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 19); Eagle's Splendor (DC 19); Hold Person (DC 19); Spiritual Weapon (DC 19); Winter Grasp (DC 19);

1st (6/day)- Cure Light Wounds (DC 18); Doom (DC 18); Endure Elements (DC 18); Obscuring Mist (DC 18); Produce Flame (DC 18); Thorn Javelin (DC 18);

0th (at will)- Create Water (DC 17); Detect Magic (DC 17); Light (DC 17); Purify Food and Drink (DC 17);

Spirit Magic Known (spontaneous) (CL 9; concentration +16)

5th (1/day)- control winds (DC 22); beast shape III
4th (1/day)- river of wind (DC 21); stoneskin (DC 21)
3rd (1/day)- cloak of winds (DC 20); rage
2nd (1/day)- gust of wind (DC 19); bull’s strength (DC 19)
1st (1/day)- Alter winds (DC18); Enlarge person (DC 18)


Str 5, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 24, Cha 12

Base Atk +6; CMB +3; CMD 16

Feats Combat Expertise; Defensive Combat Training; Eschew Materials; Extra Hex x2;

SQ Familiar; Greater Spirit Ability: Spark Soul; Spirit Ability: Powerful Smash; Spirit Ability: Shocking Touch; Spirit Animal; Spirit Magic; Shaman Spirits: Mammoth; Wind; Witch Hexes: Flight; Familiar: Familiar: Initiative checks +4 bonus; Shaman Hexes: Air Barrier; Chant; Evil Eye; Misfortune; Phantom Stampede; Wind Sight; Witch Hex;

Skills Bluff +10; Diplomacy +10; Fly +10; Intimidate +6; Knowledge (history) +8; Knowledge (planes) +6; Knowledge (religion) +11; Perception +8 (+10 with familiar); Sense Motive +13; Spellcraft +12; Stealth +9

Equipment 2x Potion of Barkskin +2; Potion of Shield of Faith; Cloak of resistance +2; 2x Dust of Disappearance; Outfit, Cold-Weather; Ring of Mind Shielding; Staff of Journeys; Unholy Symbol of Sithhud


Neutral Tiny magical beast

Init 3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5


AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+5 Natural Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Size)

hp 42

Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +7

SR 0;


Speed 50 ft.

Melee bite +11 (1d3-2 );

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.;


Str 7, Dex 16, Con 9, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5,

Base Atk +6; CMB 7; CMD 15

Feats Run

Skills Acrobatics+3 (+11 when jumping), Climb+3, Diplomacy+3, Intimidate+5, Sense Motive+7, Swim+3, Fly+17, Bluff+6, Knowledge (religion)+4, Knowledge (history)+4, Knowledge (planes)-1, Perception+5, Spellcraft+5, , Stealth+23 (+27 in snow)

Bond Forged in Blood (Su)

A mauler isn’t impressed by fancy words—only furious battle. A mauler can’t speak or communicate via language in any way, even if it’s a type of creature that normally could.

At 5th level, whenever the mauler’s master drops a foe whose Hit Dice are at least half its level to below 0 hit points, the mauler’s empathic link surges with power, granting both the mauler and its master a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for 1 round.

This replaces speak with master and speak with animals of its kind.

Increased Strength (Ex)

At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a mauler’s Strength score increases by 1. As a result of this ability, the familiar’s Intelligence score remains 6; a mauler can never have an Intelligence score higher than 6.

This alters the familiar’s Intelligence score advancement.

Battle Form (Su)

At 3rd level, a mauler gains the ability to transform into a larger, more ferocious form and back as a standard action three times per day. In battle form, the mauler’s size becomes Medium and it gains a +2 size bonus to its Strength score. Since many familiars are Tiny or Diminutive, be sure to check for any additional Strength and Dexterity adjustments for increasing in size from Tiny or Diminutive to Medium. This is a polymorph effect.

This replaces deliver touch spells.

Battle Form for Amarok
Neutral Medium Magical Beast

Init 3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5


AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+8 natural armor, +1 Dex)

hp 42

Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7

SR 0;


Speed 50 ft.

Melee bite +9 (1d6+4 );

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;


Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5,

Base Atk +6; CMB 14; CMD 20

Feats Run

Skills Acrobatics+1 (+13 when jumping), Climb+8, Diplomacy+3, Intimidate+5, Sense Motive+7, Swim+8, Fly+15, Bluff+6, Knowledge (religion)+4, Knowledge (history)+4, Knowledge (planes)-1, Perception+5, Spellcraft+5, Stealth+13 (+17 in snow)

Dark Archive

Just wondering what are the biggest questions about the rules that you have that were not adequately answered via FAQ, errata, or forum post by a Paizo employee or official contributor? I'm looking for those "unanswered" rules question left in Pathfinder 1st edition. Things you feel deserved an official response but never really got one.

Does Evil Eye affect CMD at all? Like would CMD be affected along with AC or with an ability check?

If a witch uses Scar on a target, can the witch use Prehensile Hair on that target up to a mile away? I can find nothing that excludes attack hexes like that from working with Scar.

Some people believe that familiars ALWAYS go on the same turn as their masters. Other people insist they roll initiative independently.

Problem is, nobody has come up with something from RAW that explicitly says one way or another.

I seem to recall that familiars don't roll initiative but animal companions do, but I might be conflating a rule from one of the D&D editions.

Is it stated explicitly anywhere in RAW that racial archetypes (like Bushwhacker Gunslinger listed with Kobold) are ONLY available to the listed race, or is it that the racial archetypes are most COMMON with that particular race?

Basically, can other races take them too?

How do the stairs work? It looks like the spiral stair on level 1 only goes up to the 2nd level. Then it seems the stairs to the right and left go up to level 3. But the right and left curving stairs on level 3 don't line up with the stairs on level 2. Is the 3rd floor of the tower off-center with the floors below it?

Players strike a stone door with their weapons. Should they get automatic critical hits as if they were preforming a coup de grace on a helpless opponent? Or do they need to roll to hit and hope to get a threat and a confirmation? Or are objects never subject to critical hits?

Am I reading this spell right?

It seems like the intent is that half of the electrical damage you take, minus resistances to electricity and saves for half damage, doesn't actually subtract from your hit points but is instead stored to make a touch attack later.

Or do you take all the damage you would normally take and then just get to deliver half of it back as a touch attack?

If it is the 2nd way, it seems it less useful than Shocking Grasp of the same level, which makes no sense.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The spell in question was Fire Storm but this applies to all shapeable spells. The player wanted to place the cubes so that it affected bad guys on either side of the party. Putting one cube to the right and then another up on a ridge and few more to the left.

I said that "shapeable" meant you can only do one contiguous shape. The player argued she should be able to place her cubes anywhere and that the sides of the cubes did not have to touch each other. She said she can make whatever shapes she wanted within the range of the spell.

Who is right by RAW?

For the ones that duplicate spells, I guess the duration is as if a 10th level caster casted the spell as the Rod is CL 10. What about the other ones that are not based on a spell? Like if you turn ethereal, how long will you be ethereal? Do the gems disappear after a while?

Does the heartseeking property give any bonus when making called shots to the heart?

Any modules, scenarios, or 3rd party adventures that fit well with Easter?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Under RAW, is it legal that Trompe L’oeil allows a player to do the equivalent of Summon Planar Ally, create demiplanes, and control vast armies of Elder Gods at just level 5 ?

Are all constructs really automatically under the control of the creator?
Is there really no limit to the creatures that can be copied? Would copying yourself many times really be effective? Do Trompe L’oeil really retain all supernatural and SLA abilities?

Does Usain Bolt basically have a monk-like move speed in real life?
He can run the 100 meter dash in 9.58 seconds.

100 meters = 328.084 feet
328.084/9.58 = 34.247 feet per second (rounded to nearest thousandth)
34.247 * 6 = 205.482 per full round of movement
Assuming he is moving at x4 move for full run
205.482/4 = 51.3705 rounding down to Move Speed 50!

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

A sorcerer wants an efficient quiver to store his wand collection. He reasons that this would allow him to draw wands as a free action, like it is a free action to draw arrows.

Is this correct?

We got to the point in Book 2 where the party finds some spells unique to this adventure path. Problem is, all of her spellcasters just happen to be occult. I know this AP was written before Psychic magic was really a thing, so is there an update on what occult classes should be able to cast them and at what level?

If a wizard loses his bonded item (wand in this case), does he still need to wait a week and spend 200 gp + the cost of the item to replace it if he just uses another wand in his collection as the replacement? (in this case, a wand of Shadow Conjuration with 40 charges left)

I have a new player who is a huge fan of Neo from RWBY and wants to pattern her Pathfinder character off of her. I need some suggestions on how she should build her.

To summarize:

  • Fights using an umbrella with a sword inside
  • Also uses some kind of martial arts involving kicks
  • Able to use illusions to disguise herself
  • heterochromatic
  • Mute (or simply chooses never to speak)
  • Lots of acrobatic flips
  • Often taunts opponents into attacking first
  • Able to dodge most attacks
  • Pink/Black/White Hair and clothes

Monk? Brawler? Magus? Something else?

This is for a Mummy's Mask campaign at level 5 right now.

The characters are taking a break from saving the world to head back to their home town for a while.

I want some things for them to do while there. Some short urban adventures preferably.

Any suggestions?

How many years after Rise of the Runelords is Return of the Runelords?

Our party came up with the idea of making new characters that are the children of their characters from RotR. Is that viable?

I am looking for a Pathfinder equivalent of deadites from the Evil Dead/Ash vs The Evil Dead series.

I saw them somewhere in a pathfinder book but I can't remember what they were called or whether it was a supplement, bestiary, adventure path, or module. They were obviously inspired by deadites however.

The had the following features:

  • undead
  • climb speed
  • intelligent, free-willed
  • claws
  • humanoid shaped

Can anybody help find it?

If swallowed by a creature with the Swallow Whole ability, can a character make Called Shots (from Ultimate Combat) to vital organs like the heart?

Anybody have a map of the colony buildings on the 5' scale? I am surprised there were no maps of the buildings that have encounters in them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was disappointed to discover that there appears to be no detailed maps of the inside of the outpost's buildings (smithy, tool house, chapel, etc).

We get a general area map of the colony and the surrounding area only.

Has anybody made maps of the colony buildings or have other maps that will fit?

This is for online if it matters.

I am looking for a mini for Brambleson, Prince of Rabbits, from the Harrowing.

I used to have a metal mini from Ral Partha of a rabbit knight, but it was lost many moons ago.

Anybody know of one that will fit?

Can a cavalier voluntarily dismiss his mount and get a new one right away?
They mention what happens if the animal dies but not what would happen if you release the animal from service.

Druids can trade-in their animal companions for another one better suited to their current environment. Can cavaliers do that too? For example, when entering a desert, can a cavalier let his horse go and get a camel? Or get an aquatic creature when going underwater?

Eidolon lost both saves vs a baleful polymorph. Both form and mind are now a housecat.

How can I get him back to normal?

I would like to see a Words of Power update from Paizo. Many classes did not exist when it was made.

Until that happens, I heard a 3rd party company made an update. Anybody know what it is called?

Will there be an Adventure Path that goes along with the Maze of Death figures?

I just found out that they have have replaced Balazar with his Unchained version in the community use pregen pack. I lost my original download in a hard drive crash. (I know it should have been backed up.)

Does anybody have the original APG stats for Balazar the summoner at levels 4 and 7?

What is the RP for Rougarou?

I estimated it would be about 20 RP. Is that right?

Does this use Pathfinder rules?

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