Name Violation wrote:
What exactly is "Inspire Confidence" and what does it do?
The tiefling variant ability "You are invisible to all unintelligent undead. This is a supernatural ability" sounds like it is either A) Works like 2nd level invisibility. It goes away when you attack the undead creature. B) Works like greater invisibility. Doesn't go away when you attack. C) Works like Hide From Undead. Includes all senses, not just sight, but goes away if you attack. D) Works like Natural Invisibility. Glitterdust works but not Invisibility Purge. E) Something else Which is it?
Bellona wrote:
I rebuilt Ameiko as an aristocrat/expert. I saw no reason for her to have PC classes. For Shelyn, I kept her Ranger levels but added fighter levels to keep up with the party. For Sandru, I added a level of swashbuckler and increased his rogue levels to keep up. For Koya, I just added to her cleric levels as the party leveled up.
Rysky wrote:
I don't see how that argument holds water. WoTC also claims they own Yuan-ti but Paizo just started calling them serpentfolk and now Sekmin. Retconning "drow" as "serpentfolk/Sekmin" seems a totally bonkers Rube Goldberg-esque construction considering how Yuan-ti were already re-purposed. Just do the same thing with "drow" that was already done with "yuan-ti" and be done with it seems far more satisfying and easier. Just as an example:
sirgog wrote:
How is that possible??? Aren't dark elves from Scandinavian folklore and drow from Scottish folklore? Sure they would be public domain after hundreds of years, right? I don't understand how WOTC can claim they own them now. Can somebody explain this?
Lord Fyre wrote:
Let me know if you run a game.
Jade Regent: We are on book 4. The kitsune ranger used her Disguise Self magical tail to appear as a Withered Blossom Warrior. She "tied up" the rest of the party to pass as "prisoners" and bluffed her way through the hobgoblin encampments for two levels of Munasukaru's Penance. She kept rolling 20s on her Disguise and Bluff checks and I kept rolling a bunch of 1s on Perception and Self Motive. It was hilarious. Mummy's Mask: I moved the setting to 1920s Earth. Magic is real, but hidden. I replaced many of the bad guys with proto-Nazi cultists called The Thule Society made up of German WW 1 veterans. Instead of the Ossumentals in Book 5, I borrowed the stats for the Russian troops and tanks from Reign of Winter. The party sorcerer is Betty White who was Isekai'd from 21st century and now goes by Betty the White. She cast reverse gravity on the tanks and through them up in the air. The party managed to commandeer one mostly in-tact and are now using that to attack Hakotep's pyramid.
It's not clear from the description of Fearsome Duplicate what stops the duplicate. Can it walk through walls? Fly? Swim? Go through the ground to a cavern below? Is it blocked by a thin sheet of lead and so on? It says you don't need to maintain line of sight or line of effect but it doesn't seem to say what can stop the duplicate itself.
Sumotori wrote: One thing that really puzzles me about this otherwise great adventure is this: Why are some of the tournament contenders single single PCs? From a logical point of view, a lone participant would have a very hard time against a full-blown group of experienced warriors and mages. Is it that they simply do not want to share their prize? I would say yes. It's based on martial arts movies where some the contestants have huge egos.
How do the stairs work? It looks like the spiral stair on level 1 only goes up to the 2nd level. Then it seems the stairs to the right and left go up to level 3. But the right and left curving stairs on level 3 don't line up with the stairs on level 2. Is the 3rd floor of the tower off-center with the floors below it?
Am I reading this spell right? It seems like the intent is that half of the electrical damage you take, minus resistances to electricity and saves for half damage, doesn't actually subtract from your hit points but is instead stored to make a touch attack later. Or do you take all the damage you would normally take and then just get to deliver half of it back as a touch attack? If it is the 2nd way, it seems it less useful than Shocking Grasp of the same level, which makes no sense.
chopswil wrote:
Neither of those links work.
In order of preference: 1. Actually answer *ALL* of the posts with FAQ tags. 2. Fixed the Shifter 3. More Bestiaries. There are so many real-world mythological and cryptid monsters left. 4. Expanded The Harrowing module into an Adventure Path or new campaign setting 5. Released a video game like Pathfinder Kingmaker but with Neverwinter Night's multiplayer and construction kit 6. Did a modern-day fantasy variant for campaigns like The Dresden File or Buffy the Vampire Slayer 7. Update the Words of Power system with the new classes 8. A bard archetype or that does not cast spells or a new class like Dragonlance's Noble 9. Write up full stats on all of The Tane 10. Ultimate Comedy book. A book for tricksters and pranksters of all classes. The lighter side of Pathfinder for campaigns like The Princess Bride.
The original monk had some legacy design problems and needed more options. They should have done what they said they were going to do and revised the rules on Improved Natural Attack and monk's Unarmed Strike. The unchained monk gave a few more options but then gave monks a weak will save, which is an abomination. A monk redesign should have focused on giving monks style feats, combat maneuvers, and worked more like the brawler.
blahpers wrote: TL;DR: People complained about stuff, so Paizo released a book that made things worse. : D Agree completely. Unchained was unnecessary and poorly executed. The classes were on the whole worse with only a few good ideas that could have been fixed by a FAQ entry. The rest were a bunch of ideas that wound up on the cutting room floor that were dusted off and crammed in to up the page count. Worst Pathfinder hardcover, in my opinion.