
darth_borehd's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 2,191 posts (3,058 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.


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Yes, thank you!

I would buy more too!

Would it be overpowered to rule that it applies to any Bardic Performance with the word "Inspire"?

Name Violation wrote:
Doompatrol wrote:

"Your clever turn of words or catchy musical jingle sticks in people’s heads long after they have heard it."

This is in the description of the ability which makes me think that it inspire competence that it was suppose to be inspire competence that you activate and trigger later.

It still has 3 uses, inspire competence you can use on yourself

Inspire competence you can use on multiple people at the same time

Getting access to inspire competence of you trade it away in an archetype

It doesn't grant inspire competence, it gives inspire confidence

What exactly is "Inspire Confidence" and what does it do?

The tiefling variant ability "You are invisible to all unintelligent undead. This is a supernatural ability" sounds like it is either

A) Works like 2nd level invisibility. It goes away when you attack the undead creature.

B) Works like greater invisibility. Doesn't go away when you attack.

C) Works like Hide From Undead. Includes all senses, not just sight, but goes away if you attack.

D) Works like Natural Invisibility. Glitterdust works but not Invisibility Purge.

E) Something else

Which is it?

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Any word on how we can buy this?

I am not clear what type of creatures esufey from the Niobe sourcebook are supposed to be. The flavor text says they don't have a separate soul and that makes me think that they are outsiders and thus Raise Dead and similar spells that need a soul would not work on them.


How does this fit into the Tyrant's Grasp Adventure path?

A brawler wants to make magical handwraps with Disruption and use his flurry of blows against undead. Do the undead have to roll the Save every he hits them or only once for every flurry?

Character wants to buy blightburn paste and use it against groups of enemies. Can it be used an indefinite number of times or is it a single use item?

Bellona wrote:

There will be spoilers in this thread!

I'm embarking upon the Jade Regent AP as a GM in a few weeks' time. During my preparations, I've been looking at the four major NPCs who accompany the caravan from the start (Ameiko, Koya, Sandru, and Shalelu) and some of the later potential caravan NPCs (e.g., Kelda and Miyaro).

Did you re-build the four main NPCs or any of the others? For example, making Ameiko a Bard/Swashbuckler instead of her official Aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (rake) 1 combination.

If yes, then how was the character re-built (classes, archetypes, levels)? What effect did it have on the AP?

Did you keep to the NPC level guidelines suggested? That essentially keeps them at cohort levels.

** spoiler omitted **

I rebuilt Ameiko as an aristocrat/expert. I saw no reason for her to have PC classes.

For Shelyn, I kept her Ranger levels but added fighter levels to keep up with the party.

For Sandru, I added a level of swashbuckler and increased his rogue levels to keep up.

For Koya, I just added to her cleric levels as the party leveled up.

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Rysky wrote:

The do not own dark/undergound elves.

They do for all intents and purposes own the non-white skinned white haired sensually clad matriarchal demon worshipping evil elves that live underground, which are not from real world myth. Paizo can't safely step around that, they could by completely changing everything about the Drow... but that would mean completely changing everything about the Drow.

I don't see how that argument holds water.

WoTC also claims they own Yuan-ti but Paizo just started calling them serpentfolk and now Sekmin.

Retconning "drow" as "serpentfolk/Sekmin" seems a totally bonkers Rube Goldberg-esque construction considering how Yuan-ti were already re-purposed.

Just do the same thing with "drow" that was already done with "yuan-ti" and be done with it seems far more satisfying and easier.

Just as an example:

  • They are properly called "dokkálfar" or just dark elves. The word "drow" is a Dwarven exonym that originally meant "troll-like." It was was occasionally used mistakenly in the past. (and never use "drow" in any other product again to refer to "dark elves")
  • They no longer live exclusively underground but some choose to do so just like human groups and other surface dwellers could if they wanted.
  • They can be just as evil or good as any human.
  • Like humans and other PC races, there are some groups and cults that have evil plans (most dark elves were appalled at the cultist group that caused Second Darkness).
  • They don't worship spiders more than anybody else. Some dark elves like spiders but that is merely a coincidence.
  • Dark elves can be found mingling in above-ground cities just as often as wood elves, aquatic elves, snow elves, etc
  • Dark elves live all over Golarion. There are dark elf paladins in Andora just like Cheliax has Dark Elf Antipaladins.
  • Things like driders, fleshwarping, etc are the results of evil wizards like the ones that made abominations out of humans.
  • Basically, any evil things attributed to "drow in general" were done by evil people or groups that just happened to be dark elves.

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sirgog wrote:
Caldax the Shadow wrote:

This is a decision I cannot agree with. Drow are second favorite version of elves and to see them just cast aside like this is just WRONG. I've already told people at my table and game groups I'm doing the opposite and will be banning serpentfolk and instead expanding the Drow lore and such even more.

I love Pathfinder, I love the drow, and see them cast aside like this in all honesty almost feels like a good friend being dragged away to never be seen again by another friend who is trying instead to shove what feels like a stranger into the group and acting like nothing has changed.

It's not Paizo's decision, it's American copyright law.

Drow cannot be used without the OGL. WotC made using the OGL no longer viable. If Paizo print something with Drow, WotC will sue and an American court will seize all the product and destroy it.

How is that possible??? Aren't dark elves from Scandinavian folklore and drow from Scottish folklore? Sure they would be public domain after hundreds of years, right?

I don't understand how WOTC can claim they own them now. Can somebody explain this?

Is this available yet?

Just wondering if PFS still allows 1st edition games. There are some older adventures I want to play at events.

Starfinder seemed very much like Star Wars but without the IP

Lord Fyre wrote:
kabelguy wrote:
I have been looking to play in or run an EQ RPG. I saw this string and was interested in touching base. Is anyone running any Everquest campaigns via EQ RPG or 3.5 or PF1e, or even 4.0? I would be up for playing. I would also be willing to run a campaign, if people were interested.
I'm pretty sure that most haven't even heard of EverQuest (and even awareness of W.o.W. has largely faded). So I don't expect that you'll find many takers.

Let me know if you run a game.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Apport Object

Yes... it appears you could use it to get the Prankster acheivement by placing a live grenade in someone's pocket... it also appears that you are able to drop ACME anvils on wily coyotes.


Is it possible to use Apport Object offensively?

Like, could I borrow an alchemist time bomb and transport it to a person's pocket?

Could I send an anvil 30' above somebody's head to cause falling damage on them?

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Jade Regent: We are on book 4. The kitsune ranger used her Disguise Self magical tail to appear as a Withered Blossom Warrior. She "tied up" the rest of the party to pass as "prisoners" and bluffed her way through the hobgoblin encampments for two levels of Munasukaru's Penance. She kept rolling 20s on her Disguise and Bluff checks and I kept rolling a bunch of 1s on Perception and Self Motive. It was hilarious.

Mummy's Mask: I moved the setting to 1920s Earth. Magic is real, but hidden. I replaced many of the bad guys with proto-Nazi cultists called The Thule Society made up of German WW 1 veterans. Instead of the Ossumentals in Book 5, I borrowed the stats for the Russian troops and tanks from Reign of Winter. The party sorcerer is Betty White who was Isekai'd from 21st century and now goes by Betty the White. She cast reverse gravity on the tanks and through them up in the air. The party managed to commandeer one mostly in-tact and are now using that to attack Hakotep's pyramid.

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Can we get this title for print-on-demand?

It's not clear from the description of Fearsome Duplicate what stops the duplicate. Can it walk through walls? Fly? Swim? Go through the ground to a cavern below? Is it blocked by a thin sheet of lead and so on?

It says you don't need to maintain line of sight or line of effect but it doesn't seem to say what can stop the duplicate itself.

Female dwarves should have beards!

How does this module and the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix adventure path work? Is the AP a sequel to this module or is the AP a complete remake of this adventure for PFRPG 2e?

Sumotori wrote:
One thing that really puzzles me about this otherwise great adventure is this: Why are some of the tournament contenders single single PCs? From a logical point of view, a lone participant would have a very hard time against a full-blown group of experienced warriors and mages. Is it that they simply do not want to share their prize?

I would say yes. It's based on martial arts movies where some the contestants have huge egos.

Is there someplace I can find stats for the characters?

Is there a definitive answer on this now?

Does Glitterdust cancel Dust of Disappearance even though See Invisibility and Invisibility Purge wont'?

Has anybody made their own Hungry Storm maps? I found the included maps a little too bland.

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Oh I would love new VTT maps for this. I was disappointed with the maps in the interactive map PDF for the entire Mummy's Mask AP.

keftiu wrote:
darth_borehd wrote:
Is this for PF 1e or 2e?
Says 2e right there in the post. I wouldn’t expect Paizo to ever promote 1e content again.

I'm out then. No interest in 2e stuff.

Good luck to them.

Is this for PF 1e or 2e?

Does Evil Eye affect CMD at all? Like would CMD be affected along with AC or with an ability check?

If a witch uses Scar on a target, can the witch use Prehensile Hair on that target up to a mile away? I can find nothing that excludes attack hexes like that from working with Scar.

Is it stated explicitly anywhere in RAW that racial archetypes (like Bushwhacker Gunslinger listed with Kobold) are ONLY available to the listed race, or is it that the racial archetypes are most COMMON with that particular race?

Basically, can other races take them too?

How do the stairs work? It looks like the spiral stair on level 1 only goes up to the 2nd level. Then it seems the stairs to the right and left go up to level 3. But the right and left curving stairs on level 3 don't line up with the stairs on level 2. Is the 3rd floor of the tower off-center with the floors below it?

Belafon wrote:
CRB page 174 wrote:
Immunities: Objects are immune to nonlethal damage and to critical hits.

Thank you

Players strike a stone door with their weapons. Should they get automatic critical hits as if they were preforming a coup de grace on a helpless opponent? Or do they need to roll to hit and hope to get a threat and a confirmation? Or are objects never subject to critical hits?

Sounds like it would be useful if it was either an immediate action or soaked up some damage before it could affect you and lets you return it but not as it was written or intended. Weird.

Am I reading this spell right?

It seems like the intent is that half of the electrical damage you take, minus resistances to electricity and saves for half damage, doesn't actually subtract from your hit points but is instead stored to make a touch attack later.

Or do you take all the damage you would normally take and then just get to deliver half of it back as a touch attack?

If it is the 2nd way, it seems it less useful than Shocking Grasp of the same level, which makes no sense.

GM PDK wrote:
In which format did you enter them?

PCGEN. PM me with your email address if interested.

chopswil wrote:

i have all the pregens in the NPC DB

use the css file with the fulltext field to have an html pathfinder styled text

npc Qc
PF css m4

Neither of those links work.

I think you will have to enter them yourself. I made my own pregens for every class at one point if you want those.

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In order of preference:

1. Actually answer *ALL* of the posts with FAQ tags.

2. Fixed the Shifter

3. More Bestiaries. There are so many real-world mythological and cryptid monsters left.

4. Expanded The Harrowing module into an Adventure Path or new campaign setting

5. Released a video game like Pathfinder Kingmaker but with Neverwinter Night's multiplayer and construction kit

6. Did a modern-day fantasy variant for campaigns like The Dresden File or Buffy the Vampire Slayer

7. Update the Words of Power system with the new classes

8. A bard archetype or that does not cast spells or a new class like Dragonlance's Noble

9. Write up full stats on all of The Tane

10. Ultimate Comedy book. A book for tricksters and pranksters of all classes. The lighter side of Pathfinder for campaigns like The Princess Bride.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I play in multiple groups. All of them tried or at least looked over Pathfinder 2.0 and were severely under-impressed to put it mildly.

The general consensus was that 1st edition is still far superior so we have no plans on changing.

Favorite Mystery: Metal
Favorite Curse: Lame

As long as you wield a metal weapon, your curse doesn't affect you.

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The original monk had some legacy design problems and needed more options.

They should have done what they said they were going to do and revised the rules on Improved Natural Attack and monk's Unarmed Strike.

The unchained monk gave a few more options but then gave monks a weak will save, which is an abomination.

A monk redesign should have focused on giving monks style feats, combat maneuvers, and worked more like the brawler.

blahpers wrote:
TL;DR: People complained about stuff, so Paizo released a book that made things worse. : D

Agree completely. Unchained was unnecessary and poorly executed. The classes were on the whole worse with only a few good ideas that could have been fixed by a FAQ entry. The rest were a bunch of ideas that wound up on the cutting room floor that were dusted off and crammed in to up the page count. Worst Pathfinder hardcover, in my opinion.

For the ones that duplicate spells, I guess the duration is as if a 10th level caster casted the spell as the Rod is CL 10. What about the other ones that are not based on a spell? Like if you turn ethereal, how long will you be ethereal? Do the gems disappear after a while?

Did they make you delete them?

Does the heartseeking property give any bonus when making called shots to the heart?

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