Very original and well-written module. It has ample opportunities for role-playing and puzzle-solving. The Harrowing has fewer combats than other modules, but all the ones that are in there are fun and memorable.
You can feel rather than see the inspiration from Alice in Wonderland and The Labyrinth in between the pages. It has some scary bits and is definitely written for adults. GMs may have to omit or tone down some of the scary bits for younger players. While more lighthearted than others, some parts are genuinely creepy.
The only complaint is that it wasn't long enough! In order to fit into 32 pages, the author had to cut some planned content. In some cases, you can see where some of these started. Some characters seem to have subplots mentioned that are just dropped. The players will easily chalk it up to the chaotic nature of the Harrowing denizens and it does nothing to hurt the adventure.
Out of all the non-Adventure Path Pathfinder modules, this one deserves a sequel more than any other. The Harrowed Realm could even be expanded as a permanent location of a Golarion\Inner Sea campaign (or any other campaign).
In conclusion, this is well-worth the money and I very much recommend it.